diff --git a/src/pages/Worker/Card/WorkerPda.vue b/src/pages/Worker/Card/WorkerPda.vue
index 5e7c89326..976469476 100644
--- a/src/pages/Worker/Card/WorkerPda.vue
+++ b/src/pages/Worker/Card/WorkerPda.vue
@@ -1,140 +1,212 @@
 <script setup>
 import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
 import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
-import { onMounted, ref, computed } from 'vue';
-import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
-import FormModel from 'components/FormModel.vue';
-import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
-import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
-import axios from 'axios';
-import { useRole } from 'src/composables/useRole';
+import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
+import axios from 'axios';
+import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
+import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
+import FormModelPopup from 'src/components/FormModelPopup.vue';
+import { useVnConfirm } from 'composables/useVnConfirm';
+import VnPaginate from 'src/components/ui/VnPaginate.vue';
+import VnRow from 'components/ui/VnRow.vue';
+import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
+import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
-const route = useRoute();
 const { t } = useI18n();
 const { notify } = useNotify();
-const { hasAny } = useRole();
-const fetchCurrentDeviceRef = ref(null);
-const deviceProductionsFilter = {
-    fields: ['id', 'serialNumber', 'modelFk'],
-    where: { stateFk: 'idle' },
-    order: 'id',
-const deviceProductionsOptions = ref([]);
-const newPDA = ref({});
-const currentPDA = ref(null);
+const paginate = ref();
+const dialog = ref();
+const route = useRoute();
+const { openConfirmationModal } = useVnConfirm();
+const routeId = computed(() => route.params.id);
-const isAllowedToEdit = computed(() => hasAny(['hr', 'productionAssi']));
+const initialData = computed(() => {
+    return {
+        userFk: routeId.value,
+        deviceProductionFk: null,
+        simSerialNumber: null,
+    };
-const setCurrentPDA = (data) => {
-    currentPDA.value = data;
-    currentPDA.value.description = `ID: ${currentPDA.value.deviceProductionFk} ${t(
-        'worker.pda.model'
-    )}: ${currentPDA.value.deviceProduction.modelFk} ${t('worker.pda.serialNumber')}: ${
-        currentPDA.value.deviceProduction.serialNumber
-    }`;
-const deallocatePDA = async (data) => {
+const deallocatePDA = async (deviceProductionFk) => {
     try {
         await axios.post(`Workers/${route.params.id}/deallocatePDA`, {
-            pda: currentPDA.value.deviceProductionFk,
+            pda: deviceProductionFk,
-        data.pda = null;
-        currentPDA.value = null;
-        await fetchCurrentDeviceRef.value.fetch();
         notify(t('PDA deallocated'), 'positive');
     } catch (err) {
         console.error('Error deallocating PDA');
+    paginate.value.fetch();
-onMounted(async () => await fetchCurrentDeviceRef.value.fetch());
+function reloadData() {
+    initialData.value.deviceProductionFk = null;
+    initialData.value.simSerialNumber = null;
+    paginate.value.fetch();
-    <FetchData
-        url="DeviceProductions"
-        :filter="deviceProductionsFilter"
-        auto-load
-        @on-fetch="(data) => (deviceProductionsOptions = data)"
-    />
-    <FetchData
-        ref="fetchCurrentDeviceRef"
-        url="DeviceProductionUsers"
-        :filter="{
-            where: { userFk: route.params.id },
-            include: { relation: 'deviceProduction' },
-        }"
-        auto-load
-        @on-fetch="(data) => setCurrentPDA(data[0])"
-    />
-    <QPage class="column items-center q-pa-md">
-        <FormModel
-            url="DeviceProductionUsers"
-            :url-create="`Workers/${route.params.id}/allocatePDA`"
-            model="DeviceProductionUser"
-            :form-initial-data="newPDA"
+    <QPage class="column items-center q-pa-md centerCard">
+        <FetchData
+            url="workers/getAvailablePda"
+            @on-fetch="(data) => (deviceProductions = data)"
+            auto-load
+        />
+        <VnPaginate
+            ref="paginate"
+            data-key="WorkerPda"
+            url="DeviceProductionUsers"
+            :filter="{ where: { userFk: routeId } }"
+            order="id"
-            :default-buttons="{ save: { label: 'globals.assign', color: 'primary' } }"
-            @on-data-saved="(_, data) => setCurrentPDA(data)"
-            <template #form="{ data }">
-                <QField
-                    v-if="currentPDA && currentPDA.description"
-                    :label="t('worker.pda.currentPDA')"
-                    :model-value="currentPDA.description"
-                    :editable="false"
-                    class="full-width"
+            <template #body="{ rows }">
+                <QCard
+                    flat
+                    bordered
+                    :key="row.id"
+                    v-for="row of rows"
+                    class="card q-pt-xs q-mb-sm"
-                    <template #control>
-                        <div tabindex="0">
-                            {{ currentPDA.description }}
-                        </div>
-                    </template>
-                    <template v-if="isAllowedToEdit" #append>
-                        <QIcon
-                            name="delete"
-                            size="sm"
-                            class="cursor-pointer"
-                            color="primary"
-                            @click="deallocatePDA(data)"
-                        >
-                            <QTooltip>
-                                {{ t('worker.pda.removePDA') }}
-                            </QTooltip>
-                        </QIcon>
-                    </template>
-                </QField>
-                <VnSelect
-                    v-else
-                    :label="t('worker.pda.newPDA')"
-                    v-model="data.pda"
-                    :options="deviceProductionsOptions"
-                    option-label="serialNumber"
-                    option-value="id"
-                    hide-selected
-                    :disable="!isAllowedToEdit"
-                >
-                    <template #option="scope">
-                        <QItem v-bind="scope.itemProps">
-                            <QItemSection>
-                                <QItemLabel>ID: {{ scope.opt?.id }}</QItemLabel>
-                                <QItemLabel caption>
-                                    {{ scope.opt?.modelFk }},
-                                    {{ scope.opt?.serialNumber }}
-                                </QItemLabel>
-                            </QItemSection>
-                        </QItem>
-                    </template>
-                </VnSelect>
+                    <QItem>
+                        <QItemSection side-left>
+                            <VnRow>
+                                <QField
+                                    :label="t('worker.pda.currentPDA')"
+                                    :model-value="row?.deviceProductionFk"
+                                    disable
+                                >
