Merge branch 'dev' of into 8484-waitToDomContentLoadedInTests
gitea/salix-front/pipeline/pr-dev This commit looks good
gitea/salix-front/pipeline/pr-dev This commit looks good
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,288 @@
# Version 25.06 - 2025-02-18
### Added 🆕
- chore: refs #7405 remove examples documentation by:jorgep
- chore: refs #7405 remove VitePress cache files and update .gitignore by:jorgep
- chore: refs #8316 remove search and searchInfo entries from shelving in English and Spanish locales by:jtubau
- feat: #8258 added hover and description to uppercase button by:PAU ROVIRA ROSALENY
- feat: add addressFk by:Javier Segarra
- feat: add inactive car icon by:jorgep
- feat: downgrade pnpm by:Javier Segarra
- feat: new command by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #6629 addressObservation by:robert
- feat: refs #6629 change values by:robert
- feat: refs #6629 customerAddressEdit by:robert
- feat: refs #6629 delete consolelog by:robert
- feat: refs #6629 traduction message by:robert
- feat: refs #6629 update by:robert
- feat: refs #6822 by:robert
- feat: refs #6822 change request by:robert
- feat: refs #6822 change traduction Partial delay (origin/6822-changeTitlePartialDelay) by:robert
- feat: refs #6822 redirection by:robert
- feat: refs #6943 addressPropagate by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #6943 updateAndEmit param as object by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7065 created unit tests for UserPanel by:provira
- feat: refs #7068 created VnVisibleColumns unit test by:Jon
- feat: refs #7103 created test for VnSearchbar by:provira
- feat: refs #7134 #7124 handle columns by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 #7124 handle filter by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 #7134 Create new route by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 #7134 Create SupplierBalance layout by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 #7134 split newPayment by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 add bank by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 apply supplierBalanceFilter by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 default currency parameter by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 minor changes by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 order by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 perf VnTable by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 remove add btn by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 unremovableParams by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 use tableFooter by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 use VnAccountNumber by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7134 vnTable setTableFooter by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7184 added myTeam filter at WorkerFilter by:Jon
- feat: refs #7196 update vite and q-calendar by:alexm
- feat: refs #7305 deleted warnings by:Jon
- feat: refs #7308 remove warning by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #7317 deleted warnings in fiscalData and dms by:Jon
- feat: refs #7322 add address selection for ticket transfer by:jtubau
- feat: refs #7405 add initial documentation and components for Lilium by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7405 add navigation links and documentation for useArrayData composable by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7826 add error handling and refresh icon to NavBar by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #8077 change request by:robert
- feat: refs #8077 changes request by:robert
- feat: refs #8077 sumDefaulter by:robert
- feat: refs #8120 added new style to summary popups by:Jon
- feat: refs #8120 use new prop in the requierd modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8197 create advancedMenu and add in VnSection by:alexm
- feat: refs #8316 added order param by:jtubau
- feat: refs #8316 add slots on VnTable from VnFilterPanel by:alexm
- feat: refs #8316 parking inside shelving by:alexm
- feat: refs #8322 added RouteRoadmap and Agency by:provira
- feat: refs #8322 fix route.js and unify with /agency by:alexm
- feat: refs #8322 fix route.js and unify with /roadmap by:alexm
- feat: refs #8339 define global.spreview by:Javier Segarra
- feat: refs #8381 add carrier field to travel thermographs and update localization by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8387 changes by:robert
- feat: refs #8387 changes request by:robert
- feat: refs #8387 crudModel by:robert
- feat: refs #8387 refs#8387 change request by:robert
- feat: refs #8395 added computed to calculate and display amounts by:provira
- feat: refs #8395 added total column in invoiceInVat by:provira
- feat: refs #8398 modify previous changes by:robert
- feat: refs #8398 moveTicketsFuture by:robert
- feat: refs #8409 added VnSelectSupplier by:Jon
- feat: refs #8410 added new feature to module searchbar by:provira
- feat: refs #8418 add data-cy attribute for print labels button in EntryBuysTableDialog by:jtubau
- feat: refs #8450 added new version by:Jon
