Merge branch '8410-improveModuleSearchbar' of into 8410-improveModuleSearchbar
gitea/salix-front/pipeline/pr-dev This commit looks good Details

This commit is contained in:
PAU ROVIRA ROSALENY 2025-01-30 13:06:31 +01:00
commit 0d7d60a1e8
173 changed files with 4915 additions and 2719 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -29,5 +29,9 @@ yarn-error.log*
# Cypress directories and files
# VitePress directories and files

View File

@ -1,3 +1,157 @@
# Version 25.04 - 2025-01-28
### Added 🆕
- chore: add task comment by:jorgep
- chore: refs #8198 rollback by:jorgep
- chore: refs #8322 unnecessary prop by:alexm
- feat: refs #7055 added new test case by:provira
- feat: refs #7055 created FilterItemForm test by:provira
- feat: refs #7077 created test for VnInputTime by:provira
- feat: refs #7078 created test for VnJsonValue by:provira
- feat: refs #7087 added more test cases by:provira
- feat: refs #7087 added new test by:provira
- feat: refs #7087 created CardSummary test by:provira
- feat: refs #7088 created test for FetchedTags by:provira
- feat: refs #7202 added new field by:Jon
- feat: refs #7882 Added coords to create a address by:guillermo
- feat: refs #7957 add tooltip and i18n support for search link in VnSearchbar component by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 enhance search functionality and improve data filtering logic by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 open in new tab by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 simplify fn to by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 update VnSearchbar component with improved search URL handling and styling enhancements by:jorgep
- feat: refs #8117 filters and values added as needed by:jtubau
- feat: refs #8197 useHasContent and use in VnSection and RightMenu by:alexm
- feat: refs #8219 added invoice out e2e tests by:Jon
- feat: refs #8219 global invoicing e2e by:Jon
- feat: refs #8220 added barcodes e2e test by:Jon
- feat: refs #8220 created items e2e by:Jon
- feat: refs #8220 modified create item form and added respective e2e by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added account and invoiceOut modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added entry module and fixed translations by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added invoiceIn and travel module by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added moreOptions and use it in customer and ticket summary by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added route and shelving module by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added worker and zone modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 use it in claim, item and order modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8258 added button to pass to uppercase by:provira
- feat: refs #8258 added uppercase option to VnInput by:provira
- feat: refs #8258 added uppercase validation on supplier create by:provira
- feat: refs #8298 add price optimum input and update translations for bonus and price optimum by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8316 add entryFilter prop to VnTable component in EntryList by:jtubau
- feat: refs #8322 added department changes by:provira
- feat: refs #8372 workerPBX by:robert
- feat: refs #8381 add initial and final temperature fields to entry forms and summaries by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8381 add initial and final temperature labels in English and Spanish locales by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8381 add toCelsius filter and update temperature fields in entry forms and summaries by:jgallego
- feat: skip tests by:jorgep
- style: refs #7957 update VnSearchbar padding for improved layout by:jorgep
### Changed 📦
- perf: refs #8219 #8219 minor change by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #8220 on-fetch and added missing translations by:Jon
- perf: refs #8220 on-fetch by:Jon
- perf: refs #8220 translations by:Jon
- perf: refs #8220 use searchbar selector in e2e tests by:Jon
- perf: remove warning default value by:Javier Segarra
- refactor: redirect using params by:Jon
- refactor: refs #7077 removed some comments by:provira
- refactor: refs #7087 removed unused imports by:provira
- refactor: refs #7100 added const mockData by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7100 delete unnecesary set prop by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7100 refactorized with methods by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7957 remove blank by:jorgep
- refactor: refs #8198 simplify data fetching and filtering logic by:jorgep
- refactor: refs #8198 simplify state management and data fetching in ItemDiary component by:jorgep
- refactor: refs #8219 modified e2e tests and fixed some translations by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8219 modified list test, created cypress download folder and added to gitignore by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8219 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8219 use checkNotification command by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8220 added data-cy for e2e tests by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8220 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8220 skip failling test and modifed tag test by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8225 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8247 use new acl for sysadmin by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8316 added claimFilter by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 added entryFilter by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 add new localization keys and update existing ones for entry components by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 moved localizations to local locale by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 move order localization by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 remove unused OrderSearchbar component by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 update EntryCard to use user-filter prop and remove exprBuilder from EntryList by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 used VnSection and VnCardBeta by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8322 changed translations by:provira
- refactor: refs #8322 changed Worker component to use VnSection/VnCardBeta by:provira
- refactor: refs #8322 set department inside worker by:alexm
- refactor: skip intermitent failing test by:Jon
### Fixed 🛠️
- feat: refs #8225 added entry module and fixed translations by:Jon
- fix: added missing translations in InvoiceIn by:provira
- fix: changed invoiceIn for InvoiceIn by:provira
- fix: changed translations to only use "invoicein" by:provira
- fix: department descriptor link by:Jon
- fix: e2e tests by:Jon
- fix: entry summary view and build warnings by:Jon
- fix: fixed InvoiceIn filter translations by:provira
- fix: modified setData in customerDescriptor to show the icons by:Jon
- fix: redirect to TicketSale from OrderLines (origin/Fix-RedirectToTicketSale) by:Jon
- fix: redirect when confirming lines by:Jon
- fix: refs #7055 #7055 #7055 fixed some tests by:provira
- fix: refs #7077 removed unused imports by:provira
- fix: refs #7078 added missing case with array by:provira
- fix: refs #7087 fixed some tests by:provira
- fix: refs #7088 changed "vm.vm" to "vm" by:provira
- fix: refs #7088 changed wrapper to vm by:provira
- fix: refs #7699 add icons and hint by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 add pwd vnInput by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix component by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix password visibility by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix tfront clean code by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix vnChangePassword, clean VnInput by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix vnInputPassword by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7957 add missing closing brace by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 css by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 rollback by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 update data-cy by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 update visibility handling for clear icon in VnInput component by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 vn-searchbar test by:jorgep
- fix: refs #8117 update salesPersonFk filter options and URL for improved data retrieval by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8197 not use yet by:alexm
- fix: refs #8198 update query param by:jorgep
- fix: refs #8219 fixed e2e tests by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 fixed summary and global tests by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 forgotten dataCy by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 global e2e by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 requested changes by:Jon
- fix: refs #8220 itemTag test by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #8225 invoice in translations by:Jon
- fix: refs #8243 fixed SkeletonSummary by:provira
- fix: refs #8247 conflicts by:Jon
- fix: refs #8247 fixed acls and added lost options by:Jon
- fix: refs #8316 ref="claimFilterRef" by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 userFilter by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 use rightMenu by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 use section-searchbar by:alexm
- fix: refs #8317 disable action buttons when no rows are selected in ItemFixedPrice by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8322 unnecessary section by:alexm
- fix: refs #8338 fixed VnTable translations by:provira
- fix: refs #8338 removed chipLocale property/added more translations by:provira
- fix: refs #8448 e2e by:Jon
- fix: refs #8448 not use croppie by:alexm
- fix: remove departmentCode by:Javier Segarra
- fix: removed unused searchbar by:PAU ROVIRA ROSALENY
- fix: skip failling e2e by:Jon
- fix: sort by name in description by:Jon
- fix: translations by:Jon
- fix: use entryFilter by:alexm
- fix(VnCardBeta): add userFilter by:alexm
- refactor: refs #8219 modified e2e tests and fixed some translations by:Jon
- revert: revert header by:alexm
- test: fix expedition e2e by:alexm
# Version 25.00 - 2025-01-14
### Added 🆕

View File

@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ export default defineConfig({
testFiles: '**/*.spec.js',
supportFile: 'test/cypress/support/unit.js',
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
import('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin').then((plugin) => plugin.default(on));
// implement node event listeners here
setupNodeEvents: async (on, config) => {
const plugin = await import('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin');
return config;
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 720,

docs/.vitepress/config.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress';
export default defineConfig({
title: 'Lilium',
description: 'Lilium docs',
themeConfig: {
nav: [
{ text: 'Home', link: '/' },
{ text: 'Components', link: '/components/vnInput' },
{ text: 'Composables', link: '/composables/useArrayData' },
sidebar: [
items: [
text: 'Components',
collapsible: true,
collapsed: true,
items: [{ text: 'VnInput', link: '/components/vnInput' }],
text: 'Composables',
collapsible: true,
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'useArrayData', link: '/composables/useArrayData' },
socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: '' }],

docs/components/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# VnInput
`VnInput` is a custom input component that provides various useful features such as validation, input clearing, and more.
## Props
### `modelValue`
- **Type:** `String | Number`
- **Default:** `null`
- **Description:** The value of the model bound to the component.
### `isOutlined`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `false`
- **Description:** If `true`, the component is rendered with an outlined style.
### `info`
- **Type:** `String`
- **Default:** `''`
- **Description:** Additional information displayed alongside the component.
### `clearable`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `true`
- **Description:** If `true`, the component shows a button to clear the input.
### `emptyToNull`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `true`
- **Description:** If `true`, converts empty inputs to `null`.
### `insertable`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `false`
- **Description:** If `true`, allows the insertion of new values.
### `maxlength`
- **Type:** `Number`
- **Default:** `null`
- **Description:** The maximum number of characters allowed in the input.
### `uppercase`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `false`
- **Description:** If `true`, converts the input text to uppercase.
## Emits
### `update:modelValue`
- **Description:** Emits the updated model value.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted whenever the input value changes. It is used to update the model value bound to the component.
### `update:options`
- **Description:** Emits the updated options.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted when the component's options change. It is useful for components with dynamic options.
### `keyup.enter`
- **Description:** Emits an event when the Enter key is pressed.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted whenever the Enter key is pressed while the input is focused. It can be used to handle specific actions when the input is confirmed.
### `remove`
- **Description:** Emits an event to remove the current value.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted when the clear button (close icon) is clicked. It is used to handle the removal of the current input value.
## Functions
### `focus`
- **Description:** Focuses the input.
- **Behavior:** This function is exposed so it can be called from outside the component. It uses `vnInputRef.value.focus()` to focus the input.
### `handleKeydown`
- **Description:** Handles the `keydown` event of the input.
- **Behavior:** This function is called whenever a key is pressed while the input is focused. If the pressed key is `Backspace`, it does nothing. If `insertable` is `true` and the pressed key is a number, it calls `handleInsertMode`.
### `handleInsertMode`
- **Description:** Handles the insertion mode of values.
- **Behavior:** This function is called when `insertable` is `true` and a numeric key is pressed. It inserts the value at the cursor position and updates the input value. Then, it moves the cursor to the correct position.
### `handleUppercase`
- **Description:** Converts the input value to uppercase.
- **Behavior:** This function is called when the uppercase icon is clicked. It converts the current input value to uppercase.
## Usage
info="Additional information"
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
const inputValue = ref('');
const handleUpdate = (value) => {
console.log('Updated value:', value);
const handleEnter = () => {
console.log('Enter pressed');
const handleRemove = () => {
console.log('Value removed');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# useArrayData
`useArrayData` is a composable function that provides a set of utilities for managing array data in a Vue component. It leverages Pinia for state management and provides various methods for fetching, filtering, and manipulating data.
## Usage
import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData';
const {
} = useArrayData('myKey', userOptions);
## Parameters
### `key`
- **Type:** `String`
- **Description:** A unique key to identify the data store.
### `userOptions`
- **Type:** `Object`
- **Description:** An object containing user-defined options for configuring the data store.
## Methods
### `fetch`
Fetches data from the server.
#### Parameters
- **`options`** : An object with the following properties:
- `append` (Boolean): Whether to append the fetched data to the existing data.
- `updateRouter` (Boolean): Whether to update the router with the current filter.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the fetched data.
### `applyFilter`
Applies a filter to the data.
#### Parameters
- **`filter`** : An object containing the filter criteria.
- **`params`** : Additional parameters for the filter.
- **`fetchOptions`** : Options for the fetch method.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the filtered data.
### `addFilter`
Adds a filter to the existing filters.
#### Parameters
- **`filter`** : An object containing the filter criteria.
- **`params`** : Additional parameters for the filter.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the updated filter and parameters.
### `getCurrentFilter`
Gets the current filter applied to the data.
#### Returns
- **`Object`** : The current filter and parameters.
### `setCurrentFilter`
Sets the current filter for the data.
#### Returns
- **`Object`** : The current filter and parameters.
### `addFilterWhere`
Adds a `where` clause to the existing filters.
#### Parameters
- **`where`** : An object containing the `where` clause.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves when the filter is applied.
### `addOrder`
Adds an order to the existing orders.
#### Parameters
- **`field`** : The field to order by.
- **`direction`** : The direction of the order (`ASC` or `DESC`).
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the updated order.
### `deleteOrder`
Deletes an order from the existing orders.
#### Parameters
- **`field`** : The field to delete the order for.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves when the order is deleted.
### `refresh`
Refreshes the data by re-fetching it from the server.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the refreshed data.
### `destroy`
Destroys the data store for the given key.
### `loadMore`
Loads more data by incrementing the pagination.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the additional data.
### `updateStateParams`
Updates the state parameters with the given data.
#### Parameters
- **`data`** : The data to update the state parameters with.
### `deleteOption`
Deletes an option from the store.
#### Parameters
- **`option`** : The option to delete.
### `reset`
Resets the store to its default state.
#### Parameters
- **`opts`** : An array of options to reset.
### `resetPagination`
Resets the pagination for the store.
## Computed Properties
### `totalRows`
- **Description:** The total number of rows in the data.
- **Type:** `Number`
### `isLoading`
- **Description:** Whether the data is currently being loaded.
- **Type:** `Boolean`
<script setup>
import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData';
const userOptions = {
url: '/api/data',
limit: 10,
const arrayData = useArrayData('myKey', userOptions);

docs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
layout: home
name: 'Lilium'
text: 'Lilium docs'
tagline: Powered by Verdnatura
- theme: brand
text: Docs
link: /components/vnInput

