const MultiMap = require("./multi-map"); /** * TODO: #5563 Fetch relations and show values in fronted */ module.exports = class ShowDb { init(logger) { Object.assign(this, { logger, conf: logger.conf.showCache, tables: new MultiMap(), valueDb: new MultiMap() }); } checkDb() { const {conf, valueDb} = this; const dbOutdated = this.loops % conf.maxLoops == 0 || this.lastFlush > + * 1000 if (dbOutdated) { valueDb.clear(); this.loops = 0; this.lastFlush =; } this.loops++; } async loadSchema() { const {logger, tables} = this; const {db, schemaMap} = logger; tables.clear(); // Fetch relations with other tables for (const [schema, table, tableInfo] of schemaMap) { const [relations] = await db.query( `SELECT COLUMN_NAME \`col\`, REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA \`schema\`, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME \`table\` FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND COLUMN_NAME IN (?) AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL`, [ table, schema, Array.from(tableInfo.columns.keys()) ] ); tableInfo.relations = new Map(); for (const {col, schema, table} of relations) { if (col == tableInfo.relation) continue; tableInfo.relations.set(col, {schema, table}); tables.setIfEmpty(schema, table, {}); } } const relatedList = Array.from(tables.keys()); // Fetch primary key of related tables const [res] = await db.query( `SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA \`schema\`, TABLE_NAME \`table\`, COLUMN_NAME \`idName\`, COUNT(*) nPks FROM information_schema.\`COLUMNS\` WHERE (TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) IN (?) AND COLUMN_KEY = 'PRI' GROUP BY TABLE_NAME, TABLE_SCHEMA HAVING nPks = 1`, [relatedList] ); for (const {schema, table, idName} of res) tables.get(schema, table).idName = idName; // Fetch show field of related tables const showFields = logger.modelLoader.conf.showFields; const [result] = await db.query( `SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA \`schema\`, TABLE_NAME \`table\`, COLUMN_NAME \`col\` FROM information_schema.\`COLUMNS\` WHERE (TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME) IN (?) AND COLUMN_NAME IN (?) AND COLUMN_KEY <> 'PRI'`, [relatedList, showFields] ); for (const {schema, table, col} of result) { const tableInfo = tables.get(schema, table); let save; if (tableInfo.showField) { const newIndex = showFields.indexOf(col); const oldIndex = showFields.indexOf(tableInfo.showField); save = newIndex < oldIndex; } else save = true; if (save) tableInfo.showField = col; } // Clean tables and relations without required information for (const [schema, table] of relatedList) { const tableInfo = tables.get(schema, table); const {idName, showField} = tableInfo; if (!idName || !showField || idName == showField) { tables.delete(schema, table); continue; } const sqlShowField = db.escapeId(showField); const sqlIdName = db.escapeId(idName); const sqlTable = `${db.escapeId(schema)}.${db.escapeId(table)}`; tableInfo.selectStmt = `SELECT ${sqlIdName} \`id\`, ${sqlShowField} \`val\` FROM ${sqlTable} WHERE ${sqlIdName} IN (?)`; } for (const tableInfo of schemaMap.values()) for (const [col, relation] of tableInfo.relations) { if (!tables.has(relation.schema, relation.table)) tableInfo.relations.delete(col); } } async getValues(db, ops) { const {tables, valueDb} = this; const showIds = new MultiMap(); this.checkDb(); // Fetch relations ids for (const op of ops) { const { relations, showRelation } = op.tableInfo; for (const change of op.changes) { let rows; if (op.action == 'update') rows = [change.newI, change.oldI]; else rows = [change.instance]; if (showRelation) rows.push({[showRelation]: change.row[showRelation]}); for (const row of rows) for (const col in row) { const relation = relations.get(col); if (!relation) continue; const {schema, table} = relation; const id = row[col]; let ids = valueDb.get(schema, table); if (ids && ids.has(id)) continue; ids = showIds.get(schema, table); if (!ids) showIds.set(schema, table, ids = new Set()); ids.add(id); } } } // Query show values to database for (const [schema, table, ids] of showIds) { const tableInfo = tables.get(schema, table); const [res] = await db.query( tableInfo.selectStmt, [Array.from(ids.keys())] ); let cacheIds = valueDb.get(schema, table); if (!cacheIds) valueDb.set(schema, table, cacheIds = new Map()); for (const row of res) cacheIds.set(, row.val); } // Fill rows with show values for (const op of ops) { const { relations, showRelation, showField } = op.tableInfo; for (const change of op.changes) { let rows; if (op.action == 'update') rows = [change.newI, change.oldI]; else rows = [change.instance]; for (const row of rows) for (const col in row) { const relation = relations.get(col); if (!relation) continue; const showValue = getValue(relation, row, col); if (showValue) row[col +'$'] = showValue; } const {row} = change; if (showRelation) { const relation = relations.get(showRelation); change.modelValue = getValue(relation, row, showRelation); } else if (showField) change.modelValue = row[showField]; } } function getValue(relation, row, col) { const {schema, table} = relation; const ids = valueDb.get(schema, table); return ids && ids.get(row[col]) } } }