module.exports = { kebabToCamel: kebabToCamel, kebabToPascal: kebabToPascal }; /** * Converts a kebab-case (hyphenized) string to camelCase (lowerCamelCase). * * @param {String} string The kebab-case string * @return {String} The string parsed to camelCase */ function kebabToCamel (string) { function replaceFunc (token) { return token.charAt(1).toUpperCase (); } return string.replace (/-./g, replaceFunc); } /** * Converts a kebab-case (hyphenized) string to PascalCase (UpperCamelCase). * * @param {String} string The kebab-case string * @return {String} The string parsed to PascalCase */ function kebabToPascal (string) { string = string.charAt (0).toUpperCase () + string.substr (1); return kebabToCamel (string); }