View File

@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
"test:unit:ci": "vitest run",
"commitlint": "commitlint --edit",
"prepare": "npx husky install",
"addReferenceTag": "node .husky/addReferenceTag.js"
"addReferenceTag": "node .husky/addReferenceTag.js",
"docs:dev": "vitepress dev docs",
"docs:build": "vitepress build docs",
"docs:preview": "vitepress preview docs"
"dependencies": {
"@quasar/cli": "^2.4.1",
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@
"postcss": "^8.4.23",
"prettier": "^3.4.2",
"sass": "^1.83.4",
"vitepress": "^1.6.3",
"vitest": "^0.34.0"
"engines": {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

proxy-serve.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
export default [
path: '/api',
rule: { target: '' },

View File

@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ export default configure(function (/* ctx */) {
'render', // keep this as last one
pwa: {
workboxMode: 'generateSW', // or 'injectManifest'

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
import axios from 'axios';
import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { computed, ref, useAttrs, watch } from 'vue';
import { useRouter, onBeforeRouteLeave } from 'vue-router';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ const quasar = useQuasar();
const stateStore = useStateStore();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { validate } = useValidator();
const $attrs = useAttrs();
const $props = defineProps({
model: {
@ -113,9 +114,11 @@ onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from, next) => {
async function fetch(data) {
emit('onFetch', data);
return data;
const keyData = $attrs['key-data'];
const rows = keyData ? data[keyData] : data;
emit('onFetch', rows);
return rows;
function resetData(data) {
@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ function filter(value, update, filterOptions) {
(ref) => {
ref.moveOptionSelection(1, true);
@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ async function remove(data) {
if (preRemove.length) {
newData = newData.filter(
(form) => !preRemove.some((index) => index == form.$index)
(form) => !preRemove.some((index) => index == form.$index),
const changes = getChanges();
if (!changes.creates?.length && !changes.updates?.length)

View File

@ -349,4 +349,11 @@ es:
floramondo: Floramondo
salesPersonFk: Comprador
categoryFk: Categoría
Plant: Planta natural
Flower: Flor fresca
Handmade: Hecho a mano
Artificial: Artificial
Green: Verdes frescos
Accessories: Complementos florales
Fruit: Fruta

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ const appName = 'Lilium';
const pinnedModulesRef = ref();
onMounted(() => stateStore.setMounted());
const refresh = () => window.location.reload();
<QHeader color="white" elevated>
@ -61,10 +62,16 @@ onMounted(() => stateStore.setMounted());
<QSpace />
<div id="searchbar" class="searchbar"></div>
<div id="searchbar-after"></div>
<QSpace />
<div class="q-pl-sm q-gutter-sm row items-center no-wrap">
<div id="actions-prepend"></div>
:class="{ 'q-pa-none': }"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export default function (initialFooter, data) {
const footer = data.reduce(
(acc, row) => {
Object.entries(initialFooter).forEach(([key, initialValue]) => {
acc[key] += row?.[key] !== undefined ? row[key] : initialValue;
return acc;
{ ...initialFooter }
return footer;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ watch(
(val) => {
if (stateStore) stateStore.rightAdvancedDrawer = val;
{ immediate: true }
{ immediate: true },
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ watch(
<QTooltip bottom anchor="bottom right">
{{ t('globals.advancedMenu') }}

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
<QTooltip bottom anchor="bottom right">
{{ t('globals.collapseMenu') }}

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const props = defineProps({
baseUrl: { type: String, default: undefined },
customUrl: { type: String, default: undefined },
filter: { type: Object, default: () => {} },
userFilter: { type: Object, default: () => {} },
descriptor: { type: Object, required: true },
filterPanel: { type: Object, default: undefined },
searchDataKey: { type: String, default: undefined },
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ const url = computed(() => {
const arrayData = useArrayData(props.dataKey, {
url: url.value,
filter: props.filter,
userFilter: props.userFilter,
onBeforeMount(async () => {

View File

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [,
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ defineExpose({

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ const focus = () => {
const mixinRules = [
@ -174,7 +175,11 @@ const handleUppercase = () => {
v-if="!$attrs.disabled && !($attrs.readonly) && $props.uppercase"
{{ t('Convert to uppercase') }}
<slot name="append" v-if="$slots.append && !$attrs.disabled" />
<QIcon v-if="info" name="info">
@ -187,13 +192,26 @@ const handleUppercase = () => {
.uppercase-icon {
transition: color 0.3s, transform 0.2s;
cursor: pointer;
.uppercase-icon:hover {
color: #ed9937;
transform: scale(1.2);
inputMin: Must be more than {value}
maxLength: The value exceeds {value} characters
inputMax: Must be less than {value}
inputMin: Debe ser mayor a {value}
maxLength: El valor excede los {value} carácteres
inputMax: Debe ser menor a {value}
Convert to uppercase: Convertir a mayúsculas

View File

@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ watch(
<QItem class="q-mt-sm">
@click="dateToDialog = true"
@focus="(evt) =>"
@clear="selectFilter('date', 'from')"
@ -1059,9 +1059,9 @@ en:
Deletes: Deletes
Accesses: Accesses
User: Usuario
All: Todo
System: Sistema
User: User
All: All
System: System
id: ID
claimFk: Claim ID

View File

@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ onMounted(() => {
onUnmounted(() => {
if (arrayData) arrayData.destroy();
function checkIsMain() {
isMainSection.value = sectionValue.value ==;
if (!isMainSection.value && arrayData) {

View File

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ const $props = defineProps({
type: Boolean,
default: false,
hasInfo: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
info: {
type: String,
default: undefined,
modelValue: {
type: [String, Number, Object],
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ const url = computed(() => {
<template #prepend v-if="$props.hasAvatar">
<VnAvatar :worker-id="value" color="primary" v-bind="$attrs" />
<template #append v-if="$props.hasInfo">
<template #append v-if="$">
<QIcon name="info" class="cursor-pointer">
<QTooltip>{{ $t($props.hasInfo) }}</QTooltip>
<QTooltip>{{ $t($ }}</QTooltip>
<template #option="scope">

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ defineProps({
type: Object,
required: true,
width: {
type: String,
default: 'md-width',
@ -17,7 +21,19 @@ defineEmits([...useDialogPluginComponent.emits]);
const { dialogRef, onDialogHide } = useDialogPluginComponent();
<QDialog ref="dialogRef" @hide="onDialogHide" full-width>
<component :is="summary" :id="id" />
<QDialog ref="dialogRef" @hide="onDialogHide">
<component :is="summary" :id="id" :class="width" />
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.md-width {
max-width: $width-md;
.lg-width {
max-width: $width-lg;
.xlg-width {
max-width: $width-xl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
import { createWrapper, axios } from 'app/test/vitest/helper';
import { vi, afterEach, beforeEach, beforeAll, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest';
import VnDms from 'src/components/common/VnDms.vue';
class MockFormData {
constructor() {
this.entries = {};
append(key, value) {
if (!key) {
throw new Error('Key is required for FormData.append');
this.entries[key] = value;
get(key) {
return this.entries[key] || null;
getAll() {
return this.entries;
global.FormData = MockFormData;
describe('VnDms', () => {
let wrapper;
let vm;
let postMock;
const postResponseMock = { data: { success: true } };
const data = {
hasFile: true,
hasFileAttached: true,
reference: 'DMS-test',
warehouseFk: 1,
companyFk: 2,
dmsTypeFk: 3,
description: 'This is a test description',
files: { name: 'example.txt', content: new Blob(['file content'], { type: 'text/plain' })},
const expectedBody = {
hasFile: true,
hasFileAttached: true,
reference: 'DMS-test',
warehouseId: 1,
companyId: 2,
dmsTypeId: 3,
description: 'This is a test description',
beforeAll(() => {
wrapper = createWrapper(VnDms, {
propsData: {
url: '/test',
formInitialData: { id: 1, reference: 'test' },
model: 'Worker',
wrapper = wrapper.wrapper;
vm = wrapper.vm;
vi.spyOn(vm, '$emit');
beforeEach(() => {
postMock = vi.spyOn(axios, 'post').mockResolvedValue(postResponseMock);
vm.dms = data;
afterEach(() => {
describe('mapperDms', () => {
it('should map DMS data correctly and add file to FormData', () => {
const [formData, params] = vm.mapperDms(data);
it('should map DMS data correctly without file', () => {
delete data.files;
const [formData, params] = vm.mapperDms(data);
describe('getUrl', () => {
it('should returns prop url when is set', async () => {
it('should returns url dms/""/updateFile when prop url is null', async () => {
await wrapper.setProps({ url: null });
it('should returns url "props.model"/""/uploadFile when formInitialData is null', async () => {
await wrapper.setProps({ formInitialData: null }); = '123';
describe('save', () => {
it('should save data correctly', async () => {
expect(postMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(vm.getUrl(), expect.any(FormData), { params: expectedBody });
describe('defaultData', () => {
it('should set dms with formInitialData', async () => {
const testData = {
hasFile: false,
hasFileAttached: false,
reference: 'defaultData-test',
warehouseFk: 2,
companyFk: 3,
dmsTypeFk: 2,
description: 'This is a test description'
await wrapper.setProps({ formInitialData: testData });
it('should add reference with "" to dms if formInitialData is null', async () => {
await wrapper.setProps({ formInitialData: null }); '111';

View File

@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ const $props = defineProps({
type: Object,
default: null,
width: {
type: String,
default: 'md-width',
const state = useState();
@ -128,9 +132,8 @@ const toModule = computed(() =>
@click.stop="viewSummary(, $props.summary)"
@click.stop="viewSummary(, $props.summary, $props.width)"

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const card = toRef(props, 'item');
<div class="content">
<span class="link">
<span class="link" @click.stop>
{{ }}
<ItemDescriptorProxy :id="" />

View File

@ -190,7 +190,10 @@ const getLocale = (label) => {
const globalLocale = `globals.params.${param}`;
if (te(globalLocale)) return t(globalLocale);
else if (te(t(`params.${param}`)));
else return t(`${route.meta.moduleName.toLowerCase()}.params.${param}`);
else {
const camelCaseModuleName = route.meta.moduleName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + route.meta.moduleName.slice(1);
return t(`${camelCaseModuleName}.params.${param}`);

View File

@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ const props = defineProps({
type: String,
default: '',
keyData: {
type: String,
default: undefined,
const emit = defineEmits(['onFetch', 'onPaginate', 'onChange']);
@ -166,7 +170,7 @@ function emitStoreData() {
async function paginate() {
const { page, rowsPerPage, sortBy, descending } = pagination.value;
if (!props.url) return;
if (! return;
isLoading.value = true;
await arrayData.loadMore();
@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ defineExpose({
:disable="disableInfiniteScroll || !store.hasMoreData"
<slot name="body" :rows=""></slot>
<slot name="body" :rows="keyData ?[keyData] :"></slot>
<div v-if="isLoading" class="spinner info-row q-pa-md text-center">
<QSpinner color="primary" size="md" />

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ watch(
(val) => {
arrayData = useArrayData(val, { ...props });
store =;
onMounted(() => {
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ async function search() {
<QTooltip>{{ t( }}</QTooltip>
<div id="searchbar-after"></div>

