
182 lines
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Raw Normal View History

namespace Vn\Lib;
require_once ('vn/lib/method.php');
require_once ('vn/lib/locale.php');
require_once ('vn/db/db.php');
use Vn\Db\Conn;
use Vn\Lib\Locale;
if (!defined ('_DEBUG_MODE'))
define ('_DEBUG_MODE', FALSE);
if (!defined ('_CONFIG_DIR'))
define ('_CONFIG_DIR', '/etc');
if (!defined ('_LOG_DIR'))
define ('_LOG_DIR', '/var/log');
* Exception thrown when user credentials could not be fetched.
class SessionExpiredException extends \Exception {}
* Exception thrown when user credentials are invalid.
class BadLoginException extends \Exception {}
* Base class for applications.
class App
protected $conn = NULL;
protected $name;
private $conf = NULL;
private $sysConn = NULL;
* Creates e new application object.
* @param name string The application name
function __construct ($name)
$this->name = $name;
* Initializes Application. Should be the first called function in any
* application that uses this class.
function init ()
ini_set ('log_errors', TRUE);
// ini_set ('error_log', _LOG_DIR .'/'. $this->name .'.log');
$configFile = $this->getConfigFile ();
$this->conf = include ($configFile);
register_shutdown_function ([$this, 'deinit']);
* Deinitializes the Application. When init method is called, this
* function is called automatically at the end of the script .
function deinit ()
if ($this->sysConn)
$this->sysConn->close ();
$this->sysConn = NULL;
* Obtains the application version number. It is based on de last
* modification date of the main script.
function getVersion ()
return (int) filectime (__FILE__);
* Gets the configuration file name.
function getConfigFile ()
$configDir = _CONFIG_DIR .'/'. $this->name;
$customFile = "$configDir/";
if (file_exists ($customFile))
return $customFile;
return "$configDir/config.php";
* Creates a new connection object using the configuration parameters and
* the passed user and password.
function createConnection ($user, $password, $persistent = FALSE)
$dbConf = $this->conf['db'];
$host = $dbConf['host'];
if ($persistent)
$host = 'p:'.$host;
$conn = new Conn ();
$conn->open (
$conn->query ('SET @lang = #', [Locale::get ()]);
return $conn;
* Opens the system database connection.
* @return Vn\Db\Conn The connection
function getSysConn ()
if (!$this->sysConn)
$dbConf = $this->conf['db'];
$this->sysConn = $this->createConnection (
$dbConf['user'], base64_decode ($dbConf['pass']), TRUE);
return $this->sysConn;
* Starts the application. Should be implemented by child classes.
function run () {}
* Authenticates the user. Should be reimplemented by child classes.
function login () {}
* Deauthenticates the user. Should be reimplemented by child classes.
function logout () {}
* Runs a method.
function runMethod ($baseDir, $methodName)
if (empty ($methodName))
throw new \Exception ('Method not defined');
if (!isHyphen ($methodName))
throw new \Exception ('Method contains invalid characters');
$className = hyphenToCamelCase ($methodName, TRUE);
$methodFile = "$baseDir/$methodName.php";
include_once ($methodFile);
if (!class_exists ($className))
throw new \Exception ('Method class not exists');
if (!is_subclass_of ($className, __NAMESPACE__ .'\Method'))
throw new \Exception ('Class is not a Method class child');
Locale::addPath ("$baseDir/$methodName");
return new $className ($this);