/* * Copyright (C) 2012 - Juan Ferrer Toribio * * This file is part of Hedera. * * Hedera is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "db-model.h" #include "db-row.h" #include "db-model-private.c" #define MODEL_NOT_READY(self) (self->priv->status != DB_MODEL_STATUS_READY) #define VALID_ITER(iter, model) (iter->data && iter->stamp == model->priv->stamp) #define DB_ROW_FIELD(row, field) (&((DbRow *) row)->value[field]) #define DB_ROW_POSITION(row) (((DbRow *) row)->position) /** * SECTION: db-model * @Short_description: data vinculed to a SELECT query sent to the database * @Title: DbModel * @See_also: #DbConn, #DbModelHolder * * The #DbModel class gets an SQL query statement to retrieve the data from the * database connected by a #DbConn. It is normally used undirectly, using * a #DbSimpleIterator or another #DbModelHolder instead. **/ G_DEFINE_TYPE (DbModel, db_model, G_TYPE_OBJECT) /* * DbModel: * @data: (element-type Db.Row): * @operation: (element-type Db.Operation): * @row_ops: (element-type Db.Row Db.Operation): **/ struct _DbModelPrivate { DbConn * conn; SqlStmt * stmt; gchar * sql; gboolean use_file; SqlBatch * batch; GPtrArray * data; DbColumn * column; GHashTable * column_index; DbResult * result; guint result_pos; DbRequest * request; DbModelStatus status; gboolean autoload; gint stamp; GHashTable * defaults; gboolean fresh; gint sort_column_id; gint old_sort_column_id; DbSortType order; DbSortType old_order; DbIterCompareFunc default_sort_func; gpointer default_sort_data; GDestroyNotify default_sort_destroy; DbIterCompareFunc sort_func; gpointer sort_data; GDestroyNotify sort_destroy; gboolean updatable_data_allocated; DbModelUpdateFlags user_update_flags; DbModelUpdateFlags update_flags; TableInfo * main_table; DbModelMode mode; GHashTable * tables; gint updated_col; GQueue * operation; GHashTable * row_ops; GValue * updated_value; GSList * pending_request; TableInfo ** column_table; gboolean partial_delete; GSList * join; }; // Helper structures and methods // Structures typedef struct { DbModel * self; DbIter * iter; gint col; } JoinData; typedef struct { gchar * schema; gchar * table; GPtrArray * name; gboolean main; } DbModelField; typedef struct { DbModelField * left; DbModelField * right; Field * master; Field * slave; } DbJoin; typedef struct { gint col; gint order; } SortInfo; enum { DB_MODEL_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID = -2, DB_MODEL_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID }; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Constructors /** * db_model_new: * @conn:(allow-none): a #DbConn * @stmt:(allow-none): an #SqlStmt * * Returns the newly created #DbModel, filled with the data retrieved from the * database with @stmt and through @conn. * * Return value: (transfer full): a new #DbModel **/ DbModel * db_model_new (DbConn * conn, SqlStmt * stmt) { return g_object_new (DB_TYPE_MODEL, "conn", conn, "stmt", stmt, NULL); } /** * db_model_new_with_sql: * @conn:(allow-none): a #DbConn * @sql: a string containing an SQL statement * * Returns the newly created #DbModel, filled with the data retrieved from the * database with @stmt and through @conn. * * Return value: (transfer full): a new #DbModel **/ DbModel * db_model_new_with_sql (DbConn * conn, const gchar * sql) { return g_object_new (DB_TYPE_MODEL, "conn", conn, "use-file", FALSE, "sql", sql, NULL); } /** * db_model_new_with_file: * @conn:(allow-none): a #DbConn * @file: the path to the file containing the SQL query to fill the model * * Returns a newly created #DbModel, filled with the data retrieved from @file. * * Return value: (transfer full): a new #DbModel **/ DbModel * db_model_new_with_file (DbConn * conn, const gchar * file) { return g_object_new (DB_TYPE_MODEL, "conn", conn, "use-file", TRUE, "sql", file, NULL); } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Private // Prototypes static void db_model_on_batch_changed (SqlBatch * batch, DbModel * self); static void db_model_set_status (DbModel * self ,DbModelStatus status); static void db_model_clear (DbModel * self); static void db_model_free_operation (DbModel * self ,DbOperation * op); static void db_model_manage_join (DbModel * self ,DbIter * iter ,gint col); // Signal Handlers enum { STATUS_CHANGED ,LINE_INSERTED ,LINE_DELETED ,LINE_TOGGLED ,LINE_UPDATED ,LINES_REORDERED ,SORT_CHANGED ,OPERATIONS_DONE ,LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint db_model_signal[LAST_SIGNAL] = {0}; // Default signal handlers static void db_model_on_line_updated (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { GValue * updated_value = self->priv->updated_value; gint col; if (!updated_value || !G_IS_VALUE (updated_value)) return; col = self->priv->updated_col; gvn_value_ccopy (updated_value, DB_ROW_FIELD (iter->data, col)); db_model_manage_join (self, iter, col); g_value_unset (updated_value); g_free (updated_value); self->priv->updated_value = NULL; } static void db_model_on_line_deleted (DbModel * self, gint position) { gint r_ind; for (r_ind = position + 1; r_ind < self->priv->result->nrows; r_ind++) DB_ROW_POSITION (g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, (guint) r_ind))--; g_ptr_array_remove_index (self->priv->data, (guint) position); self->priv->result->nrows--; } // External signal handlers static void array_free (gpointer array_ptr) { GArray * array = array_ptr; if (array) g_array_free (array, TRUE); } static void db_model_calculate_update_flags (DbModel * self) { gint i; Table table; TableInfo * tinfo; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; // Allocates aditional memory when the model is updatable if (priv->user_update_flags && !priv->updatable_data_allocated) { priv->updatable_data_allocated = TRUE; priv->operation = g_queue_new (); priv->row_ops = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); priv->tables = g_hash_table_new_full ( (GHashFunc) table_hash ,(GEqualFunc) table_equal ,(GDestroyNotify) table_free ,(GDestroyNotify) table_info_free ); } if (priv->user_update_flags && priv->fresh && priv->result) { GArray * cols; g_free (priv->column_table); g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->tables); priv->column_table = g_new (TableInfo *, priv->result->ncols); for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) { DbColumn col = priv->column[i]; if (!col.table) { priv->column_table[i] = NULL; continue; } table.name = col.table_alias; table.schema = col.schema; tinfo = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->tables, &table); if (!tinfo) { tinfo = g_new (TableInfo, 1); tinfo->name = g_strdup (col.table); tinfo->schema = g_strdup (col.schema); tinfo->alias = g_strdup (col.table_alias); tinfo->columns = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_str_hash ,g_str_equal ,g_free ,array_free ); tinfo->pkeys = NULL; g_hash_table_insert (priv->tables, table_copy (&table), tinfo); } priv->column_table[i] = tinfo; if (col.info & DB_COLUMN_PRI_KEY) tinfo->pkeys = g_slist_prepend (tinfo->pkeys, GINT_TO_POINTER (i)); cols = g_hash_table_lookup (tinfo->columns, col.name); if (!cols) { cols = g_array_sized_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (gint), 1); g_hash_table_insert (tinfo->columns, g_strdup (col.name), cols); } g_array_append_val (cols, i); } } // Searchs for the main table if (priv->user_update_flags && priv->result) for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) if (priv->column[i].info & DB_COLUMN_PRI_KEY) { priv->main_table = priv->column_table[i]; break; } // Sets the updatable flags if (priv->main_table) priv->update_flags = DB_MODEL_ALL & priv->user_update_flags; else priv->update_flags = 0; // Sets the params editable if (priv->result) for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) { gboolean editable = priv->main_table && priv->column_table[i] && priv->column_table[i]->pkeys && priv->update_flags & DB_MODEL_UPDATE; gvn_param_spec_set_editable (priv->column[i].spec, editable); } } static void db_model_on_data_ready (DbRequest * request, DbModel * self) { gint i; DbResult * r; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; if (priv->request != request) { g_object_unref (request); return; } for (i = 0; i < priv->result_pos; i++) db_request_fetch_non_select (request, NULL); if ((r = db_request_fetch_result (request, NULL))) { priv->column = r->column; priv->data = r->data; if (!r->data && !r->column) { db_result_free (r); db_model_set_status (self, DB_MODEL_STATUS_CLEAN); } else { priv->result = r; if (priv->fresh) { for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) g_hash_table_insert (priv->column_index, g_strdup (priv->column[i].alias), GINT_TO_POINTER (i)); } else db_model_set_sort_column_id (self, priv->old_sort_column_id, priv->old_order); db_model_calculate_update_flags (self); priv->fresh = FALSE; db_model_set_status (self, DB_MODEL_STATUS_READY); } } else db_model_set_status (self, DB_MODEL_STATUS_ERROR); g_clear_object (&priv->request); } static void db_model_set_table_fields_null (DbModel * self, TableInfo * tinfo, DbIter * iter) { gint i; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) if (priv->column_table[i] == tinfo) { priv->updated_col = i; priv->updated_value = g_value_init (g_new0 (GValue, 1), GVN_TYPE_NULL); g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_UPDATED], 0, &iter); } } static void db_model_process_select (DbModel * self, DbRequest * request, DbRow * row, GError * err) { gint i, j; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; DbResult * result; DbRow * req_row; DbIter iter; Table table; TableInfo * tinfo; result = db_request_fetch_result (request, &err); if (!