const MyVC = require('./index'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const ejs = require('ejs'); class Pull { async run(myvc, opts) { const conn = await myvc.dbConnect(); for (const exporter of exporters) await exporter.init(); const exportDir = `${opts.workspace}/routines`; if (await fs.pathExists(exportDir)) await fs.remove(exportDir, {recursive: true}); await fs.mkdir(exportDir); for (const schema of opts.schemas) { let schemaDir = `${exportDir}/${schema}`; if (!await fs.pathExists(schemaDir)) await fs.mkdir(schemaDir); for (const exporter of exporters) await exporter.export(conn, exportDir, schema); } } } class Exporter { constructor(objectName) { this.objectName = objectName; this.dstDir = `${objectName}s`; } async init() { const templateDir = `${__dirname}/exporters/${this.objectName}`; this.query = await fs.readFile(`${templateDir}.sql`, 'utf8'); const templateFile = await fs.readFile(`${templateDir}.ejs`, 'utf8'); this.template = ejs.compile(templateFile); if (await fs.pathExists(`${templateDir}.js`)) this.formatter = require(`${templateDir}.js`); } async export(conn, exportDir, schema) { const [res] = await conn.query(this.query, [schema]); if (!res.length) return; const routineDir = `${exportDir}/${schema}/${this.dstDir}`; if (!await fs.pathExists(routineDir)) await fs.mkdir(routineDir); for (const params of res) { if (this.formatter) this.formatter(params, schema) params.schema = schema; let sql = this.template(params); await fs.writeFile(`${routineDir}/${}.sql`, sql); } } } const exporters = [ new Exporter('function'), new Exporter('procedure'), new Exporter('view'), new Exporter('trigger'), new Exporter('event') ]; module.exports = Pull; if (require.main === module) new MyVC().run(Pull);