View File

@ -170,10 +170,9 @@ export function useArrayData(key, userOptions) {
async function addOrder(field, direction = 'ASC') {
const newOrder = field + ' ' + direction;
let order = store.order || [];
if (typeof order == 'string') order = [order];
const order = toArray(store.order);
let index = order.findIndex((o) => o.split(' ')[0] === field);
let index = getOrderIndex(order, field);
if (index > -1) {
order[index] = newOrder;
} else {
@ -190,16 +189,24 @@ export function useArrayData(key, userOptions) {
async function deleteOrder(field) {
let order = store.order ?? [];
if (typeof order == 'string') order = [order];
const index = order.findIndex((o) => o.split(' ')[0] === field);
const order = toArray(store.order);
const index = getOrderIndex(order, field);
if (index > -1) order.splice(index, 1);
store.order = order;
function getOrderIndex(order, field) {
return order.findIndex((o) => o.split(' ')[0] === field);
function toArray(str = []) {
if (!str) return [];
if (Array.isArray(str)) return str;
if (typeof str === 'string') return str.split(',').map((item) => item.trim());
function sanitizerParams(params, exprBuilder) {
for (const param in params) {
if (params[param] === '' || params[param] === null) {
@ -290,8 +297,7 @@ export function useArrayData(key, userOptions) {
Object.assign(params, store.userParams);
if (params.filter) params.filter.skip = store.skip;
if (store?.order && typeof store?.order == 'string') store.order = [store.order];
if (store.order?.length) params.filter.order = [];
if (store.order) params.filter.order = toArray(store.order);
else delete params.filter.order;
return { filter, params, limit: filter.limit };

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
export function useSummaryDialog() {
const quasar = useQuasar();
function viewSummary(id, summary) {
function viewSummary(id, summary, width) {
component: VnSummaryDialog,
componentProps: { id, summary },
componentProps: { id, summary, width },

View File

@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
.q-item > .q-item__section:has(.q-checkbox) {
max-width: min-content;
max-width: fit-content;
.row > .column:has(.q-checkbox) {
max-width: min-content;
max-width: fit-content;
.q-field__inner {
.q-field__control {

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 180 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 185 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
@font-face {
font-family: 'icon';
src: url('fonts/icon.eot?y0x93o');
src: url('fonts/icon.eot?y0x93o#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/icon.ttf?y0x93o') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/icon.woff?y0x93o') format('woff'),
url('fonts/icon.svg?y0x93o#icon') format('svg');
src: url('fonts/icon.eot?7j3xju');
src: url('fonts/icon.eot?7j3xju#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/icon.ttf?7j3xju') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/icon.woff?7j3xju') format('woff'),
url('fonts/icon.svg?7j3xju#icon') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-display: block;
@ -25,8 +25,14 @@
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.icon-entry_lastbuys:before {
content: "\e91a";
.icon-hasItemLost:before {
content: "\e957";
.icon-hasItemDelay:before {
content: "\e96d";
.icon-add_entries:before {
content: "\e953";
.icon-100:before {
content: "\e901";
@ -52,6 +58,9 @@
.icon-addperson:before {
content: "\e908";
.icon-agencia_tributaria:before {
content: "\e948";
.icon-agency:before {
content: "\e92a";
@ -189,6 +198,9 @@
.icon-entry:before {
content: "\e937";
.icon-entry_lastbuys:before {
content: "\e91a";
.icon-exit:before {
content: "\e938";

View File

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ $dark-shadow-color: black;
$layout-shadow-dark: 0 0 10px 2px #00000033, 0 0px 10px #0000003d;
$spacing-md: 16px;
$color-font-secondary: #777;
$width-xs: 400px;
$width-sm: 544px;
$width-md: 800px;
$width-lg: 1280px;
$width-xl: 1600px;
.bg-success {
background-color: $positive;

View File

@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ globals:
es: Spanish
en: English
quantity: Quantity
language: Language
quantity: Quantity
entity: Entity
preview: Preview
user: User
details: Details
collapseMenu: Collapse lateral menu
@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ globals:
confirm: Confirm
assign: Assign
back: Back
downloadPdf: Download PDF
yes: 'Yes'
no: 'No'
noChanges: No changes to save
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ globals:
downloadCSVSuccess: CSV downloaded successfully
reference: Reference
agency: Agency
entry: Entry
warehouseOut: Warehouse Out
warehouseIn: Warehouse In
landed: Landed
@ -68,11 +69,11 @@ globals:
amount: Amount
packages: Packages
download: Download
downloadPdf: Download PDF
selectRows: 'Select all { numberRows } row(s)'
allRows: 'All { numberRows } row(s)'
markAll: Mark all
requiredField: Required field
valueCantBeEmpty: Value cannot be empty
class: clase
type: Type
reason: reason
@ -82,6 +83,9 @@ globals:
warehouse: Warehouse
company: Company
fieldRequired: Field required
valueCantBeEmpty: Value cannot be empty
Value can't be blank: Value cannot be blank
Value can't be null: Value cannot be null
allowedFilesText: 'Allowed file types: { allowedContentTypes }'
smsSent: SMS sent
confirmDeletion: Confirm deletion
@ -131,6 +135,26 @@ globals:
medium: Medium
big: Big
email: Email
supplier: Supplier
ticketList: Ticket List
created: Created
worker: Worker
now: Now
name: Name
new: New
comment: Comment
observations: Observations
goToModuleIndex: Go to module index
createInvoiceIn: Create invoice in
myAccount: My account
noOne: No one
maxTemperature: Max
minTemperature: Min
changePass: Change password
deleteConfirmTitle: Delete selected elements
changeState: Change state
raid: 'Raid {daysInForward} days'
isVies: Vies
logIn: Login
addressEdit: Update address
@ -152,13 +176,14 @@ globals:
subRoles: Subroles
inheritedRoles: Inherited Roles
customers: Customers
customerCreate: New customer
createCustomer: Create customer
createOrder: New order
list: List
webPayments: Web Payments
extendedList: Extended list
notifications: Notifications
defaulter: Defaulter
customerCreate: New customer
createOrder: New order
fiscalData: Fiscal data
billingData: Billing data
consignees: Consignees
@ -194,27 +219,28 @@ globals:
claims: Claims
claimCreate: New claim
lines: Lines
photos: Photos
development: Development
photos: Photos
action: Action
invoiceOuts: Invoice out
negativeBases: Negative Bases
globalInvoicing: Global invoicing
invoiceOutCreate: Create invoice out
order: Orders
orderList: List
orderCreate: New order
catalog: Catalog
volume: Volume
shelving: Shelving
shelvingList: Shelving List
shelvingCreate: New shelving
invoiceIns: Invoices In
invoiceInCreate: Create invoice in
vat: VAT
labeler: Labeler
dueDay: Due day
intrastat: Intrastat
corrective: Corrective
order: Orders
orderList: List
orderCreate: New order
catalog: Catalog
volume: Volume
workers: Workers
workerCreate: New worker
department: Department
@ -227,10 +253,10 @@ globals:
wagonsList: Wagons List
wagonCreate: Create wagon
wagonEdit: Edit wagon
wagonCounter: Trolley counter
typesList: Types List
typeCreate: Create type
typeEdit: Edit type
wagonCounter: Trolley counter
roadmap: Roadmap
stops: Stops
routes: Routes
@ -239,21 +265,16 @@ globals:
routeCreate: New route
RouteRoadmap: Roadmaps
RouteRoadmapCreate: Create roadmap
RouteExtendedList: Router
autonomous: Autonomous
suppliers: Suppliers
supplier: Supplier
expedition: Expedition
services: Service
components: Components
pictures: Pictures
packages: Packages
tracking: Tracking
labeler: Labeler
supplierCreate: New supplier
accounts: Accounts
addresses: Addresses
agencyTerm: Agency agreement
travel: Travels
create: Create
extraCommunity: Extra community
travelCreate: New travel
history: Log
@ -261,14 +282,13 @@ globals:
items: Items
diary: Diary
tags: Tags
create: Create
buyRequest: Buy requests
fixedPrice: Fixed prices
buyRequest: Buy requests
wasteBreakdown: Waste breakdown
itemCreate: New item
barcode: Barcodes
tax: Tax
botanical: Botanical
barcode: Barcodes
itemTypeCreate: New item type
family: Item Type
lastEntries: Last entries
@ -284,13 +304,20 @@ globals:
formation: Formation
locations: Locations
warehouses: Warehouses
saleTracking: Sale tracking
roles: Roles
connections: Connections
acls: ACLs
mailForwarding: Mail forwarding
mailAlias: Mail alias
privileges: Privileges
observation: Notes
expedition: Expedition
saleTracking: Sale tracking
services: Service
tracking: Tracking
components: Components
pictures: Pictures
packages: Packages
ldap: LDAP
samba: Samba
twoFactor: Two factor
@ -301,27 +328,12 @@ globals:
serial: Serial
medical: Mutual
pit: IRPF
RouteExtendedList: Router
wasteRecalc: Waste recaclulate
operator: Operator
parking: Parking
supplier: Supplier
created: Created
worker: Worker
now: Now
name: Name
new: New
comment: Comment
observations: Observations
goToModuleIndex: Go to module index
title: Unsaved changes will be lost
subtitle: Are you sure exit without saving?
createInvoiceIn: Create invoice in
myAccount: My account
noOne: No one
maxTemperature: Max
minTemperature: Min
clientFk: Client id
salesPersonFk: Sales person
@ -339,19 +351,13 @@ globals:
supplierFk: Supplier
supplierRef: Supplier ref
serial: Serial
amount: Importe
amount: Amount
awbCode: AWB
correctedFk: Rectified
correctingFk: Rectificative
daysOnward: Days onward
countryFk: Country
companyFk: Company
changePass: Change password
setPass: Set password
deleteConfirmTitle: Delete selected elements
changeState: Change state
raid: 'Raid {daysInForward} days'
isVies: Vies
statusUnauthorized: Access denied
statusInternalServerError: An internal server error has ocurred
@ -447,6 +453,7 @@ ticket:
service: Service
attender: Attender
ok: Ok
consigneeStreet: Street
address: Address
@ -491,21 +498,6 @@ invoiceOut:
comercial: Comercial
downloadCsvFailed: CSV download failed
parking: Parking
priority: Priority
newShelving: New Shelving
recyclable: Recyclable
pickingOrder: Picking order
sector: Sector
row: Row
column: Column
info: You can search by parking code
label: Search parking...
chat: Chat
bossDepartment: Boss Department
@ -697,6 +689,9 @@ supplier:
entry: Entry
search: Search travel
searchInfo: You can search by travel id or name
id: Id
ref: Reference
@ -727,62 +722,7 @@ travel:
destination: Destination
thermograph: Thermograph
travelFileDescription: 'Travel id { travelId }'
buyer: Buyer
color: Color
category: Category
available: Available
warehouseText: 'Calculated on the warehouse of { warehouseName }'
itemDiary: Item diary
id: Identifier
stems: Stems
category: Category
typeName: Type
isActive: Active
userName: Buyer
weightByPiece: Weight/Piece
stemMultiplier: Multiplier
itemFk: Item ID
groupingPrice: Grouping price
packingPrice: Packing price
hasMinPrice: Has min price
minPrice: Min price
started: Started
ended: Ended
priority: Priority
requester: Requester
requested: Requested
attender: Atender
achieved: Achieved
concept: Concept
otherData: Other data
tax: Tax
botanical: Botanical
barcode: Barcode
completeName: Complete name
family: Familiy
stems: Stems
multiplier: Multiplier
buyer: Buyer
doPhoto: Do photo
intrastatCode: Intrastat code
ref: Reference
relevance: Relevance
weight: Weight (gram)/stem
units: Units/box
expense: Expense
generic: Generic
recycledPlastic: Recycled plastic
nonRecycledPlastic: Non recycled plastic
minSalesQuantity: Min sales quantity
genus: Genus
specie: Specie
carrier: Carrier
topbar: {}