- feat: toCurrency in risk icon by:Javier Segarra
- feat: update quasar version by:Javier Segarra
- feat: update vitest to 1.0 by:Javier Segarra
- feat: update vue to 3.5 by:Javier Segarra
- style: customerDescriptor by:Javier Segarra
- style: refs #6943 order imports by:Javier Segarra
### Changed 📦
- feat: refs #7134 perf VnTable by:Javier Segarra
- perf: pnpm-lock by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 #7134 changes by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 #7134 fix filter panel by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 #7134 global dialog newPayment and composable getRisk by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 currencies fetch by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 format columns by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 imports by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 use ForModelPopup by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 use map-key by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7134 use where to get only EUR currency by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7196 update eslint by:alexm
- perf: refs #7308 call 1 time useSession by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7826 code onError by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #7826 improve condition by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #8197 default is object by:alexm
- perf: refs #8197 fix and imrpove filters by:alexm
- perf: refs #8197 perf by:alexm
- perf: refs #8339 minor changes by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #8339 removew preview tag by:Javier Segarra
- perf: use util in OutLayout by:Javier Segarra
- perf: vitest to 0.34.0 by:Javier Segarra
- refactor: advancedMenu button inside searchbar by:alexm
- refactor: move remaining data to descriptorMenu by:Jon
- refactor: refs #6822 transferEntry moved to descriptor menu by:robert
- refactor: refs #7068 adjust variables by:Jon
- refactor: refs #7068 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #7317 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #7322 extract repeated functions and create tests by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7322 update API functions to accept filters for enhanced data retrieval by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7322 update getAgencies to handle client and return default agency by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8120 change prop and classes' names by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8120 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8120 use only defineProps by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8316 added shelvingCardBeta and localizations by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 add new localization keys and update existing ones for invoiceIn components by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 add new localization keys and update existing ones for invoiceOut components by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 moved userFilter to array-data-props by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 remove invoiceInSearchbar by:alexm
- refactor: refs #8316 remove unused ItemTypeSearchbar component by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 restore exprBuilder function to filter invoice data by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 restore filter for supplier and related entities in InvoiceInCard by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 unify router item and itemType by:alexm
- refactor: refs #8316 update prefix casing for InvoiceIn component by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 update Spanish translations for ItemsFilterPanel by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 used VnSection and VnBetaCard by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 used VnSection and VnCardBeta by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 used VnSection and VnCardBeta on ItemCard by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8322 changed Route component to use VnSection/VnCardBeta by:provira
- refactor: refs #8322 changed Travel component to use VnSection/VnCardBeta by:provira
- refactor: refs #8351 deleted skip and fixed TicketList e2e by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8351 put appropriate name by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8380 remove unnecessary stubs in VnImg test wrapper by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8381 update travel data handling in TravelThermographs component by:jgallego
- refactor: refs #8409 deleted unused variable by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8409 use defineModel instead or defineProps by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8410 restructured code by:provira
- refactor: refs #8418 remove commented issue reference from myEntry.spec.js by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8418 update data-cy attribute for print labels button in EntryBuysTableDialog by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8418 update selector to use cy.dataCy instead cy.get by:jtubau
