db; if (!$this->isHttps () && $db->getValue ('SELECT https FROM config') && !_DEV_MODE) { header ("Location: https://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"); exit (0); } $this->startSession (); // Getting the requested page if (!empty ($_REQUEST['method']) && isHyphen ($_REQUEST['method'])) $page = $_REQUEST['method']; else $page = 'main'; // Checking the browser version if (!isset ($_SESSION['skipBrowser']) && $page != 'update-browser') { $updateBrowser = FALSE; if (!isset ($_GET['skipBrowser']) && ($browser = get_browser ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) { $browserVersion = (double) $browser->version; $minVersion = $db->getValue ( 'SELECT version FROM browser WHERE name = #', [$browser->browser]); $updateBrowser = $browserVersion > 0 && isset ($minVersion) && $browserVersion < $minVersion; } if ($updateBrowser) { header ('Location: ?page=update-browser'); exit (0); } else $_SESSION['skipBrowser'] = TRUE; } // If enabled, requests the user to choose between two web versions if (!isset ($_SESSION['skipVersionMenu']) && $db->getValue ('SELECT test_domain FROM config')) { $_SESSION['skipVersionMenu'] = TRUE; header ('Location: ?page=version-menu'); } // Setting the version setcookie ('vnVersion', $this->getVersion ()); // Loading the requested page $basePath = "pages/$page"; if (file_exists ($basePath)) { Locale::addPath ($basePath); $phpFile = "./$basePath/$page.php"; if (file_exists ($phpFile)) require ($phpFile); $this->printHeader (); $dir = $basePath; include ("./$basePath/html.php"); } else header ('Location: ./'); } function printHeader () { header ('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); //header ("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; img-src *"); } function globalErrorHandler () { $this->printHeader (); include (__DIR__.'/unavailable.html'); exit (0); } function getUrl ($fileName) { return $fileName .'?'. $this->getVersion (); } function includeJs ($fileName) { echo ''."\n\t\t"; } function includeLib ($libName) { $args = func_get_args (); $localeJs = 'locale/'. Locale::get () .'/js/'. $libName .'.js'; if (file_exists ($localeJs)) $this->includeJs ($localeJs); for ($i = 1; $i < count ($args); $i++) $this->includeJs ("js/$libName/{$args[$i]}.js"); } function includeCss ($fileName) { echo ''."\n\t\t"; } function isMobile () { $re = '/(Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone)/i'; return preg_match ($re, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } }