<?php require_once(__DIR__.'/util.php'); use Vn\Lib; use Vn\Lib\UserException; /** * Uploads a file creating its corresponding sizes. */ class Upload extends Vn\Web\JsonRequest { const PARAMS = [ 'name', 'schema' ]; function run($db) { $util = new Util($this->app); $collection = $_REQUEST['schema']; $name = $_REQUEST['name']; // Checks schema $info = $util->loadInfo($collection); if (!$info) throw new UserException(s('Collection not exists')); // Checks file name if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_]/', $name) !== 0) throw new UserException(s('Bad file name')); // Checks for file errors if (empty($_FILES['image']['name'])) throw new UserException(s('File not choosed')); if ($_FILES['image']['error'] != 0) { switch ($_FILES['image']['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $message = 'ErrIniSize'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $message = 'ErrFormSize'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $message = 'ErrPartial'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $message = 'ErrNoFile'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $message = 'ErrNoTmpDir'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $message = 'ErrCantWrite'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $message = 'ErrExtension'; break; default: $message = 'ErrDefault'; break; } throw new Lib\Exception(s($message)); } $maxSize = $db->getValue('SELECT maxSize FROM imageConfig'); if ($_FILES['image']['size'] > $maxSize * 1048576) throw new UserException(sprintf(s('File size error'), $maxSize)); // Updates items with matching id, when option is checked if ($_REQUEST['updateMatching'] === 'true') { $schema = $db->quote($info['schema']); $table = $db->quote($info['table']); $column = $db->quote($info['column']); if (!($schema && $table && $column)) throw new UserException(s('Cannot update matching id')); $pk = $db->getRow ("SHOW INDEX FROM $schema.$table WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'"); if (!$pk) throw new UserException(s('Cannot update matching id')); $pkColumn = $db->quote($pk['Column_name']); $query = "UPDATE $schema.$table SET $column = #name WHERE $pkColumn = #name LIMIT 1"; $db->query ($query, ['name' => $name]); } // Resizes and saves the image $tmpName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; $fileName = "{$name}.png"; $collectionPath = "{$util->dataDir}/$collection"; $fullFile = "$collectionPath/full/$fileName"; $symbolicSrc = "../full/$fileName"; $image = Image::create($tmpName); Image::resizeSave($image, $fullFile, $info['maxHeight'], $info['maxWidth']); foreach ($info['sizes'] as $size => $i) { $dstFile = "$collectionPath/$size/$fileName"; Image::resizeSave($image, $dstFile, $i['height'], $i['width'], $i['crop'], $symbolicSrc); } $query = "INSERT INTO `image` SET `collectionFk` = #collection, `name` = #name, `updated` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `updated` = VALUES(updated)"; $db->query ($query, [ 'collection' => $collection, 'name' => $name ]); imagedestroy($image); unlink($tmpName); return TRUE; } }