const Myt = require('./myt'); const Command = require('./lib/command'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); /** * Creates a new version. */ class Version extends Command { static usage = { description: 'Creates a new version', params: { name: 'Name for the new version', deprecate: 'Whether to generate sql to delete deprecated objects' }, operand: 'name' }; static opts = { alias: { name: 'n', deprecate: 'kk' }, string: [ 'name' ], boolean: [ 'deprecate' ], default: { remote: 'production' } }; static reporter = { dbInfo: function(number, lastNumber) { console.log( `Database information:` + `\n -> Version: ${number}` + `\n -> Last version: ${lastNumber}` ); }, versionCreated: function(versionName) { console.log(`New version created: ${versionName}`); }, deprecate: 'Generating sql.' }; async run(myt, opts) { let newVersionDir; // Fetch last version number const conn = await myt.dbConnect(); try { await conn.query('START TRANSACTION'); const [[row]] = await conn.query( `SELECT number, lastNumber FROM version WHERE code = ? FOR UPDATE`, [opts.code] ); const number = row && row.number; const lastNumber = row && row.lastNumber; this.emit('dbInfo', number, lastNumber); let newVersion; if (lastNumber) newVersion = Math.max( parseInt(number) || 0, parseInt(lastNumber) || 0 ) + 1; else newVersion = 1; const versionDigits = number ? number.length : opts.versionDigits; newVersion = String(newVersion).padStart(versionDigits, '0'); // Get version name let versionName =; const versionNames = new Set(); const versionDirs = await fs.readdir(opts.versionsDir); for (const versionDir of versionDirs) { const version = myt.parseVersionDir(versionDir); if (!version) continue; versionNames.add(; } if (!versionName) { let attempts; const maxAttempts = 1000; for (attempts = 0; attempts < maxAttempts; attempts++) { versionName = randomName(); if (!versionNames.has(versionName)) break; } if (attempts === maxAttempts) throw new Error(`Cannot create a unique version name after ${attempts} attempts`); } else { const isNameValid = typeof versionName === 'string' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(versionName); if (!isNameValid) throw new Error('Version name can only contain letters or numbers'); if (versionNames.has(versionName)) throw new Error('Version with same name already exists'); } // Create version const versionFolder = `${newVersion}-${versionName}`; newVersionDir = `${opts.versionsDir}/${versionFolder}`; await conn.query( `INSERT INTO version SET code = ?, lastNumber = ? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastNumber = VALUES(lastNumber)`, [opts.code, newVersion] ); await fs.mkdir(newVersionDir); let content; if (opts.deprecate) { this.emit('deprecate'); content = await deprecate(); } else content = '-- Place your SQL code here\n' await fs.writeFile( `${newVersionDir}/00-firstScript.sql`, content ); this.emit('versionCreated', versionFolder); await conn.query('COMMIT'); } catch (err) { await conn.query('ROLLBACK'); if (newVersionDir && await fs.pathExists(newVersionDir)) await fs.remove(newVersionDir); throw err; } } } async function deprecate() { const [[config]] = await conn.query(` SELECT dateRegex, deprecatedMarkRegex, VN_CURDATE() - INTERVAL daysKeepDeprecatedObjects DAY dated FROM config `); const sql = await conn.query(` WITH variables AS ( SELECT ? markRegex, ? dateRegex, ? dated ) SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', c.TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', c.TABLE_NAME, ' DROP PRIMARY KEY;') sql FROM information_schema.COLUMNS c LEFT JOIN information_schema.VIEWS v ON v.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND v.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME JOIN information_schema.STATISTICS s ON s.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND s.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND s.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME JOIN variables var WHERE c.COLUMN_NAME REGEXP var.markRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci AND REGEXP_SUBSTR(c.COLUMN_COMMENT, var.dateRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci) < var.dated AND v.TABLE_NAME IS NULL AND s.INDEX_NAME = 'PRIMARY' UNION SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', c.TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', c.TABLE_NAME, ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ', kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME, ';') FROM information_schema.COLUMNS c LEFT JOIN information_schema.VIEWS v ON v.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND v.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE kcu ON kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND kcu.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND kcu.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME JOIN variables var WHERE c.COLUMN_NAME REGEXP var.markRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci AND REGEXP_SUBSTR(c.COLUMN_COMMENT, var.dateRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci) < var.dated AND v.TABLE_NAME IS NULL AND kcu.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', c.TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', c.TABLE_NAME, ' DROP COLUMN ', c.COLUMN_NAME, ';') FROM information_schema.COLUMNS c LEFT JOIN information_schema.VIEWS v ON v.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND v.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME LEFT JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE kcu ON kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND kcu.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND kcu.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME JOIN variables var WHERE c.COLUMN_NAME REGEXP var.markRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci AND REGEXP_SUBSTR(c.COLUMN_COMMENT, var.dateRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci) < var.dated AND v.TABLE_NAME IS NULL UNION SELECT CONCAT('DROP TABLE ', t.TABLE_SCHEMA, '.', t.TABLE_NAME, ';') FROM information_schema.TABLES t JOIN variables var WHERE t.TABLE_NAME REGEXP var.markRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci AND REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.TABLE_COMMENT, var.dateRegex COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci) < var.dated `, [config.deprecatedMarkRegex, config.dateRegex, config.dated]); return => row.sql).join('\n'); } function randomName() { const color = random(colors); let plant = random(plants); plant = plant.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + plant.slice(1); return color + plant; } function random(array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; } const colors = [ 'aqua', 'azure', 'black', 'blue', 'bronze', 'brown', 'chocolate', 'crimson', 'golden', 'gray', 'green', 'lime', 'maroon', 'navy', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'red', 'salmon', 'silver', 'teal', 'turquoise', 'yellow', 'wheat', 'white' ]; const plants = [ 'anthurium', 'aralia', 'arborvitae', 'asparagus', 'aspidistra', 'bamboo', 'birch', 'carnation', 'camellia', 'cataractarum', 'chico', 'chrysanthemum', 'cordyline', 'cyca', 'cymbidium', 'dendro', 'dracena', 'erica', 'eucalyptus', 'fern', 'galax', 'gerbera', 'hydrangea', 'ivy', 'laurel', 'lilium', 'mastic', 'medeola', 'monstera', 'moss', 'oak', 'orchid', 'palmetto', 'paniculata', 'phormium', 'raphis', 'roebelini', 'rose', 'ruscus', 'salal', 'tulip' ]; module.exports = Version; if (require.main === module) new Myt().cli(Version);