- refactor: request changes by:Jon
### Fixed 🛠️
- feat: refs #8322 fix route.js and unify with /agency by:alexm
- feat: refs #8322 fix route.js and unify with /roadmap by:alexm
- fix: added witdth when opening summary by:Jon
- fix: defineProps not import by:alexm
- fix: deleted duplicate request by:Jon
- fix: fixed descriptor e2e by:Jon
- fix: fixed InvoiceOutList e2e by:Jon
- fix: fixed list and e2e by:Jon
- fix: fixed pagiante by:Jon
- fix: fixed rectificative class by:Jon
- fix: fixed states column in claim list and filter by:Jon
- fix: fixed VnLocation and warnings by:Jon
- fix: fixed wagons e2e (origin/Fix-WagonModuleE2E) by:Jon
- fix: fix grid two by:carlossa
- fix: improve method (origin/warmfix_reload_scriptIsMissing) by:Javier Segarra
- fix: init by:Javier Segarra
- fix: minor cli error by:Javier Segarra
- fix: modified front to show new field by:Jon
- fix: move dialog to descriptorMenu by:Jon
- fix: refs #6553 clean pr by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix BeforeMount filters by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix front and translations by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix pr by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix PR, fix vnTableCard by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix qScrollArea by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix summary by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix user-filter by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix vnTable by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 fix vnTable css by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 front advanced by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 front by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 label css by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6553 onBeforeMount by:carlossa
- fix: refs #6943 minor changes by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #6943 redirect when change addressId by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #6943 required by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7065 made consts for repeated values by:provira
- fix: refs #7065 removed unnecessary code by:provira
- fix: refs #7103 removed unused code on spies by:provira
- fix: refs #7103 updated tests for new changes by:provira
- fix: refs #7103 used consts for repeated variables by:provira
- fix: refs #7134 getRiskComposable by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7134 minor change by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7134 params filter by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7134 remove risk by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7134 remove supplierRisk by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7134 solve comments by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #7196 not neccessary by:alexm
- fix: refs #7196 sass by:alexm
- fix: refs #7322 handle null responses in client, agency and address fetching by:jtubau
- fix: refs #7826 init by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #8120 ticket descriptor & summary by:Jon
- fix: refs #8172 Remove unused row and column fields from ParkingBasicData by:guillermo
- fix: refs #8197 improve code robustness by adding optional chaining and fixing syntax errors by:alexm
- fix: refs #8197 use rightMenu by:alexm
- fix: refs #8197 use RightMenu in subsections by:alexm
- fix: refs #8227 clean pr (origin/8227-warmfixRoute) by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8227 fix front descriptor, Form by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8227 warmfix by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8316 advanced-menu by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 filter by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 fix broken localizations for entry descriptor menu and items filter panel by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8316 icon by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 redirections by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 translations by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 user-filter by:alexm
- fix: refs #8322 add userFilter by:alexm
- fix: refs #8322 filter and params by:alexm
- fix: refs #8322 fixed route creation url by:provira
- fix: refs #8322 moved filter inside array-data-props by:provira
- fix: refs #8322 use userFilter by:alexm
- fix: refs #8347 remove skip, fix unpaid by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8352 fix datacy by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8352 fix right by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8352 fix rightPanel vnLog by:carlossa
- fix: refs #8381 update travel data fetching to use correct URL and include necessary fields by:jgallego
- fix: refs #8381 update travel data reference in TravelThermographs component by:jgallego
- fix: refs #8395 update label for total column by:provira
- fix: refs #8409 deleted code due to merge by:Jon
- fix: refs #8409 deleted code of merge by:Jon
- fix: refs #8410 removed ref from searching boolean by:provira
