549 lines
11 KiB
549 lines
11 KiB
var Tpl = require ('./gui.xml');
var Module = require ('./module');
var Form = require ('./form');
require ('./gui.css');
* The main screen component. It has a left menu, a navbar with configurable
* action buttons and the body where @Form childs can be displayed.
module.exports = new Class
Extends: Vn.Component,
* The main connection object.
type: Db.Connection
,set: function (x)
this.link ({_conn: x}, {'loading-changed': this._onConnLoadChange });
,get: function ()
return this._conn;
* The current open form.
type: Form
,get: function ()
return this._activeForm;
,_forms: {}
,_activeForm: null
,_requestedForm: null
,_menuShown: false
,_menuOptions: {}
,_choosedOption: null
,_shown: false
,_scrollTimeout: null
,_navbarVisible: true
,initialize: function (props)
this.loadTemplateFromString (Tpl);
this.loadingCount = 0;
this.$('background').onclick = function () {};
this.$('menu-button').addEventListener ('click', function (event)
event.stopPropagation ();
this.showMenu ();
}.bind (this));
this.$('left-panel').addEventListener ('click', function (event)
event.stopPropagation ();
this.parent (props);
this.$('social-bar').conn = this._conn;
var sql = 'SELECT name FROM customer_user;'
+'SELECT default_form, image_dir, image_host FROM config;'
+'SELECT production_domain, test_domain FROM config;';
this._conn.execQuery (sql, this.onMainQueryDone.bind (this));
this.loadMenu ();
,show: function ()
if (this._shown)
this._shown = true;
this.doc.body.appendChild (this.node);
Htk.Toast.pushTop (this.$('form-holder'));
if (Vn.isMobile ())
this._onScrollHandler = this._onScroll.bind (this);
window.addEventListener ('scroll', this._onScrollHandler);
this.formParam = new Vn.Param ({
lot: this.hash,
name: 'form',
this.formParam.on ('changed', this._onFormChange, this);
if (!localStorage.getItem ('hederaCookies'))
localStorage.setItem ('hederaCookies', true);
Htk.Toast.showWarning (_('By using this site you accept cookies'));
,hide: function ()
if (!this._shown)
this._shown = false;
if (Vn.isMobile ())
window.removeEventListener ('scroll', this._onScrollHandler);
Htk.Toast.popTop ();
this.formParam.unref ();
this.closeForm ();
this.hideMenu ();
Vn.Node.remove (this.node);
,logout: function ()
this.onLogoutClick ();
,onLogoutClick: function ()
this._conn.close (this._onConnClose.bind (this));
,_onConnClose: function ()
this.emit ('logout');
,_onConnLoadChange: function (conn, isLoading)
if (isLoading)
this.loaderPush ();
this.loaderPop ();
,onMainQueryDone: function (resultSet)
// Retrieving the user name
var userName = resultSet.fetchValue ();
Vn.Node.setText (this.$('user-name'), userName);
// Retrieving configuration parameters
Object.assign (Vn.Config, resultSet.fetchObject ());
// Retrieving configuration parameters
var row = resultSet.fetchObject ();
if (row && row.test_domain)
if (location.host != row.production_domain)
var linkText = 'ReturnToOldWebsite';
var linkField = 'production_domain';
var linkText = 'TestTheNewWebsite';
var linkField = 'test_domain';
Vn.Node.setText (this.$('test-link'), _(linkText));
this.$('test-link').href = '//'+ row[linkField];
Vn.Node.hide (this.$('test-link'));
// Loading the default form
this._onFormChange ();
,loadMenu: function ()
var sql = 'CALL formList ()';
this._conn.execQuery (sql, this._onMenuLoad.bind (this));
,_onMenuLoad: function (resultSet)
// Retrieving menu sections
var row;
var res = resultSet.fetchResult ();
var sectionMap = {};
if (res)
for (var i = 0; row = res.fetchObject (); i++)
var parent = row.parent;
if (!sectionMap[parent])
sectionMap[parent] = [];
sectionMap[parent].push (i);
Vn.Node.removeChilds (this.$('main-menu'));
this.createMenu (res, sectionMap, null, this.$('main-menu'));
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Menu
,createMenu: function (res, sectionMap, parent, ul)
var sections = sectionMap[parent];
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++)
res.row = sections[i];
var row = res.getObject (res.row);
var li = this.createElement ('li');
ul.appendChild (li);
var text = this.createTextNode (_(row.description));
var a = this.createElement ('a');
a.className = 'clickable';
if (row.path)
a.href = this.hash.make ({'form': row.path});
this._menuOptions[row.path] = a;
a.appendChild (text);
li.appendChild (a);
var formId = row.id;
if (sectionMap[formId])
var submenu = this.createElement ('ul');
submenu.className = 'submenu';
li.appendChild (submenu);
li.addEventListener ('mouseover',
this._onLiMouseHover.bind (this, submenu, a));
li.addEventListener ('mouseout',
this._onLiMouseOut.bind (this));
this.createMenu (res, sectionMap, formId, submenu);
,_onLiMouseHover: function (submenu, parent)
if (this._menuShown)
this.hideSubmenu ();
