diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/commands.js b/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/commands.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb88a90db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/commands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Cypress.Commands.add('createInvoiceIn', () => {
+    cy.dataCy('vnTableCreateBtn').click();
+    cy.fillInForm(
+        {
+            vnSupplierSelect: { val: 'farmer king', type: 'select' },
+            'Invoice nÂș_input': 'mockInvoice',
+            Company_select: { val: 'orn', type: 'select' },
+            'Expedition date_inputDate': '16-11-2001',
+        },
+        { attr: 'data-cy' },
+    );
+    cy.dataCy('FormModelPopup_save').click();
+Cypress.Commands.add('deleteInvoiceIn', () => {
+    cy.dataCy('cardDescriptor_subtitle')
+        .invoke('text')
+        .then((text) => {
+            const id = text.match(/\d+/g).join('');
+            cy.request({
+                method: 'DELETE',
+                url: `/api/InvoiceIns/${id}`,
+                headers: { Authorization: 'DEFAULT_TOKEN' },
+            });
+        });
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/invoiceInBasicData.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/invoiceInBasicData.spec.js
index 524158b48..9c119cdae 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/invoiceInBasicData.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/invoiceIn/invoiceInBasicData.spec.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 /// <reference types="cypress" />
 import moment from 'moment';
+import './commands';
 describe('InvoiceInBasicData', () => {
     const dialogInputs = '.q-dialog input';
     const getDocumentBtns = (opt) => `[data-cy="dms-buttons"]  > :nth-child(${opt})`;
@@ -28,18 +30,35 @@ describe('InvoiceInBasicData', () => {
     beforeEach(() => {
-        cy.visit(`/#/invoice-in/1/basic-data`);
+        cy.visit('/#/invoice-in/list');
     it('should edit every field', () => {
+        cy.createInvoiceIn();
+        cy.dataCy('InvoiceInBasicData-menu-item').click();
         cy.fillInForm(mock, { attr: 'data-cy' });
         cy.validateForm(mock, { attr: 'data-cy' });
+        cy.deleteInvoiceIn();
     it('should edit, remove and create the dms data', () => {
-        const firtsInput = 'Ticket:65';
-        const secondInput = "I don't know what posting here!";
+        const firtsInput = 'Invoice 65';
+        const secondInput = 'Swords';
+        cy.createInvoiceIn();
+        cy.dataCy('InvoiceInBasicData-menu-item').click();
+        //create
+        cy.get('[data-cy="invoiceInBasicDataDmsAdd"]').eq(0).click();
+        cy.get('[data-cy="VnDms_inputFile"').selectFile(
+            'test/cypress/fixtures/image.jpg',
+            {
+                force: true,
+            },
+        );
+        cy.get('[data-cy="FormModelPopup_save"]').click();
+        cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
@@ -56,20 +75,6 @@ describe('InvoiceInBasicData', () => {
         cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
-        //create
-        cy.get('[data-cy="invoiceInBasicDataDmsAdd"]').eq(0).click();
-        cy.get('[data-cy="VnDms_inputFile"').selectFile(
-            'test/cypress/fixtures/image.jpg',
-            {
-                force: true,
-            },
-        );
-        cy.get('[data-cy="FormModelPopup_save"]').click();
-        cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+        cy.deleteInvoiceIn();
-function getVnNew() {
-    return new Date(Date.UTC(2001, 0, 1, 11));
diff --git a/test/cypress/support/commands.js b/test/cypress/support/commands.js
index 6840d471d..1355e3460 100755
--- a/test/cypress/support/commands.js
+++ b/test/cypress/support/commands.js
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('countSelectOptions', (selector, option) => {
 Cypress.Commands.add('fillInForm', (obj, opts = {}) => {
+    cy.waitSpinner();
     const { form = '.q-form > .q-card', attr = 'aria-label' } = opts;
     cy.get(`${form} input`).each(([el]) => {