const ejs = require('ejs'); const shajs = require('sha.js'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); function camelToSnake(str) { return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => `-${match.toLowerCase()}`); } class Exporter { constructor(engine, objectType, conn) { this.engine = engine; this.objectType = objectType; this.dstDir = `${objectType}s`; this.conn = conn; } async init() { const templateDir = `${__dirname}/exporters/${this.objectType}`; this.sql = await fs.readFile(`${templateDir}.sql`, 'utf8'); const templateFile = await fs.readFile(`${templateDir}.ejs`, 'utf8'); this.template = ejs.compile(templateFile); this.attrs = require(`${templateDir}.js`); } async export(exportDir, schema, newSums, oldSums, update) { const res = await this.query(schema); if (!res.length) return; const routineDir = `${exportDir}/${schema}/${this.dstDir}`; if (!await fs.pathExists(routineDir)) await fs.mkdir(routineDir); const routineSet = new Set(); for (const params of res) routineSet.add(; const routines = await fs.readdir(routineDir); for (const routineFile of routines) { const match = routineFile.match(/^(.*)\.sql$/); if (!match) continue; const routine = match[1]; if (!routineSet.has(routine)) await fs.remove(`${routineDir}/${routine}.sql`); } for (const params of res) { const routineName =; const sql = this.format(params); const routineFile = `${routineDir}/${routineName}.sql`; const shaSum = this.engine.shaSum(sql); newSums[routineName] = shaSum; if (oldSums[routineName] !== shaSum || update) await fs.writeFile(routineFile, sql); } } async query(schema, name) { const {conn} = this; const ops = []; function addOp(col, value) { ops.push(conn.format('?? = ?', [col, value])); } if (schema) addOp(this.attrs.schemaCol, schema); if (name) addOp(this.attrs.nameCol, name); const filter = { toSqlString() { return ops.join(' AND '); } } const [res] = await conn.query(this.sql, [filter]); return res; } format(params) { const {conn, attrs} = this; if (attrs.formatter) attrs.formatter(params, conn); if (attrs.escapeCols) for (const escapeCol of attrs.escapeCols) { if (params[escapeCol]) params[escapeCol] = conn.escape(params[escapeCol]) } const split = params.definer.split('@'); params.schema = conn.escapeId(params.schema, true); = conn.escapeId(, true); params.definer = `${conn.escapeId(split[0], true)}@${conn.escapeId(split[1], true)}`; return this.template(params); } } class ExporterEngine { constructor(conn, myvcDir) { this.conn = conn; this.shaFile = `${myvcDir}/.shasums.json`; this.exporters = []; this.exporterMap = {}; } async init () { if (await fs.pathExists(this.shaFile)) this.shaSums = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(this.shaFile, 'utf8')); else this.shaSums = {}; const types = [ 'function', 'procedure', 'view', 'trigger', 'event' ]; for (const type of types) { const exporter = new Exporter(this, type, this.conn); await exporter.init(); this.exporters.push(exporter); this.exporterMap[type] = exporter; } } async fetchRoutine(type, schema, name) { const exporter = this.exporterMap[type]; const [row] = await exporter.query(schema, name); return row && exporter.format(row); } async fetchShaSum(type, schema, name) { const sql = await this.fetchRoutine(type, schema, name); this.setShaSum(type, schema, name, this.shaSum(sql)); } shaSum(sql) { if (!sql) return null; return shajs('sha256') .update(JSON.stringify(sql)) .digest('hex'); } setShaSum(type, schema, name, shaSum) { if (!shaSum) { this.deleteShaSum(type, schema, name); return; } const shaSums = this.shaSums; if (!shaSums[schema]) shaSums[schema] = {}; if (!shaSums[schema][type]) shaSums[schema][type] = {}; shaSums[schema][type][name] = shaSum; } deleteShaSum(type, schema, name) { try { delete this.shaSums[schema][type][name]; } catch (e) {}; } async saveShaSums() { await fs.writeFile(this.shaFile, JSON.stringify(this.shaSums, null, ' ')); } } module.exports.camelToSnake = camelToSnake; module.exports.Exporter = Exporter; module.exports.ExporterEngine = ExporterEngine;