this.activeSubmenu = submenu;
var rect = parent.getBoundingClientRect ();
Vn.Node.addClass (submenu, 'popup');
submenu.style.left = rect.right +'px';
submenu.style.top = rect.top +'px';
,_onLiMouseOut: function ()
this.timeout = setTimeout (this.hideSubmenu.bind (this), 160);
,hideSubmenu: function ()
var submenu = this.activeSubmenu;
if (submenu)
Vn.Node.removeClass (submenu, 'popup');
submenu.style.left = '';
submenu.style.top = '';
clearTimeout (this.timeout);
this.activeSubmenu = null;
this.timeout = 0;
,showMenu: function ()
this.showBackground ();
Vn.Node.addClass (this.$('left-panel'), 'show');
this._menuShown = true;
this.hideMenuCallback = this.hideMenu.bind (this);
this.doc.addEventListener ('click', this.hideMenuCallback);
,hideMenu: function ()
if (!this._menuShown)
this.hideBackground ();
Vn.Node.removeClass (this.$('left-panel'), 'show');
this._menuShown = false;
this.doc.removeEventListener ('click', this.hideMenuCallback);
this.hideMenuCallback = null;
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Navigation bar
,_onScroll: function ()
if (this._scrollTimeout === null)
this._scrollTimeout = setTimeout (
this._scrollTimeoutFunc.bind (this), 150);
,_scrollTimeoutFunc: function ()
if (!this._shown)
var navbar = this.$('top-bar');
var yOffset = window.pageYOffset;
var showNavbar = this._lastYOffset > yOffset || yOffset < navbar.offsetHeight;
if (showNavbar !== this._navbarVisible)
if (showNavbar)
var translateY = 0;
var translateY = -navbar.offsetHeight;
navbar.style.transform =
'translateZ(0) translateY('+ translateY +'px)';
this._navbarVisible = showNavbar;
this._lastYOffset = yOffset;
this._scrollTimeout = null;
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Background
,showBackground: function ()
Vn.Node.addClass (this.$('background'), 'show');
,hideBackground: function ()
Vn.Node.removeClass (this.$('background'), 'show');
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Spinner
,loaderPush: function ()
if (this.loadingCount == 1)
this.$('loader').start ();
,loaderPop: function ()
if (this.loadingCount == 0)
if (this.loadingCount == 0)
this.$('loader').stop ();
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Forms
,_onFormChange: function ()
var formPath = this.formParam.value;
if (!formPath)
formPath = Vn.Config['default_form'];
this.openForm (formPath,
this._onFormLoad.bind (this));
,openForm: function (formPath, callback)
this.hideMenu ();
this.loaderPush ();
this.closeForm ();
this._requestedForm = formPath;
var newChoosedOption = this._menuOptions[formPath];
if (newChoosedOption)
Vn.Node.addClass (newChoosedOption, 'selected');
this._choosedOption = newChoosedOption;
var formInfo = this._forms[formPath];
if (!formInfo)
formInfo = new Module ('forms', formPath);
this._forms[formPath] = formInfo;
formInfo.load (callback);
,_onFormLoad: function (formInfo)
this.loaderPop ();
if (formInfo.error)
Htk.Toast.showError (_('Error loading form'));
this._activeForm = new formInfo.klass ({
gui: this,
formInfo: formInfo
this._activeForm.open ();
,setForm: function (form)
Vn.Node.removeChilds (this.$('form-holder'));
if (form)
var div = this.createElement('div');
div.appendChild (form);
this.$('form-holder').appendChild (div);
setTimeout (this._onSetFormTimeout.bind (this), 10);
,_onSetFormTimeout: function ()
Vn.Node.addClass (this.$('form-holder').firstChild, 'slide');
,setTitle: function (title)
Vn.Node.setChild (this.$('title'), title);
,setActions: function (actions)
Vn.Node.setChild (this.$('action-bar'), actions);
,closeForm: function ()
if (this._activeForm)
this._activeForm.formInfo.unload ();
this._activeForm.close ();
this._activeForm.unref ();
this._activeForm = null;
if (this._choosedOption)
Vn.Node.removeClass (this._choosedOption, 'selected');
this._choosedOption = null;
,openReport: function (reportName, params)
var hashParams = {
form: 'preview',
report: reportName
this.hash.params = Object.assign (hashParams, params);
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Supplant
,supplantUser: function (user, callback)
this._conn.supplantUser (user,
this._onUserSupplant.bind (this, callback));
,_onUserSupplant: function (callback, supplantOk)
if (!supplantOk)
this.loadMenu ();
var sql = 'SELECT name FROM customer_user';
this._conn.execQuery (sql, this._onSupplantName.bind (this));
if (callback)
callback ();
,_onSupplantName: function (resultSet)
var userName = resultSet.fetchValue ();
Vn.Node.setText (this.$('supplanted'), userName);
Vn.Node.show (this.$('supplant'));
,onSupplantExitClick: function ()
Vn.Node.hide (this.$('supplant'));
this._conn.supplantEnd ();
this.loadMenu ();
this._onFormChange ();
//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Destroy
,_destroy: function ()
this.hide ();
this.parent ();