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ globals:
language: Idioma
quantity: Cantidad
entity: Entidad
preview: Vista previa
user: Usuario
details: Detalles
collapseMenu: Contraer menú lateral
@ -54,11 +55,12 @@ globals:
today: Hoy
yesterday: Ayer
dateFormat: es-ES
noSelectedRows: No tienes ninguna línea seleccionada
microsip: Abrir en MicroSIP
noSelectedRows: No tienes ninguna línea seleccionada
downloadCSVSuccess: Descarga de CSV exitosa
reference: Referencia
agency: Agencia
entry: Entrada
warehouseOut: Alm. salida
warehouseIn: Alm. entrada
landed: F. entrega
@ -133,6 +135,26 @@ globals:
medium: Mediano/a
big: Grande
email: Correo
supplier: Proveedor
ticketList: Listado de tickets
created: Fecha creación
worker: Trabajador
now: Ahora
name: Nombre
new: Nuevo
comment: Comentario
observations: Observaciones
goToModuleIndex: Ir al índice del módulo
createInvoiceIn: Crear factura recibida
myAccount: Mi cuenta
noOne: Nadie
maxTemperature: Máx
minTemperature: Mín
changePass: Cambiar contraseña
deleteConfirmTitle: Eliminar los elementos seleccionados
changeState: Cambiar estado
raid: 'Redada {daysInForward} días'
isVies: Vies
logIn: Inicio de sesión
addressEdit: Modificar consignatario
@ -155,17 +177,17 @@ globals:
inheritedRoles: Roles heredados
customers: Clientes
customerCreate: Nuevo cliente
createCustomer: Crear cliente
createOrder: Nuevo pedido
list: Listado
webPayments: Pagos Web
extendedList: Listado extendido
notifications: Notificaciones
defaulter: Morosos
createCustomer: Crear cliente
fiscalData: Datos fiscales
billingData: Forma de pago
consignees: Consignatarios
'address-create': Nuevo consignatario
address-create: Nuevo consignatario
notes: Notas
credits: Créditos
greuges: Greuges
@ -231,10 +253,10 @@ globals:
wagonsList: Listado vagones
wagonCreate: Crear tipo
wagonEdit: Editar tipo
wagonCounter: Contador de carros
typesList: Listado tipos
typeCreate: Crear tipo
typeEdit: Editar tipo
wagonCounter: Contador de carros
roadmap: Troncales
stops: Paradas
routes: Rutas
@ -243,8 +265,8 @@ globals:
routeCreate: Nueva ruta
RouteRoadmap: Troncales
RouteRoadmapCreate: Crear troncal
autonomous: Autónomos
RouteExtendedList: Enrutador
autonomous: Autónomos
suppliers: Proveedores
supplier: Proveedor
supplierCreate: Nuevo proveedor
@ -309,23 +331,9 @@ globals:
wasteRecalc: Recalcular mermas
operator: Operario
parking: Parking
supplier: Proveedor
created: Fecha creación
worker: Trabajador
now: Ahora
name: Nombre
new: Nuevo
comment: Comentario
observations: Observaciones
goToModuleIndex: Ir al índice del módulo
title: Los cambios que no haya guardado se perderán
subtitle: ¿Seguro que quiere salir sin guardar?
createInvoiceIn: Crear factura recibida
myAccount: Mi cuenta
noOne: Nadie
maxTemperature: Máx
minTemperature: Mín
clientFk: Id cliente
salesPersonFk: Comercial
@ -348,12 +356,6 @@ globals:
packing: ITP
countryFk: País
companyFk: Empresa
changePass: Cambiar contraseña
setPass: Establecer contraseña
deleteConfirmTitle: Eliminar los elementos seleccionados
changeState: Cambiar estado
raid: 'Redada {daysInForward} días'
isVies: Vies
statusUnauthorized: Acceso denegado
statusInternalServerError: Ha ocurrido un error interno del servidor
@ -446,13 +448,18 @@ ticket:
purchaseRequest: Petición de compra
service: Servicio
attender: Consignatario
consigneeStreet: Dirección
address: Dirección
issued: Fecha emisión
customerCard: Ficha del cliente
ticketList: Listado de tickets
salesPersonFk: Comercial
clientFk: Cliente
addressFk: Dirección
agencyModeFk: Agencia
newOrder: Nuevo Pedido
issued: Fecha
dued: Fecha límite
@ -463,47 +470,6 @@ invoiceOut:
fee: Cuota
tickets: Tickets
totalWithVat: Importe
chooseValidClient: Selecciona un cliente válido
chooseValidCompany: Selecciona una empresa válida
chooseValidPrinter: Selecciona una impresora válida
chooseValidSerialType: Selecciona una tipo de serie válida
fillDates: La fecha de la factura y la fecha máxima deben estar completas
invoiceDateLessThanMaxDate: La fecha de la factura no puede ser menor que la fecha máxima
invoiceWithFutureDate: Existe una factura con una fecha futura
noTicketsToInvoice: No existen tickets para facturar
criticalInvoiceError: Error crítico en la facturación proceso detenido
invalidSerialTypeForAll: El tipo de serie debe ser global cuando se facturan todos los clientes
addressId: Id dirección
streetAddress: Dirección fiscal
percentageText: '{getPercentage}% {getAddressNumber} de {getNAddresses}'
pdfsNumberText: '{nPdfs} de {totalPdfs} PDFs'
clientId: Id cliente
base: Base
active: Activo
hasToInvoice: Facturar
verifiedData: Datos comprobados
comercial: Comercial
downloadCsvFailed: Error al descargar CSV
parking: Parking
priority: Prioridad
newShelving: Nuevo Carro
recyclable: Reciclable
pickingOrder: Orden de recogida
row: Fila
column: Columna
info: Puedes buscar por código de parking
label: Buscar parking...
chat: Chat
bossDepartment: Jefe de departamento
@ -693,6 +659,9 @@ supplier:
entry: Entrada
search: Buscar envío
searchInfo: Buscar envío por id o nombre
id: Id
ref: Referencia
@ -723,62 +692,7 @@ travel:
destination: Destino
thermograph: Termógrafo
travelFileDescription: 'Id envío { travelId }'
buyer: Comprador
color: Color
category: Categoría
available: Disponible
warehouseText: 'Calculado sobre el almacén de { warehouseName }'
itemDiary: Registro de compra-venta
id: Identificador
stems: Tallos
category: Reino
typeName: Tipo
isActive: Activo
weightByPiece: Peso (gramos)/tallo
userName: Comprador
stemMultiplier: Multiplicador
itemFk: ID Artículo
groupingPrice: Precio grouping
packingPrice: Precio packing
hasMinPrice: Tiene precio mínimo
minPrice: Precio min
started: Inicio
ended: Fin
priority: Prioridad
otherData: Otros datos
tax: IVA
botanical: Botánico
barcode: Código de barras
completeName: Nombre completo
family: Familia
stems: Tallos
multiplier: Multiplicador
buyer: Comprador
doPhoto: Hacer foto
intrastatCode: Código intrastat
ref: Referencia
relevance: Relevancia
weight: Peso (gramos)/tallo
units: Unidades/caja
expense: Gasto
generic: Genérico
recycledPlastic: Plástico reciclado
nonRecycledPlastic: Plástico no reciclado
minSalesQuantity: Cantidad mínima de venta
genus: Genus
specie: Specie
requester: Solicitante
requested: Solicitado
attender: Comprador
achieved: Conseguido
concept: Concepto
carrier: Transportista
topbar: {}

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ const updateDateParams = (value, params) => {
:order="['itemTypeFk', 'itemName', 'itemSize', 'description']"
:filter="{ where: { clientFk: } }"

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ const debtWarning = computed(() => {
<template #menu="{ entity }">
<CustomerDescriptorMenu :customer="entity" />
@ -187,14 +188,18 @@ const debtWarning = computed(() => {
name: 'AccountSummary',
params: { id: },
name: 'OrderList',
query: {
createForm: JSON.stringify({
<QTooltip>{{ t('Go to user') }}</QTooltip>
<QTooltip>{{ t('globals.pageTitles.createOrder') }}</QTooltip>
@ -218,14 +223,9 @@ en:
unpaidDated: 'Date {dated}'
unpaidAmount: 'Amount {amount}'
Go to module index: Ir al índice del módulo
Customer ticket list: Listado de tickets del cliente
Customer invoice out list: Listado de facturas del cliente
New order: Nuevo pedido
New ticket: Nuevo ticket
Go to user: Ir al usuario
Go to supplier: Ir al proveedor
Customer unpaid: Cliente impago
Unpaid: Impagado
unpaidDated: 'Fecha {dated}'
unpaidAmount: 'Importe {amount}'

View File

@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ const openCreateForm = (type) => {
const clientFk = {
ticket: 'clientId',
order: 'clientFk',
const key = clientFk[type];
if (!key) return;
@ -70,11 +69,6 @@ const openCreateForm = (type) => {
{{ t('globals.pageTitles.createTicket') }}
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="openCreateForm('order')">
{{ t('globals.pageTitles.createOrder') }}
<QItem v-ripple clickable>
<QItemSection @click="showSmsDialog()">{{ t('Send SMS') }}</QItemSection>

View File

@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ const filterClientFindOne = {
<template #form="{ data }">
<QCheckbox :label="t('Unpaid client')" v-model="data.unpaid" />
<QCheckbox :label="t('Unpaid client')" v-model="data.unpaid"
data-cy="UnpaidCheckBox" />
<VnRow class="row q-gutter-md q-mb-md" v-show="data.unpaid">

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import VnFilterPanel from 'src/components/ui/VnFilterPanel.vue';
@ -169,9 +170,16 @@ en:
fi: FI
salesPersonFk: Salesperson
provinceFk: Province
isActive: Is active
city: City
phone: Phone
email: Email
isToBeMailed: Mailed
isEqualizated: Equailized
businessTypeFk: Business type
sageTaxTypeFk: Sage Tax Type
sageTransactionTypeFk: Sage Tax Type
payMethodFk: Billing data
zoneFk: Zone
socialName : Social name
name: Name
@ -180,6 +188,13 @@ es:
search: Contiene
fi: NIF
isActive: Activo
isToBeMailed: A enviar
isEqualizated: Recargo de equivalencia
businessTypeFk: Tipo de negocio
sageTaxTypeFk: Tipo de impuesto Sage
sageTransactionTypeFk: Tipo de impuesto Sage
payMethodFk: Forma de pago
salesPersonFk: Comercial
provinceFk: Provincia
city: Ciudad

View File

@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'name',
label: t(''),
isTitle: true,
create: true,
columnClass: 'expand',
@ -51,25 +51,30 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
isTitle: true,
create: true,
columnClass: 'expand',
attrs: {
uppercase: true,
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Clients',
fields: ['socialName'],
optionLabel: 'socialName',
optionValue: 'socialName',
uppercase: false,
attrs: {
uppercase: true,
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'fi',
label: t(''),
create: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.salesPersonFk'),
name: 'salesPersonFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.salesPersonFk'),
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Workers/activeWithInheritedRole',
@ -85,8 +90,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'credit',
label: t(''),
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
inWhere: true,
@ -94,8 +99,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.creditInsurance'),
name: 'creditInsurance',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.creditInsurance'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
inWhere: true,
@ -103,8 +108,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'phone',
label: t(''),
cardVisible: true,
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
@ -123,8 +128,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'mobile',
label: t(''),
cardVisible: true,
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
@ -133,8 +138,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.street'),
name: 'street',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.street'),
create: true,
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
@ -143,8 +148,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.countryFk'),
name: 'countryFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.countryFk'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
inWhere: true,
@ -157,8 +162,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.provinceFk'),
name: 'provinceFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.provinceFk'),
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Provinces',
@ -170,24 +175,24 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'city',
label: t(''),
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.postcode'),
name: 'postcode',
label: t('customer.summary.postcode'),
align: 'left',
label: t(''),
name: 'email',
label: t(''),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.created'),
name: 'created',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.created'),
format: ({ created }) => toDate(created),
columnFilter: {
component: 'date',
@ -197,10 +202,13 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.businessTypeFk'),
name: 'businessTypeFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.businessTypeFk'),
create: true,
component: 'select',
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
attrs: {
url: 'BusinessTypes',
fields: ['code', 'description'],
@ -215,8 +223,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.payMethodFk'),
name: 'payMethodFk',
label: t('customer.summary.payMethodFk'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
attrs: {
@ -236,8 +244,6 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
optionLabel: 'vat',
url: 'SageTaxTypes',
alias: 'sti',
inWhere: true,
format: (row, dashIfEmpty) => dashIfEmpty(row.sageTaxType),
@ -251,15 +257,13 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
optionLabel: 'transaction',
url: 'SageTransactionTypes',
alias: 'stt',
inWhere: true,
format: (row, dashIfEmpty) => dashIfEmpty(row.sageTransactionType),
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.isActive'),
name: 'isActive',
label: t('customer.summary.isActive'),
chip: {
color: null,
condition: (value) => !value,
@ -271,24 +275,24 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.isVies'),
name: 'isVies',
label: t('globals.isVies'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isTaxDataChecked'),
name: 'isTaxDataChecked',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isTaxDataChecked'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.isEqualizated'),
name: 'isEqualizated',
label: t('customer.summary.isEqualizated'),
create: true,
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
@ -296,8 +300,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isFreezed'),
name: 'isFreezed',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isFreezed'),
chip: {
color: null,
condition: (value) => value,
@ -309,48 +313,48 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoice'),
name: 'hasToInvoice',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoice'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoiceByAddress'),
name: 'hasToInvoiceByAddress',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoiceByAddress'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isToBeMailed'),
name: 'isToBeMailed',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isToBeMailed'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.hasLcr'),
name: 'hasLcr',
label: t('customer.summary.hasLcr'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.hasCoreVnl'),
name: 'hasCoreVnl',
label: t('customer.summary.hasCoreVnl'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasSepaVnl'),
name: 'hasSepaVnl',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasSepaVnl'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
@ -408,7 +412,7 @@ function handleLocation(data, location) {
order: ['id DESC'],
<template #rightMenu>
<template #advanced-menu>
<CustomerFilter data-key="CustomerList" />
<template #body>

