From 35253c8127fcef65564a4a6c48ad0db220a0c740 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtubau <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 12:39:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] test: refs #8618 added e2e test to routeExtendedList

 cypress.config.js                             |  11 +
 src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue         |   1 +
 src/pages/Route/RouteExtendedList.vue         |   5 +-
 .../route/routeExtendedList.spec.js           | 198 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js

diff --git a/cypress.config.js b/cypress.config.js
index a9e27fcfd..26b7725a5 100644
--- a/cypress.config.js
+++ b/cypress.config.js
@@ -34,6 +34,17 @@ export default defineConfig({
             const plugin = await import('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin');
+            const fs = await import('fs');
+            on('task', {
+                deleteFile(filePath) {
+                    if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
+                        fs.unlinkSync(filePath);
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                },
+            });
             return config;
         viewportWidth: 1280,
diff --git a/src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue b/src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue
index 73c825e1e..1f4705faa 100644
--- a/src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue
+++ b/src/components/common/VnInputDate.vue
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ const manageDate = (date) => {
             @click="isPopupOpen = !isPopupOpen"
             @keydown="isPopupOpen = false"
+            :data-cy="$attrs.dataCy ?? $attrs.label + '_inputDate'"
             <template #append>
diff --git a/src/pages/Route/RouteExtendedList.vue b/src/pages/Route/RouteExtendedList.vue
index 46bc1a690..a8d847711 100644
--- a/src/pages/Route/RouteExtendedList.vue
+++ b/src/pages/Route/RouteExtendedList.vue
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ const openTicketsDialog = (id) => {
             <QCardSection class="q-pt-none">
-                    :label="t('route.Stating date')"
+                    :label="t('route.Starting date')"
@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ const openTicketsDialog = (id) => {
+                    flat
                     @click="confirmationDialog = true"
@@ -344,6 +345,7 @@ const openTicketsDialog = (id) => {
+                    flat
@@ -353,6 +355,7 @@ const openTicketsDialog = (id) => {
+                    flat
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e2c23bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+describe('Route extended list', () => {
+    const worker = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="workerFk"]';
+    const agency = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="agencyModeFk"]';
+    const vehicle = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="vehicleFk"]';
+    const date = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="dated"]';
+    const description = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="description"]';
+    const served = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="isOk"]';
+    beforeEach(() => {
+        cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
+        cy.login('developer');
+        cy.visit('/#/route/extended-list');
+        cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+    });
+    after(() => {
+        cy.visit('/#/route/extended-list');
+        cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+        cy.get(
+            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
+        ).click();
+        cy.get('[title="Remove"]').click();
+        cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
+    });
+    it('Should list routes', () => {
+        cy.get('.q-table')
+            .children()
+            .should('be.visible')
+            .should('have.length.greaterThan', 0);
+    });
+    it('Should create new route', () => {
+        cy.addBtnClick();
+        const data = {
+            Worker: { val: 'logistic', type: 'select' },
+            Agency: { val: 'Super-Man delivery', type: 'select' },
+            Vehicle: { val: '3333-IMK', type: 'select' },
+            Date: { val: '02-01-2024', type: 'date' },
+            From: { val: '01-01-2024', type: 'date' },
+            To: { val: '10-01-2024', type: 'date' },
+            'Km start': { val: 1000 },
+            'Km end': { val: 1200 },
+            Description: { val: 'Test route' },
+        };
+        cy.fillInForm(data);
+        cy.dataCy('FormModelPopup_save').click();
+        cy.checkNotification('Data created');
+        cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
+    });
+    it('Should reset changed values when click reset button', () => {
+        cy.get(worker).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('salesperson');
+        cy.get('.q-item').contains('salesperson').click();
+        cy.get(agency).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('inhouse pickup');
+        cy.get('.q-item').contains('inhouse pickup').click();
+        cy.get(vehicle).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('1111-IMK');
+        cy.get('.q-item').contains('1111-IMK').click();
+        cy.get(date).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_inputDate').clear().type('01-01-2001{enter}');
+        cy.get(description).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_input').clear().type('DescriptionUpdated{enter}');
+        cy.get(served).should('be.visible').click().click();
+        cy.get('[title="Reset"]').click();
+        cy.validateContent(worker, 'logistic');
+        cy.validateContent(agency, 'Super-Man delivery');
+        cy.validateContent(vehicle, '3333-IMK');
+        cy.validateContent(date, '01/02/2024');
