require('require-yaml'); require('colors'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const ZongJi = require('./zongji'); const mysql = require('mysql2/promise'); const amqp = require('amqplib'); const allEvents = [ 'writerows', 'updaterows', 'deleterows' ]; module.exports = class MyCDC { constructor() { this.running = false; this.filename = null; this.position = null; this.schemaMap = new Map(); this.fks = new Set(); this.queues = {}; } async start() { const defaultConfig = require('./config.yml'); const config = this.config = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig); const localPath = path.join(__dirname, 'config.local.yml'); if (fs.existsSync(localPath)) { const localConfig = require(localPath); Object.assign(config, localConfig); } const queues = config.queues; for (const queueName in queues) { const includeSchema = queues[queueName].includeSchema; for (const schemaName in includeSchema) { let tableMap = this.schemaMap.get(schemaName); if (!tableMap) { tableMap = new Map(); this.schemaMap.set(schemaName, tableMap); } const schema = includeSchema[schemaName]; for (const tableName in schema) { const table = schema[tableName]; //if (typeof table !== 'object') continue; let tableInfo = tableMap.get(tableName); if (!tableInfo) { tableInfo = { queues: new Map(), events: new Map(), columns: new Map(), fk: 'id' }; tableMap.set(tableName, tableInfo); } tableInfo.queues.set(queueName, table); const events = || allEvents; for (const event of events) { let eventInfo =; if (!eventInfo) { eventInfo = [];, eventInfo); } eventInfo.push(queueName); } const columns = table.columns; for (const column of columns) { let columnInfo = tableInfo.columns.get(column); if (!columnInfo) { columnInfo = []; tableInfo.columns.set(column, columnInfo); } columnInfo.push(queueName); } if ( =; } this.schemaMap.set(schemaName, tableMap); } } const includeSchema = {}; for (const [schemaName, tableMap] of this.schemaMap) includeSchema[schemaName] = Array.from(tableMap.keys()); this.opts = { includeEvents: [ 'rotate', 'tablemap', 'writerows', 'updaterows', 'deleterows' ], includeSchema }; if (config.testMode) console.log('Test mode enabled, just logging queries to console.'); console.log('Starting process.'); await this.init(); console.log('Process started.'); } async stop() { console.log('Stopping process.'); await this.end(); console.log('Process stopped.'); } async init() { const config = this.config; this.debug('MyCDC', 'Initializing.'); this.onErrorListener = err => this.onError(err); // DB connection this.db = await mysql.createConnection(config.db); this.db.on('error', this.onErrorListener); // RabbitMQ this.publisher = await amqp.connect(config.amqp); = await this.publisher.createChannel(); for (const queueName in config.queues) { await, { durable: true }); } // Zongji const zongji = new ZongJi(config.db); this.zongji = zongji; this.onBinlogListener = evt => this.onBinlog(evt); zongji.on('binlog', this.onBinlogListener); const [res] = await this.db.query( 'SELECT `logName`, `position` FROM `binlogQueue` WHERE code = ?', [config.queue] ); if (res.length) { const [row] = res; this.filename = row.logName; this.position = row.position; Object.assign(this.opts, { filename: this.filename, position: this.position }); } else this.opts.startAtEnd = true; this.debug('Zongji', 'Starting.'); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onReady = () => {'error', onError); resolve(); }; const onError = err => { this.zongji = null;'ready', onReady);'binlog', this.onBinlogListener); reject(err); } zongji.once('ready', onReady); zongji.once('error', onError); zongji.start(this.opts); }); this.debug('Zongji', 'Started.'); this.zongji.on('error', this.onErrorListener); this.flushInterval = setInterval( () => this.flushQueue(), config.flushInterval); this.pingInterval = setInterval( () => this.connectionPing(), config.pingInterval * 1000); // Summary this.running = true; this.debug('MyCDC', 'Initialized.'); } async end(silent) { const zongji = this.zongji; if (!zongji) return; this.debug('MyCDC', 'Ending.'); // Zongji clearInterval(this.flushInterval); clearInterval(this.pingInterval);'binlog', this.onBinlogListener);'error', this.onErrorListener); this.zongji = null; this.running = false; this.debug('Zongji', 'Stopping.'); // FIXME: Cannot call Zongji.stop(), it doesn't wait to end connection zongji.connection.destroy(() => { console.log('zongji.connection.destroy'); }); await new Promise(resolve => { zongji.ctrlConnection.query('KILL ' + zongji.connection.threadId, err => { if (err && !silent) console.error(err); resolve(); }); }); zongji.ctrlConnection.destroy(() => { console.log('zongji.ctrlConnection.destroy'); }); zongji.emit('stopped'); this.debug('Zongji', 'Stopped.'); // RabbitMQ await this.publisher.close(); // DB connection'error', this.onErrorListener); // FIXME: mysql2/promise bug, db.end() ends process this.db.on('error', () => {}); try { await this.db.end(); } catch (err) { if (!silent) console.error(err); } // Summary this.debug('MyCDC', 'Ended.'); } async tryRestart() { try { await this.init(); console.log('Process restarted.'); } catch(err) { setTimeout(() => this.tryRestart(), 30); } } async onError(err) { console.log(`Error: ${err.code}: ${err.message}`); try { await this.end(true); } catch(e) {} switch (err.code) { case 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST': case 'ECONNRESET': console.log('Trying to restart process.'); await this.tryRestart(); break; default: process.exit(); } } onBinlog(evt) { //evt.dump(); const eventName = evt.getEventName(); if (eventName === 'tablemap') return; if (eventName === 'rotate') { this.filename = evt.binlogName; this.position = evt.position; console.log(`[${eventName}] filename: ${this.filename}`, `position: ${this.position}`); return; } const table = evt.tableMap[evt.tableId]; const tableMap = this.schemaMap.get(table.parentSchema); if (!tableMap) return; const tableInfo = tableMap.get(table.tableName); if (!tableInfo) return; const queueNames =; if (!queueNames) return; const rows = evt.rows; const queues = this.config.queues; const tableQueues = tableInfo.queues; const changes = new Map(); for (const queueName of queueNames) { const change = { mode: queues[queueName].mode }; changes.set(queueName, change); switch(change.mode) { case 'fk': change.fks = new Set(); break; case 'changes': change.rows = {}; break; } } function addChange(row, queueNames) { for (const queueName of queueNames) { const queueInfo = tableQueues.get(queueName); const change = changes.get(queueName); switch(change.mode) { case 'fk': change.fks.add(row[]); break; case 'changes': const queueRow = {}; for (const column of queueInfo.columns) if (row[column] !== undefined) queueRow[column] = row[column]; change.rows[row[]] = queueRow; break; } } } const columnMap = tableInfo.columns; const columns = columnMap.keys(); if (eventName === 'updaterows') { const changedQueues = new Set(); for (const row of rows) { changedQueues.clear(); const after = row.after; for (const col of columns) { if (after[col] === undefined || equals(after[col], row.before[col])) continue; for (const queue of columnMap.get(col)) changedQueues.add(queue); if (changedQueues.size === queueNames.length) break; } if (changedQueues.size) addChange(after, changedQueues); } if (!changes) return; } else { for (const row of rows) addChange(row, queueNames); } for (const [queueName, change] of changes) { const jsonData = { eventName, table: table.tableName, schema: table.parentSchema, mode: change.mode }; let nChanges; switch(change.mode) { case 'fk': jsonData.fks = Array.from(change.fks); nChanges = change.fks.size; break; case 'changes': jsonData.rows = change.rows; nChanges = change.rows.length; break; } if (!nChanges) continue; const data = JSON.stringify(jsonData);, Buffer.from(data), {persistent: true}); console.debug('Queued'.blue, queueName.yellow, `[${eventName}] ${table.tableName}`); } this.position = evt.nextPosition; this.flushed = false; } async flushQueue() { if (this.flushed) return; this.debug('Flush', `filename: ${this.filename}, position: ${this.position}`); const replaceQuery = 'REPLACE INTO `binlogQueue` SET `code` = ?, `logName` = ?, `position` = ?'; if (!this.config.testMode) await this.db.query(replaceQuery, [this.config.queue, this.filename, this.position]); this.flushed = true; } async connectionPing() { this.debug('Ping', 'Sending ping to database.'); // FIXME: Should Zongji.connection be pinged? await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(); }); }) await; } debug(namespace, message) { if (this.config.debug) console.debug(`${namespace}:`.blue, message.yellow); } } function equals(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; const type = typeof a; if (a == null || b == null || type !== typeof b) return false; if (type === 'object' && a.constructor === b.constructor) { if (a instanceof Date) return a.getTime() === b.getTime(); } return false; } function formatValue(value) { if (value instanceof Date) return value.toJSON(); return value; }