+ const getSelector = (colField) => `tr:last-child > [data-col-field="${colField}"]`;
+ const selectors = {
+ worker: getSelector('workerFk'),
+ agency: getSelector('agencyModeFk'),
+ vehicle: getSelector('vehicleFk'),
+ date: getSelector('dated'),
+ description: getSelector('description'),
+ served: getSelector('isOk'),
+ lastRowSelectCheckBox: 'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) .q-checkbox__inner',
+ removeBtn: '[title="Remove"]',
+ resetBtn: '[title="Reset"]',
+ confirmBtn: 'VnConfirm_confirm',
+ saveBtn: 'crudModelDefaultSaveBtn',
+ saveFormBtn: 'FormModelPopup_save',
+ cloneBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(1)',
+ downloadBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(2)',
+ markServedBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(3)',
+ searchbar: 'searchbar',
+ firstTicketsRowSelectCheckBox:
+ '.q-card > :nth-child(2) > .q-table__container > .q-table__middle > .q-table > tbody > :nth-child(1) > .q-table--col-auto-width > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner > .q-checkbox__bg > .q-checkbox__svg',
+ };
+ const checkboxState = {
+ check: 'check',
+ uncheck: 'close',
+ };
+ const url = '/#/route/extended-list';
+ const dataCreated = 'Data created';
+ const dataSaved = 'Data saved';
+ const originalFields = [
+ { selector: selectors.worker, type: 'select', value: 'logistic' },
+ { selector: selectors.agency, type: 'select', value: 'Super-Man delivery' },
+ { selector: selectors.vehicle, type: 'select', value: '3333-IMK' },
+ { selector: selectors.date, type: 'date', value: '01/02/2024' },
+ { selector: selectors.description, type: 'input', value: 'Test route' },
+ { selector: selectors.served, type: 'checkbox', value: checkboxState.uncheck },
+ ];
+ const updateFields = [
+ { selector: selectors.worker, type: 'select', value: 'salesperson' },
+ { selector: selectors.agency, type: 'select', value: 'inhouse pickup' },
+ { selector: selectors.vehicle, type: 'select', value: '1111-IMK' },
+ { selector: selectors.date, type: 'date', value: '01/01/2001' },
+ { selector: selectors.description, type: 'input', value: 'Description updated' },
+ { selector: selectors.served, type: 'checkbox', value: checkboxState.check },
+ ];
+ function fillField(selector, type, value) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'select':
+ cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click();
+ cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type(value);
+ cy.get('.q-item').contains(value).click();
+ break;
+ case 'input':
+ cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click();
+ cy.dataCy('null_input').clear().type(`${value}{enter}`);
+ break;
+ case 'date':
+ cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click();
+ cy.dataCy('null_inputDate').clear().type(`${value}{enter}`);
+ break;
+ case 'checkbox':
+ cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click().click();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
+ cy.login('developer');
+ cy.visit(url);
+ cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+ });
+ after(() => {
+ cy.visit(url);
+ cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+ cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+ cy.get(selectors.removeBtn).click();
+ cy.dataCy(selectors.confirmBtn).click();
+ });
+ it('Should list routes', () => {
+ cy.get('.q-table')
+ .children()
+ .should('be.visible')
+ .should('have.length.greaterThan', 0);
+ });
+ it('Should create new route', () => {
+ cy.addBtnClick();
+ const data = {
+ Worker: { val: 'logistic', type: 'select' },
+ Agency: { val: 'Super-Man delivery', type: 'select' },
+ Vehicle: { val: '3333-IMK', type: 'select' },
+ Date: { val: '02-01-2024', type: 'date' },
+ From: { val: '01-01-2024', type: 'date' },
+ To: { val: '10-01-2024', type: 'date' },
+ 'Km start': { val: 1000 },
+ 'Km end': { val: 1200 },
+ Description: { val: 'Test route' },
+ };
+ cy.fillInForm(data);
+ cy.dataCy(selectors.saveFormBtn).click();
+ cy.checkNotification(dataCreated);
+ cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
+ });
+ it('Should reset changed values when click reset button', () => {
+ updateFields.forEach(({ selector, type, value }) => {
+ fillField(selector, type, value);
+ });
+ cy.get('[title="Reset"]').click();
+ originalFields.forEach(({ selector, value }) => {
+ cy.validateContent(selector, value);
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should clone selected route', () => {
+ cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+ cy.get(selectors.cloneBtn).click();
+ cy.dataCy('route.Starting date_inputDate').type('10-05-2001{enter}');
+ cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
+ cy.validateContent(selectors.date, '05/10/2001');
+ });
+ it('Should download selected route', () => {
+ const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config('downloadsFolder');
+ cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+ cy.get(selectors.downloadBtn).click();
+ cy.wait(5000);
+ const fileName = 'download.zip';
+ cy.readFile(`${downloadsFolder}/${fileName}`).should('exist');
+ cy.task('deleteFile', `${downloadsFolder}/${fileName}`).then((deleted) => {
+ expect(deleted).to.be.true;
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should mark as served the selected route', () => {
+ cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+ cy.get(selectors.markServedBtn).click();
+ cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+ cy.validateContent(selectors.served, checkboxState.check);
+ });
+ it('Should delete the selected route', () => {
+ cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+ cy.get(selectors.removeBtn).click();
+ cy.dataCy(selectors.confirmBtn).click();
+ cy.checkNotification(dataSaved);
+ });
+ it('Should save changes in route', () => {
+ updateFields.forEach(({ selector, type, value }) => {
+ fillField(selector, type, value);
+ });
+ cy.dataCy(selectors.saveBtn).should('not.be.disabled').click();
+ cy.checkNotification(dataSaved);
+ cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+ updateFields.forEach(({ selector, value }) => {
+ cy.validateContent(selector, value);
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should add ticket to route', () => {
+ cy.dataCy('tableAction-0').last().click();
+ cy.get(selectors.firstTicketsRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+ cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
+ cy.checkNotification(dataSaved);
+ });
+ it('Should open summary pop-up when click summuary icon', () => {
+ cy.dataCy('tableAction-1').last().click();
+ cy.get('.summaryHeader > :nth-child(2').should('contain', updateFields[4].value);
+ });
+ it('Should redirect to the summary from the route summary pop-up', () => {
+ cy.dataCy('tableAction-1').last().click();
+ cy.get('.header > .q-icon').should('be.visible').click();
+ cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
+ });
+ it('Should redirect to the summary when click go to summary icon', () => {
+ cy.dataCy('tableAction-2').last().click();
+ cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
+ });
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/ticket/ticketSale.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/ticket/ticketSale.spec.js
index aed8dc85a..63562bd26 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/ticket/ticketSale.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/ticket/ticketSale.spec.js
@@ -1,122 +1,208 @@
describe('TicketSale', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- cy.login('developer');
- cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
- cy.visit('/#/ticket/31/sale');
- });
- const firstRow = 'tbody > :nth-child(1)';
- const selectFirstRow = () => {
- cy.waitForElement(firstRow);
- cy.get(firstRow).find('.q-checkbox__inner').click();
- };
- it('it should add item to basket', () => {
- cy.window().then((win) => {
- cy.stub(win, 'open').as('windowOpen');
+ describe('Free ticket #31', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.login('developer');
+ cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
+ cy.visit('/#/ticket/31/sale');
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleAddToBasketBtn').should('exist');
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleAddToBasketBtn').click();
- cy.get('@windowOpen').should('be.calledWithMatch', /\/order\/\d+\/catalog/);
- });
- it('should send SMS', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="sendShortageSMSItem"]');
- cy.dataCy('sendShortageSMSItem').should('exist');
- cy.dataCy('sendShortageSMSItem').click();
- cy.dataCy('vnSmsDialog').should('exist');
- cy.dataCy('sendSmsBtn').click();
- cy.checkNotification('SMS sent');
- });
+ const firstRow = 'tbody > :nth-child(1)';
- it('should recalculate price when "Recalculate price" is clicked', () => {
- cy.intercept('POST', '**/recalculatePrice').as('recalculatePrice');
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="recalculatePriceItem"]');
- cy.dataCy('recalculatePriceItem').should('exist');
- cy.dataCy('recalculatePriceItem').click();
- cy.wait('@recalculatePrice').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200);
- cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
- });
+ const selectFirstRow = () => {
+ cy.waitForElement(firstRow);
+ cy.get(firstRow).find('.q-checkbox__inner').click();
+ };
- it('should update discount when "Update discount" is clicked', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="updateDiscountItem"]');
- cy.dataCy('updateDiscountItem').should('exist');
- cy.dataCy('updateDiscountItem').click();
- cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="ticketSaleDiscountInput"]');