+                                    <template #control>
+                                        <div tabindex="0" style="padding: none">
+                                            <span>Id: </span>
+                                            <span>
+                                                {{ row?.deviceProductionFk }}&nbsp;
+                                            </span>
+                                            <span>{{ t('Model') }}: </span>
+                                            <span>
+                                                {{ row?.deviceProduction?.modelFk }}&nbsp;
+                                            </span>
+                                            <span>{{ t('SIM serial number') }}: </span>
+                                            <span>
+                                                {{
+                                                    row?.deviceProduction?.serialNumber
+                                                }}&nbsp;
+                                            </span>
+                                        </div>
+                                    </template>
+                                </QField>
+                                <QField
+                                    :label="t('Current SIM')"
+                                    :model-value="row?.simSerialNumber"
+                                    disable
+                                >
+                                    <template #control>
+                                        <div tabindex="0">{{ row?.simSerialNumber }}</div>
+                                    </template>
+                                </QField>
+                            </VnRow>
+                        </QItemSection>
+                        <QItemSection side>
+                            <QIcon
+                                name="delete"
+                                size="sm"
+                                class="cursor-pointer"
+                                color="primary"
+                                @click="
+                                    openConfirmationModal(
+                                        t(`Remove PDA`),
+                                        t('Do you want to remove this PDA?'),
+                                        () => deallocatePDA(row.deviceProductionFk)
+                                    )
+                                "
+                            >
+                                <QTooltip>
+                                    {{ t('worker.pda.removePDA') }}
+                                </QTooltip>
+                            </QIcon>
+                        </QItemSection>
+                    </QItem>
+                </QCard>
-        </FormModel>
+        </VnPaginate>
+        <QPageSticky :offset="[18, 18]">
+            <QBtn @click.stop="dialog.show()" color="primary" fab icon="add">
+                <QDialog ref="dialog">
+                    <FormModelPopup
+                        :title="t('Add new device')"
+                        url-create="DeviceProductionUsers"
+                        model="DeviceProductionUser"
+                        :form-initial-data="initialData"
+                        @on-data-saved="reloadData()"
+                    >
+                        <template #form-inputs="{ data }">
+                            <VnRow class="row q-gutter-md q-mb-md">
+                                <VnSelect
+                                    :label="t('worker.pda.newPDA')"
+                                    v-model="data.deviceProductionFk"
+                                    :options="deviceProductions"
+                                    option-label="id"
+                                    option-value="id"
+                                    id="deviceProductionFk"
+                                    hide-selected
+                                >
+                                    <template #option="scope">
+                                        <QItem v-bind="scope.itemProps">
+                                            <QItemSection>
+                                                <QItemLabel
+                                                    >ID: {{ scope.opt?.id }}</QItemLabel
+                                                >
+                                                <QItemLabel caption>
+                                                    {{ scope.opt?.modelFk }},
+                                                    {{ scope.opt?.serialNumber }}
+                                                </QItemLabel>
+                                            </QItemSection>
+                                        </QItem>
+                                    </template>
+                                </VnSelect>
+                                <VnInput
+                                    v-model="data.simSerialNumber"
+                                    :label="t('SIM serial number')"
+                                    id="simSerialNumber"
+                                    use-input
+                                />
+                            </VnRow>
+                        </template>
+                    </FormModelPopup>
+                </QDialog>
+            </QBtn>
+            <QTooltip>
+                {{ t('globals.new') }}
+            </QTooltip>
+        </QPageSticky>
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.centerCard {
+    padding: 5%;
+    width: 100%;
+    max-width: 70%;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+.label {
+    color: red;
+.q-field {
+    height: 65px;
+    Remove PDA: Eliminar PDA
+    Do you want to remove this PDA?: ¿Desea eliminar este PDA?
     PDA deallocated: PDA desasignada
+    SIM serial number: Número de serie de la SIM
+    Model: Modelo
+    This PDA is already assigned to another user: Este PDA ya está asignado a otro usuario
+    Add new device: Añadir nuevo dispositivo
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPda.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPda.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9af994a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPda.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+describe('WorkerPda', () => {
+    const deviceProductionField =
+        '.vn-row > .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container';
+    beforeEach(() => {
+        cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
+        cy.login('developer');
+        cy.visit(`/#/worker/1110/pda`);
+    });
+    it('assign pda', () => {
+        cy.get('.q-page-sticky > div > .q-btn > .q-btn__content > .q-icon').click();
+        cy.get(deviceProductionField).type('{downArrow}{enter}');
+        cy.get('.vn-row > #simSerialNumber').type('123{enter}');
+        cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data created');
+    });
+    it('delete pda', () => {
+        cy.get('.q-card > .q-item > .q-item__section--side > .q-icon').click();
+        cy.get(
+            '.q-card__actions > .q-btn--unelevated > .q-btn__content > .block'
+        ).click();
+        cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'PDA deallocated');
+    });