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MyVC (MySQL Version Control)
Utilities to ease the maintenance of MySQL database versioning using a Git repository.
Required applications.
- Git
- Node.js = 12.17.0 LTS
- Docker
How to use
Export structure (uses production configuration).
$ myvc structure
Export fixtures (uses production configuration).
$ myvc fixtures
Export routines.
$ myvc routines [environment]
Apply changes into database.
$ myvc apply [-f] [-u] [environment]
Basic information
Create database connection configuration files for each environment at main project folder using the standard MySQL parameters. The predefined environment names are production and testing.
Structure and fixture dumps are located inside dump folder.
- structure.sql
- fixtures.sql
- fixtures.local.sql
Routines are located inside routines folder. It includes procedures, functions, triggers, views and events with the following structure.
`- schema
|- events
| `- eventName.sql
|- functions
| `- functionName.sql
|- procedures
| `- procedureName.sql
|- triggers
| `- triggerName.sql
`- views
`- viewName.sql
Place your versions inside changes folder with the following structure.
|- 00001-firstVersionCodeName
| |- 00-firstExecutedScript.sql
| |- 01-secondScript.sql
| `- 99-lastScript.sql
`- 00002-secondVersion
|- 00-firstExecutedScript.sql
`- 00-sameNumbers.sql