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleDiscountInput').find('input').focus();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleDiscountInput').find('input').type('10');
- cy.dataCy('saveManaBtn').click();
- cy.waitForElement('.q-notification__message');
- cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
- });
+ it('it should add item to basket', () => {
+ cy.window().then((win) => {
+ cy.stub(win, 'open').as('windowOpen');
+ });
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleAddToBasketBtn').should('exist');
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleAddToBasketBtn').click();
+ cy.get('@windowOpen').should('be.calledWithMatch', /\/order\/\d+\/catalog/);
+ });
- it('adds claim', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.dataCy('createClaimItem').click();
- cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
- cy.url().should('contain', 'claim/');
- // Delete created claim to avoid cluttering the database
- cy.dataCy('descriptor-more-opts').click();
- cy.dataCy('deleteClaim').click();
- cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
- cy.checkNotification('Data deleted');
- });
+ it('should send SMS', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="sendShortageSMSItem"]');
+ cy.dataCy('sendShortageSMSItem').should('exist');
+ cy.dataCy('sendShortageSMSItem').click();
+ cy.dataCy('vnSmsDialog').should('exist');
+ cy.dataCy('sendSmsBtn').click();
+ cy.checkNotification('SMS sent');
+ });
- it('marks row as reserved', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="markAsReservedItem"]');
- cy.dataCy('markAsReservedItem').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleReservedIcon').should('exist');
- });
+ it('should recalculate price when "Recalculate price" is clicked', () => {
+ cy.intercept('POST', '**/recalculatePrice').as('recalculatePrice');
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="recalculatePriceItem"]');
+ cy.dataCy('recalculatePriceItem').should('exist');
+ cy.dataCy('recalculatePriceItem').click();
+ cy.wait('@recalculatePrice').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200);
+ cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+ });
- it('unmarks row as reserved', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="unmarkAsReservedItem"]');
- cy.dataCy('unmarkAsReservedItem').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleReservedIcon').should('not.exist');
- });
+ it('should update discount when "Update discount" is clicked', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="updateDiscountItem"]');
+ cy.dataCy('updateDiscountItem').should('exist');
+ cy.dataCy('updateDiscountItem').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="ticketSaleDiscountInput"]');
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleDiscountInput').find('input').focus();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleDiscountInput').find('input').type('10');
+ cy.dataCy('saveManaBtn').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('.q-notification__message');
+ cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+ });
- it('refunds row with warehouse', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundItem').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundWithWarehouse').click();
- cy.checkNotification('The following refund ticket have been created');
- });
+ it('adds claim', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.dataCy('createClaimItem').click();
+ cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
+ cy.url().should('contain', 'claim/');
+ // Delete created claim to avoid cluttering the database
+ cy.dataCy('descriptor-more-opts').click();
+ cy.dataCy('deleteClaim').click();
+ cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
+ cy.checkNotification('Data deleted');
+ });
- it('refunds row without warehouse', () => {
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundItem').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundWithoutWarehouse').click();
- cy.checkNotification('The following refund ticket have been created');
- });
+ it('marks row as reserved', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="markAsReservedItem"]');
+ cy.dataCy('markAsReservedItem').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleReservedIcon').should('exist');
+ });
- it('transfer sale to a new ticket', () => {
- cy.visit('/#/ticket/32/sale');
- cy.get('.q-item > .q-item__label').should('have.text', ' #32');
- selectFirstRow();
- cy.dataCy('ticketSaleTransferBtn').click();
- cy.dataCy('ticketTransferPopup').should('exist');
- cy.dataCy('ticketTransferNewTicketBtn').click();
- //check the new ticket has been created succesfully
- cy.get('.q-item > .q-item__label').should('not.have.text', ' #32');
- });
+ it('unmarks row as reserved', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="unmarkAsReservedItem"]');
+ cy.dataCy('unmarkAsReservedItem').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleReservedIcon').should('not.exist');
