const path = require('path'); const {loadConfig, toUpperCamelCase} = require('./util'); const MultiMap = require('./multi-map'); /** * Loads model configuration. */ module.exports = class ModelLoader { init(logger, logs = []) { const configDir = path.join(__dirname, '..'); const conf = loadConfig(configDir, 'logs'); const schemaMap = new MultiMap(); const logMap = new Map(); Object.assign(this, { logger, conf }); Object.assign(logger, { schemaMap, logMap }); if(!conf.logs ) conf.logs = {} Object.keys(conf.logs??{}).length > 0 && console.warn('‼️ - Existen modelos NO exportados') Object.assign(conf.logs, logs) for (const logName in conf.logs) { const logConf = conf.logs[logName]; const schema = logConf.schema || logger.conf.dstDb.database; const logInfo = { name: logName, conf: logConf, schema, table: parseTable(logConf.logTable, schema), mainTable: parseTable(logConf.mainTable, schema) }; logMap.set(logName, logInfo); const mainTable = addTable(logConf.mainTable, logInfo); mainTable.isMain = true; if (logConf.tables) for (const tableConf of logConf.tables){ const table = addTable(tableConf, logInfo); if (table !== mainTable) { Object.assign(table, { main: mainTable, isMain: false }); } } } function addTable(tableConf, logInfo) { if (typeof tableConf == 'string') tableConf = {name: tableConf}; const table = parseTable(, logInfo.schema); let tableInfo = schemaMap.get(table.schema,; if (!tableInfo) { tableInfo = { conf: tableConf, logInfo }; schemaMap.set(table.schema,, tableInfo); } let modelName = tableConf.modelName; if (!modelName) { modelName = conf.upperCaseTable ? toUpperCamelCase( :; } Object.assign(tableInfo, { conf: tableConf, modelName, relation: tableConf.relation }); return tableInfo; } } async loadSchema() { const {db, schemaMap} = this.logger; const {conf} = this; const excludeFields = new Set(conf.excludeFields); const excludeRegex = conf.excludeRegex ? new RegExp(conf.excludeRegex) : null; const localProps = [ 'idName', 'showField', 'logFields' ]; const globalProps = [ 'userField', 'rowExcludeField' ]; for (const [schema, table, tableInfo] of schemaMap) { const tableConf = tableInfo.conf; for (const prop of localProps) tableInfo[prop] = tableConf[prop]; for (const prop of globalProps) tableInfo[prop] = tableConf[prop] !== undefined ? tableConf[prop] : conf[prop]; // Fetch columns & types const columns = new Set(); Object.assign (tableInfo, { castTypes: new Map(), columns }); if (tableConf.types) for (const col in tableConf.types) tableInfo.castTypes.set(col, tableConf.types[col]); const [dbCols] = await db.query( `SELECT COLUMN_NAME \`col\`, DATA_TYPE \`type\` FROM information_schema.\`COLUMNS\` WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ?`, [table, schema] ); const exclude = new Set(tableConf.exclude); exclude.add(tableInfo.userField); for (const {col, type} of dbCols) { const isExcluded = excludeFields.has(col) || (excludeRegex && excludeRegex.test(col)) || exclude.has(col); if (!isExcluded) columns.add(col); const castType = conf.castTypes[type]; if (castType && !tableInfo.castTypes.has(col)) tableInfo.castTypes.set(col, castType); } // Fetch primary key const {idName} = tableInfo; if (!idName) { const [pks] = await db.query( `SELECT COLUMN_NAME pk FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PRIMARY' AND TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ?`, [table, schema] ); if (!pks.length) throw new Error(`Primary key not found: ${schema}.${table}`); if (pks.length > 1) throw new Error(`Only one column primary is supported: ${schema}.${table}`); const [{pk}] = pks; tableInfo.idName = pk; } else if (!columns.has(idName)) throw new Error(`Primary column not found: ${schema}.${table}.${idName}`); // Get show field const {showField} = tableInfo; if (showField !== null) { if (showField === undefined) { if (!tableInfo.isMain || conf.logMainShowField) for (const field of conf.showFields) { if (columns.has(field)) { tableInfo.showField = field; break; } } } else if (!columns.has(showField)) throw new Error(`Show column not found: ${schema}.${table}.${showField}`); } } for (const [schema, table, tableInfo] of schemaMap) { // Fetch relation to main table if (!tableInfo.conf.relation && !tableInfo.isMain) { const mainTable = tableInfo.logInfo.mainTable; const mainInfo = schemaMap.get(mainTable.schema,; const [mainRelations] = await db.query( `SELECT COLUMN_NAME relation FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = ? AND REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = ?`, [ table, schema,, mainTable.schema, mainInfo.idName ] ); if (!mainRelations.length) throw new Error(`No relation to main table found for table: ${schema}.${table}`); if (mainRelations.length > 1) throw new Error(`Found more multiple relations to main table: ${schema}.${table}`); for (const {relation} of mainRelations) tableInfo.relation = relation; } // Set instance columns const {columns} = tableInfo; const cols = new Set(columns); if (!conf.logId) cols.delete(tableInfo.idName); if (!conf.logRelation) cols.delete(tableInfo.relation); tableInfo.instanceColumns = [...cols.keys()]; } } } function parseTable(tableString, defaultSchema) { let name, schema; const split = tableString.split('.'); if (split.length == 1) { name = split[0]; schema = defaultSchema; } else { [schema, name] = split; } return {name, schema}; }