var Operation = require ('./operation'); var Value = require ('./value'); var Field = require ('./field'); /** * Objects to be used as an operands of @Sql.Filter. It represents a two * expressions basic operation composed by a table column, the operator and the * value extracted from the rendering paramerers. */ module.exports = new Class ({ Extends: Operation ,Tag: 'sql-filter-item' ,Properties: { /** * The column name. */ field: { type: String, value: null }, /** * The source table name or its alias if it has been specified. */ target: { type: String, value: null }, /** * The parameter name. */ param: { type: String, value: null } } /** * Checks if parameter name haa been defined and if it has a value. */ ,isReady: function (params) { return this.param != null && params != null && params[this.param] != null; } ,render: function (params) { var op = new Operation ({type: this.type}); var field = new Field ({ name: this.field, target: }); op.appendChild (field); var value = params[this.param]; if (this.type === Operation.Type.LIKE && typeof value == 'string') { value = value.replace (/[\%\?]/g, this._escapeChar); value = value.replace (/^|\s+|$/g, '%'); } var sqlValue = new Value ({value: value}); op.appendChild (sqlValue); return op.render (params); } ,_escapeChar: function (char) { return '\\'+ char; } });