diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a7797f810..fbe18a10a 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,157 @@
+# Version 25.04 - 2025-01-28
+### Added 🆕
+- chore: add task comment by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #8198 rollback by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #8322 unnecessary prop by:alexm
+- feat: refs #7055 added new test case by:provira
+- feat: refs #7055 created FilterItemForm test by:provira
+- feat: refs #7077 created test for VnInputTime by:provira
+- feat: refs #7078 created test for VnJsonValue by:provira
+- feat: refs #7087 added more test cases by:provira
+- feat: refs #7087 added new test by:provira
+- feat: refs #7087 created CardSummary test by:provira
+- feat: refs #7088 created test for FetchedTags by:provira
+- feat: refs #7202 added new field by:Jon
+- feat: refs #7882 Added coords to create a address by:guillermo
+- feat: refs #7957 add tooltip and i18n support for search link in VnSearchbar component by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7957 enhance search functionality and improve data filtering logic by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7957 open in new tab by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7957 simplify fn to by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7957 update VnSearchbar component with improved search URL handling and styling enhancements by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #8117 filters and values added as needed by:jtubau
+- feat: refs #8197 useHasContent and use in VnSection and RightMenu by:alexm
+- feat: refs #8219 added invoice out e2e tests by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8219 global invoicing e2e by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8220 added barcodes e2e test by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8220 created items e2e by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8220 modified create item form and added respective e2e by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 added account and invoiceOut modules by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 added entry module and fixed translations by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 added invoiceIn and travel module by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 added moreOptions and use it in customer and ticket summary by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 added route and shelving module by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 added worker and zone modules by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8225 use it in claim, item and order modules by:Jon
+- feat: refs #8258 added button to pass to uppercase by:provira
+- feat: refs #8258 added uppercase option to VnInput by:provira
+- feat: refs #8258 added uppercase validation on supplier create by:provira
+- feat: refs #8298 add price optimum input and update translations for bonus and price optimum by:jgallego
+- feat: refs #8316 add entryFilter prop to VnTable component in EntryList by:jtubau
+- feat: refs #8322 added department changes by:provira
+- feat: refs #8372 workerPBX by:robert
+- feat: refs #8381 add initial and final temperature fields to entry forms and summaries by:jgallego
+- feat: refs #8381 add initial and final temperature labels in English and Spanish locales by:jgallego
+- feat: refs #8381 add toCelsius filter and update temperature fields in entry forms and summaries by:jgallego
+- feat: skip tests by:jorgep
+- style: refs #7957 update VnSearchbar padding for improved layout by:jorgep
+### Changed 📦
+- perf: refs #8219 #8219 minor change by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: refs #8220 on-fetch and added missing translations by:Jon
+- perf: refs #8220 on-fetch by:Jon
+- perf: refs #8220 translations by:Jon
+- perf: refs #8220 use searchbar selector in e2e tests by:Jon
+- perf: remove warning default value by:Javier Segarra
+- refactor: redirect using params by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #7077 removed some comments by:provira
+- refactor: refs #7087 removed unused imports by:provira
+- refactor: refs #7100 added const mockData by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #7100 delete unnecesary set prop by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #7100 refactorized with methods by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #7957 remove blank by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #8198 simplify data fetching and filtering logic by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #8198 simplify state management and data fetching in ItemDiary component by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #8219 modified e2e tests and fixed some translations by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8219 modified list test, created cypress download folder and added to gitignore by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8219 requested changes by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8219 use checkNotification command by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8220 added data-cy for e2e tests by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8220 requested changes by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8220 skip failling test and modifed tag test by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8225 requested changes by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8247 use new acl for sysadmin by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #8316 added claimFilter by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 added entryFilter by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 add new localization keys and update existing ones for entry components by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 moved localizations to local locale by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 move order localization by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 remove unused OrderSearchbar component by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 update EntryCard to use user-filter prop and remove exprBuilder from EntryList by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8316 used VnSection and VnCardBeta by:jtubau