View File

@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
import CustomerDefaulterAddObservation from './CustomerDefaulterAddObservation.vue';
import DepartmentDescriptorProxy from 'src/pages/Department/Card/DepartmentDescriptorProxy.vue';
import VnTable from 'src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData';
const { t } = useI18n();
const quasar = useQuasar();
const dataRef = ref(null);
const balanceDueTotal = ref(0);
const selected = ref([]);
const arrayData = useArrayData('CustomerDefaulter');
const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
@ -165,26 +165,37 @@ const viewAddObservation = (rowsSelected) => {
const onFetch = async (data) => {
balanceDueTotal.value = data.reduce((acc, { amount = 0 }) => acc + amount, 0);
function exprBuilder(param, value) {
switch (param) {
case 'clientFk':
return { [`d.${param}`]: value };
case 'creditInsurance':
case 'amount':
case 'workerFk':
case 'departmentFk':
case 'countryFk':
case 'payMethod':
case 'salesPersonFk':
case 'creditInsurance':
case 'countryFk':
return { [`c.${param}`]: value };
case 'payMethod':
return { [`c.payMethodFk`]: value };
case 'workerFk':
return { [`co.${param}`]: value };
case 'departmentFk':
return { [`wd.${param}`]: value };
case 'amount':
case 'clientFk':
return { [`d.${param}`]: value };
case 'created':
return { 'd.created': { between: dateRange(value) } };
case 'defaulterSinced':
return { 'd.defaulterSinced': { between: dateRange(value) } };
case 'isWorker': {
if (value == undefined) return;
const search = value ? 'worker' : { neq: 'worker' };
return { 'c.businessTypeFk': search };
case 'hasRecovery': {
if (value == undefined) return;
const search = value ? null : { neq: null };
return { 'r.finished': search };
case 'observation':
return { 'co.text': { like: `%${value}%` } };
@ -192,7 +203,7 @@ function exprBuilder(param, value) {
<template #st-data>
<CustomerBalanceDueTotal :amount="balanceDueTotal" />
<CustomerBalanceDueTotal :amount="" />
<template #st-actions>
@ -211,8 +222,6 @@ function exprBuilder(param, value) {
'row-key': 'clientFk',
selection: 'multiple',
@ -221,6 +230,7 @@ function exprBuilder(param, value) {
:disable-option="{ card: true }"
:order="['amount DESC']"
<template #column-clientFk="{ row }">
<span class="link" @click.stop>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import { onBeforeMount, ref } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
import axios from 'axios';
import VnLocation from 'src/components/common/VnLocation.vue';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
import VnSelectDialog from 'src/components/common/VnSelectDialog.vue';
import CustomerNewCustomsAgent from 'src/pages/Customer/components/CustomerNewCustomsAgent.vue';
import VnInputNumber from 'src/components/common/VnInputNumber.vue';
import VnConfirm from 'components/ui/VnConfirm.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const route = useRoute();
const router = useRouter();
const quasar = useQuasar();
const urlUpdate = ref('');
const agencyModes = ref([]);
const incoterms = ref([]);
@ -83,8 +84,26 @@ const deleteNote = (id, index) => {
notes.value.splice(index, 1);
const onDataSaved = async () => {
let payload = {
const updateAddress = async (data) => {
await axios.patch(urlUpdate.value, data);
const updateAddressTicket = async () => {
urlUpdate.value += '?updateObservations=true';
const updateObservations = async (payload) => {
await'AddressObservations/crud', payload);
notes.value = [];
deletes.value = [];
async function updateAll({ data, payload }) {
await updateObservations(payload);
await updateAddress(data);
function getPayload() {
return {
creates: notes.value.filter((note) => note.$isNew),
deletes: deletes.value,
updates: notes.value
@ -101,14 +120,40 @@ const onDataSaved = async () => {
where: { id: },
await'AddressObservations/crud', payload);
notes.value = [];
deletes.value = [];
async function handleDialog(data) {
const payload = getPayload();
const body = { data, payload };
if (payload.updates.length) {
component: VnConfirm,
componentProps: {
title: t(
message: t('confirmDeletionMessage'),
.onOk(async () => {
await updateAddressTicket();
await updateAll(body);
.onCancel(async () => {
await updateAll(body);
} else {
const toCustomerAddress = () => {
notes.value = [];
deletes.value = [];
name: 'CustomerAddress',
params: {
@ -143,7 +188,7 @@ function handleLocation(data, location) {
<template #moreActions>
@ -336,4 +381,9 @@ es:
Remove note: Eliminar nota
Longitude: Longitud
Latitude: Latitud
confirmTicket: ¿Desea modificar también los estados de todos los tickets que están a punto de ser servidos?
confirmDeletionMessage: Si le das a aceptar, se modificaran todas las notas de los ticket a futuro
confirmTicket: Do you also want to modify the states of all the tickets that are about to be served?
confirmDeletionMessage: If you click accept, all the notes of the future tickets will be modified

View File

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ const toCustomerSamples = () => {
<template #custom-buttons>
:disabled="isLoading || !sampleType?.hasPreview"
@ -353,7 +353,6 @@ es:
Its only used when sample is sent: Se utiliza únicamente cuando se envía la plantilla
To who should the recipient replay?: ¿A quien debería responder el destinatario?
Edit address: Editar dirección
Preview: Vista previa
Email cannot be blank: Debes introducir un email
Choose a sample: Selecciona una plantilla
Choose a company: Selecciona una empresa

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
action: ({ id }) =>
router.resolve({ params: { id }, name: 'TicketSale' }).href,
isPrimary: true,
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
title: t('components.smartCard.viewSummary'),
icon: 'preview',
isPrimary: true,
action: (row) => viewSummary(, TicketSummary),
action: (row) => viewSummary(, TicketSummary, 'lg-width'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { describe, it, expect, vi, afterEach } from 'vitest';
import axios from 'axios';
import { getAddresses } from 'src/pages/Customer/composables/getAddresses';
describe('getAddresses', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should fetch addresses with correct parameters for a valid clientId', async () => {
const clientId = '12345';
await getAddresses(clientId);
expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Clients/${clientId}/addresses`, {
params: {
filter: JSON.stringify({
fields: ['nickname', 'street', 'city', 'id'],
where: { isActive: true },
order: 'nickname ASC',
it('should return undefined when clientId is not provided', async () => {
await getAddresses(undefined);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { describe, it, expect, vi, afterEach } from 'vitest';
import axios from 'axios';
import { getClient } from 'src/pages/Customer/composables/getClient';
describe('getClient', () => {
afterEach(() => {
const generateParams = (clientId) => ({
params: {
filter: JSON.stringify({
include: {
relation: 'defaultAddress',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'agencyModeFk'],
where: { id: clientId },
it('should fetch client data with correct parameters for a valid clientId', async () => {
const clientId = '12345';
await getClient(clientId);
expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Clients', generateParams(clientId));
it('should return undefined when clientId is not provided', async () => {
const clientId = undefined;
await getClient(clientId);
expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Clients', generateParams(clientId));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import axios from 'axios';
export async function getAddresses(clientId) {
if (!clientId) return;
const filter = {
fields: ['nickname', 'street', 'city', 'id'],
where: { isActive: true },
order: 'nickname ASC',
const params = { filter: JSON.stringify(filter) };
return await axios.get(`Clients/${clientId}/addresses`, {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import axios from 'axios';
export async function getClient(clientId) {
const filter = {
include: {
relation: 'defaultAddress',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'agencyModeFk'],
where: { id: clientId },
const params = { filter: JSON.stringify(filter) };
return await axios.get('Clients', { params });

View File

@ -2,13 +2,10 @@
import { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import CardDescriptor from 'components/ui/CardDescriptor.vue';
import VnLv from 'src/components/ui/VnLv.vue';
import { toDate } from 'src/filters';
import { getUrl } from 'src/composables/getUrl';
import filter from './EntryFilter.js';
import EntryDescriptorMenu from './EntryDescriptorMenu.vue';
const $props = defineProps({
@ -23,7 +20,42 @@ const route = useRoute();
const { t } = useI18n();
const entryDescriptorRef = ref(null);
const url = ref();
const entryFilter = {
include: [
relation: 'travel',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'landed', 'shipped', 'agencyModeFk', 'warehouseOutFk'],
include: [
relation: 'agency',
scope: {
fields: ['name'],
relation: 'warehouseOut',
scope: {
fields: ['name'],
relation: 'warehouseIn',
scope: {
fields: ['name'],
relation: 'supplier',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'nickname'],
const entityId = computed(() => {
return $ ||;
@ -58,9 +90,10 @@ const getEntryRedirectionFilter = (entry) => {
<template #menu="{ entity }">
<EntryDescriptorMenu :id="" />
@ -147,7 +180,7 @@ es:
Supplier card: Ficha del proveedor
All travels with current agency: Todos los envíos con la agencia actual
All entries with current supplier: Todas las entradas con el proveedor actual
Go to module index: Ir al índice del modulo
Show entry report: Ver informe del pedido
Inventory entry: Es inventario
Virtual entry: Es una redada

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
import axios from 'axios';
import { usePrintService } from 'composables/usePrintService';
import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
import VnConfirm from 'src/components/ui/VnConfirm.vue';
const { openReport } = usePrintService();
@ -9,14 +15,47 @@ const $props = defineProps({
required: true,
const { t } = useI18n();
const { notify } = useNotify();
const quasar = useQuasar();
const route = useRoute();
function showEntryReport() {
const openDialog = () => {
component: VnConfirm,
componentProps: {
title: t('transferEntryDialog'),
promise: transferEntry,
const transferEntry = async () => {
const { data } = await`Entries/${}/transfer`);
notify('globals.dataSaved', 'positive');
const url = `#/entry/${data.newEntryFk.newEntryFk}/summary`;, '_blank');
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="showEntryReport">
<QItemSection>{{ $t('entryList.list.showEntryReport') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ $t('entry.descriptorMenu.showEntryReport') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="openDialog">
<QItemSection>{{ t('transferEntry') }}</QItemSection>
transferEntryDialog: The entries will be transferred to the next day
transferEntry: Transfer Entry
transferEntryDialog: Se van a transferir las compras al dia siguiente
transferEntry: Transferir Entrada

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
userFilter: entryFilter,
<template #rightMenu>
<template #advanced-menu>
<EntryFilter data-key="EntryList" />
<template #body>
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [

View File

@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ entry:
warehouseInFk: Warehouse in
search: Search entries
searchInfo: You can search by entry reference
showEntryReport: Show entry report
invoiceNumber: Invoice number

View File

@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ entry:
warehouseInFk: Alm. entrada
daysOnward: Días adelante
daysAgo: Días atras
showEntryReport: Ver informe del pedido
search: Buscar entradas
searchInfo: Puedes buscar por referencia de entrada

View File

@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ function deleteFile(dmsFk) {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
import VnCard from 'components/common/VnCard.vue';
import VnCardBeta from 'components/common/VnCardBeta.vue';
import InvoiceInDescriptor from './InvoiceInDescriptor.vue';
import InvoiceInFilter from '../InvoiceInFilter.vue';
import InvoiceInSearchbar from '../InvoiceInSearchbar.vue';
import { onBeforeRouteUpdate } from 'vue-router';
import { setRectificative } from '../composables/setRectificative';
const filter = {
include: [
@ -39,20 +35,13 @@ const filter = {
onBeforeRouteUpdate(async (to) => await setRectificative(to));
<template #searchbar>
<InvoiceInSearchbar />