(result && result->data && result->ncols > 0)) goto exit; iter.data = row; iter.stamp = priv->stamp; req_row = g_ptr_array_index (result->data, 0); table.name = result->column[0].table_alias; table.schema = result->column[0].schema; tinfo = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->tables, &table); if (!tinfo) goto exit; if (result->nrows > 0) for (i = 0; i < result->ncols; i++) { GArray * cols = g_hash_table_lookup (tinfo->columns, result->column[i].name); for (j = 0; j < cols->len; j++) { GValue * new_value = &req_row->value[i]; if (gvn_value_compare (new_value, DB_ROW_FIELD (row, i))) continue; priv->updated_value = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (priv->updated_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (new_value)); g_value_copy (new_value, priv->updated_value); priv->updated_col = g_array_index (cols, gint, j); g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_UPDATED], 0, &iter); } } else db_model_set_table_fields_null (self, tinfo, &iter); exit: db_result_free (result); } static void db_model_on_operations_done (DbRequest * request, DbModelRequest * data) { GList * l; guint i = 0; DbIter iter; DbOperation * op; GError * err = NULL; DbModel * self = data->self; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; for (l = data->operations->head; l; l = l->next) { op = l->data; iter.stamp = priv->stamp; iter.data = op->row; if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT && op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE) // INSERT + DELETE { g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_DELETED], 0, DB_ROW_POSITION (op->row)); continue; } if (!request || db_request_fetch_non_select (request, &err) == -1) break; g_hash_table_remove (priv->row_ops, op->row); if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE) // DELETE { if (!priv->partial_delete) g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_DELETED], 0, DB_ROW_POSITION (op->row)); else db_model_set_table_fields_null (self, priv->main_table, &iter); } else if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT) // INSERT + SELECT { db_model_process_select (self, request, op->row, err); } else if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE) // UPDATE || INSERT + SELECT { guint j; SqlList * list; SqlObject * multi = sql_list_get (data->stmts, i); g_object_get (multi, "stmts", &list, NULL); for (j = 0; j < sql_list_length (list); j++) { if (j > 0) db_request_fetch_non_select (request, &err); if (G_OBJECT_TYPE (sql_list_get (list, j)) == SQL_TYPE_MULTI_STMT) db_model_process_select (self, request, op->row, err); } g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_UPDATED], 0, &iter); } i++; } if (request) { priv->pending_request = g_slist_remove (priv->pending_request, request); g_object_unref (request); } if (!err) { while ((op = g_queue_pop_head (data->operations))) db_model_free_operation (self, op); g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[OPERATIONS_DONE], 0); } } static void db_model_autorefresh (DbModel * self) { if (self->priv->autoload) db_model_refresh (self); } static void db_model_on_stmt_changed (SqlStmt * stmt, DbModel * self) { self->priv->fresh = TRUE; db_model_autorefresh (self); } static void db_model_execute_stmt (DbModel * self) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; if (priv->conn && (priv->stmt || priv->sql)) { if (priv->sql) { SqlObject * string; if (priv->use_file) string = db_conn_create_stmt_from_file (priv->conn, priv->sql); else string = sql_string_new (priv->sql); if (string) self->priv->stmt = g_object_ref_sink (string); else return; } if (priv->stmt) g_signal_connect (priv->stmt, "changed", G_CALLBACK (db_model_on_stmt_changed), self); self->priv->fresh = TRUE; db_model_autorefresh (self); } } static void db_model_on_batch_changed (SqlBatch * batch, DbModel * self) { db_model_autorefresh (self); } static void db_model_on_join_query_done (DbRequest * request, JoinData * join_data) { // db_model_process_select (self, request, row, err); } // Private helper methods and functions static void join_data_free (JoinData * join_data) { g_object_unref (join_data->self); db_iter_free (join_data->iter); g_free (join_data); } static void db_model_free_operation (DbModel * self, DbOperation * op) { if (op->updated) g_slist_free_full (op->updated, (GDestroyNotify) db_updated_field_free); g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->row_ops, op->row); g_free (op); } static void db_model_clean_operations (DbModel * self) { DbOperation * op; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; if (priv->operation) while ((op = g_queue_pop_head (priv->operation))) db_model_free_operation (self, op); } static void db_model_request_free (DbModelRequest * req) { if (req) { DbOperation * op; while ((op = g_queue_pop_head (req->operations))) { op->locked = FALSE; g_queue_push_tail (req->self->priv->operation, op); } g_queue_free (req->operations); g_object_unref (req->self); g_object_unref (req->stmts); } g_free (req); } static void db_operation_add_updated (DbOperation * op, gint col) { GSList * n; DbUpdatedField * u; for (n = op->updated; n; n = n->next) if (((DbUpdatedField *) n->data)->column == col) return; u = g_new (DbUpdatedField, 1); u->column = col; u->value = g_value_init (g_new0 (GValue, 1) ,G_VALUE_TYPE (DB_ROW_FIELD (op->row, col))); g_value_copy (DB_ROW_FIELD (op->row, col), u->value); op->type |= DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE; op->updated = g_slist_prepend (op->updated, u); } static gboolean db_model_set_row_operation (DbModel * self, DbRow * row, DbModelRowOp type, gint col) { DbOperation * op = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->row_ops, row); if (!op) { DbOperation * new_op = g_new (DbOperation, 1); new_op->locked = FALSE; new_op->row = row; new_op->updated = NULL; new_op->type = type; if (type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE) db_operation_add_updated (new_op, col); g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->row_ops, row, new_op); g_queue_push_tail (self->priv->operation, new_op); } else if (!op->locked) { if (type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE) op->type ^= DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE; if (type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE) db_operation_add_updated (op, col); } else return FALSE; return TRUE; } void db_model_reverse_operations (DbModel * self) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; DbOperation * op; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); while ((op = g_queue_pop_tail (priv->operation))) { DbIter iter; iter.data = op->row; iter.stamp = priv->stamp; g_hash_table_remove (priv->row_ops, op->row); if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE) { if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT) { g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_DELETED], 0, DB_ROW_POSITION (op->row)); } else g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_TOGGLED], 0, &iter); } else if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT) { g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_DELETED], 0, DB_ROW_POSITION (op->row)); } else if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE) { GSList * n; for (n = op->updated; n; n = n->next) { DbUpdatedField * u = n->data; priv->updated_value = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (priv->updated_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (u->value)); g_value_copy (u->value, priv->updated_value); priv->updated_col = u->column; g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_UPDATED], 0, &iter); } } db_model_free_operation (self, op); } } // Utility functions /* * Comparison between values, using case-insensitive and UTF-8 strings */ static gint db_model_value_compare0 (const GValue * a, const GValue * b) { GType a_type = G_VALUE_TYPE (a); gboolean a_is_val = G_IS_VALUE (a); gboolean b_is_val = G_IS_VALUE (b); if (!(a_is_val && b_is_val)) { if (a_is_val) return 1; if (b_is_val) return -1; } else if (a_type == G_VALUE_TYPE (b)) { switch (a_type) { case G_TYPE_FLOAT: { gfloat aux = g_value_get_float (a) - g_value_get_float (b); return (aux > 0.0) ? 1 : (aux < 0.0) ? -1 : 0; } case G_TYPE_DOUBLE: { gdouble aux = g_value_get_double (a) - g_value_get_double (b); return (aux > 0.0) ? 1 : (aux < 0.0) ? -1 : 0; } case G_TYPE_INT: return g_value_get_int (a) - g_value_get_int (b); case G_TYPE_UINT: return (gint) (g_value_get_uint (a) - g_value_get_uint (b)); case G_TYPE_LONG: return (gint) (g_value_get_long (a) - g_value_get_long (b)); case G_TYPE_ULONG: return (gint) (g_value_get_ulong (a) - g_value_get_ulong (b)); case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return (gint) (g_value_get_boolean (a) - g_value_get_boolean (b)); case G_TYPE_CHAR: return (gint) (g_value_get_schar (a) - g_value_get_schar (b)); case G_TYPE_STRING: { gchar * a_str = g_utf8_casefold (g_value_get_string (a), -1); gchar * b_str = g_utf8_casefold (g_value_get_string (b), -1); gint res = g_utf8_collate (a_str, b_str); g_free (a_str); g_free (b_str); return res; } default: if (a_type == G_TYPE_DATE) return g_date_compare (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b)); if (a_type == G_TYPE_DATE_TIME) return g_date_time_compare (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b)); else if (a_type == G_TYPE_BYTES) return (gint) (g_value_get_boxed (a) - g_value_get_boxed (b)); else if (a_type == GVN_TYPE_NULL) return 0; else g_warning ("Attempting to compare invalid types: %s\n", g_type_name (a_type)); } } else if (gvn_value_is_null (a)) return -1; else if (gvn_value_is_null (b)) return 1; return 1; } static inline gint db_model_valcmp (gpointer * a, gpointer * b, SortInfo * info) { gint dir = info->order == DB_SORT_ASCENDING ? 