+- refactor: refs #8322 changed translations by:provira
+- refactor: refs #8322 changed Worker component to use VnSection/VnCardBeta by:provira
+- refactor: refs #8322 set department inside worker by:alexm
+- refactor: skip intermitent failing test by:Jon
+### Fixed 🛠️
+- feat: refs #8225 added entry module and fixed translations by:Jon
+- fix: added missing translations in InvoiceIn by:provira
+- fix: changed invoiceIn for InvoiceIn by:provira
+- fix: changed translations to only use "invoicein" by:provira
+- fix: department descriptor link by:Jon
+- fix: e2e tests by:Jon
+- fix: entry summary view and build warnings by:Jon
+- fix: fixed InvoiceIn filter translations by:provira
+- fix: modified setData in customerDescriptor to show the icons by:Jon
+- fix: redirect to TicketSale from OrderLines (origin/Fix-RedirectToTicketSale) by:Jon
+- fix: redirect when confirming lines by:Jon
+- fix: refs #7055 #7055 #7055 fixed some tests by:provira
+- fix: refs #7077 removed unused imports by:provira
+- fix: refs #7078 added missing case with array by:provira
+- fix: refs #7087 fixed some tests by:provira
+- fix: refs #7088 changed "vm.vm" to "vm" by:provira
+- fix: refs #7088 changed wrapper to vm by:provira
+- fix: refs #7699 add icons and hint by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7699 add pwd vnInput by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7699 fix component by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7699 fix password visibility by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7699 fix tfront clean code by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7699 fix vnChangePassword, clean VnInput by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7699 fix vnInputPassword by:carlossa
+- fix: refs #7957 add missing closing brace by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #7957 css by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #7957 rollback by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #7957 update data-cy by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #7957 update visibility handling for clear icon in VnInput component by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #7957 vn-searchbar test by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #8117 update salesPersonFk filter options and URL for improved data retrieval by:jtubau
+- fix: refs #8197 not use yet by:alexm
+- fix: refs #8198 update query param by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #8219 fixed e2e tests by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8219 fixed summary and global tests by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8219 forgotten dataCy by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8219 global e2e by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8219 requested changes by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8220 itemTag test by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: refs #8225 invoice in translations by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8243 fixed SkeletonSummary by:provira
+- fix: refs #8247 conflicts by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8247 fixed acls and added lost options by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8316 ref="claimFilterRef" by:alexm
+- fix: refs #8316 userFilter by:alexm
+- fix: refs #8316 use rightMenu by:alexm
+- fix: refs #8316 use section-searchbar by:alexm
+- fix: refs #8317 disable action buttons when no rows are selected in ItemFixedPrice by:jtubau
+- fix: refs #8322 unnecessary section by:alexm
+- fix: refs #8338 fixed VnTable translations by:provira
+- fix: refs #8338 removed chipLocale property/added more translations by:provira
+- fix: refs #8448 e2e by:Jon
+- fix: refs #8448 not use croppie by:alexm
+- fix: remove departmentCode by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: removed unused searchbar by:PAU ROVIRA ROSALENY
+- fix: skip failling e2e by:Jon
+- fix: sort by name in description by:Jon
+- fix: translations by:Jon
+- fix: use entryFilter by:alexm
+- fix(VnCardBeta): add userFilter by:alexm
+- refactor: refs #8219 modified e2e tests and fixed some translations by:Jon
+- revert: revert header by:alexm
+- test: fix expedition e2e by:alexm
# Version 25.00 - 2025-01-14
### Added 🆕
diff --git a/src/components/ItemsFilterPanel.vue b/src/components/ItemsFilterPanel.vue
index 084feb377..be4d475b6 100644
--- a/src/components/ItemsFilterPanel.vue
+++ b/src/components/ItemsFilterPanel.vue
@@ -349,4 +349,11 @@ es:
floramondo: Floramondo
salesPersonFk: Comprador
categoryFk: Categoría
+ Plant: Planta natural
+ Flower: Flor fresca
+ Handmade: Hecho a mano
+ Artificial: Artificial
+ Green: Verdes frescos
+ Accessories: Complementos florales
+ Fruit: Fruta
diff --git a/src/components/common/VnInput.vue b/src/components/common/VnInput.vue
index e921d8e1f..13902d271 100644
--- a/src/components/common/VnInput.vue
+++ b/src/components/common/VnInput.vue
@@ -174,7 +174,11 @@ const handleUppercase = () => {
v-if="!$attrs.disabled && !($attrs.readonly) && $props.uppercase"
- />
+ >
+ {{ t('Convert to uppercase') }}
@@ -187,13 +191,26 @@ const handleUppercase = () => {
inputMin: Must be more than {value}
maxLength: The value exceeds {value} characters
inputMax: Must be less than {value}
inputMin: Debe ser mayor a {value}
maxLength: El valor excede los {value} carácteres
inputMax: Debe ser menor a {value}
+ Convert to uppercase: Convertir a mayúsculas
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/ui/VnPaginate.vue b/src/components/ui/VnPaginate.vue
index 0111366f5..965f4d5e9 100644
--- a/src/components/ui/VnPaginate.vue
+++ b/src/components/ui/VnPaginate.vue
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ function emitStoreData() {
async function paginate() {
const { page, rowsPerPage, sortBy, descending } = pagination.value;
- if (!props.url) return;
+ if (!arrayData.store.url) return;
isLoading.value = true;
await arrayData.loadMore();
diff --git a/src/pages/Customer/CustomerFilter.vue b/src/pages/Customer/CustomerFilter.vue
index 53a12bf43..eae97d1be 100644
--- a/src/pages/Customer/CustomerFilter.vue
+++ b/src/pages/Customer/CustomerFilter.vue
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@