const MyVC = require('./myvc'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const nodegit = require('nodegit'); /** * Pushes changes to remote. * * @property {Boolean} force Answer yes to all questions * @property {Boolean} user Whether to change current user version */ class Push { get myOpts() { return { alias: { force: 'f', user: 'u' } }; } async run(myvc, opts) { const conn = await myvc.dbConnect(); this.conn = conn; const version = await myvc.fetchDbVersion() || {}; console.log( `Database information:` + `\n -> Version: ${version.number}` + `\n -> Commit: ${version.gitCommit}` ); if (!version.number) version.number = '00000'; if (!/^[0-9]*$/.test(version.number)) throw new Error('Wrong database version'); if (opts.user) { const user = await this.getDbUser(); let [[userVersion]] = await conn.query( `SELECT number, gitCommit FROM versionUser WHERE code = ? AND user = ?`, [opts.code, user] ); userVersion = userVersion || {}; console.log( `User information:` + `\n -> User: ${user}` + `\n -> Version: ${userVersion.number}` + `\n -> Commit: ${userVersion.gitCommit}` ); if (userVersion.number > version.number) version.number = userVersion.number; if (userVersion.gitCommit && userVersion.gitCommit !== version.gitCommit) version.gitCommit = userVersion.gitCommit; } if (opts.remote == 'production') { console.log( '\n ( ( ) ( ( ) ) ' + '\n )\\ ))\\ ) ( /( )\\ ) ( ))\\ ) ( /( ( /( ' + '\n(()/(()/( )\\()|()/( ( )\\ ) /(()/( )\\()) )\\())' + '\n /(_))(_)|(_)\\ /(_)) )\\ (((_) ( )(_))(_)|(_)\\ ((_)\\ ' + '\n(_))(_)) ((_|_))_ _ ((_))\\___(_(_()|__)) ((_) _((_)' + '\n| _ \\ _ \\ / _ \\| \\| | | ((/ __|_ _|_ _| / _ \\| \\| |' + '\n| _/ /| (_) | |) | |_| || (__ | | | | | (_) | . |' + '\n|_| |_|_\\ \\___/|___/ \\___/ \\___| |_| |___| \\___/|_|\\_|' + '\n' ); if (!opts.force) { const readline = require('readline'); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); const answer = await new Promise(resolve => { rl.question('Are you sure? (Default: no) [yes|no] ', resolve); }); rl.close(); if (answer !== 'yes') throw new Error('Changes aborted'); } } console.log('Applying versions.'); const pushConn = await myvc.createConnection(); let nChanges = 0; const versionsDir = `${opts.workspace}/versions`; function logVersion(type, version, name) { console.log('', type.bold, `[${version.bold}]`, name); } if (await fs.pathExists(versionsDir)) { const versionDirs = await fs.readdir(versionsDir); for (const versionDir of versionDirs) { if (versionDir == '') continue; const match = versionDir.match(/^([0-9]{5})-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$/); if (!match) { logVersion('[W]'.yellow, '?????', versionDir); continue; } const dirVersion = match[1]; const versionName = match[2]; if (version.number >= dirVersion) { logVersion('[I]'.blue, dirVersion, versionName); continue; } logVersion('[+]'.green, dirVersion, versionName); const scriptsDir = `${versionsDir}/${versionDir}`; const scripts = await fs.readdir(scriptsDir); for (const script of scripts) { if (!/^[0-9]{2}-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.sql$/.test(script)) { console.log(` - Ignoring wrong file name: ${script}`); continue; } console.log(` - ${script}`); await this.queryFromFile(pushConn, `${scriptsDir}/${script}`); nChanges++; } await this.updateVersion(nChanges, 'number', dirVersion); } } console.log('Applying changed routines.'); let nRoutines = 0; let changes = await fs.pathExists(`${opts.workspace}/.git`) ? await myvc.changedRoutines(version.gitCommit) : await myvc.cachedChanges(); changes = this.parseChanges(changes); await conn.query( `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tProcsPriv ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT * FROM mysql.procs_priv LIMIT 0` ); const routines = []; for (const change of changes) if (change.isRoutine) routines.push([change.schema,]); if (routines.length) { await conn.query( `DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tProcsPriv` ); await conn.query( `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tProcsPriv ENGINE = MEMORY SELECT * FROM mysql.procs_priv WHERE (Db, Routine_name) IN (?)