1 : -1; DbRow * first = *a; DbRow * second = *b; return dir * db_model_value_compare0 (&first->value[info->col], &second->value[info->col]); } static void db_model_set_status (DbModel * self, DbModelStatus status) { self->priv->status = status; g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[STATUS_CHANGED], 0, status); } static void db_model_cancel_pending_requests (DbModel * self) { GSList * n; for (n = self->priv->pending_request; n; n = n->next) db_request_cancel (n->data); } static void db_model_add_pending_request (DbModel * self, DbRequest * request) { self->priv->pending_request = g_slist_prepend (self->priv->pending_request, request); } static void db_model_clear (DbModel * self) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; if (priv->request) { db_request_cancel (priv->request); priv->request = NULL; } else if (priv->result) { db_model_clean_operations (self); db_model_cancel_pending_requests (self); db_result_free (priv->result); priv->result = NULL; priv->column = NULL; priv->data = NULL; priv->old_order = priv->order; priv->old_sort_column_id = priv->sort_column_id; priv->sort_column_id = DB_MODEL_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID; priv->stamp = g_random_int (); priv->main_table = NULL; priv->update_flags = 0; } } // Join related functions static void db_model_manage_join (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter, gint col) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; if (priv->join && gvn_param_spec_get_editable (priv->column[col].spec) && !gvn_value_is_null (DB_ROW_FIELD (iter->data, col))) { gint i; GSList * n; gboolean send_request = FALSE, end = FALSE; SqlList * stmts = g_object_ref_sink (sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_MULTI_STMT)); if (!end) for (n = priv->join; n; n = n->next) { gint j; SqlObject * where, * select; DbModelField * main_field = NULL, * other_field = NULL; DbJoin * join = n->data; if (join->left->main) { main_field = join->left; other_field = join->right; } else if (join->right->main) { main_field = join->right; other_field = join->left; } for (i = 0; i < main_field->name->len; i++) if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[col].table, main_field->table) && !g_strcmp0 (priv->column[col].name, g_ptr_array_index (main_field->name, i))) { send_request = TRUE; break; } if (!send_request) continue; // Continue to the next DbJoin in the list select = sql_select_new (); sql_object_add_child (select, "targets", sql_table_new (other_field->table, NULL)); where = sql_operation_new (SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_AND); for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].table, other_field->table)) { sql_object_add_child (select, "fields", sql_field_new_with_target (priv->column[i].name, other_field->table, NULL)); } else if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].table, main_field->table)) { for (j = 0; j < main_field->name->len; j++) if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].name, g_ptr_array_index (main_field->name, j))) { SqlObject * equal = sql_operation_new (SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_EQUAL); sql_object_add_child (equal, "operators", sql_field_new_with_target (g_ptr_array_index (other_field->name, j) ,other_field->table, NULL)); sql_object_add_child (equal, "operators", sql_value_new_with_value (DB_ROW_FIELD (iter->data, i))); sql_object_add_child (where, "operators", equal); } } sql_object_set (select, "where", where); sql_list_add (stmts, select); } if (send_request) { JoinData * join_data; DbRequest * request; join_data = g_new (JoinData, 1); join_data->self = g_object_ref (self); join_data->iter = db_iter_copy (iter); join_data->col = col; request = db_conn_query_with_stmt_async (priv->conn ,g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_MULTI_STMT, "stmts", stmts, NULL) ,NULL ,(DbRequestDoneCallback) db_model_on_join_query_done ,join_data ,(GDestroyNotify) join_data_free ); db_model_add_pending_request (self, request); } g_object_unref (stmts); } } /* static DbModelField * db_model_field_new (const gchar * table, const gchar * schema) { DbModelField * field = g_new (DbModelField, 1); field->schema = g_strdup (schema); field->table = g_strdup (table); field->name = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) g_free); field->main = FALSE; return field; } static void db_model_field_free (DbModelField * field) { if (field) { if (field->schema) g_free (field->schema); if (field->table) g_free (field->table); if (field->name) g_ptr_array_free (field->name, TRUE); } g_free (field); } static void db_join_free (DbJoin * join) { if (join) { if (join->left) db_model_field_free (join->left); if (join->right) db_model_field_free (join->right); } g_free (join); } static void db_model_calculate_col_def (DbModel * self, SqlJoin * join, SqlField * l_field, SqlField * r_field) { gint i, col = -1; gchar * dst = NULL; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; SqlField * f = NULL; SqlTarget * l_table = join->target_left, * r_table = join->target_right; for (i = 0; i < priv->result->ncols; i++) { f = NULL; if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].name, l_field->name)) { f = l_field; dst = (join->type == SQL_JOIN_TYPE_RIGHT) ? l_field->name : r_field->name; } else if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].name, r_field->name)) { f = r_field; dst = (join->type == SQL_JOIN_TYPE_LEFT) ? l_field->name : r_field->name; } if (f) {//TODO add schema checks if (f->target) { if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].table, f->target) || (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].table, SQL_TABLE (l_table)->name) && !g_strcmp0 (f->target, l_table->alias))) { col = i; break; } else if (!g_strcmp0 (priv->column[i].table, SQL_TABLE (r_table)->name) && !g_strcmp0 (f->target, r_table->alias)) { col = i; break; } } else { col = i; break; } } } if (f) db_model_set_default_value_from_column (self, dst, col); } static void db_model_set_join_fields (DbModel * self, SqlJoin * join, SqlField * lsql_field, SqlField * rsql_field, DbModelField * lfield, DbModelField * rfield) { gboolean check; SqlTarget * ltarget = join->target_left, * rtarget = join->target_right; check = !g_strcmp0 (lfield->schema, lsql_field->schema) || !g_strcmp0 (lfield->table, lsql_field->target) || !g_strcmp0 (ltarget->alias, lsql_field->target) || !g_strcmp0 (rfield->schema, rfield->schema) || !g_strcmp0 (rfield->table, rsql_field->target) || !g_strcmp0 (rtarget->alias, rsql_field->target); g_ptr_array_add (lfield->name, g_strdup (check ? lsql_field->name : rsql_field->name)); g_ptr_array_add (rfield->name, g_strdup (check ? rsql_field->name : lsql_field->name)); } static gboolean db_model_analyse_join_op (DbModel * self, SqlOperation * op) { gint i; gint noperands; SqlList * operands; SqlOperationType operator = sql_operation_get_operator (op); noperands = sql_list_length (operands); g_object_get (op, "operands", &operands, NULL); if (operator == SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_EQUAL && noperands == 2) { gpointer field1 = sql_list_get (operands, 0); gpointer field2 = sql_list_get (operands, 1); if (!SQL_IS_FIELD (field1) || !SQL_IS_FIELD (field2) || (g_strcmp0 (sql_field_get_target (field1), sql_field_get_target (field2)) && g_strcmp0 (sql_field_get_schema (field1), sql_field_get_schema (field2)))) return FALSE; } else if (operator == SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_AND) { for (i = 0; i < noperands; i++) if (!db_model_analyse_join_op (self, sql_list_get (operands, i))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void db_model_analyse_join (DbModel * self, SqlTarget * target) { SqlJoin * join; SqlTarget * left; SqlTarget * right; SqlOperation * on; if (!SQL_IS_JOIN (target)) return; join = SQL_JOIN (target); g_object_get (join ,"target-left", &left ,"target-right", &right ,"condition", &on ,NULL ); if (SQL_IS_TABLE (left) || SQL_IS_TABLE (right)) db_model_analyse_join_op (self, on); switch ((gint) sql_join_get_join_type (join)) { case SQL_JOIN_TYPE_INNER: break; case SQL_JOIN_TYPE_LEFT: break; case SQL_JOIN_TYPE_RIGHT: break; } db_model_analyse_join (self, left); db_model_analyse_join (self, right); } static void db_model_load_join (DbModel * self) { gchar * sql; SqlObject * stmt; SqlObject * select; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; sql = db_conn_render (self->priv->conn, self->priv->stmt, NULL, NULL); stmt = sql_parser_parse (sql); g_free (sql); if (!stmt) return; g_object_ref_sink (stmt); if (SQL_IS_MULTI_STMT (stmt)) { SqlList * stmts; g_object_get (stmt, "stmts", &stmts, NULL); select = sql_list_get (stmts, priv->result_pos); } else select = stmt; if (!SQL_IS_SELECT (select)) goto exit; gint i; SqlList * targets; g_object_get (select, "targets", &targets, NULL); for (i = 0; i < sql_list_length (targets); i++) db_model_analyse_join (self, sql_list_get (targets, i)); exit: g_object_unref (stmt); } */ //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Public // Setters & getters /** * db_model_set_conn: * @self: a #DbModel * @conn: (allow-none): a #DbConn * * Sets the connection through which the communication is established with * the database. **/ void db_model_set_conn (DbModel * self, DbConn * conn) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_CONN (conn) || !conn); if (conn) { if (!self->priv->conn) { self->priv->conn = g_object_ref (conn); db_model_execute_stmt (self); // db_model_on_stmt_changed (self->priv->stmt, self); } else g_warning ("DbModel: The connection can only be set once"); } } /** * db_model_get_conn: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns the connection through which the communication is established with * the database. * * Return value: (transfer none): the #DbConn of the model **/ DbConn * db_model_get_conn (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), NULL); return self->priv->conn; } /** * db_model_get_spec: * @self: a #DbModel * @col: the number of a column of @self * * Returns the #GvnParamSpec of a field in the position @col of @self. * * Return value: (transfer none): the #GvnParamSpec of the column with number @col **/ const GvnParamSpec * db_model_get_spec (DbModel * self, gint col) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), NULL); if ((self->priv->result && 0 <= col && col < self->priv->result->ncols) && self->priv->column) return self->priv->column[col].spec; return NULL; } /** * db_model_get_column_name: * @self: a #DbModel * @col: the number of a column of @self * * Retrieves the name of a field in the position @col of @self. * * Return value: the name of the column with number @col **/ const gchar * db_model_get_column_name (DbModel * self, gint col) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), NULL); if ((self->priv->result && 0 <= col && col < self->priv->result->ncols) && self->priv->column) return self->priv->column[col].alias; return NULL; } /** * db_model_get_column_index: * @self: a #DbModel * @name: the name of a column of @self * * Retrieves the position in the query of the column called @name. * * Return value: the index of the column with name @name or -1 if there isn't * a column called @name or if @name is NULL **/ gint db_model_get_column_index (DbModel * self, const gchar * name) { gpointer column; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), -1); if (name && self->priv->column_index && g_hash_table_lookup_extended (self->priv->column_index, name, NULL, &column)) return GPOINTER_TO_INT (column); else g_warning ("DbModel: Column '%s' doesn't