
402 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
const getopts = require('getopts');
const packageJson = require('./package.json');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const ini = require('ini');
const path = require('path');
const mysql = require('mysql2/promise');
const nodegit = require('nodegit');
const camelToSnake = require('./lib').camelToSnake;
class MyVC {
async run(command) {
'MyVC (MySQL Version Control)'.green,
const usage = {
description: 'Utility for database versioning',
params: {
remote: 'Name of remote to use',
workspace: 'The base directory of the project',
socket: 'Wether to connect to database via socket',
debug: 'Wether to enable debug mode',
version: 'Display the version number and exit',
help: 'Display this help message'
const baseOpts = {
alias: {
remote: 'r',
workspace: 'w',
socket: 's',
debug: 'd',
version: 'v',
help: 'h'
boolean: [
'd', 'v', 'h'
default: {
workspace: process.cwd()
const opts = this.getopts(baseOpts);
try {
const commandName = opts._[0];
if (!command && commandName) {
const commands = [
if (commands.indexOf(commandName) == -1)
throw new Error (`Unknown command '${commandName}'`);
const Klass = require(`./myvc-${commandName}`);
command = new Klass();
if (!command) {
this.showHelp(baseOpts, usage);
const commandOpts = this.getopts(command.localOpts);
Object.assign(opts, commandOpts);
const operandToOpt = command.usage.operand;
if (opts._.length >= 2 && operandToOpt)
opts[operandToOpt] = opts._[1];
if (opts.version)
if ( {
this.showHelp(command.localOpts, command.usage, commandName);
// Check version
let depVersion;
const versionRegex = /^[^~]?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).([0-9]+)$/;
const wsPackageFile = path.join(opts.workspace, 'package.json');
if (await fs.pathExists(wsPackageFile)) {
const wsPackageJson = require(wsPackageFile);
try {
depVersion = wsPackageJson
} catch (e) {}
if (depVersion) {
const myVersion = packageJson.version.match(versionRegex);
const isSameVersion =
depVersion[1] === myVersion[1] &&
depVersion[2] === myVersion[2];
if (!isSameVersion)
throw new Error(`This version of MyVC differs from your package.json`);
const isSameMinor = depVersion[3] === myVersion[3];
if (!isSameMinor)
console.warn(`Warning! Minor version of MyVC differs from your package.json`.yellow);
// Load method
parameter('Workspace:', opts.workspace);
parameter('Remote:', opts.remote || 'local');
await this.load(opts);
command.opts = opts;
await, opts);
await this.unload();
} catch (err) {
if ( == 'Error' && !opts.debug) {
} else
throw err;
function parameter(parameter, value) {
console.log(parameter.gray, (value || 'null').blue);
async load(opts) {
// Configuration file
const config = require(`${__dirname}/myvc.default.yml`);
const configFile = 'myvc.config.yml';
const configPath = path.join(opts.workspace, configFile);
if (await fs.pathExists(configPath))
Object.assign(config, require(configPath));
Object.assign(opts, config);
opts.configFile = configFile;
if (!opts.myvcDir)
opts.myvcDir = path.join(opts.workspace, opts.subdir || '');
// Database configuration
let iniDir = __dirname;
let iniFile = 'db.ini';
if (opts.remote) {
iniDir = `${opts.myvcDir}/remotes`;
iniFile = `${opts.remote}.ini`;
const iniPath = path.join(iniDir, iniFile);
if (!await fs.pathExists(iniPath))
throw new Error(`Database config file not found: ${iniPath}`);
const iniConfig = ini.parse(await fs.readFile(iniPath, 'utf8')).client;
const dbConfig = {
port: iniConfig.port,
user: iniConfig.user,
password: iniConfig.password,
multipleStatements: true,
authPlugins: {
mysql_clear_password() {
return () => iniConfig.password + '\0';
if (iniConfig.ssl_ca) {
dbConfig.ssl = {
ca: await fs.readFile(`${opts.myvcDir}/${iniConfig.ssl_ca}`),
rejectUnauthorized: iniConfig.ssl_verify_server_cert != undefined
if (opts.socket)
dbConfig.socketPath = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock';
Object.assign(opts, {
this.opts = opts;
async unload() {
