171 lines
5.1 KiB
171 lines
5.1 KiB
// This is just an example,
// so you can safely delete all default props below
export default {
failed: 'Action failed',
success: 'Action was successful',
internalServerError: 'Internal server error',
somethingWentWrong: 'Something went wrong',
loginFailed: 'Login failed',
authenticationRequired: 'Authentication required',
notFound: 'Not found',
today: 'Today',
yesterday: 'Yesterday',
tomorrow: 'Tomorrow',
language: 'Language',
langs: {
en: 'English',
es: 'Spanish',
ca: 'Catalan',
fr: 'French',
mn: 'Russian',
pt: 'Portuguese'
date: {
days: [
daysShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
months: [
monthsShort: [
// Sections titles
Home: 'Home',
Orders: 'Orders',
Ticket: 'Detalle del pedido',
'Pending orders': 'Pending orders',
'Last orders': 'Confirmed orders',
Invoices: 'Invoices',
Basket: 'Basket',
Catalog: 'Catalog',
Administration: 'Administration',
'Control panel': 'Control panel',
Users: 'Users',
Connections: 'Connections',
Visits: 'Visits',
News: 'News management',
Photos: 'Images',
Images: 'Images',
Items: 'Items',
Agencies: 'Agencies',
Reports: 'Reports',
Configuration: 'Configuration',
Shelves: 'Shelves',
Account: 'Account',
Addresses: 'Addresses',
OrderSummary: 'Order summary',
Checkout: 'Configure order',
'Address details': 'Configuration',
'Admin news details': 'Add or edit new',
'Access log': 'Access log',
orderLoadedIntoBasket: 'Order loaded into basket!',
loadAnOrder: 'Please load a pending order to the cart or start a new one',
at: 'at',
back: 'Back',
next: 'Next',
remove: 'Remove',
agency: 'Agency',
noData: 'No data',
confirm: 'Confirm',
delete: 'Delete',
confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete the line?',
emptyList: 'Empty list',
orders: 'Orders',
order: 'Pending order',
ticket: 'Order',
conditions: 'Conditions',
about: 'About us',
admin: 'Administration',
panel: 'Control panel',
users: 'Users',
connections: 'Connections',
visits: 'Visits',
news: 'News',
newEdit: 'Edit new',
images: 'Images',
items: 'Items',
config: 'Configuration',
user: 'User',
addresses: 'Addresses',
addressEdit: 'Edit address',
dataSaved: 'Data saved',
save: 'Save',
cancel: 'Cancel',
of: 'of',
loginAsGuest: 'Login as guest',
haveForgottenPassword: 'Have you forgotten your password?',
signUp: 'Sign up',
notACustomerYet: 'Not a customer yet?',
loginPhone: '+34 963 242 100',
loginMail: "{'info'}{'@'}{'verdnatura.es'}",
remindMe: 'Remember me',
password: 'Password',
modify: 'Modify',
shoppingCart: 'Shopping cart',
available: 'Available',
minQuantity: 'Minimum quantity',
// Image related translations
'Cant lock cache': 'The cache could not be blocked',
'Bad file format': 'Unrecognized file format',
'File not choosed': 'You have not selected any file',
'Permission denied': 'You are not allowed to upload the file',
'File upload error':
'Failed to upload the file, check that size is not too large',
'File save error': 'Failed to save the file: %s',
'File size error': 'The file must be no longer than %.2f MB',
'Bad file name':
"The file name must contain only lowercase letters, digits or the '_' character",
'Bad collection name': 'Invalid collection name',
'Collection not exists': 'Collection does not exist',
'Unreferenced file': 'The file is not referenced by the database',
'Cannot update matching id': 'Cannot update matching id',
'Com error': 'Error communicating with the server',
'Image open error': 'Error opening the image file',
'Operation disabled': 'Operation disabled for security',
'Image added': 'Image added correctly',
ErrIniSize: 'File exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
ErrFormSize: 'File exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE specified in the HTML form',
ErrPartial: 'File was partially uploaded',
ErrNoFile: 'No file was uploaded',
ErrNoTmpDir: 'Missing a temporary folder',
ErrCantWrite: 'Failed to write file to disk',
ErrExtension: 'File upload stopped by extension',
ErrDefault: 'Unknown upload error',
'Sync complete': 'Synchronization complete'