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ async function setInvoiceCorrection(id) {
if (correctingData[0]) invoiceInCorrection.corrected = correctingData[0].correctedFk;
invoiceInCorrection.correcting =
(corrected) => corrected.correctingFk
(corrected) => corrected.correctingFk,
@ -117,18 +117,19 @@ async function setInvoiceCorrection(id) {
<template #menu="{ entity }">
<InvoiceInDescriptorMenu :invoice="entity" />
<template #body="{ entity }">
<VnLv :label="t('invoicein.list.issued')" :value="toDate(entity.issued)" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoiceIn.list.issued')" :value="toDate(entity.issued)" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoicein.list.amount')" :value="toCurrency(totalAmount)" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoicein.list.supplier')">
<VnLv :label="t('invoiceIn.list.amount')" :value="toCurrency(totalAmount)" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoiceIn.list.supplier')">
<template #value>
<span class="link">
{{ entity?.supplier?.nickname }}
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ async function setInvoiceCorrection(id) {
<QTooltip>{{ t('invoicein.list.supplier') }}</QTooltip>
<QTooltip>{{ t('globals.supplier') }}</QTooltip>
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ async function setInvoiceCorrection(id) {
<QTooltip>{{ t('Entry') }}</QTooltip>
<QTooltip>{{ t('globals.entry') }}</QTooltip>
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ async function setInvoiceCorrection(id) {
<QTooltip>{{ t('InvoiceOut.card.ticketList') }}</QTooltip>
<QTooltip>{{ t('globals.ticketList') }}</QTooltip>

View File

@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ const cplusRectificationTypes = ref([]);
const siiTypeInvoiceIns = ref([]);
const actions = {
unbook: {
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.unbook') }),
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.unbook') }),
action: toUnbook,
delete: {
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.delete') }),
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.delete') }),
action: deleteInvoice,
clone: {
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.clone') }),
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.clone') }),
action: cloneInvoice,
showPdf: { cb: showPdfInvoice },
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ async function deleteInvoice() {
await axios.delete(`InvoiceIns/${entityId.value}`);
type: 'positive',
message: t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.invoiceDeleted'),
message: t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.invoiceDeleted'),
push({ path: '/invoice-in' });
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ async function cloneInvoice() {
const { data } = await`InvoiceIns/${entityId.value}/clone`);
type: 'positive',
message: t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.invoiceCloned'),
message: t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.invoiceCloned'),
push({ path: `/invoice-in/${}/summary` });
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function sendPdfInvoice({ address }) {
const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
const { data: correctingId } = await
Object.assign(correctionFormData, { id: entityId.value })
Object.assign(correctionFormData, { id: entityId.value }),
push({ path: `/invoice-in/${correctingId}/summary` });
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
<QItemSection>{{ t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.toBook') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.toBook') }}</QItemSection>
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
{{ t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.toUnbook') }}
{{ t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.toUnbook') }}
@ -206,19 +206,19 @@ const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
<QItemSection>{{ t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.deleteInvoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.deleteInvoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-if="canEditProp('clone')" v-ripple clickable @click="triggerMenu('clone')">
<QItemSection>{{ t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.cloneInvoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.cloneInvoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-if="isAgricultural()" v-ripple clickable @click="triggerMenu('showPdf')">
<QItem v-if="isAgricultural()" v-ripple clickable @click="triggerMenu('sendPdf')">
>{{ t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.sendAgriculturalPdf') }}...</QItemSection
>{{ t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.sendAgriculturalPdf') }}...</QItemSection
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
>{{ t('invoicein.descriptorMenu.createCorrective') }}...</QItemSection
>{{ t('invoiceIn.descriptorMenu.createCorrective') }}...</QItemSection
<QItem v-if="invoice.dmsFk" v-ripple clickable @click="downloadFile(invoice.dmsFk)">
@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
<template #option="{ itemProps, opt }">
<QItem v-bind="itemProps">
{{ console.log('opt: ', opt) }}
>{{ }} -

View File

@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ const intrastatTotals = ref({ amount: 0, net: 0, stems: 0 });
const vatColumns = ref([
name: 'expense',
label: 'invoicein.summary.expense',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.expense',
field: (row) => row.expenseFk,
sortable: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'landed',
label: 'invoicein.summary.taxableBase',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.taxableBase',
field: (row) => row.taxableBase,
format: (value) => toCurrency(value),
sortable: true,
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const vatColumns = ref([
name: 'vat',
label: 'invoicein.summary.sageVat',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.sageVat',
field: (row) => {
if (row.taxTypeSage) return `#${} : ${row.taxTypeSage.vat}`;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const vatColumns = ref([
name: 'transaction',
label: 'invoicein.summary.sageTransaction',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.sageTransaction',
field: (row) => {
if (row.transactionTypeSage)
return `#${} : ${row.transactionTypeSage?.transaction}`;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ const vatColumns = ref([
name: 'rate',
label: 'invoicein.summary.rate',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.rate',
field: (row) => taxRate(row.taxableBase, row.taxTypeSage?.rate),
format: (value) => toCurrency(value),
sortable: true,
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ const vatColumns = ref([
name: 'currency',
label: 'invoicein.summary.currency',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.currency',
field: (row) => row.foreignValue,
format: (val) => val && toCurrency(val, currency.value),
sortable: true,
@ -82,21 +82,21 @@ const vatColumns = ref([
const dueDayColumns = ref([
name: 'date',
label: 'invoicein.summary.dueDay',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.dueDay',
field: (row) => toDate(row.dueDated),
sortable: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'bank',
label: '',
label: '',
field: (row) =>,
sortable: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'amount',
label: 'invoicein.list.amount',
label: 'invoiceIn.list.amount',
field: (row) => row.amount,
format: (value) => toCurrency(value),
sortable: true,
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ const dueDayColumns = ref([
name: 'landed',
label: 'invoicein.summary.foreignValue',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.foreignValue',
field: (row) => row.foreignValue,
format: (val) => val && toCurrency(val, currency.value),
sortable: true,
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ const dueDayColumns = ref([
const intrastatColumns = ref([
name: 'code',
label: 'invoicein.summary.code',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.code',
field: (row) => {
return `${}: ${row.intrastat?.description}`;
@ -124,21 +124,21 @@ const intrastatColumns = ref([
name: 'amount',
label: 'invoicein.list.amount',
label: 'invoiceIn.list.amount',
field: (row) => toCurrency(row.amount),
sortable: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'net',
label: '',
label: '',
field: (row) =>,
sortable: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'stems',
label: 'invoicein.summary.stems',
label: 'invoiceIn.summary.stems',
field: (row) => row.stems,
format: (value) => value,
sortable: true,
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ const intrastatColumns = ref([
name: 'landed',
label: '',
label: '',
field: (row) =>,
format: (value) => value,
sortable: true,
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<template #value>
@ -225,14 +225,14 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<VnLv :label="t('invoicein.serial')" :value="`${entity.serial}`" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoiceIn.serial')" :value="`${entity.serial}`" />
@ -247,19 +247,19 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<VnLv :label="t('globals.isVies')" :value="entity.supplier?.isVies" />
@ -272,18 +272,18 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<VnLv :label="t('invoicein.isBooked')" :value="invoiceIn?.isBooked" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoiceIn.isBooked')" :value="invoiceIn?.isBooked" />
<QCard class="vn-one">
<QCardSection class="q-pa-none">
@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<QCardSection class="q-pa-none">
<VnLv label="Total" :value="toCurrency(entity.totals.totalVat)" />
<VnLv :label="t('invoicein.summary.dueTotal')">
<VnLv :label="t('invoiceIn.summary.dueTotal')">
<template #value>
@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
:color="amountsNotMatch ? 'negative' : 'transparent'"
? t('invoicein.summary.noMatch')
: t('invoicein.summary.dueTotal')
? t('invoiceIn.summary.noMatch')
: t('invoiceIn.summary.dueTotal')
{{ toCurrency(entity.totals.totalDueDay) }}
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<QCard v-if="entity.invoiceInTax.length" class="vat">
<VnTitle :url="getLink('vat')" :text="t('invoicein.card.vat')" />
<VnTitle :url="getLink('vat')" :text="t('invoiceIn.card.vat')" />
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<!--Due Day-->
<QCard v-if="entity.invoiceInDueDay.length" class="due-day">
<VnTitle :url="getLink('due-day')" :text="t('invoicein.card.dueDay')" />
<VnTitle :url="getLink('due-day')" :text="t('invoiceIn.card.dueDay')" />
<QTable :columns="dueDayColumns" :rows="entity.invoiceInDueDay" flat>
<template #header="dueDayProps">
<QTr :props="dueDayProps" class="bg">
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/invoice-in/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<QCard v-if="entity.invoiceInIntrastat.length">

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const redirectToInvoiceInBasicData = (__, { id }) => {
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ const redirectToInvoiceInBasicData = (__, { id }) => {

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function handleDaysAgo(params, daysAgo) {

View File

@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ import InvoiceInFilter from './InvoiceInFilter.vue';
import InvoiceInSummary from './Card/InvoiceInSummary.vue';
import { useSummaryDialog } from 'src/composables/useSummaryDialog';
import SupplierDescriptorProxy from 'src/pages/Supplier/Card/SupplierDescriptorProxy.vue';
import RightMenu from 'src/components/common/RightMenu.vue';
import InvoiceInSearchbar from 'src/pages/InvoiceIn/InvoiceInSearchbar.vue';
import VnTable from 'src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
import VnInputDate from 'src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue';
import FetchData from 'src/components/FetchData.vue';
import VnSection from 'src/components/common/VnSection.vue';
const user = useState().getUser();
const { viewSummary } = useSummaryDialog();
const { t } = useI18n();
const dataKey = 'InvoiceInList';
const tableRef = ref();
const companies = ref([]);
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'isBooked',
label: t('invoicein.isBooked'),
label: t('invoiceIn.isBooked'),
columnFilter: false,
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'supplierFk',
label: t('invoicein.list.supplier'),
label: t('invoiceIn.list.supplier'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
attrs: {
@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'supplierRef',
label: t('invoicein.list.supplierRef'),
label: t('invoiceIn.list.supplierRef'),
align: 'left',
name: 'serial',
label: t('invoicein.serial'),
label: t('invoiceIn.serial'),
align: 'left',
label: t('invoicein.list.issued'),
label: t('invoiceIn.list.issued'),
name: 'issued',
component: null,
columnFilter: {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('invoicein.list.dueDated'),
label: t('invoiceIn.list.dueDated'),
name: 'dueDated',
component: null,
columnFilter: {
@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'awbCode',
label: t('invoicein.list.awb'),
label: t('invoiceIn.list.awb'),
align: 'left',
name: 'amount',
label: t('invoicein.list.amount'),
label: t('invoiceIn.list.amount'),
format: ({ amount }) => toCurrency(amount),
cardVisible: true,
@ -130,19 +130,25 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
<FetchData url="Companies" @on-fetch="(data) => (companies = data)" auto-load />
<InvoiceInSearchbar />
<template #right-panel>
<InvoiceInFilter data-key="InvoiceInList" />
url: 'InvoiceIns/filter',
order: ['issued DESC', 'id DESC'],
<template #advanced-menu>
<InvoiceInFilter :data-key />
<template #body>
:order="['issued DESC', 'id DESC']"
urlCreate: 'InvoiceIns',
title: t('globals.createInvoiceIn'),
@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
:fields="['id', 'nickname', 'name']"
:fields="['id', 'name', 'nickname']"
@ -176,13 +182,15 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
<QItem v-bind="scope.itemProps">
<QItemLabel>{{ scope.opt?.nickname }}</QItemLabel>
<QItemLabel caption> #{{ scope.opt?.id }}, {{ scope.opt?.name }} </QItemLabel>
<QItemLabel caption>
#{{ scope.opt?.id }}, {{ scope.opt?.name }}
@ -194,7 +202,12 @@ const cols = computed(() => [
<VnInputDate :label="t('invoicein.summary.issued')" v-model="data.issued" />

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
<script setup>
import VnSearchbar from 'components/ui/VnSearchbar.vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
:label="t('Search invoice')"
:info="t('Search invoices in by id or supplier fiscal name')"
Search invoice: Buscar factura recibida
Search invoices in by id or supplier fiscal name: Buscar facturas recibidas por id o por nombre fiscal del proveedor

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
search: Search invoice
searchInfo: Search incoming invoices by ID or supplier fiscal name
serial: Serial
isBooked: Is booked

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
search: Buscar factura recibida
searchInfo: Buscar facturas recibidas por ID o nombre fiscal del proveedor
serial: Serie
isBooked: Contabilizada
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ invoicein:
search: Id o nombre proveedor
correctedFk: Rectificada
isBooked: Contabilizada
account: Cuenta contable
correctingFk: Rectificativa

View File

@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
<script setup>
import InvoiceOutDescriptor from './InvoiceOutDescriptor.vue';
import VnCard from 'components/common/VnCard.vue';
import InvoiceOutFilter from '../InvoiceOutFilter.vue';
import VnCardBeta from 'components/common/VnCardBeta.vue';
url: 'InvoiceOuts/filter',
label: 'Search invoice',
info: 'You can search by invoice reference',