if (this.conn)
await this.conn.end();
getopts(opts) {
const argv = process.argv.slice(2);
const values = getopts(argv, opts);
const cleanValues = {};
for (const opt in values)
if (opt.length > 1 || opt == '_')
cleanValues[opt] = values[opt];
return cleanValues;
async dbConnect() {
const {opts} = this;
if (!this.conn) {
const conn = this.conn = await this.createConnection();
const [[schema]] = await conn.query(
`SHOW DATABASES LIKE ?`, [opts.versionSchema]
if (!schema)
await conn.query(`CREATE DATABASE ??`, [opts.versionSchema]);
const [[res]] = await conn.query(
`SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 tableExists
FROM information_schema.tables
AND TABLE_NAME = 'version'`,
if (!res.tableExists) {
const structure = await fs.readFile(`${__dirname}/structure.sql`, 'utf8');
await conn.query(structure);
return null;
await conn.query(`USE ??`, [opts.versionSchema]);
return this.conn;
async createConnection() {
return await mysql.createConnection(this.opts.dbConfig);
async fetchDbVersion() {
const [[version]] = await this.conn.query(
`SELECT number, gitCommit
FROM version WHERE code = ?`,
return version;
async changedRoutines(commitSha) {
const repo = await this.openRepo();
const changes = [];
const changesMap = new Map();
async function pushChanges(diff) {
if (!diff) return;
const patches = await diff.patches();
for (const patch of patches) {
const path = patch.newFile().path();
const match = path.match(/^routines\/(.+)\.sql$/);
if (!match) continue;
let change = changesMap.get(match[1]);
if (!change) {
change = {path: match[1]};
changesMap.set(match[1], change);
change.mark = patch.isDeleted() ? '-' : '+';
const head = await repo.getHeadCommit();
if (head && commitSha) {
const commit = await repo.getCommit(commitSha);
const commitTree = await commit.getTree();
const headTree = await head.getTree();
const diff = await headTree.diff(commitTree);
await pushChanges(diff);
await pushChanges(await this.getUnstaged(repo));
await pushChanges(await this.getStaged(repo));
return changes.sort((a, b) => {
if (b.mark != a.mark)
return b.mark == '-' ? 1 : -1;
return a.path.localeCompare(b.path);
async openRepo() {
const {opts} = this;
if (!await fs.pathExists(`${opts.workspace}/.git`))
throw new Error ('Git not initialized');
return await;
async getStaged(repo) {
const head = await repo.getHeadCommit();
try {
const emptyTree = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904';
const headTree = await (head
? head.getTree()
: nodegit.Tree.lookup(repo, emptyTree)
return await nodegit.Diff.treeToIndex(repo, headTree, null);
} catch (err) {
console.warn('Cannot fetch staged changes:', err.message);
async getUnstaged(repo) {
return await nodegit.Diff.indexToWorkdir(repo, null, {
async cachedChanges() {
const dumpDir = `${this.opts.myvcDir}/dump`;
const dumpChanges = `${dumpDir}/.changes`;
if (!await fs.pathExists(dumpChanges))
return null;
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(dumpChanges),
//output: process.stdout,
console: false
const changes = [];
for await (const line of rl) {
mark: line.charAt(0),
path: line.substr(1)
return changes;
showHelp(opts, usage, command) {
const prefix = `${'Usage:'.gray} [npx] myvc`;
if (command) {
let log = [prefix,];
if (usage.operand) log.push(`[<${usage.operand}>]`);
if (opts) log.push('[<options>]');
console.log(log.join(' '))
} else
console.log(`${prefix} [<options>] ${'<command>'.blue} [<args>]`);
if (usage.description)
console.log(`${'Description:'.gray} ${usage.description}`);
if (opts) {
this.printOpts(opts, usage, 'alias');
printOpts(opts, usage, group) {
const optGroup = opts[group];
if (optGroup)
for (const opt in optGroup) {
const paramDescription = usage.params[opt] || '';
let longOpt = opt;
if (group !== 'boolean') longOpt += ` <string>`;
longOpt = camelToSnake(longOpt).padEnd(22, ' ')
console.log(` -${optGroup[opt]}, --${longOpt} ${paramDescription}`);
module.exports = MyVC;
if (require.main === module)
new MyVC().run();