+ });
- it('should redirect to ticket logs', () => {
- cy.get(firstRow).find('.q-btn:last').click();
- cy.url().should('match', /\/ticket\/31\/log/);
+ it('refunds row with warehouse', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundItem').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundWithWarehouse').click();
+ cy.checkNotification('The following refund ticket have been created');
+ });
+ it('refunds row without warehouse', () => {
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleMoreActionsDropdown').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundItem').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleRefundWithoutWarehouse').click();
+ cy.checkNotification('The following refund ticket have been created');
+ });
+ it('transfer sale to a new ticket', () => {
+ cy.visit('/#/ticket/32/sale');
+ cy.get('.q-item > .q-item__label').should('have.text', ' #32');
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleTransferBtn').click();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketTransferPopup').should('exist');
+ cy.dataCy('ticketTransferNewTicketBtn').click();
+ //check the new ticket has been created succesfully
+ cy.get('.q-item > .q-item__label').should('not.have.text', ' #32');
+ });
+ it('should redirect to ticket logs', () => {
+ cy.get(firstRow).find('.q-btn:last').click();
+ cy.url().should('match', /\/ticket\/31\/log/);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Ticket prepared #23', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.login('developer');
+ cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
+ cy.visit('/#/ticket/23/sale');
+ });
+ const firstRow = 'tbody > :nth-child(1)';
+ const selectFirstRow = () => {
+ cy.waitForElement(firstRow);
+ cy.get(firstRow).find('.q-checkbox__inner').click();
+ };
+ it('update price', () => {
+ const price = Number((Math.random() * 99 + 1).toFixed(2));
+ cy.waitForElement(firstRow);
+ cy.get(':nth-child(10) > .q-btn').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="ticketEditManaProxy"]');
+ cy.dataCy('ticketEditManaProxy').should('exist');
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="Price_input"]');
+ cy.dataCy('Price_input').clear();
+ cy.dataCy('Price_input').type(price);
+ cy.dataCy('saveManaBtn').click();
+ handleVnConfirm();
+ cy.get(':nth-child(10) > .q-btn > .q-btn__content').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ `€${price}`,
+ );
+ });
+ it('update dicount', () => {
+ const discount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
+ selectFirstRow();
+ cy.get(':nth-child(11) > .q-btn').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="ticketEditManaProxy"]');
+ cy.dataCy('ticketEditManaProxy').should('exist');
+ cy.waitForElement('[data-cy="Disc_input"]');
+ cy.dataCy('Disc_input').clear();
+ cy.dataCy('Disc_input').type(discount);
+ cy.dataCy('saveManaBtn').click();
+ handleVnConfirm();
+ cy.get(':nth-child(11) > .q-btn > .q-btn__content').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ `${discount}.00%`,
+ );
+ });
+ it('change concept', () => {
+ const quantity = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
+ cy.waitForElement(firstRow);
+ cy.get(':nth-child(8) > .row').click();
+ cy.get(
+ '.q-menu > [data-v-ca3f07a4=""] > .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > [data-cy="undefined_input"]',
+ )
+ .type(quantity)
+ .type('{enter}');
+ handleVnConfirm();
+ cy.get(':nth-child(8) >.row').should('contain.text', `${quantity}`);
+ });
+ it('changequantity ', () => {
+ const quantity = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
+ cy.waitForElement(firstRow);
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleQuantityInput').clear();
+ cy.dataCy('ticketSaleQuantityInput').type(quantity).trigger('tab');
+ cy.get('.q-page > :nth-child(6)').click();
+ handleVnConfirm();
+ cy.get('[data-cy="ticketSaleQuantityInput"]')
+ .find('[data-cy="undefined_input"]')
+ .should('have.value', `${quantity}`);
+ });
+function handleVnConfirm() {
+ cy.get('[data-cy="VnConfirm_confirm"] > .q-btn__content > .block').click();
+ cy.waitForElement('.q-notification__message');
+ cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('be.visible');
+ cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/wagon/wagonType/wagonTypeCreate.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/wagon/wagonType/wagonTypeCreate.spec.js
index 2cd43984a..49d7d9f01 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/wagon/wagonType/wagonTypeCreate.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/wagon/wagonType/wagonTypeCreate.spec.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe('WagonTypeCreate', () => {
it('should create a new wagon type and then delete it', () => {
cy.get('.q-page-sticky > div > .q-btn').click();