View File

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ const setData = (entity) => (data.value = useCardDescription(entity.ref, entity.
<template #menu="{ entity, menuRef }">
<InvoiceOutDescriptorMenu :invoice-out-data="entity" :menu-ref="menuRef" />

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { ref, computed, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
import VnInputDate from 'src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue';
import VnSearchbar from 'src/components/ui/VnSearchbar.vue';
import VnSubToolbar from 'src/components/ui/VnSubToolbar.vue';
import { useSummaryDialog } from 'src/composables/useSummaryDialog';
import { usePrintService } from 'src/composables/usePrintService';
@ -12,12 +11,12 @@ import InvoiceOutSummary from './Card/InvoiceOutSummary.vue';
import { toCurrency, toDate } from 'src/filters/index';
import { QBtn } from 'quasar';
import axios from 'axios';
import RightMenu from 'src/components/common/RightMenu.vue';
import InvoiceOutFilter from './InvoiceOutFilter.vue';
import VnRow from 'src/components/ui/VnRow.vue';
import VnRadio from 'src/components/common/VnRadio.vue';
import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
import CustomerDescriptorProxy from '../Customer/Card/CustomerDescriptorProxy.vue';
import VnSection from 'src/components/common/VnSection.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const { viewSummary } = useSummaryDialog();
@ -30,9 +29,11 @@ const MODEL = 'InvoiceOuts';
const { openReport } = usePrintService();
const addressOptions = ref([]);
const selectedOption = ref('ticket');
const dataKey = 'InvoiceOutList';
async function fetchClientAddress(id) {
const { data } = await axios.get(
`Clients/${id}/addresses?filter[order]=isActive DESC`
`Clients/${id}/addresses?filter[order]=isActive DESC`,
addressOptions.value = data;
@ -180,16 +181,19 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
:label="t('Search invoice')"
<template #right-panel>
<InvoiceOutFilter data-key="invoiceOutList" />
url: 'InvoiceOuts/filter',
order: ['id DESC'],
<template #advanced-menu>
<InvoiceOutFilter data-key="InvoiceOutList" />
<template #body>
<template #st-actions>
@ -199,14 +203,13 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
<QTooltip>{{ t('downloadPdf') }}</QTooltip>
<QTooltip>{{ t('globals.downloadPdf') }}</QTooltip>
urlCreate: 'InvoiceOuts/createManualInvoice',
title: t('createManualInvoice'),
@ -215,7 +218,6 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
order="id DESC"
@ -293,13 +295,17 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
? t('inactive')
? t(
: ''
} `
@ -308,19 +314,26 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
scope.opt?.province ||
?.province ||
scope.opt?.city ||
, {{ scope.opt?.street }},
{{ scope.opt?.city }},
@ -355,7 +368,7 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
@ -383,7 +396,9 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
@ -398,6 +413,8 @@ watchEffect(selectedRows);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
#formModel .vn-row {

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'country',
label: t(''),
label: t(''),
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Countries',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'clientId',
label: t('negativeBases.clientId'),
label: t('invoiceOut.negativeBases.clientId'),
cardVisible: true,
@ -85,28 +85,28 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'taxableBase',
label: t('negativeBases.base'),
label: t('invoiceOut.negativeBases.base'),
align: 'left',
name: 'ticketFk',
label: t('negativeBases.ticketId'),
label: t('invoiceOut.negativeBases.ticketId'),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'isActive',
label: t(''),
label: t(''),
align: 'left',
name: 'hasToInvoice',
label: t('negativeBases.hasToInvoice'),
label: t('invoiceOut.negativeBases.hasToInvoice'),
align: 'left',
name: 'hasVerifiedData',
label: t('negativeBases.verifiedData'),
label: t('invoiceOut.negativeBases.verifiedData'),
align: 'left',

View File

@ -105,28 +105,3 @@ const props = defineProps({
from: From
to: To
company: Company
country: Country
clientId: Client Id
clientSocialName: Client
amount: Amount
comercialName: Comercial
from: Desde
to: Hasta
company: Empresa
country: País
clientId: Id cliente
clientSocialName: Cliente
amount: Importe
comercialName: Comercial
Date is required: La fecha es requerida

View File

@ -1,31 +1,6 @@
customer: Client
amount: Amount
company: Company
address: Address
id: ID
ref: Reference
issued: Issued
created: Created
dueDate: Max date
invoiceOutSerial: Serial
ticket: Ticket
taxArea: Tax area
customsAgent: Custom Agent
DownloadPdf: Download PDF
InvoiceOutSummary: Summary
country: Country
clientId: Client ID
base: Base
ticketId: Ticket
active: Active
hasToInvoice: Has to invoice
verifiedData: Verified data
commercial: Commercial
search: Search invoice
searchInfo: You can search by invoice reference
company: Company
country: Country
@ -37,3 +12,63 @@ invoiceout:
hasToInvoice: Has to invoice
hasVerifiedData: Verified data
workerName: Worker
issued: Issued
customerCard: Customer card
ticketList: Ticket List
issued: Issued
dued: Due
booked: Booked
taxBreakdown: Tax breakdown
taxableBase: Taxable base
rate: Rate
fee: Fee
tickets: Tickets
totalWithVat: Amount
chooseValidClient: Choose a valid client
chooseValidCompany: Choose a valid company
chooseValidPrinter: Choose a valid printer
chooseValidSerialType: Choose a serial type
fillDates: Invoice date and the max date should be filled
invoiceDateLessThanMaxDate: Invoice date can not be less than max date
invoiceWithFutureDate: Exists an invoice with a future date
noTicketsToInvoice: There are not tickets to invoice
criticalInvoiceError: 'Critical invoicing error, process stopped'
invalidSerialTypeForAll: The serial type must be global when invoicing all clients
addressId: Address id
streetAddress: Street
percentageText: '{getPercentage}% {getAddressNumber} of {getNAddresses}'
pdfsNumberText: '{nPdfs} of {totalPdfs} PDFs'
country: Country
clientId: Client Id
base: Base
ticketId: Ticket
active: Active
hasToInvoice: Has to Invoice
verifiedData: Verified Data
comercial: Commercial
downloadCsvFailed: CSV download failed
customer: Client
amount: Amount
company: Company
address: Address
serial: Serial
id: ID
ref: Reference
issued: Issued
created: Created
dueDate: Max date
invoiceOutSerial: Serial
ticket: Ticket
taxArea: Tax area
customsAgent: Custom Agent

View File

@ -1,34 +1,6 @@
Search invoice: Buscar factura emitida
You can search by invoice reference: Puedes buscar por referencia de la factura
customer: Cliente
amount: Importe
company: Empresa
address: Consignatario
id: ID
ref: Referencia
issued: Fecha emisión
created: F. creación
dueDate: Fecha vencimiento
invoiceOutSerial: Serial
ticket: Ticket
taxArea: Area
customsAgent: Agente de aduanas
DownloadPdf: Descargar PDF
InvoiceOutSummary: Resumen
country: País
clientId: ID del cliente
client: Cliente
base: Base
ticketId: Ticket
active: Activo
hasToInvoice: Debe facturar
verifiedData: Datos verificados
commercial: Comercial
search: Buscar factura emitida
searchInfo: Puedes buscar por referencia de la factura
company: Empresa
country: País
@ -40,3 +12,63 @@ invoiceout:
hasToInvoice: Debe facturar
hasVerifiedData: Datos verificados
workerName: Comercial
issued: Fecha emisión
customerCard: Ficha del cliente
ticketList: Listado de tickets
issued: Fecha
dued: Fecha límite
booked: Contabilizada
taxBreakdown: Desglose impositivo
taxableBase: Base imp.
rate: Tarifa
fee: Cuota
tickets: Tickets
totalWithVat: Importe
chooseValidClient: Selecciona un cliente válido
chooseValidCompany: Selecciona una empresa válida
chooseValidPrinter: Selecciona una impresora válida
chooseValidSerialType: Selecciona una tipo de serie válida
fillDates: La fecha de la factura y la fecha máxima deben estar completas
invoiceDateLessThanMaxDate: La fecha de la factura no puede ser menor que la fecha máxima
invoiceWithFutureDate: Existe una factura con una fecha futura
noTicketsToInvoice: No existen tickets para facturar
criticalInvoiceError: Error crítico en la facturación proceso detenido
invalidSerialTypeForAll: El tipo de serie debe ser global cuando se facturan todos los clientes
addressId: Id dirección
streetAddress: Dirección fiscal
percentageText: '{getPercentage}% {getAddressNumber} de {getNAddresses}'
pdfsNumberText: '{nPdfs} de {totalPdfs} PDFs'
country: País
clientId: Id cliente
base: Base
ticketId: Ticket
active: Activo
hasToInvoice: Facturar
verifiedData: Datos comprobados
comercial: Comercial
downloadCsvFailed: Error al descargar CSV
customer: Cliente
amount: Importe
company: Empresa
address: Consignatario
serial: Serie
id: ID
ref: Referencia
issued: Fecha emisión
created: F. creación
dueDate: Fecha vencimiento
invoiceOutSerial: Serial
ticket: Ticket
taxArea: Area
customsAgent: Agente de aduanas

View File

@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
<script setup>
import VnCard from 'components/common/VnCard.vue';
import VnCardBeta from 'components/common/VnCardBeta.vue';
import ItemDescriptor from './ItemDescriptor.vue';
import ItemListFilter from '../ItemListFilter.vue';
url: 'Items/filter',
label: 'searchbar.label',
info: '',

View File

@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ import axios from 'axios';
const route = useRoute();
const { t } = useI18n();
const itemTagsRef = ref(null);
const itemTagsRef = ref();
const tagOptions = ref([]);
const valueOptionsMap = ref(new Map());
const getSelectedTagValues = async (tag) => {
if (!tag.tagFk && tag.tag.isFree) return;
const filter = {
@ -59,10 +58,6 @@ const insertTag = (rows) => {
itemTagsRef.value.formData[itemTagsRef.value.formData.length - 1].priority =
const submitTags = async (data) => {
@ -149,7 +144,7 @@ const submitTags = async (data) => {
@keyup.enter.stop="(data) => itemTagsRef.onSubmit(data)"
@ -157,7 +152,7 @@ const submitTags = async (data) => {
@keyup.enter.stop="(data) => itemTagsRef.onSubmit(data)"
<div class="row justify-center" style="flex: 0">
@ -197,4 +192,5 @@ const submitTags = async (data) => {
Tags can not be repeated: Las etiquetas no pueden repetirse
The value must be a number or a range of numbers: El valor debe ser un número o un rango de números

View File

@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ function handleOnDataSave({ CrudModelRef }) {
onDataSaved: handleOnDataSave,
:disable-option="{ card: true }"
<template #header-selection="scope">
<QCheckbox v-model="scope.selected" />

View File

@ -6,18 +6,17 @@ import VnImg from 'src/components/ui/VnImg.vue';
import VnTable from 'components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import { toDate } from 'src/filters';
import FetchedTags from 'src/components/ui/FetchedTags.vue';
import VnSearchbar from 'src/components/ui/VnSearchbar.vue';
import { useSummaryDialog } from 'src/composables/useSummaryDialog';
import ItemSummary from '../Item/Card/ItemSummary.vue';
import WorkerDescriptorProxy from 'src/pages/Worker/Card/WorkerDescriptorProxy.vue';
import ItemDescriptorProxy from './Card/ItemDescriptorProxy.vue';
import ItemTypeDescriptorProxy from './ItemType/Card/ItemTypeDescriptorProxy.vue';
import { cloneItem } from 'src/pages/Item/composables/cloneItem';
import RightMenu from 'src/components/common/RightMenu.vue';
import ItemListFilter from './ItemListFilter.vue';
import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
import axios from 'axios';
import VnSection from 'src/components/common/VnSection.vue';
const entityId = computed(() =>;
const { openCloneDialog } = cloneItem();
@ -25,9 +24,11 @@ const { viewSummary } = useSummaryDialog();
const { t } = useI18n();
const tableRef = ref();
const route = useRoute();
const dataKey = 'ItemList';
const validPriorities = ref([]);
const defaultTag = ref();
const defaultPriority = ref();
const itemFilter = {
include: [
@ -324,22 +325,29 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
<template #right-panel>
url: 'Items/filter',
order: ['isActive DESC', 'name', 'id'],
userFilter: itemFilter,
<template #advanced-menu>
<ItemListFilter data-key="ItemList" />
<template #body>
urlCreate: 'Items/new',
title: t('item.list.newItem'),
@ -350,12 +358,7 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
priority: defaultPriority,
:order="['isActive DESC', 'name', 'id']"
<template #column-image="{ row }">
@ -391,7 +394,7 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
{{ row?.subName.toUpperCase() }}
<FetchedTags :item="row" />
<FetchedTags :item="row" :columns="3" />
<template #more-create-dialog="{ data }">
@ -413,7 +416,9 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
<QItem v-bind="scope.itemProps">
<QItemLabel>{{ scope.opt?.name }}</QItemLabel>
<QItemLabel caption> #{{ scope.opt?.id }} </QItemLabel>
<QItemLabel caption>
#{{ scope.opt?.id }}
@ -457,7 +462,9 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
<QItem v-bind="scope.itemProps">
<QItemLabel>{{ scope.opt?.description }}</QItemLabel>
<QItemLabel caption> #{{ scope.opt?.id }} </QItemLabel>
<QItemLabel caption>
#{{ scope.opt?.id }}
@ -485,6 +492,8 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.subName {
text-transform: uppercase;
@ -497,5 +506,4 @@ es:
New item: Nuevo artículo
Create Item: Crear artículo
You can search by id: Puedes buscar por id
Preview: Vista previa