`, [routines] ); } for (const change of changes) { const fullPath = `${opts.workspace}/routines/${change.path}.sql`; const exists = await fs.pathExists(fullPath); const actionMsg = exists ? '[+]'.green : '[-]'.red; const typeMsg = `[${change.type.abbr}]`[change.type.color]; console.log('', actionMsg.bold, typeMsg.bold, change.fullName); try { const scapedSchema = pushConn.escapeId(change.schema, true); if (exists) { await pushConn.query(`USE ${scapedSchema}`); await this.queryFromFile(pushConn, `routines/${change.path}.sql`); } else { const escapedName = scapedSchema + '.' + pushConn.escapeId(, true); const query = `DROP ${} IF EXISTS ${escapedName}`; await pushConn.query(query); } } catch (err) { if (err.sqlState) console.warn('Warning:'.yellow, err.message); else throw err; } nRoutines++; } if (routines.length) { await conn.query( `INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.procs_priv SELECT * FROM tProcsPriv` ); await conn.query( `DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tProcsPriv` ); } await pushConn.end(); if (nRoutines > 0) { await conn.query('FLUSH PRIVILEGES'); console.log(` -> ${nRoutines} routines have changed.`); } else console.log(` -> No routines changed.`); const repo = await; const head = await repo.getHeadCommit(); if (version.gitCommit !== head.sha()) await this.updateVersion(nRoutines, 'gitCommit', head.sha()); } parseChanges(changes) { const routines = []; if (changes) for (const change of changes) routines.push(new Routine(change)); return routines; } async getDbUser() { const [[row]] = await this.conn.query('SELECT USER() `user`'); return row.user.substr(0, row.user.indexOf('@')); } async updateVersion(nChanges, column, value) { if (nChanges == 0) return; const {opts} = this; column = this.conn.escapeId(column, true); if (opts.user) { const user = await this.getDbUser(); await this.conn.query( `INSERT INTO versionUser SET code = ?, user = ?, ${column} = ? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ${column} = VALUES(${column})`, [ opts.code, user, value ] ); } else { await this.conn.query( `INSERT INTO version SET code = ?, ${column} = ? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ${column} = VALUES(${column})`, [ opts.code, value ] ); } } /** * Executes an SQL script. * * @param {String} file Path to the SQL script * @returns {Array} The resultset */ async queryFromFile(conn, file) { let results = []; const stmts = this.querySplit(await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8')); for (const stmt of stmts) results = results.concat(await conn.query(stmt)); return results; } /** * Splits an SQL muti-query into a single-query array, it does an small * parse to correctly handle the DELIMITER statement. * * @param {Array} stmts The splitted SQL statements */ querySplit(sql) { const stmts = []; let i, char, token, escaped, stmtStart; let delimiter = ';'; const delimiterRe = /\s*delimiter\s+(\S+)[^\S\r\n]*(?:\r?\n|\r)/yi; function begins(str) { let j; for (j = 0; j < str.length; j++) if (sql[i + j] != str[j]) return false; i += j; return true; } for (i = 0; i < sql.length;) { stmtStart = i; delimiterRe.lastIndex = i; const match = sql.match(delimiterRe); if (match) { delimiter = match[1]; i += match[0].length; continue; } while (i < sql.length) { char = sql[i]; if (token) { if (!escaped && begins(token.end)) token = null; else { escaped = !escaped && token.escape(char); i++; } } else { if (begins(delimiter)) break; const tok = tokenIndex.get(char); if (tok && begins(tok.start)) token = tok; else i++; } } const len = i - stmtStart - delimiter.length; stmts.push(sql.substr(stmtStart, len)); } const len = stmts.length; if (len > 1 && /^\s*$/.test(stmts[len - 1])) stmts.pop(); return stmts; } } const typeMap = { events: { name: 'EVENT', abbr: 'EVNT', color: 'cyan' }, functions: { name: 'FUNCTION', abbr: 'FUNC', color: 'cyan' }, procedures: { name: 'PROCEDURE', abbr: 'PROC', color: 'yellow' }, triggers: { name: 'TRIGGER', abbr: 'TRIG', color: 'blue' }, views: { name: 'VIEW', abbr: 'VIEW', color: 'magenta' }, }; class Routine { constructor(change) { const path = change.path; const split = path.split('/'); const schema = split[0]; const type = typeMap[split[1]]; const name = split[2]; Object.assign(this, { path, mark: change.mark, type, schema, name, fullName: `${schema}.${name}`, isRoutine: ['FUNC', 'PROC'].indexOf(type.abbr) !== -1 }); } } const tokens = { string: { start: '\'', end: '\'', escape: char => char == '\'' || char == '\\' }, id: { start: '`', end: '`', escape: char => char == '`' }, multiComment: { start: '/*', end: '*/', escape: () => false }, singleComment: { start: '-- ', end: '\n', escape: () => false } }; const tokenIndex = new Map(); for (const tokenId in tokens) { const token = tokens[tokenId]; tokenIndex.set(token.start[0], token); } module.exports = Push; if (require.main === module) new MyVC().run(Push);