- cy.get('input').first().type('Example for testing');
+ cy.dataCy('Name_input').type('Example for testing');
cy.get('[title="Remove"] > .q-btn__content > .q-icon').first().click();
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerCreate.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerCreate.spec.js
index 7f2810395..71fd6b347 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerCreate.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerCreate.spec.js
@@ -2,9 +2,24 @@ describe('WorkerCreate', () => {
const externalRadio = '.q-radio:nth-child(2)';
const developerBossId = 120;
const payMethodCross =
- '.grid-create .full-width > :nth-child(9) .q-select .q-field__append:not(.q-anchor--skip)';
+ ':nth-child(9) > .q-select > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > :nth-child(2)';
const saveBtn = '.q-mt-lg > .q-btn--standard';
+ const internalWithOutPay = {
+ Fi: { val: '78457139E' },
+ 'Web user': { val: 'manolo' },
+ Name: { val: 'Manolo' },
+ 'Last name': { val: 'Hurtado' },
+ 'Personal email': { val: 'manolo@mydomain.com' },
+ Company: { val: 'VNL', type: 'select' },
+ Street: { val: 'S/ DEFAULTWORKERSTREET' },
+ Location: { val: 1, type: 'select' },
+ Phone: { val: '123456789' },
+ 'Worker code': { val: 'DWW' },
+ Boss: { val: developerBossId, type: 'select' },
+ Birth: { val: '11-12-2022', type: 'date' },
+ };
const internal = {
Fi: { val: '78457139E' },
'Web user': { val: 'manolo' },
@@ -14,6 +29,7 @@ describe('WorkerCreate', () => {
Company: { val: 'VNL', type: 'select' },
Street: { val: 'S/ DEFAULTWORKERSTREET' },
Location: { val: 1, type: 'select' },
+ 'Pay method': { val: 1, type: 'select' },
Phone: { val: '123456789' },
'Worker code': { val: 'DWW' },
Boss: { val: developerBossId, type: 'select' },
@@ -37,17 +53,14 @@ describe('WorkerCreate', () => {
it('should throw an error if a pay method has not been selected', () => {
- cy.fillInForm(internal);
+ cy.fillInForm(internalWithOutPay);
cy.checkNotification('Payment method is required');
it('should create an internal', () => {
- cy.fillInForm({
- ...internal,
- 'Pay method': { val: 'PayMethod one', type: 'select' },
- });
+ cy.fillInForm(internal);
cy.checkNotification('Data created');
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerNotificationsManager.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerNotificationsManager.spec.js
index f121b3894..ad48d8a6c 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerNotificationsManager.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerNotificationsManager.spec.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe('WorkerNotificationsManager', () => {
- 'The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified'
+ 'The notification subscription of this worker cant be modified',
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPit.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPit.spec.js
index cc3a87637..19cbebc20 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPit.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/worker/workerPit.spec.js
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ describe('WorkerPit', () => {
const spousePensionInput = '[data-cy="Spouse Pension_input"]';
const spousePension = '120';
const addRelative = '[data-cy="addRelative"]';
- const isDescendantSelect = '[data-cy="Descendant/Ascendant_select"]';
+ const isDescendantSelect = '[data-cy="Descendant/Ascendant"]';
+ const Descendant = 'Descendiente';
const birthedInput = '[data-cy="Birth Year_input"]';
const birthed = '2002';
const adoptionYearInput = '[data-cy="Adoption Year_input"]';
@@ -28,11 +29,8 @@ describe('WorkerPit', () => {
- });
- it('complete relative', () => {
- cy.get(isDescendantSelect).type('{downArrow}{downArrow}{enter}');
+ cy.get(isDescendantSelect).type(Descendant);
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/zone/zoneList.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/zone/zoneList.spec.js
index 8d01d4e4e..68e924635 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/zone/zoneList.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/zone/zoneList.spec.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
describe('ZoneList', () => {
+ const agency = 'inhouse pickup';
beforeEach(() => {
cy.viewport(1280, 720);
@@ -6,11 +7,15 @@ describe('ZoneList', () => {
it('should filter by agency', () => {
- cy.get('input[aria-label="Agency"]').type('{downArrow}{enter}');
+ cy.dataCy('zoneFilterPanelNameInput').type('{downArrow}{enter}');
it('should open the zone summary', () => {
- cy.get('input[aria-label="Name"]').type('zone refund');
- cy.get('.q-scrollarea__content > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
+ cy.dataCy('zoneFilterPanelAgencySelect').type(agency);
+ cy.get('.q-menu .q-item').contains(agency).click();
+ cy.get(':nth-child(1) > [data-col-field="agencyModeFk"]').should(
+ 'include.text',
+ agency,
+ );