feat: refs #7134 #7134 Create SupplierBalance layout

This commit is contained in:
Javier Segarra 2024-11-11 11:53:28 +01:00
parent c22c8d9f11
commit 4d602aadfd
1 changed files with 329 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
<script setup>
import { computed, onBeforeMount, ref } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { useAcl } from 'src/composables/useAcl';
import axios from 'axios';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
import { getSupplierRisk } from 'src/composables/getRisk';
import { toCurrency, toDate, toDateHourMin } from 'src/filters';
import { useState } from 'composables/useState';
import { useStateStore } from 'stores/useStateStore';
import { usePrintService } from 'composables/usePrintService';
import { useVnConfirm } from 'composables/useVnConfirm';
import VnTable from 'components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import VnInput from 'components/common/VnInput.vue';
import VnSubToolbar from 'components/ui/VnSubToolbar.vue';
import VnFilter from 'components/VnTable/VnFilter.vue';
import CreateNewPayment from 'src/components/CreateNewPayment.vue';
import InvoiceOutDescriptorProxy from 'src/pages/InvoiceOut/Card/InvoiceOutDescriptorProxy.vue';
const { openConfirmationModal } = useVnConfirm();
const { sendEmail, openReport } = usePrintService();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { hasAny } = useAcl();
const quasar = useQuasar();
const route = useRoute();
const state = useState();
const stateStore = useStateStore();
const user = state.getUser();
const supplierRisk = ref([]);
const tableRef = ref();
const companyId = ref();
const companyUser = ref(user.value.companyFk);
const balances = ref([]);
const vnFilterRef = ref({});
const filter = computed(() => {
return {
supplierId: route.params.id,
companyId: companyId.value ?? companyUser.value,
const companyFilterColumn = {
align: 'left',
name: 'companyId',
label: t('Company'),
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Companies',
optionLabel: 'code',
optionValue: 'id',
sortBy: 'code',
columnFilter: {
event: {
remove: () => (companyId.value = null),
'update:modelValue': (newCompanyFk) => {
if (!newCompanyFk) return;
companyUser.value = newCompanyFk;
blur: () => !companyId.value && (companyId.value = companyUser.value),
visible: false,
const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
name: 'payed',
label: t('Date'),
format: ({ payed }) => toDate(payed),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'created',
label: t('Creation date'),
format: ({ created }) => toDateHourMin(created),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('Employee'),
columnField: {
component: 'userLink',
attrs: ({ row }) => {
return {
workerId: row.workerFk,
name: row.userName,
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'description',
label: t('Reference'),
isTitle: true,
class: 'extend',
align: 'left',
name: 'bankFk',
label: t('Bank'),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'debit',
label: t('Debit'),
format: ({ debit }) => debit && toCurrency(debit),
isId: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'credit',
label: t('Havings'),
format: ({ credit }) => credit && toCurrency(credit),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'balance',
label: t('Balance'),
format: ({ balance }) => toCurrency(balance),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'isConciliate',
label: t('Conciliated'),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
name: 'tableActions',
actions: [
title: t('globals.downloadPdf'),
icon: 'cloud_download',
show: (row) => row.isInvoice,
action: (row) => showBalancePdf(row),
title: t('Send compensation'),
icon: 'outgoing_mail',
show: (row) => !!row.isCompensation,
action: ({ id }) =>
t('Send compensation'),
t('Do you want to report compensation to the supplier by mail?'),
() => sendEmail(`Receipts/${id}/balance-compensation-email`)
onBeforeMount(() => {
stateStore.rightDrawer = true;
companyId.value = companyUser.value;
async function getSupplierRisks() {
const filter = {
where: { supplierFk: route.params.id, companyFk: companyUser.value },
const { data } = await getSupplierRisk(filter);
supplierRisk.value = data;
return supplierRisk.value;
async function getCurrentBalance() {
const currentBalance = (await getSupplierRisks()).find((balance) => {
return balance.companyFk === companyId.value;
return currentBalance && currentBalance.amount;
async function onFetch(data) {
balances.value = [];
for (const [index, balance] of data.entries()) {
if (index === 0) {
balance.balance = await getCurrentBalance();
const previousBalance = data[index - 1];
balance.balance =
previousBalance?.balance - (previousBalance?.debit - previousBalance?.credit);
balances.value = data;
const showNewPaymentDialog = () => {
component: CreateNewPayment,
componentProps: {
companyId: companyId.value,
totalCredit: supplierRisk.value[0]?.amount,
promise: () => tableRef.value.reload(),
const showBalancePdf = ({ id }) => {
openReport(`InvoiceOuts/${id}/download`, {}, '_blank');
<VnSubToolbar class="q-mb-md">
<template #st-data>
<div class="column justify-center q-px-md q-py-sm">
<span class="text-bold">{{ t('Total by company') }}</span>
<div class="row justify-center" v-if="supplierRisk?.length">
{{ supplierRisk[0].company.code }}:
{{ toCurrency(supplierRisk[0].amount) }}
<template #st-actions>
:disable-option="{ card: true }"
<template #column-balance="{ rowIndex }">
{{ toCurrency(balances[rowIndex]?.balance) }}
<template #column-description="{ row }">
<div class="link" v-if="row.isInvoice">
{{ t('bill', { ref: row.description }) }}
<InvoiceOutDescriptorProxy :id="row.description" />
<span v-else class="q-pa-xs dotted rounded-borders" :title="row.description">
{{ row.description }}
(value) =>
value != row.description &&
axios.patch(`Receipts/${row.id}`, { description: value })
!hasAny([{ model: 'Receipt', props: '*', accessType: 'WRITE' }])
<QPageSticky :offset="[18, 18]" style="z-index: 2">
{{ t('New payment') }}
bill: 'N/INV {ref}'
Company: Empresa
Total by company: Total por empresa
New payment: Añadir pago
Date: Fecha
Creation date: Fecha de creación
Employee: Empleado
Reference: Referencia
bill: 'N/FRA {ref}'
Bank: Caja
Debit: Debe
Havings: Haber
Balance: Balance
Conciliated: Conciliado
Send compensation: Enviar compensación
Do you want to report compensation to the supplier by mail?: ¿Desea informar de la compensación al cliente por correo?
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.dotted {
border: 1px dotted var(--vn-header-color);
.dotted:hover {
border: 1px dotted $primary;