const Myt = require('./myt'); const Command = require('./lib/command'); const Push = require('./myt-push'); const docker = require('./lib/docker'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const Server = require('./lib/server'); const connExt = require('./lib/conn'); /** * Builds the database image and runs a container. It only rebuilds the * image when fixtures have been modified or when the day on which the * image was built is different to today. Some workarounds have been used * to avoid a bug with OverlayFS driver on MacOS. */ class Run extends Command { static usage = { description: 'Build and start local database server container', params: { ci: 'Workaround for continuous integration system', random: 'Whether to use a random container name or port' } }; static opts = { alias: { ci: 'c', random: 'r' }, boolean: [ 'ci', 'random' ] }; async run(myt, opts) { const dumpDir = opts.dumpDir; const serverDir = path.join(__dirname, 'server'); if (!await fs.pathExists(`${dumpDir}/.dump.sql`)) throw new Error('To run local database you have to create a dump first'); // Build base image let basePath = dumpDir; let baseDockerfile = path.join(dumpDir, 'Dockerfile'); if (!await fs.pathExists(baseDockerfile)) { basePath = serverDir; baseDockerfile = path.join(serverDir, 'Dockerfile.base'); } await, { tag: 'myt/base', file: baseDockerfile }, opts.debug); // Build server image await, { tag: 'myt/server', file: path.join(serverDir, 'Dockerfile.server') }, opts.debug); // Build dump image const dumpContext = path.join(opts.mytDir, 'dump'); await, { tag: opts.code, file: path.join(serverDir, 'Dockerfile.dump') }, opts.debug); // Run container const isRandom = opts.random; const dbConfig = Object.assign({}, opts.dbConfig); let runOptions; if (isRandom) runOptions = {publish: '3306'}; else { runOptions = { name: opts.code, publish: `3306:${dbConfig.port}` }; try { const server = new Server(new docker.Container(opts.code)); await server.rm(); } catch (e) {} } const runChown = process.platform != 'linux'; Object.assign(runOptions, null, { env: `RUN_CHOWN=${runChown}`, detach: true, volume: `${this.opts.mytDir}:/workspace` }); const ct = await, null, runOptions); const server = new Server(ct, dbConfig); if (isRandom) { try { const netSettings = await ct.inspect({ format: '{{json .NetworkSettings}}' }); if ( = netSettings.Gateway; dbConfig.port = netSettings.Ports['3306/tcp'][0].HostPort; } catch (err) { await server.rm(); throw err; } } await server.wait(); // Apply changes Object.assign(opts, { commit: true, trigger: true, dbConfig }); await myt.runCommand(Push, opts); // Apply fixtures console.log('Applying fixtures.'); await ct.exec(null, '', ['/workspace/dump/fixtures'], 'spawn', opts.debug ); // Create triggers console.log('Creating triggers.'); const conn = await myt.createConnection(); for (const schema of opts.schemas) { const triggersPath = `${opts.routinesDir}/${schema}/triggers`; if (!await fs.pathExists(triggersPath)) continue; const triggersDir = await fs.readdir(triggersPath); for (const triggerFile of triggersDir) await connExt.queryFromFile(conn, `${triggersPath}/${triggerFile}`); } return server; } } module.exports = Run; if (require.main === module) new Myt().run(Run);