- fix: refs #8410 removed unused code by:provira
- fix: refs #8410 removed unused condition by:provira
- fix: refs #8410 removed unused ref by:provira
- fix: refs #8410 simplified searchModule function by:provira
- fix: refs #8418 adjusted route for button click by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8418 correct casing in translation keys for supplier reference and issued date labels by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8419 modified list and fixed e2e by:Jon
- fix: refs #8420 ensure search bar is visible before typing and enable details test by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8422 fixed ItemTag e2e test not working by:provira
- fix: refs #8422 optimized get and dataCy by:provira
- fix: refs #8423 fixed zoneWarehouse e2e test not working by:provira
- fix: refs #8423 removed data-cy usage by:provira
- fix: refs #8423 used dataCy to get data-cy by:provira
- fix: refs #8524 parking section router by:alexm
- fix: refs #8524 parking test (origin/8524-devToTest, 8524-devToTest) by:alexm
- fix: remove console by:Javier Segarra
- fix: replace labels by:Javier Segarra
- fix: rightAdvancedMenu by:alexm
- fix: routeCard use customUrl by:alexm
- fix: show descriptors when click on it by:Javier Segarra
- fix: update query parameters for thermograph routing by:jgallego
- fix: update selector for buyLabel button in myEntry.spec.js (origin/fix-myEntryTest) by:jtubau
- fix: update setupNodeEvents to use async/await for plugin import by:jgallego
- fix: use model by:alexm
- fix: use rightMenu by:alexm
- fix(VnSection): destroy data when unmounted by:alexm
- fix(VnSection): refs #8197 check route by:alexm
- fix(WorkerBusiness): fix card label by:alexm
- fix: workerSummary by:alexm
- perf: refs #7134 #7134 fix filter panel by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #8197 fix and imrpove filters by:alexm
- refactor: refs #8316 update prefix casing for InvoiceIn component by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8351 deleted skip and fixed TicketList e2e by:Jon
- refs #6553 fix business slot by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix business summary by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix business summary traductions by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix front ibject by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix front trad by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix names by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix reactivateWorker by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix relations by:carlossa
- refs #6553 fix VnTable by:carlossa
- refs #7917 fix routeCard by:carlossa
- revert: refs #7134 change by:Javier Segarra
- revert: refs #7134 customer changes by:Javier Segarra
- revert: vitest to 0.31.1 by:Javier Segarra
- test: fix clientList spec by:Javier Segarra
- test: fix component by:Javier Segarra
- test: fix VnSearchbar by:alexm
- test: refs #6943 fix tests by:Javier Segarra
- test: refs #7308 fix axios.spec.js by:Javier Segarra
- test: refs #8524 fix by:alexm
# Version 25.04 - 2025-01-28
# Version 25.04 - 2025-01-28
### Added 🆕
### Added 🆕
@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ function cardClick(_, row) {
btn.isPrimary ? 'text-primary-light' : 'color-vn-text '
btn.isPrimary ? 'text-primary-light' : 'color-vn-label'
:style="`visibility: ${
:style="`visibility: ${
(( && ?? true)
(( && ?? true)
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ function cardClick(_, row) {
class="no-margin no-padding"
class="no-margin no-padding"
:class="colsMap.tableActions ? 'w-80' : 'fit'"
:class="colsMap.tableActions ? '' : 'fit'"
<!-- Chips -->
<!-- Chips -->
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ function cardClick(_, row) {
<!-- Fields -->
<!-- Fields -->
class="q-pl-sm q-pr-lg q-py-xs"
class="q-pl-sm q-py-xs"
@ -822,11 +822,11 @@ function cardClick(_, row) {
col, index
col, index
) of splittedColumns.cardVisible"
) of splittedColumns.cardVisible"
<VnLv :label="col.label + ':'">
<VnLv :label="col.label + ':'">
<template #value>
<template #value>
@ -862,12 +862,12 @@ function cardClick(_, row) {
? 'text-primary-light'
? 'text-primary-light'
: 'color-vn-text '
: 'color-vn-label'
@ -1120,6 +1120,7 @@ es:
.vn-label-value {
.vn-label-value {
display: flex;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
color: var(--vn-text-color);
color: var(--vn-text-color);
.value {
.value {
overflow: hidden;
overflow: hidden;
@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
if (props.baseUrl) {
onBeforeRouteUpdate(async (to, from) => {
onBeforeRouteUpdate(async (to, from) => {
if (hasRouteParam(to.params)) {
if (hasRouteParam(to.params)) {
const { matched } = router.currentRoute.value;
const { matched } = router.currentRoute.value;
const { name } =;
const { name } =;
@ -47,11 +46,16 @@ if (props.baseUrl) {
router.push({ name, params: to.params });
router.push({ name, params: to.params });
if ( !== {
const id =;
|||||| = `${props.baseUrl}/${}`;
if (id !== await fetch(id, true);
await arrayData.fetch({ append: false, updateRouter: false });
