perf: CustomerBasicData.salesPersonFk

This commit is contained in:
Javier Segarra 2024-09-16 13:33:07 +02:00
parent eb8690a422
commit 6ffd985575
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,21 @@ const { t } = useI18n();
const businessTypes = ref([]);
const contactChannels = ref([]);
const title = ref();
const handleSalesModelValue = (val) => {
if (salesPersonFilter.value.and.length == 0) salesPersonFilter.value.and.push = [];
salesPersonFilter.value.and[1] = {
or: [
{ name: val },
{ nickname: { like: '%' + val + '%' } },
{ code: { like: `${val}%` } },
const salesPersonFilter = ref({
and: [{ active: { neq: false } }],
@ -96,9 +111,11 @@ const title = ref();
departmentCodes: ['VT', 'shopping'],
:fields="['id', 'nickname']"
sort-by="nickname ASC"