exists", name); return -1; } /** * db_model_get_status: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns the current #DbModelStatus of @self. * * Return value: the status of @self **/ DbModelStatus db_model_get_status (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), -1); return self->priv->status; } /** * db_model_is_ready: * @self: a #DbModel * * Checks if the model is ready. * * Return value: %TRUE if the model is ready, %FALSE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_is_ready (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); return self->priv->status == DB_MODEL_STATUS_READY; } /** * db_model_get_mode: * @self: a #DbModel * * Retrieves the current working mode of @self. See #DbModelMode. * * Return value: the current mode **/ DbModelMode db_model_get_mode (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), -1); return (self->priv->mode); } /** * db_model_set_mode: * @self: a #DbModel * @mode: a #DbModelMode to set the model on * * Sets the working mode of @self to @mode. See #DbModelMode. **/ void db_model_set_mode (DbModel * self, DbModelMode mode) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); self->priv->mode = mode; } /** * db_model_toggle_mode: * @self: a #DbModel * * Toogles the working mode of @self. See #DbModelMode to see the two possible * modes. **/ void db_model_toggle_mode (DbModel * self) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); self->priv->mode = (self->priv->mode == DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_DEMAND)? DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_CHANGE: DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_DEMAND; } /** * db_model_set_result_pos: * @self: a #DbModel * @pos: position of the query * * Sets the position where the query that will fill @model with data will be * placed in a multi-query statement. **/ void db_model_set_result_pos (DbModel * self, guint pos) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); self->priv->result_pos = pos; } /** * db_model_get_update_flags: * @self: a #DbModel * * Retrieves the update flags of @self. See #DbModelUpdateFlags for the details * of those flags. See also db_model_request_update_flags(). * * Return value: the #DbModelUpdateFlags of @self **/ DbModelUpdateFlags db_model_get_update_flags (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); return self->priv->update_flags; } /** * db_model_request_update_flags: * @self: a #DbModel * @flags: the set of #DbModelUpdateFlags to be set to @self * * Requests the update flags of @self. See #DbModelUpdateFlags for the details * of those flags. If @self does not allow an operation by itself, it will * log a warning when trying to set this operation. If the flag set is * #DB_MODEL_UPDATE it may not log until trying to update a non-updatable * field, see db_model_set_value(). See also db_model_get_update_flags() and * db_model_unset_update_flags(). **/ void db_model_request_update_flags (DbModel * self, DbModelUpdateFlags flags) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); self->priv->user_update_flags = flags; db_model_calculate_update_flags (self); } /** * db_model_unset_update_flags: * @self: a #DbModel * @flags: the set of #DbModelUpdateFlags to be unset in @self * * Unsets the update flags of @self. See #DbModelUpdateFlags for the details * of those flags. See also db_model_get_update_flags() and * db_model_request_update_flags(). **/ void db_model_unset_update_flags (DbModel * self, DbModelUpdateFlags flags) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); self->priv->user_update_flags &= ~flags; db_model_calculate_update_flags (self); } /** * db_model_get_last: * @self: a @DbModel * @iter: (out): an unitialized #DbIter * * Points @iter to the last row of @self. * * Return value: %FALSE if @self is a valid #DbModel, %TRUE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_get_last (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); iter->data = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, (guint) self->priv->data->len - 1); iter->stamp = self->priv->stamp; return TRUE; } /** * db_model_add_join: * @self: a #DbModel * @master_field: the field on the left of the join * @slave_field: the field on the right of the join * * Sets the binding betwen two joined fields. This will generate a SELECT query * to the database to change the corresponding values in the model. Currently * it's used by the internal parser. **/ void db_model_add_join (DbModel * self, const gchar * master_field, const gchar * slave_field) { DbJoin * join; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (master_field); g_return_if_fail (slave_field); join = g_new (DbJoin, 1); join->master = field_new_from_string (master_field); join->slave = field_new_from_string (slave_field); self->priv->join = g_slist_prepend (self->priv->join, join); } /** * db_model_get_batch: * @self: a #DbModel * * Gets the batch used by the model. * * Return value: (transfer none): the #SqlBatch **/ SqlBatch * db_model_get_batch (DbModel * self) { return self->priv->batch; } /** * db_model_set_batch: * @self: a #DbModel * @batch: the #SqlBatch * * Sets the batch used by the model. **/ void db_model_set_batch (DbModel * self, SqlBatch * batch) { DbModelPrivate * priv; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (SQL_IS_BATCH (batch) || !batch); priv = self->priv; if (priv->batch) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->batch, db_model_on_batch_changed, self); g_clear_object (&priv->batch); } if (batch) { priv->batch = g_object_ref_sink (batch); g_signal_connect (batch, "changed", G_CALLBACK (db_model_on_batch_changed), self); db_model_on_batch_changed (NULL, self); } } static ColumnDef * db_model_create_column_def (DbModel * self, const gchar * field_str) { Field * field = field_new_from_string (field_str); if (field->name && field->target && !field->schema) { ColumnDef * def = column_def_new (); g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->defaults, field, def); return def; } else { g_warning ("DbModel: Field string should specify name and table alias: %s", field_str); field_free (field); } return NULL; } static void db_model_on_param_changed (GvnParam * param, GValue * value, DbModel * self) { db_model_refresh (self); } /** * db_model_set_default_value_from_column: * @self: a #DbModel * @field_str: the field to be set * @column_str: field from wich the value is picked **/ void db_model_set_default_value_from_column (DbModel * self, const gchar * field_str, const gchar * column_str) { ColumnDef * def; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (field_str); g_return_if_fail (column_str); def = db_model_create_column_def (self, field_str); if (def) def->src_column = field_new_from_string (column_str); } /** * db_model_set_default_value_from_param: * @self: a #DbModel * @field_str: the field to be set * @param: a #GvnParam * @link: whether to refresh when the parameter changes * * Get the default value for @field_str from @param. **/ void db_model_set_default_value_from_param (DbModel * self, const gchar * field_str, GvnParam * param, gboolean link) { ColumnDef * def; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (field_str); g_return_if_fail (GVN_IS_PARAM (param)); def = db_model_create_column_def (self, field_str); if (!def) return; def->param = g_object_ref_sink (param); if (link) def->link = g_signal_connect (param, "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (db_model_on_param_changed), self); } /** * db_model_get_main_table: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns the string with the name of the main table of @self. The main table * is the only table on a #DbModel whose rows can be deleted or inserted. By * default the main table is set to the table the first column field belongs. * To override this behaviour, use @db_model_request_main_table. * * Note that the requested main table may be different fron the actual main * table used by the model * * Return value: the name of the main table of @self **/ const gchar * db_model_get_main_table (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), NULL); if (self->priv->main_table) return self->priv->main_table->name; return NULL; } /** * db_model_get_stmt: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns the #SqlStmt which queries to the database about the data of @self. * * Return value: (transfer none): the #SqlStmt property of @self **/ const SqlStmt * db_model_get_stmt (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), NULL); return self->priv->stmt; } /** * db_model_set_stmt: * @self: a #DbModel * @stmt: the #SqlStmt * * Sets the "stmt" property of the model. **/ void db_model_set_stmt (DbModel * self, SqlStmt * stmt) { if (!stmt) return; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (!self->priv->stmt); g_return_if_fail (SQL_IS_STRING (stmt) || SQL_IS_SELECT (stmt)); self->priv->stmt = g_object_ref_sink (stmt); db_model_execute_stmt (self); /* g_signal_connect (stmt, "changed", G_CALLBACK (db_model_on_stmt_changed), self); db_model_on_stmt_changed (stmt, self);*/ } /** * db_model_set_sql: * @self: a #DbModel * @sql: a value for the "sql property * * Sets the "sql" property to @sql. **/ void db_model_set_sql (DbModel * self, const gchar * sql) { // SqlObject * string; if (!sql) return; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_free (self->priv->sql); self->priv->sql = g_strdup (sql); db_model_execute_stmt (self); /* if (self->priv->use_file) string = db_conn_create_stmt_from_file (self->priv->conn, sql); else string = sql_string_new (sql); db_model_set_stmt (self, SQL_STMT (string)); */ } /** * db_model_get: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter * @...: (out callee-allocates): pairs of column number and value return * locations, terminated by -1 * * Gets the values on the specified columns and sets the return locations * pointing to these values. The column numbers must be integers, while the * return locations must be of the same type of the value being returned. * * Returned values of type G_TYPE_OBJECT have to be unreferenced, values of * type G_TYPE_STRING or G_TYPE_BOXED have to be freed. Other values are passed * by value. **/ void db_model_get (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter, ...) { va_list va; gint column; GValue * val; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (self->priv->result); g_return_if_fail (iter != NULL); va_start (va, iter); while ((column = (va_arg (va, gint))) >= 0 && column < self->priv->result->ncols) { val = DB_ROW_FIELD (iter->data, column); if (gvn_value_is_null (val)) switch (gvn_param_spec_get_gtype (self->priv->column[column].spec)) { case G_TYPE_CHAR: *va_arg (va, gchar*) = 0; break; case G_TYPE_INT: *va_arg (va, gint*) = 0; break; case G_TYPE_LONG: *va_arg (va, glong*) = 0; break; case G_TYPE_FLOAT: *va_arg (va, gfloat*) = 0; break; case G_TYPE_DOUBLE: *va_arg (va, gdouble*) = 0; break; default: // Objects or chararrays. *va_arg (va, gpointer*) = NULL; } else gvn_value_get_valist (val, va); } va_end (va); g_return_if_fail (column == -1); } /** * db_model_set: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter * @...: pairs of column number and value, terminated by -1 * * Sets the values on the specified columns. The column numbers must be * integers, while the values must be of the same type of the value being set. * * The value will be referenced by the model if it is a G_TYPE_OBJECT, and it * will be copied if it is a G_TYPE_STRING or G_TYPE_BOXED. **/ void db_model_set (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter, ...) { gint column; gpointer content; GValue val = G_VALUE_INIT; va_list va; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (self->priv->result); g_return_if_fail (iter != NULL); va_start (va, iter); while ((column = (va_arg (va, gint))) >= 0 && column < self->priv->result->ncols) { content = va_arg (va, gpointer); gvn_value_new_with_content (&val, gvn_param_spec_get_gtype (self->priv->column[column].spec), content); db_model_set_value (self, iter, column, &val, NULL); g_value_unset (&val); } va_end (va); g_return_if_fail (column == -1); } /** * db_model_get_value: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter pointing to a row of @self * @col: the number of the field to get the value * @err: (out) (allow-none): a #GError or %NULL to ignore errors * * Gets a value from @self pointed to by @iter and @col and puts it in @err. * * Return value: the value pointed to by @iter and @col or %NULL in case of error **/ const GValue * db_model_get_value (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter, gint col, GError ** err) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (self->priv->data && self->priv->result, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self), NULL); if (MODEL_NOT_READY (self)) { g_set_error (err ,DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN ,DB_MODEL_ERROR_NOT_READY ,"The model is not ready"); return NULL; } if (0 > col || col >= self->priv->result->ncols) { g_set_error (err ,DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN ,DB_MODEL_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE ,"Column out of range"); return NULL; } return DB_ROW_FIELD (iter->data, col); } /** * db_model_set_value: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter pointing to the row to be set * @col: the column of the field to be set * @value: new value for the field pointed to by @iter and @col * @err: (out) (allow-none): a return location for a #GError or %NULL to ignore * errors * * Sets the value of a single field to @value on @self as well as on the database. * If the database update fails, the model is not updated and err is set * if it's not %NULL. * If @iter is pointing a new row (inserted by db_model_insert() but not yet * commited with db_model_perform_operations()) db_model_set_value() will only set * the value on the model. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_set_value (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter, gint col, const GValue * value, GError ** err) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; gboolean ret = FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self), FALSE); if (MODEL_NOT_READY (self) || !priv->result) { g_set_error (err, DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN ,DB_MODEL_ERROR_NOT_READY, "Model not ready"); } else { GValue new_value = G_VALUE_INIT; DbRow * row = iter->data; GvnParamSpec * spec = priv->column[col].spec; g_return_val_if_fail (0 <= col && col < priv->result->ncols, FALSE); if (!gvn_param_spec_validate (spec, value, err)) return FALSE; if (!gvn_value_is_null (value)) { g_value_init (&new_value, gvn_param_spec_get_gtype (spec)); g_value_transform (value, &new_value); } else g_value_init (&new_value, GVN_TYPE_NULL); if (gvn_value_compare (&new_value, DB_ROW_FIELD (iter->data, col))) { ret = TRUE; } else if (!db_model_set_row_operation (self, row, DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE, col)) { g_set_error (err, DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN ,DB_MODEL_ERROR_NOT_UPDATABLE, "Row locked. " "There are one or more operations being applied over this row."); } else { DbOperation * operation = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->row_ops, row); DbModelRowOp row_op = operation ? operation->type : 0; priv->updated_col = col; priv->updated_value = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (priv->updated_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (&new_value)); g_value_copy (&new_value, priv->updated_value); g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_UPDATED], 0, iter); if (priv->mode == DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_CHANGE && !(row_op & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT)) db_model_perform_operations (self, FALSE); ret = TRUE; } g_value_unset (&new_value); } return ret; } /** * db_model_insert: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: (out): a #DbIter that will point to the new row * * Inserts an empty row at the end of @self. The values for this row must be * set one by one using db_model_set_value() or all at once with db_model_set(). * And then committed with db_model_perform_operations(). **/ gboolean db_model_insert (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { gint i; DbRow * row; DbModelPrivate * priv; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); priv = self->priv; if (MODEL_NOT_READY (self) || !priv->result) { g_log (g_quark_to_string (DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN) ,G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Model not ready"); return FALSE; } if (!(priv->update_flags & DB_MODEL_INSERT)) { g_log (g_quark_to_string (DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN) ,G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Can't insert into this Model"); return FALSE; } row = db_row_new (priv->result->ncols, priv->result->nrows); for (i = 0; i < row->len; i++) { Field field; ColumnDef * def; const GValue * def_value = NULL; DbColumn col = priv->column[i]; field.name = col.name; field.target = priv->column_table[i]->alias; field.schema = NULL; def = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->defaults, &field); if (def && def->param) def_value = gvn_param_get_value (def->param); if (!def_value) def_value = gvn_param_spec_get_default (col.spec); if (def_value && G_VALUE_TYPE (def_value) != SQL_TYPE_FUNCTION) { g_value_init (&row->value[i], G_VALUE_TYPE (def_value)); g_value_copy (def_value, &row->value[i]); } else g_value_init (&row->value[i], GVN_TYPE_NULL); } g_ptr_array_add (priv->data, row); iter->data = g_ptr_array_index (priv->data, (guint) priv->data->len - 1); iter->stamp = priv->stamp; priv->result->nrows++; db_model_set_row_operation (self, iter->data, DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT, 0); g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_INSERTED], 0, iter); return TRUE; } /** * db_model_delete: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter pointing to the row to be deleted * * Deletes the row pointed to by @iter on @self, as well as on the database (if * it was already there, i.e. it's not a new row). * If the deletion on the database fails, then the row on @self is not deleted * and a log message is emitted. **/ void db_model_delete (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); g_return_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self)); if (MODEL_NOT_READY (self)) { g_log (g_quark_to_string (DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN) ,G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Model not ready"); return; } if (!(self->priv->update_flags & DB_MODEL_DELETE)) { g_log (g_quark_to_string (DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN) ,G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Can't delete from this Model"); return; } if (!db_model_set_row_operation (self, g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, DB_ROW_POSITION (iter->data)), DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE, 0)) return; g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINE_TOGGLED], 0, iter); if (self->priv->mode == DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_CHANGE) db_model_perform_operations (self, FALSE); } /** * db_model_order_by: * @self: a #DbModel * @col: the number of the column that will be the sort criteria * @order: the order to sort in * * Sorts @self in the order indicated by @order and using the data * on the field @col. **/ void db_model_order_by (DbModel * self, gint col, DbSortType order) { DbModelPrivate * priv; SortInfo info; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); priv = self->priv; g_return_if_fail (priv->result && col >= -2 && col < priv->result->ncols); g_return_if_fail (order == DB_SORT_ASCENDING || order == DB_SORT_DESCENDING); gint new_order[priv->result->nrows]; gint old_col = priv->sort_column_id; DbRow * row_iter; gint r_ind, i = 0; if ((priv->order == order && priv->sort_column_id == col) || !priv->data || col == DB_MODEL_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID) return; if (col == DB_MODEL_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID && old_col != DB_MODEL_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID) col = old_col; priv->order = order; priv->sort_column_id = col; g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[SORT_CHANGED], 0, NULL); info.col = col; info.order = order; g_ptr_array_sort_with_data (priv->data ,(GCompareDataFunc) db_model_valcmp ,&info); for (r_ind = 0; r_ind < priv->result->nrows; r_ind++) { row_iter = g_ptr_array_index (priv->data, r_ind); new_order[i] = DB_ROW_POSITION (row_iter); DB_ROW_POSITION (row_iter) = i++; } g_signal_emit (self, db_model_signal[LINES_REORDERED], 0, col, new_order); } /** * db_model_search: * @self: a #DbModel * @col: the field to search in * @iter: a #DbIter that will point the first found element * @content: the value looked for or %NULL * * Looks for a the passed value in the field specified by @col. * * Return value: Returns %TRUE if the value is found and %FALSE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_search (DbModel * self, gint col, DbIter * iter, gpointer content) { gboolean ret; GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (self->priv->result && 0 <= self->priv->result->ncols && col < self->priv->result->ncols , FALSE); gvn_value_new_with_content (&value, gvn_param_spec_get_gtype (self->priv->column[col].spec), content); ret = db_model_search_value (self, col, iter, &value); g_value_unset (&value); return ret; } /** * db_model_search_value: * @self: a #DbModel * @col: the field to search in * @iter: a #DbIter that will point the first found element * @value: the value to search for * * Looks for a the value pointed to by @value in the field specified by @col. * * Return value: Returns %TRUE if the value is found and %FALSE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_search_value (DbModel * self, gint col, DbIter * iter, const GValue * value) { gint i; GType type; DbRow * row; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_VALUE (value), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (self->priv->result && 0 <= col && col < self->priv->result->ncols, FALSE); type = gvn_param_spec_get_gtype (self->priv->column[col].spec); if (gvn_value_is_null (value) || G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == type) for (i = 0; i < self->priv->result->nrows; i++) { row = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, i); if (gvn_value_compare (DB_ROW_FIELD (row, col), value)) { iter->stamp = self->priv->stamp; iter->data = row; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * db_model_get_row_operations: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter * * Returns #DbModelRowOp flags indicating the operations being applied to the * row pointed to by @iter. If no operations are being applied on the row, it * returns 0. * * Return value: the #DbModelRowOp of the row or 0 **/ DbModelRowOp db_model_get_row_operations (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { DbOperation * op = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), 0); g_return_val_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self), 0); if (self->priv->row_ops) op = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->row_ops, (DbRow *) iter->data); return op ? op->type : 0; } /** * db_model_has_pending_operations: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns whether there are pending operations in the model. * * Return value: #TRUE if the model has pending operations, #FALSE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_has_pending_operations (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); if (self->priv->row_ops) return g_hash_table_size (self->priv->row_ops) > 0; return FALSE; } static SqlObject * db_model_create_where (DbModel * self, TableInfo * tinfo, DbOperation * operation, gboolean use_new_values) { GSList * l; DbUpdatedField * u; GValue * g_value; SqlObject * value; DbRow * row = operation->row; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; SqlObject * where; SqlList * and_operands; if (!tinfo->pkeys) return NULL; where = sql_operation_new (SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_AND); and_operands = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_EXPR); sql_operation_set_operands (SQL_OPERATION (where), and_operands); for (l = tinfo->pkeys; l; l = l->next) { GSList * n; SqlObject * equal; SqlList * operands; gint col = GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data); value = NULL; g_value = &row->value[col]; if (!use_new_values) { for (n = operation->updated; n && (u = n->data); n = n->next) if (u->column == col) { g_value = u->value; break; } if (!gvn_value_is_null (g_value)) value = sql_value_new_with_value (g_value); } else { const GValue * def = gvn_param_spec_get_default (priv->column[col].spec); if (def && G_IS_VALUE (def) && G_VALUE_TYPE (def) == SQL_TYPE_FUNCTION) value = g_value_get_object (def); else value = sql_value_new_with_value (g_value); } if (!value) { g_object_unref (g_object_ref_sink (where)); return NULL; } equal = sql_operation_new (SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_EQUAL); sql_list_add (and_operands, equal); operands = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_EXPR); sql_list_add (operands, sql_field_new (priv->column[col].name)); sql_list_add (operands, value); sql_operation_set_operands (SQL_OPERATION (equal), operands); } return where; } static SqlObject * db_model_create_insert (DbModel * self, TableInfo * tinfo, DbOperation * operation) { gint i; DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; DbRow * row = operation->row; const GValue * value; SqlList * targets, * stmts, * sets, * fields, * values, * select_fields; SqlObject * target, * insert, * set, * select, * where; GHashTableIter iter; Field * field; ColumnDef * def; GArray * cols; gchar * colname; where = db_model_create_where (self, tinfo, operation, TRUE); if (!where) return NULL; fields = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_FIELD); sets = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_SET); values = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_EXPR); set = g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_SET ,"exprs", values ,NULL ); sql_list_add (sets, set); target = sql_table_new (tinfo->name, tinfo->schema); insert = g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_INSERT ,"table", target ,"fields", fields ,"values", sets ,NULL ); select_fields = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_EXPR); targets = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_TARGET); target = sql_table_new (tinfo->name, tinfo->schema); sql_target_set_alias (SQL_TARGET (target), tinfo->alias); sql_list_add (targets, target); select = g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_SELECT ,"fields", select_fields ,"targets", targets ,"where", where ,NULL ); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->defaults); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) &field, (gpointer) &def)) if (!g_strcmp0 (field->target, tinfo->alias) && !g_hash_table_lookup (tinfo->columns, field->name)) { if (def->param) value = gvn_param_get_value (def->param); else value = NULL; if (value) { sql_list_add (fields, sql_field_new (field->name)); sql_list_add (values, sql_value_new_with_value (value)); } } g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, tinfo->columns); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) &colname, (gpointer) &cols)) { i = g_array_index (cols, gint, 0); value = &row->value[i]; if (!gvn_value_is_null (value)) { sql_list_add (fields, sql_field_new (colname)); sql_list_add (values, sql_value_new_with_value (value)); } sql_list_add (select_fields, sql_field_new (colname)); } stmts = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_STMT); sql_list_add (stmts, insert); sql_list_add (stmts, select); return g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_MULTI_STMT, "stmts", stmts, NULL); } /** * db_model_perform_operations: * @self: a #DbModel with a new row, not yet inserted * @retry: whether to retry the failed operations (not implemented) * * Commits the changes made by db_model_set_value() to a new row, inserted * by db_model_insert(). * Note that if this method is not called after db_model_insert(), all the * changes made on the new row will be lost. * If the @self is working in the #DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_DEMAND, non-interactive, * mode, this method will perform every actions taken and not yet submitted. **/ void db_model_perform_operations (DbModel * self, gboolean retry) { GList * l; DbOperation * op; DbModelPrivate * priv; DbRow * row; SqlObject * where; SqlList * stmts; DbRequest * request; gboolean error = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); priv = self->priv; if (!priv->update_flags) return; if (MODEL_NOT_READY (self)) { g_log (g_quark_to_string (DB_MODEL_LOG_DOMAIN), G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Model not ready"); return; } if (!priv->operation->length) return; stmts = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_STMT); g_object_ref_sink (stmts); for (l = priv->operation->head; l && !error; l = l->next) { SqlObject * stmt = NULL; op = l->data; op->locked = TRUE; row = op->row; if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_DELETE) // DELETE { if (!