#!/usr/bin/env node require('require-yaml'); require('colors'); const getopts = require('getopts'); const packageJson = require('./package.json'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const ini = require('ini'); const path = require('path'); const mysql = require('mysql2/promise'); const nodegit = require('nodegit'); const camelToSnake = require('./lib/util').camelToSnake; class Myt { static usage = { description: 'Utility for database versioning', params: { remote: 'Name of remote to use', workspace: 'The base directory of the project', socket: 'Wether to connect to database via socket', debug: 'Wether to enable debug mode', version: 'Display the version number and exit', help: 'Display this help message' } }; static opts = { alias: { remote: 'r', workspace: 'w', socket: 'k', debug: 'd', version: 'v', help: 'h' }, boolean: [ 'debug', 'version', 'help' ] }; async run(Command) { console.log( 'Myt'.green, `v${packageJson.version}`.magenta ); let baseOpts = this.constructor.opts; baseOpts.default = Object.assign(baseOpts.default || {}, { workspace: process.cwd() }); const opts = this.getopts(baseOpts); if (opts.debug) { console.warn('Debug mode enabled.'.yellow); console.log('Global options:'.magenta, opts); } if (opts.version) process.exit(0); try { const commandName = opts._[0]; if (!Command && commandName) { if (!/^[a-z]+$/.test(commandName)) throw new Error (`Invalid command name '${commandName}'`); const commandFile = path.join(__dirname, `myt-${commandName}.js`); if (!await fs.pathExists(commandFile)) throw new Error (`Unknown command '${commandName}'`); Command = require(commandFile); } if (!Command) { this.showHelp(baseOpts, this.constructor.usage); process.exit(0); } const allOpts = Object.assign({}, baseOpts); if (Command.opts) for (const key in Command.opts) { const baseValue = baseOpts[key]; const cmdValue = Command.opts[key]; if (Array.isArray(baseValue)) allOpts[key] = baseValue.concat(cmdValue); else if (typeof baseValue == 'object') allOpts[key] = Object.assign({}, baseValue, cmdValue); else allOpts[key] = cmdValue; } const commandOpts = this.getopts(allOpts); if (opts.debug) console.log('Command options:'.magenta, commandOpts); Object.assign(opts, commandOpts); const operandToOpt = Command.usage.operand; if (opts._.length >= 2 && operandToOpt) opts[operandToOpt] = opts._[1]; if (opts.debug) console.log('Final options:'.magenta, opts); if (opts.help) { this.showHelp(Command.opts, Command.usage, commandName); process.exit(0); } // Check version let depVersion; const versionRegex = /^[^~]?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).([0-9]+)$/; const wsPackageFile = path.join(opts.workspace, 'package.json'); if (await fs.pathExists(wsPackageFile)) { const wsPackageJson = require(wsPackageFile); try { depVersion = wsPackageJson .dependencies .myt.match(versionRegex); } catch (e) {} } if (depVersion) { const myVersion = packageJson.version.match(versionRegex); const isSameVersion = depVersion[1] === myVersion[1] && depVersion[2] === myVersion[2]; if (!isSameVersion) throw new Error(`Myt version differs a lot from package.json, please run 'npm i' first to install the proper version.`); const isSameMinor = depVersion[3] === myVersion[3]; if (!isSameMinor) console.warn(`Warning! Myt minor version differs from package.json, maybe you shoud run 'npm i' to install the proper version.`.yellow); } // Load method parameter('Workspace:', opts.workspace); parameter('Remote:', opts.remote || 'local'); await this.load(opts); await this.runCommand(Command, opts); await this.unload(); } catch (err) { if (err.name == 'Error' && !opts.debug) { console.error('Error:'.gray, err.message.red); console.log(`You can get more details about the error by passing the 'debug' option.