async function fetch(id, append = false) {
const regex = /\/(\d+)/;
if (props.idInWhere) = { id };
else if (!regex.test(props.url)) = `${props.url}/${id}`;
else = props.url.replace(regex, `/${id}`);
await arrayData.fetch({ append, updateRouter: false });
function hasRouteParam(params, valueToCheck = ':addressId') {
function hasRouteParam(params, valueToCheck = ':addressId') {
return Object.values(params).includes(valueToCheck);
return Object.values(params).includes(valueToCheck);
@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'update:options', 'remove']);
const $attrs = useAttrs();
const $attrs = useAttrs();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { isRequired, requiredFieldRule } = useRequired($attrs);
const isRequired = computed(() => {
return useRequired($attrs).isRequired;
const requiredFieldRule = computed(() => {
return useRequired($attrs).requiredFieldRule;
const $props = defineProps({
const $props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
modelValue: {
@ -53,3 +53,8 @@ const manaCode = ref(props.manaCode);
Promotion mana: Maná promoción
Claim mana: Maná reclamación
@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ const cancel = () => {
<div v-else>
<div v-else>
<div class="header">Mana: {{ toCurrency(mana) }}</div>
<div class="header">Mana: {{ toCurrency(mana) }}</div>
<div class="q-pa-md">
<div class="q-pa-md">
<slot />
<slot :popup="QPopupProxyRef" />
<div v-if="usesMana" class="column q-gutter-y-sm q-mt-sm">
<VnUsesMana :mana-code="manaCode" />
<div v-if="newPrice" class="column items-center q-mt-lg">
<div v-if="newPrice" class="column items-center q-mt-lg">
<span class="text-primary">{{ t('New price') }}</span>
<span class="text-primary">{{ t('New price') }}</span>
<span class="text-subtitle1">
<span class="text-subtitle1">
@ -56,9 +59,6 @@ const cancel = () => {
<div v-if="usesMana" class="column q-gutter-y-sm q-mt-sm">
<VnUsesMana :mana-code="manaCode" />
<div class="row">
<div class="row">
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.amount'),
label: t('globals.amount'),
name: 'amount',
name: 'amount',
format: (row) => parseInt(row.amount * row.quantity),
format: (row) => toCurrency(getSaleTotal(row)),
align: 'left',
align: 'left',
@ -331,8 +331,7 @@ const updateDiscount = async (sales, newDiscount = null) => {
await`Tickets/${}/updateDiscount`, params);
await`Tickets/${}/updateDiscount`, params);
notify('globals.dataSaved', 'positive');
notify('globals.dataSaved', 'positive');
for (let sale of sales) = _newDiscount;
edit.value = { ...DEFAULT_EDIT };
const getNewPrice = computed(() => {
const getNewPrice = computed(() => {
@ -789,21 +788,24 @@ watch(
<template #default="{ popup }">
() => {
<div v-if="usesMana" class="column q-gutter-y-sm q-mt-sm">
<VnUsesMana :mana-code="manaCode" />
<span v-else>{{ toPercentage( / 100) }}</span>
<span v-else>{{ toPercentage( / 100) }}</span>
<template #column-amount="{ row }">
{{ toCurrency(row.quantity * row.price) }}
<QPageSticky :offset="[20, 20]" style="z-index: 2">
<QPageSticky :offset="[20, 20]" style="z-index: 2">
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const showChangePasswordDialog = () => {
v-if="!worker.user.emailVerified && =="
v-if="!worker.user.emailVerified && !="
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
import FormModel from 'src/components/FormModel.vue';
import FormModel from 'src/components/FormModel.vue';
import VnRow from 'components/ui/VnRow.vue';
import VnRow from 'components/ui/VnRow.vue';
@ -9,33 +9,23 @@ import VnInputTime from 'src/components/common/VnInputTime.vue';
import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
import VnSelect from 'src/components/common/VnSelect.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const { t } = useI18n();
const agencyFilter = {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
order: 'name ASC',
limit: 30,
const agencyOptions = ref([]);
const validAddresses = ref([]);
const validAddresses = ref([]);
const addresses = ref([]);
const filterWhere = computed(() => ({
const setFilteredAddresses = (data) => {
id: { inq: => item.addressFk) },
const validIds = new Set( => item.addressFk));
addresses.value = data.filter((address) => validIds.has(;
@on-fetch="(data) => (agencyOptions = data)"
@on-fetch="(data) => (validAddresses = data)"
@on-fetch="(data) => (validAddresses = data)"
<FormModel :url="`Zones/${$}`" auto-load data-key="Zone">
<FetchData url="Addresses" auto-load @on-fetch="setFilteredAddresses" />
<FormModel auto-load model="zone">
<template #form="{ data, validate }">
<template #form="{ data, validate }">
@ -45,7 +35,6 @@ const filterWhere = computed(() => ({
@ -128,7 +117,7 @@ const filterWhere = computed(() => ({
:fields="['id', 'nickname']"
:fields="['id', 'nickname']"
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ describe('InvoiceInVat', () => {
cy.get(dialogInputs).eq(1).type('This is a dummy expense');
cy.get(dialogInputs).eq(1).type('This is a dummy expense');
cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data created');
cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data created');
Reference in New Issue