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { useStateStore } from 'stores/useStateStore';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ onMounted(async () => {

View File

@ -272,11 +272,12 @@ const onDenyAccept = (_, responseData) => {
<template #column-achieved="{ row }">
:disable="!row.itemFk || row.isOk != null"

View File

@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ const itemPackingTypesOptions = ref([]);
<template #form="{ data }">
<VnInput v-model="data.code" :label="t('shared.code')" />
<VnInput v-model="" :label="t('')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.code" :label="t('itemType.shared.code')" />
<VnInput v-model="" :label="t('')" />
sort-by="nickname ASC"
:fields="['id', 'nickname']"
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const itemPackingTypesOptions = ref([]);
@ -93,27 +93,30 @@ const itemPackingTypesOptions = ref([]);
<VnInput v-model="" :label="t('')" />
<VnInput v-model="" :label="t('')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.maxRefs" :label="t('shared.maxRefs')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.maxRefs" :label="t('itemType.shared.maxRefs')" />
<QCheckbox v-model="data.isFragile" :label="t('shared.fragile')" />

View File

@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
<script setup>
import VnCard from 'components/common/VnCard.vue';
import VnCardBeta from 'components/common/VnCardBeta.vue';
import ItemTypeDescriptor from 'src/pages/Item/ItemType/Card/ItemTypeDescriptor.vue';
import ItemTypeFilter from 'src/pages/Item/ItemType/ItemTypeFilter.vue';
import ItemTypeSearchbar from '../ItemTypeSearchbar.vue';
<template #searchbar>
<ItemTypeSearchbar />

View File

@ -50,20 +50,16 @@ const setData = (entity) => (data.value = useCardDescription(entity.code, entity
<template #body="{ entity }">
<VnLv :label="t('shared.code')" :value="entity.code" />
<VnLv :label="t('')" :value="" />
<VnLv :label="t('shared.worker')">
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.code')" :value="entity.code" />
<VnLv :label="t('')" :value="" />
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.worker')">
<template #value>
<span class="link">{{ entity.worker?.firstName }}</span>
<WorkerDescriptorProxy :id="entity.worker?.id" />
<VnLv :label="t('shared.category')" :value="entity.category?.name" />
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.category')" :value="entity.category?.name" />
Go to module index: Ir al índice del módulo

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import VnFilterPanel from 'src/components/ui/VnFilterPanel.vue';
import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const props = defineProps({
dataKey: {
type: String,
required: true,
const emit = defineEmits(['search']);
const exprBuilder = (param, value) => {
switch (param) {
case 'name':
return {
name: { like: `%${value}%` },
case 'code':
return {
code: { like: `%${value}%` },
case 'search':
if (value) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
return { id: value };
} else {
return {
or: [
name: {
like: `%${value}%`,
code: {
like: `%${value}%`,
<template #tags="{ tag, formatFn }">
<div class="q-gutter-x-xs">
<strong>{{ t(`params.${tag.label}`) }}: </strong>
<span>{{ formatFn(tag.value) }}</span>
<template #body="{ params }">
<VnInput :label="t('Name')" v-model="" is-outlined />
<VnInput v-model="params.code" :label="t('Code')" is-outlined />
name: Name
code: Code
name: Nombre
code: Código
Name: Nombre
Code: Código

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<script setup>
import VnSearchbar from 'components/ui/VnSearchbar.vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
:label="t('Search item type')"
:info="t('Search itemType by id, name or code')"
Search item type: Buscar familia
Search itemType by id, name or code: Buscar familia por id, nombre o código

View File

@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ itemType:
promo: Promo
itemPackingType: Item packing type
isUnconventionalSize: Is unconventional size
search: Search item type
searchInfo: Search item type by id, name or code

View File

@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ itemType:
promo: Promoción
itemPackingType: Tipo de embalaje
isUnconventionalSize: Es de tamaño poco convencional
search: Buscar familia
searchInfo: Buscar familia por id, nombre o código

View File

@ -1,17 +1,50 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
import ItemTypeSearchbar from 'src/pages/Item/ItemType/ItemTypeSearchbar.vue';
import VnTable from 'components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
import RightMenu from 'src/components/common/RightMenu.vue';
import ItemTypeFilter from './ItemType/ItemTypeFilter.vue';
import WorkerDescriptorProxy from '../Worker/Card/WorkerDescriptorProxy.vue';
import VnSection from 'src/components/common/VnSection.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const tableRef = ref();
const itemCategoriesOptions = ref([]);
const temperatureOptions = ref([]);
const dataKey = 'ItemTypeList';
const exprBuilder = (param, value) => {
switch (param) {
case 'name':
return {
name: { like: `%${value}%` },
case 'code':
return {
code: { like: `%${value}%` },
case 'search':
if (value) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
return { id: value };
} else {
return {
or: [
name: {
like: `%${value}%`,
code: {
like: `%${value}%`,
const columns = computed(() => [
@ -103,23 +136,15 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
@on-fetch="(data) => (temperatureOptions = data)"
<template #right-panel>
<ItemTypeFilter data-key="ItemTypeList" />
<ItemTypeSearchbar />
urlCreate: 'ItemTypes',
title: t('Create ItemTypes'),
onDataSaved: () => tableRef.reload(),
formInitialData: {},
url: 'ItemTypes',
order: 'name ASC',
userFilter: {
include: {
relation: 'worker',
scope: {
@ -132,11 +157,21 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
<template #body>
urlCreate: 'ItemTypes',
title: t('Create ItemTypes'),
onDataSaved: () => tableRef.reload(),
formInitialData: {},
order="name ASC"
<template #column-workerFk="{ row }">
@ -147,6 +182,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [

View File

@ -76,13 +76,6 @@ itemTags:
label: Search item
info: Search by item id
code: Code
name: Name
worker: Worker
category: Category
temperature: Temperature
daysOnward: Days onward
@ -180,44 +173,46 @@ item:
intrastat: Intrastat
origin: Origin
ticketId: 'Ticket ID'
shipped: 'Shipped'
requester: 'Requester'
requested: 'Requested'
price: 'Price'
attender: 'Attender'
item: 'Item'
achieved: 'Achieved'
concept: 'Concept'
state: 'State'
ticketId: Ticket ID
shipped: Shipped
requester: Requester
requested: Requested
price: Price
attender: Attender
item: Item
achieved: Achieved
concept: Concept
state: State
basicData: 'Basic data'
otherData: 'Other data'
description: 'Description'
tax: 'Tax'
tags: 'Tags'
botanical: 'Botanical'
barcode: 'Barcode'
name: 'Nombre'
completeName: 'Nombre completo'
family: 'Familia'
size: 'Medida'
origin: 'Origen'
stems: 'Tallos'
multiplier: 'Multiplicador'
buyer: 'Comprador'
doPhoto: 'Do photo'
intrastatCode: 'Código intrastat'
basicData: Basic data
otherData: Other data
description: Description
tax: Tax
tags: Tags
botanical: Botanical
barcode: Barcode
name: Name
completeName: Complete name
family: Family
size: Size
origin: Origin
stems: Stems
multiplier: Multiplier
buyer: Buyer
doPhoto: Do photo
intrastatCode: Intrastat code
intrastat: 'Intrastat'
ref: 'Referencia'
relevance: 'Relevancia'
weight: 'Peso (gramos)/tallo'
units: 'Unidades/caja'
expense: 'Gasto'
generic: 'Genérico'
recycledPlastic: 'Plástico reciclado'
nonRecycledPlastic: 'Plástico no reciclado'
minSalesQuantity: 'Cantidad mínima de venta'
genus: 'Genus'
specie: 'Specie'
ref: Reference
relevance: Relevance
weight: Weight (gram)/stem
units: Units/box
expense: Expense
generic: Generic
recycledPlastic: Recycled plastic
nonRecycledPlastic: Non recycled plastic
minSalesQuantity: Min sales quantity
genus: Genus
specie: Specie
search: 'Search item'
searchInfo: 'You can search by id'
regularizeStock: Regularize stock

View File

@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ itemTags:
addTag: Añadir etiqueta
tag: Etiqueta
value: Valor
label: Buscar artículo
info: Buscar por id de artículo
code: Código
@ -83,6 +80,9 @@ itemType:
worker: Trabajador
category: Reino
temperature: Temperatura
label: Buscar artículo
info: Buscar por id de artículo
state: asfsdf
@ -108,9 +108,6 @@ item:
concept: Concepto
denyOptions: Denegado
scopeDays: Días en adelante
label: Buscar artículo
info: Puedes buscar por id
item: Artículo
buyer: Comprador
@ -182,35 +179,35 @@ item:
intrastat: Intrastat
origin: Origen
basicData: 'Datos básicos'
otherData: 'Otros datos'
description: 'Descripción'
tax: 'IVA'
tags: 'Etiquetas'
botanical: 'Botánico'
barcode: 'Código de barras'
name: 'Nombre'
completeName: 'Nombre completo'
family: 'Familia'
size: 'Medida'
origin: 'Origen'
stems: 'Tallos'
multiplier: 'Multiplicador'
buyer: 'Comprador'
doPhoto: 'Hacer foto'
intrastatCode: 'Código intrastat'
intrastat: 'Intrastat'
ref: 'Referencia'
relevance: 'Relevancia'
weight: 'Peso (gramos)/tallo'
units: 'Unidades/caja'
expense: 'Gasto'
generic: 'Genérico'
recycledPlastic: 'Plástico reciclado'
nonRecycledPlastic: 'Plástico no reciclado'
minSalesQuantity: 'Cantidad mínima de venta'
genus: 'Genus'
specie: 'Specie'
basicData: Datos básicos
otherData: Otros datos
description: Descripción
tax: IVA
tags: Etiquetas
botanical: Botánico
barcode: Código de barras
name: Nombre
completeName: Nombre completo
family: Familia
size: Medida
origin: Origen
stems: Tallos
multiplier: Multiplicador
buyer: Comprador
doPhoto: Hacer foto
intrastatCode: Código intrastat
intrastat: Intrastat
ref: Referencia
relevance: Relevancia
weight: Peso (gramos)/tallo
units: Unidades/caja
expense: Gasto
generic: Genérico
recycledPlastic: Plástico reciclado
nonRecycledPlastic: Plástico no reciclado
minSalesQuantity: Cantidad mínima de venta
genus: Genus
specie: Specie
regularizeStock: Regularizar stock
ticketId: 'ID Ticket'
@ -223,3 +220,5 @@ item:
achieved: 'Conseguido'
concept: 'Concepto'
state: 'Estado'
search: 'Buscar artículo'
searchInfo: 'Puedes buscar por id'

View File

@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
title: t('salesTicketsTable.preview'),
title: t('globals.preview'),
icon: 'preview',
color: 'primary',
action: (row) => viewSummary(, TicketSummary),

View File

@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ salesTicketsTable:
isFragile: Is fragile
zone: Zone
goToLines: Go to lines
preview: Preview
total: Total
preparation: H.Prep
payMethod: Pay method

View File

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ const removeTagGroupParam = (params, search, valIndex) => {
} else {
params.tagGroups.splice(valIndex, 1);
const setCategoryList = (data) => {

View File

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
name: 'tableActions',
actions: [
title: t('InvoiceOutSummary'),
title: t('globals.pageTitles.summary'),
icon: 'preview',
action: (row) => viewSummary(, OrderSummary),
isPrimary: true,

View File

@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
<script setup>
import VnCard from 'components/common/VnCard.vue';
import VnCardBeta from 'components/common/VnCardBeta.vue';
import ParkingDescriptor from 'pages/Parking/Card/ParkingDescriptor.vue';
import ParkingFilter from 'pages/Parking/ParkingFilter.vue';
url: 'Parkings',
label: 'parking.searchBar.label',
info: '',

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More