`.yellow); } else console.log(err.stack.magenta); process.exit(1); } function parameter(parameter, value) { console.log(parameter.gray, (value || 'null').blue); } process.exit(); } async runCommand(Command, opts) { const command = new Command(this, opts); return await command.run(this, opts); } async load(opts) { // Configuration file const config = require(`${__dirname}/assets/myt.default.yml`); const configFile = 'myt.config.yml'; const configPath = path.join(opts.workspace, configFile); if (await fs.pathExists(configPath)) Object.assign(config, require(configPath)); Object.assign(opts, config); opts.configFile = configFile; if (!opts.mytDir) opts.mytDir = path.join(opts.workspace, opts.subdir || ''); opts.routinesDir = path.join(opts.mytDir, 'routines'); opts.versionsDir = path.join(opts.mytDir, 'versions'); opts.dumpDir = path.join(opts.mytDir, 'dump'); // Database configuration let iniDir = path.join(__dirname, 'assets'); let iniFile = 'db.ini'; if (opts.remote) { iniDir = `${opts.mytDir}/remotes`; iniFile = `${opts.remote}.ini`; } const iniPath = path.join(iniDir, iniFile); if (!await fs.pathExists(iniPath)) throw new Error(`Database config file not found: ${iniPath}`); let dbConfig; try { const iniConfig = ini.parse(await fs.readFile(iniPath, 'utf8')).client; dbConfig = { host: iniConfig.host, port: iniConfig.port, user: iniConfig.user, password: iniConfig.password, multipleStatements: true, authPlugins: { mysql_clear_password() { return () => iniConfig.password + '\0'; } } }; if (iniConfig.ssl_ca) { dbConfig.ssl = { ca: await fs.readFile(`${opts.mytDir}/${iniConfig.ssl_ca}`), rejectUnauthorized: iniConfig.ssl_verify_server_cert != undefined } } } catch(err) { const newErr = Error(`Cannot process the ini file, check that the syntax is correct: ${iniPath}`); newErr.stack += `\nCaused by: ${err.stack}`; throw newErr; } if (opts.socket) dbConfig.socketPath = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'; Object.assign(opts, { iniFile, dbConfig }); this.opts = opts; } async unload() { if (this.conn) await this.conn.end(); } getopts(opts) { const argv = process.argv.slice(2); const values = getopts(argv, opts); const cleanValues = {}; for (const opt in values) if (opt.length > 1 || opt == '_') cleanValues[opt] = values[opt]; return cleanValues; } async dbConnect() { const {opts} = this; if (!this.conn) { const conn = this.conn = await this.createConnection(); const [[schema]] = await conn.query( `SHOW DATABASES LIKE ?`, [opts.versionSchema] ); if (!schema) await conn.query(`CREATE DATABASE ??`, [opts.versionSchema]); await conn.query(`USE ??`, [opts.versionSchema]); const [[res]] = await conn.query( `SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 tableExists FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_NAME = 'version'`, [opts.versionSchema] ); if (!res.tableExists) { const structure = await fs.readFile( `${__dirname}/assets/structure.sql`, 'utf8'); await conn.query(structure); } } return this.conn; } async createConnection() { return await mysql.createConnection(this.opts.dbConfig); } async fetchDbVersion() { const [[version]] = await this.conn.query( `SELECT number, gitCommit FROM version WHERE code = ?`, [this.opts.code] ); return version; } parseVersionDir(versionDir) { const match = versionDir.match(/^([0-9]+)-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$/); if (!match) return null; return { number: match[1], name: match[2] }; } async openRepo() { const {opts} = this; if (!await fs.pathExists(`${opts.workspace}/.git`)) throw new Error ('Git not initialized'); return await nodegit.Repository.open(opts.workspace); } showHelp(opts, usage, command) { const prefix = `${'Usage:'.gray} [npx] myt`; if (command) { let log = [prefix, command.blue]; if (usage.operand) log.push(`[<${usage.operand}>]`); if (opts) log.push('[]'); console.log(log.join(' ')) } else console.log(`${prefix} [] ${''.blue} []`); if (usage.description) console.log(`${'Description:'.gray} ${usage.description}`); if (opts && opts.alias) { const alias = opts.alias; const boolean = opts.boolean || []; console.log('Options:'.gray); for (const opt in alias) { const paramDescription = usage.params[opt] || ''; let longOpt = opt; if (boolean.indexOf(longOpt) === -1) longOpt += ` `; longOpt = camelToSnake(longOpt).padEnd(22, ' ') console.log(` -${alias[opt]}, --${longOpt} ${paramDescription}`); } } } } module.exports = Myt; if (require.main === module) new Myt().run();