(op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT)) { where = db_model_create_where (self, priv->main_table, op, FALSE); if (where) { SqlList * targets = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_TARGET); sql_list_add (targets, sql_table_new ( priv->main_table->name, priv->main_table->schema )); stmt = g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_DELETE ,"where", where ,"targets", targets ,NULL ); } else error = TRUE; } } else if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_INSERT) // INSERT + SELECT { stmt = db_model_create_insert (self, priv->main_table, op); if (!stmt) error = TRUE; } else if (op->type & DB_MODEL_ROW_OP_UPDATE) // UPDATE || INSERT + SELECT { GList * l; GSList * n; GQueue * fields; TableInfo * tinfo; GHashTableIter iter; SqlList * update_list; DbUpdatedField * u; GHashTable * tables = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_direct_hash ,g_direct_equal ,NULL ,(GDestroyNotify) g_queue_free ); for (n = op->updated; n && (u = n->data); n = n->next) { tinfo = priv->column_table[u->column]; fields = g_hash_table_lookup (tables, tinfo); if (!fields) { fields = g_queue_new (); g_hash_table_insert (tables, tinfo, fields); } g_queue_push_tail (fields, u); } update_list = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_STMT); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, tables); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) &tinfo, (gpointer) &fields)) { where = db_model_create_where (self, tinfo, op, FALSE); if (where) { SqlList * sets = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_UPDATE_SET); SqlList * targets = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_TARGET); sql_list_add (targets, sql_table_new (tinfo->name, tinfo->schema)); for (l = fields->head; l && (u = l->data); l = l->next) { GValue * new_value = DB_ROW_FIELD (row, u->column); sql_list_add (sets, g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_UPDATE_SET ,"field", sql_field_new (priv->column[u->column].name) ,"expr", sql_value_new_with_value (new_value) ,NULL )); } sql_list_add (update_list, g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_UPDATE ,"where", where ,"targets", targets ,"sets", sets ,NULL )); } else { SqlObject * insert = db_model_create_insert (self, tinfo, op); if (insert) sql_list_add (update_list, insert); } } g_hash_table_unref (tables); stmt = g_object_new (SQL_TYPE_MULTI_STMT, "stmts", update_list, NULL); } if (stmt) sql_list_add (stmts, stmt); } if (!error) { GQueue * ops = g_queue_new (); while ((op = g_queue_pop_head (priv->operation))) g_queue_push_tail (ops, op); DbModelRequest * data = g_new (DbModelRequest, 1); data->self = g_object_ref (self); data->operations = ops; data->stmts = g_object_ref_sink (stmts); if (sql_list_length (stmts) > 0) { SqlObject * multi = g_object_new ( SQL_TYPE_MULTI_STMT, "stmts", stmts, NULL); request = db_conn_query_with_stmt_async (priv->conn ,SQL_STMT (multi) ,NULL ,(DbRequestDoneCallback) db_model_on_operations_done ,data ,(GDestroyNotify) db_model_request_free ); db_model_add_pending_request (self, request); } else { db_model_on_operations_done (NULL, data); db_model_request_free (data); } } else g_warning ("DbModel: Error performing operations."); g_object_unref (stmts); } /** * db_model_refresh: * @self: a #DbModel * * Executes the SELECT query and fills @self with the data returned by it. **/ void db_model_refresh (DbModel * self) { DbModelPrivate * priv; gboolean is_ready = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); priv = self->priv; db_model_clear (self); if (priv->conn && priv->stmt) { Field * field; ColumnDef * def; SqlObject * link_op; SqlList * link_operands; SqlBatch * tmp_batch; GHashTableIter iter; // Gets all the holders from the statement tmp_batch = sql_batch_new (); g_object_ref_sink (tmp_batch); sql_object_get_holders (SQL_OBJECT (priv->stmt), tmp_batch); sql_batch_merge (tmp_batch, priv->batch); // Creates the link operation link_op = sql_operation_new (SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_AND); g_object_ref_sink (link_op); link_operands = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_EXPR); sql_operation_set_operands (SQL_OPERATION (link_op), link_operands); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->defaults); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) &field, (gpointer) &def)) if (def->link) { SqlObject * sql_field; SqlObject * equal_op; SqlList * equal_operands; equal_op = sql_operation_new (SQL_OPERATION_TYPE_EQUAL); sql_list_add (link_operands, equal_op); sql_field = sql_field_new_with_target ( field->name, field->target, NULL); equal_operands = sql_list_new (SQL_TYPE_EXPR); sql_list_add (equal_operands, sql_field); sql_list_add (equal_operands, sql_value_new_with_param (def->param)); sql_operation_set_operands (SQL_OPERATION (equal_op), equal_operands); } if (sql_list_length (link_operands) > 0) sql_batch_add (tmp_batch, "link", link_op); // Executes the statement if its ready if (sql_batch_is_ready (tmp_batch)) { is_ready = TRUE; db_model_set_status (self, DB_MODEL_STATUS_LOADING); priv->request = db_conn_query_with_stmt_async (priv->conn ,priv->stmt ,tmp_batch ,(DbRequestDoneCallback) db_model_on_data_ready ,g_object_ref (self) ,(GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref ); } g_object_unref (link_op); g_object_unref (tmp_batch); } if (!is_ready) db_model_set_status (self, DB_MODEL_STATUS_CLEAN); } /** * db_model_get_nrows: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns the current number of rows on @self. * * Return value: the number of rows **/ gint db_model_get_nrows (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), 0); if (self->priv->result) return self->priv->result->nrows; else return 0; } /** * db_model_iter_is_valid: * @iter: a #DbIter * @model: a #DbModel * * Checks if @iter is a valid #DbIter pointing inside @model. **/ gboolean db_model_iter_is_valid (DbIter * iter, DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); return (iter && VALID_ITER (iter, self)); } // GtkTreeModel implementation methods. /** * db_model_get_ncols: * @self: a #DbModel * * Returns the number of columns supported by @self. * * Return value: the number of columns **/ gint db_model_get_ncols (DbModel * self) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), -1); if (self->priv->result) return self->priv->result->ncols; else return 0; } /** * db_model_get_column_type: * @self: a #DbModel * @index: the number of the column * * Retrieves the type of the column specified by @index. * * Return value: the type of the column **/ GType db_model_get_column_type (DbModel * self, gint index) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), G_TYPE_INVALID); g_return_val_if_fail (self->priv->result && 0 <= index && index < self->priv->result->ncols, G_TYPE_INVALID); if (self->priv->column) if (self->priv->column[index].spec) return gvn_param_spec_get_gtype (self->priv->column[index].spec); return G_TYPE_INVALID; } /** * db_model_get_path: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: a #DbIter * * Returns the number of the row pointed to by @iter. * * Return value: the number of the row pointed to by @iter **/ gint db_model_get_path (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), 0); if (MODEL_NOT_READY (self)) return 0; g_return_val_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self), 0); return DB_ROW_POSITION (iter->data); } /** * db_model_get_iter: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: (out): an unitialized #DbIter * @path: the number of the row being accessed * * Sets @iter pointing to the row of @self specified by @path. * * Return value: %TRUE if the position is found, %FALSE otherwise **/ gboolean db_model_get_iter (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter, gint path) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); if ((0 > path || (self->priv->result && path >= self->priv->result->nrows)) || MODEL_NOT_READY (self)) return FALSE; iter->stamp = self->priv->stamp; iter->data = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, (guint) path); if (iter->data) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * db_model_get_iter_first: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: (out): an unitialized #DbIter * * Sets @iter pointing to the first row of @self. * * Return value: %TRUE if @iter is set right **/ gboolean db_model_get_iter_first (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); if (MODEL_NOT_READY(self) || !self->priv->result || !self->priv->result->nrows) return FALSE; iter->stamp = self->priv->stamp; iter->data = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, 0); return TRUE; } /** * db_model_iter_prev: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: (inout): a valid #DbIter * * Sets @iter pointing to the previous row of @self. * * Return value: %TRUE if the iter has been changed to the previous row **/ gboolean db_model_iter_prev (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { DbModelPrivate * priv; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); priv = self->priv; if (MODEL_NOT_READY(self) || !priv->result || !priv->result->nrows) return FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self), FALSE); if ((iter->data = g_ptr_array_index (priv->data, (guint) DB_ROW_POSITION (iter->data) - 1))) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * db_model_iter_next: * @self: a #DbModel * @iter: (inout): a valid #DbIter * * Sets @iter pointing to the next row of @self. * * Return value: %TRUE if the iter has been changed to the next row **/ gboolean db_model_iter_next (DbModel * self, DbIter * iter) { gint pos; g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); if (MODEL_NOT_READY(self) || !self->priv->result || !self->priv->result->nrows) return FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (VALID_ITER (iter, self), FALSE); pos = DB_ROW_POSITION (iter->data); if (pos < self->priv->result->nrows-1) { iter->data = g_ptr_array_index (self->priv->data, (guint) pos + 1); return TRUE; } iter->stamp = (iter->stamp) ? 0 : 1; iter->data = NULL; return FALSE; } // GtkTreeSortable implementation methods /** * db_model_get_sort_column_id: * @self: a #DbModel * @sort_column_id: (out): an integer * @order: (out): a @DbSortType * * Fills in @sort_column_id and @order with the current sort * column and the order. See #GtkTreeSortable. * * Return value: %TRUE if the sort column is not one of the special sort column * ids **/ gboolean db_model_get_sort_column_id (DbModel * self, gint * sort_column_id, DbSortType * order) { g_return_val_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self), FALSE); if (sort_column_id) * sort_column_id = self->priv->sort_column_id; if (order) * order = self->priv->order; if (self->priv->sort_column_id == DB_MODEL_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID || self->priv->sort_column_id == DB_MODEL_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } /** * db_model_set_sort_column_id: * @self: a #DbModel * @sort_column_id: the column to sort by * @order: the order in which the sort will be done * * Sets @sort_column_id to be the current sort column. @self will resort itself * to reflect this change. See #GtkTreeSortable. **/ void db_model_set_sort_column_id (DbModel * self, gint sort_column_id, DbSortType order) { g_return_if_fail (DB_IS_MODEL (self)); db_model_order_by (self, sort_column_id, order); } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Class typedef enum { PROP_CONN = 1 ,PROP_STMT ,PROP_USE_FILE ,PROP_SQL ,PROP_MAIN_TABLE ,PROP_UPDATE_FLAGS ,PROP_RESULT_POS ,PROP_BATCH ,PROP_PARTIAL_DELETE ,PROP_AUTOLOAD } DbModelProp; static void db_model_set_property (DbModel * self, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { switch (property_id) { case PROP_CONN: db_model_set_conn (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_STMT: