308 lines
8.8 KiB
308 lines
8.8 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2013 - Juan Ferrer Toribio
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "glade-vn.h"
#include <vn/glade/vn-iterator.h>
static void glade_db_iterator_on_param_col_name_changed (GladeProperty * property,
GValue * old, GValue * new, GladeWidget * param)
gchar * name = g_value_dup_string (new);
GladeProject * project;
GladeWidget * parent = glade_widget_get_parent (param);
if (!name || name[0] == '\0' || !parent
|| !(G_OBJECT_TYPE (glade_widget_get_object (parent)) == VN_TYPE_ITERATOR))
project = glade_widget_get_project (param);
glade_project_set_widget_name (project, param, g_strdelimit (name, "_", '-'));
g_free (name);
void glade_db_iterator_add_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
DbIterator * parent, GObject * child)
GladeWidget * param = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (G_OBJECT (child));
GladeProperty * name_prop = glade_widget_get_property (param, "column-name");
g_signal_connect (name_prop, "value-changed",
G_CALLBACK (glade_db_iterator_on_param_col_name_changed), param);
if (VN_IS_ITERATOR (parent))
vn_iterator_add_param (DB_SIMPLE_ITERATOR (parent), DB_PARAM (child));
void glade_db_iterator_remove_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
DbIterator * parent, GObject * child)
if (VN_IS_ITERATOR (parent))
vn_iterator_remove_param (DB_SIMPLE_ITERATOR (parent), DB_PARAM (child));
void glade_db_iterator_replace_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
DbIterator * container, GObject * current, GObject * new)
glade_db_iterator_remove_child (adaptor, container, current);
glade_db_iterator_add_child (adaptor, container, new);
GList * glade_db_iterator_get_children (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
DbIterator * parent)
if (VN_IS_ITERATOR (parent))
return vn_iterator_get_params (DB_SIMPLE_ITERATOR (parent));
return NULL;
gboolean glade_db_iterator_add_verify (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
DbIterator * container, GObject * child, gboolean user_feedback)
if (DB_IS_PARAM (child))
return TRUE;
if (user_feedback)
GladeWidgetAdaptor * child_adaptor = glade_widget_adaptor_get_by_type (DB_TYPE_PARAM);
glade_util_ui_message (glade_app_get_window ()
,"Objects of type %s only accept objects of type %s as children."
,glade_widget_adaptor_get_title (adaptor)
,glade_widget_adaptor_get_title (child_adaptor)
return FALSE;
static void glade_db_iterator_on_generate_params (GladeWidget * iterator)
gboolean use_file = TRUE;
gchar * sql = NULL;
gchar * message = _("The model must have \"SQL\" set and \"Use file\" set to 'No'.");
const gchar * name = glade_widget_get_name (iterator);
SqlSelect * select;
GladeWidget * model_w;
DbModel * model = NULL;
GError * err = NULL;
GList * params =
vn_iterator_get_params (DB_SIMPLE_ITERATOR (glade_widget_get_object (iterator)));
if (params)
glade_util_ui_message (glade_app_get_window (), GLADE_UI_INFO, NULL,
_("%s can't have children before automatic generation."), name);
g_list_free (params);
glade_widget_property_get (iterator, "data-model", &model, NULL);
if (!model)
glade_util_ui_message (glade_app_get_window (), GLADE_UI_INFO, NULL,
_("%s must have \"Model\" set. %s"), name, message);
model_w = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (model);
glade_widget_property_get (model_w, "use-file", &use_file);
glade_widget_property_get (model_w, "sql", &sql);
if (use_file || !sql)
glade_util_ui_message (glade_app_get_window (), GLADE_UI_INFO, NULL, message, NULL);
select = SQL_SELECT (sql_parser_parse (sql, &err));
if (!err)
SqlList * list;
GList * l, * fields;
GladeProject * project = glade_widget_get_project (iterator);
gint field_pos = 0;
g_object_get (select, "fields", &list, NULL);
fields = sql_list_get_items (list);
glade_command_push_group (_("Automatic generation of params for %s"), name);
for (l = fields; l; l = l->next, field_pos++)
const gchar * param_name = NULL;
gchar * param_new_name = NULL;
GladeWidget * param;
SqlSelectField * field = l->data;
param = glade_command_create (glade_widget_adaptor_get_by_type (DB_TYPE_PARAM),
iterator, NULL, project);
param_name = sql_select_field_get_alias (field);
if (!param_name)
SqlExpr * expr;
g_object_get (field, "expr", &expr, NULL);
if (SQL_IS_FIELD (expr))
param_name = sql_field_get_name (SQL_FIELD (expr));
if (param_name)
if (!glade_project_available_widget_name (project, param, param_name))
param_new_name = glade_project_new_widget_name (project, param, param_name);
glade_project_set_widget_name (project, param, param_new_name ? param_new_name : param_name);
glade_widget_property_set (param, "column-name", param_name);
g_free (param_new_name);
glade_widget_property_set (param, "column-index", field_pos);
glade_command_pop_group ();
g_object_unref (list);
g_warning ("%s", err->message);
g_error_free (err);
static void glade_db_iterator_child_selected (GladeBaseEditor * editor,
GladeWidget * child, gpointer data)
glade_base_editor_add_label (editor, _("Parameter"));
glade_base_editor_add_default_properties (editor, child);
glade_base_editor_add_label (editor, _("Properties"));
glade_base_editor_add_editable (editor, child, GLADE_PAGE_GENERAL);
static gboolean glade_db_iterator_move_child (GladeBaseEditor * editor,
GladeWidget * parent, GladeWidget * child, gpointer data)
return FALSE;
static void glade_db_iterator_on_launch_editor (GObject * iterator)
GladeBaseEditor * editor;
GladeEditable * param_editor;
GtkWidget * window;
GladeWidget * widget = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (iterator);
GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor = glade_widget_get_adaptor (widget);
param_editor = glade_widget_adaptor_create_editable (adaptor, GLADE_PAGE_GENERAL);
editor = glade_base_editor_new (glade_widget_get_object (widget),
param_editor, _("Parameter"), DB_TYPE_PARAM, NULL);
g_signal_connect (editor, "child-selected",
G_CALLBACK (glade_db_iterator_child_selected), NULL);
g_signal_connect (editor, "move-child",
G_CALLBACK (glade_db_iterator_move_child), NULL);
gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (editor));
window = glade_base_editor_pack_new_window (editor, _("Iterator Editor"), NULL);
gtk_widget_show (window);
void glade_db_iterator_action_activate (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
GObject * object, const gchar * action_path)
if (!g_strcmp0 (action_path, "generate-params"))
glade_db_iterator_on_generate_params (glade_widget_get_from_gobject (object));
else if (!g_strcmp0 (action_path, "launch-editor"))
glade_db_iterator_on_launch_editor (object);
// XXX Workaround for an error in Glade while loading child params
static GSList * correction_data = NULL;
static void clean_correction_data ()
GSList * l;
for (l = correction_data; l; l = l->next)
g_free (l->data);
g_slist_free (correction_data);
correction_data = NULL;
void glade_db_iterator_read_widget (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
GladeWidget * widget, GladeXmlNode * node)
GSList * l;
GList * n, * children;
GladeXmlNode * links_node;
if (!glade_xml_node_verify (node, GLADE_XML_TAG_WIDGET))
GWA_GET_CLASS (G_TYPE_OBJECT)->read_widget (adaptor, widget, node);
if ((links_node = glade_xml_search_child (node, "child")) == NULL)
// Param name correction
if (!correction_data)
children = glade_widget_adaptor_get_children (adaptor,
glade_widget_get_object (widget));
for (n = children; n; n = n->next)
GladeWidget * w = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (G_OBJECT (n->data));
const gchar * name = glade_widget_get_name (w);
for (l = correction_data; l; l = l->next)
if (g_str_has_suffix (name, (gchar *) l->data))
glade_widget_set_name (w, (gchar *) l->data);
clean_correction_data ();
void glade_db_param_read_widget (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
GladeWidget * widget, GladeXmlNode * node)
GladeWidget * parent;
if (!glade_xml_node_verify (node, GLADE_XML_TAG_WIDGET))
GWA_GET_CLASS (G_TYPE_OBJECT)->read_widget (adaptor, widget, node);
parent = glade_widget_get_parent (widget);
if (!parent || !DB_IS_ITERATOR (glade_widget_get_object (parent)))
correction_data = g_slist_prepend (correction_data,
g_strdup (glade_widget_get_name (widget)));