db_model_set_stmt (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_SQL: db_model_set_sql (self, g_value_get_string (value)); break; case PROP_USE_FILE: self->priv->use_file = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_UPDATE_FLAGS: db_model_request_update_flags (self, g_value_get_flags (value)); break; case PROP_RESULT_POS: self->priv->result_pos = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_BATCH: db_model_set_batch (self, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_PARTIAL_DELETE: self->priv->partial_delete = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_AUTOLOAD: self->priv->autoload = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (self, property_id, pspec); } } static void db_model_get_property (DbModel * self, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { switch (property_id) { case PROP_CONN: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->conn); break; case PROP_STMT: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->stmt); break; case PROP_SQL: g_value_set_string (value, self->priv->sql); break; case PROP_USE_FILE: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->use_file); break; case PROP_MAIN_TABLE: g_value_set_string (value, db_model_get_main_table (self)); break; case PROP_UPDATE_FLAGS: g_value_set_flags (value, self->priv->update_flags); break; case PROP_RESULT_POS: g_value_set_uint (value, self->priv->result_pos); break; case PROP_BATCH: g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->batch); break; case PROP_PARTIAL_DELETE: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->partial_delete); break; case PROP_AUTOLOAD: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->autoload); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (self, property_id, pspec); } } static void db_model_init (DbModel * self) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, DB_TYPE_MODEL, DbModelPrivate); priv->conn = NULL; priv->batch = NULL; priv->stmt = NULL; priv->use_file = FALSE; priv->sql = NULL; priv->request = NULL; priv->status = DB_MODEL_STATUS_CLEAN; priv->result = NULL; priv->result_pos = 0; priv->data = NULL; priv->column = NULL; priv->autoload = TRUE; priv->stamp = g_random_int (); priv->column_index = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, NULL ); priv->defaults = g_hash_table_new_full ( (GHashFunc) field_hash, (GEqualFunc) field_equal, (GDestroyNotify) field_free, (GDestroyNotify) column_def_free ); priv->fresh = TRUE; priv->sort_column_id = DB_MODEL_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID; priv->default_sort_data = NULL; priv->default_sort_func = NULL; priv->default_sort_destroy = NULL; priv->updatable_data_allocated = FALSE; priv->user_update_flags = 0; priv->update_flags = 0; priv->main_table = NULL; priv->mode = DB_MODEL_MODE_ON_CHANGE; priv->operation = NULL; priv->row_ops = NULL; priv->pending_request = NULL; priv->tables = NULL; priv->column_table = NULL; priv->partial_delete = FALSE; priv->join = NULL; } static void db_model_finalize (DbModel * self) { DbModelPrivate * priv = self->priv; db_model_clear (self); g_clear_object (&priv->conn); g_clear_object (&priv->stmt); g_free (priv->sql); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->column_index); db_model_set_batch (self, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->defaults); if (priv->updatable_data_allocated) { g_queue_free (priv->operation); g_hash_table_unref (priv->row_ops); g_hash_table_unref (priv->tables); g_free (priv->column_table); // g_slist_free_full (priv->join, (GDestroyNotify) db_join_free); } G_OBJECT_CLASS (db_model_parent_class)->finalize (G_OBJECT (self)); } static void db_model_class_init (DbModelClass *k) { GObjectClass * klass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (k); klass->set_property = (GObjectSetPropertyFunc) db_model_set_property; klass->get_property = (GObjectGetPropertyFunc) db_model_get_property; klass->finalize = (GObjectFinalizeFunc) db_model_finalize; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (DbModelPrivate)); /** * DbModel::status-changed: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @status: the current status of @model * * This signal is emitted every time the status of @model changes. */ db_model_signal[STATUS_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("status-changed" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL ,g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT ,G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT ); /** * DbModel::line-inserted: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @iter: a #DbIter * * This signal is emitted when a new row is inserted into @model. The inserted * row is pointed to by @iter. */ db_model_signal[LINE_INSERTED] = g_signal_new ("line-inserted" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL ,g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED ,G_TYPE_NONE, 1, DB_TYPE_ITER ); /** * DbModel::line-deleted: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @position: the position of the deleted line * * Every time a row of @model is deleted, this signal is emitted. */ db_model_signal[LINE_DELETED] = g_signal_new_class_handler ("line-deleted" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, (GCallback) db_model_on_line_deleted ,NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT ,G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT ); /** * DbModel::line-toggled: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @iter: a #DbIter * * Emitted to tell that the line is going to be deleted, * but the operation is still. */ db_model_signal[LINE_TOGGLED] = g_signal_new ("line-toggled" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0 ,NULL, NULL ,g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED ,G_TYPE_NONE, 1, DB_TYPE_ITER ); /** * DbModel::line-updated: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @iter: a #DbIter * * This signal is emitted when any value in a row of @model is set. */ db_model_signal[LINE_UPDATED] = g_signal_new_class_handler ("line-updated" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, (GCallback) db_model_on_line_updated ,NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED ,G_TYPE_NONE, 1, DB_TYPE_ITER ); /** * DbModel::lines-reordered: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @col: the sort column * @new_order: (array) (element-type gint): an array mapped with the new * positions over the old ones * * This signal is emitted by @model every time its rows are reordered. * * The @new_order array is an array of which the positions indexed after the * old order of the elements of @model, contain the new position of these * elements in the reordered @model. */ db_model_signal[LINES_REORDERED] = g_signal_new ("lines-reordered" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL ,g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER ,G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_POINTER ); /** * DbModel::sort-changed: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * * This signal is emitted when a new column is selected as sort criteria for * @model. */ db_model_signal[SORT_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("sort-changed" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL ,g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID ,G_TYPE_NONE, 0 ); /** * DbModel::operations-done: * @model: the object on which the signal is emitted * @success: whether the operation has failed or succeded * * When an operation on the model is performed on the DB, this signal * is emitted. */ db_model_signal[OPERATIONS_DONE] = g_signal_new ("operations-done" ,DB_TYPE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL ,g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID ,G_TYPE_NONE, 0 ); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_CONN, g_param_spec_object ("conn" ,_("Connection") ,_("The DbConn that manages the connection to the database") ,DB_TYPE_CONN ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_STMT, g_param_spec_object ("stmt" ,_("Statement") ,_("The statement which retrieves the data") ,SQL_TYPE_STMT ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_USE_FILE, g_param_spec_boolean ("use-file" ,_("Use file") ,_("If this is set to TRUE, the \"sql\" property will " "hold the name of a file containing a query, if " "set to FALSE, \"sql\" is used as an SQL string") ,FALSE ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_SQL, g_param_spec_string ("sql" ,_("SQL") ,_("Depending on the \"use-file\" property this will " "be the path to a file with queries for the " "model or a SQL string") ,NULL ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_MAIN_TABLE, g_param_spec_string ("main-table" ,_("Main Table") ,_("The main table of the model") ,NULL ,G_PARAM_READABLE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_UPDATE_FLAGS, g_param_spec_flags ("update-flags" ,_("Update flags") ,_("The flags that indicate how a model can be modified") ,DB_TYPE_MODEL_UPDATE_FLAGS ,0 ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_RESULT_POS, g_param_spec_uint ("result-pos" ,_("Result position") ,_("The position where the query that will fill the " "model will be placed in a multi-query") ,0 ,G_MAXUINT32 ,0 ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_BATCH, g_param_spec_object ("batch" ,_("Batch") ,_("The batch assigned to the model") ,SQL_TYPE_BATCH ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_PARTIAL_DELETE, g_param_spec_boolean ("partial-delete" ,_("Partial delete") ,_("When a row is deleted set all the fields from " "the table to null rather than delete it.") ,FALSE ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); g_object_class_install_property (klass, PROP_AUTOLOAD, g_param_spec_boolean ("autoload" ,_("Autoload") ,_("Wether to execute the query automatically.") ,TRUE ,G_PARAM_READWRITE )); } GType db_model_update_flags_get_type () { static GType type = 0; if (type == 0) { static const GFlagsValue values[] = { {DB_MODEL_INSERT, "DB_MODEL_INSERT", "insert"}, {DB_MODEL_DELETE, "DB_MODEL_DELETE", "delete"}, {DB_MODEL_UPDATE, "DB_MODEL_UPDATE", "update"}, {DB_MODEL_ALL, "DB_MODEL_ALL", "all"}, {0, NULL, NULL} }; type = g_flags_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("DbModelUpdateFlags"), values); } return type; }