+        cy.validateContent(description, 'Test route');
+        cy.validateContent(served, 'close');
+    });
+    it('Should clone selected route', () => {
+        cy.get(
+            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
+        ).click();
+        cy.get(
+            '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(1) > .q-btn__content > .q-icon',
+        ).click();
+        cy.dataCy('route.Starting date_inputDate').type('10-05-2001{enter}');
+        cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
+        cy.validateContent('tr:last-child > [data-col-field="dated"]', '05/10/2001');
+    });
+    it('Should download selected route', () => {
+        const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config('downloadsFolder');
+        cy.get(
+            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
+        ).click();
+        cy.get(
+            '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(2) > .q-btn__content > .q-icon',
+        ).click();
+        cy.wait(5000); //necesario para dar tiempo a que descargue el documento
+        const fileName = '';
+        cy.readFile(`${downloadsFolder}/${fileName}`).should('exist');
+        cy.task('deleteFile', `${downloadsFolder}/${fileName}`).then((deleted) => {
+            expect(deleted);
+        });
+    });
+    it('Should mark as served the selected route', () => {
+        cy.get(
+            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
+        ).click();
+        cy.get(
+            '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(3) > .q-btn__content > .q-icon',
+        ).click();
+        cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+        cy.validateContent('tr:last-child > [data-col-field="isOk"]', 'check');
+    });
+    it('Should delete the selected route', () => {
+        cy.get(
+            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
+        ).click();
+        cy.get('[title="Remove"]').click();
+        cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
+        cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+    });
+    it('Should save changes in route', () => {
+        cy.get(worker).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('salesperson');
+        cy.get('.q-item').contains('salesperson').click();
+        cy.get(agency).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('inhouse pickup');
+        cy.get('.q-item').contains('inhouse pickup').click();
+        cy.get(vehicle).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('1111-IMK');
+        cy.get('.q-item').contains('1111-IMK').click();
+        cy.get(date).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_inputDate').clear().type('01-01-2001{enter}');
+        cy.get(description).should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.dataCy('null_input').clear().type('DescriptionUpdated{enter}');
+        cy.get(served).should('be.visible').click().click();
+        cy.dataCy('crudModelDefaultSaveBtn').should('').click();
+        cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+        cy.typeSearchbar('{enter}');
+        cy.validateContent(worker, 'salesperson');
+        cy.validateContent(agency, 'inhouse pickup');
+        cy.validateContent(vehicle, '1111-IMK');
+        cy.validateContent(date, '01/01/2001');
+        cy.validateContent(description, 'DescriptionUpdated');
+        cy.validateContent(served, 'check');
+    });
+    it('Should add ticket to route', () => {
+        cy.dataCy('tableAction-0').last().click();
+        cy.get(
+            '.q-card > :nth-child(2) > .q-table__container > .q-table__middle > .q-table > tbody > :nth-child(1) > .q-table--col-auto-width > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner > .q-checkbox__bg > .q-checkbox__svg',
+        ).click();
+        cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
+        cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data saved');
+    });
+    it('Should open summary pop-up when click summuary icon', () => {
+        cy.dataCy('tableAction-1').last().click();
+        cy.get('.summaryHeader > :nth-child(2').should('contain', '- DescriptionUpdated');
+    });
+    it('Should redirect to the summary from the route summary pop-up', () => {
+        cy.dataCy('tableAction-1').last().click();
+        cy.get('.header > .q-icon').should('be.visible').click();
+        cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
+    });
+    it('Should redirect to the summary when click go to summary icon', () => {
+        cy.dataCy('tableAction-2').last().click();
+        cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
+    });

From 6a3d13144ca4f475d1a45f48a7b8ec394b4640b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtubau <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 14:38:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] refactor: refs #8618 simplify selectors and improve test
 readability in routeExtendedList.spec.js

 .../route/routeExtendedList.spec.js           | 197 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
index 9e2c23bb4..8470fecff 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
@@ -1,27 +1,86 @@
 describe('Route extended list', () => {
-    const worker = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="workerFk"]';
-    const agency = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="agencyModeFk"]';
-    const vehicle = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="vehicleFk"]';
-    const date = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="dated"]';
-    const description = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="description"]';
-    const served = 'tr:last-child > [data-col-field="isOk"]';
+    const getSelector = (colField) => `tr:last-child > [data-col-field="${colField}"]`;
+    const selectors = {
+        worker: getSelector('workerFk'),
+        agency: getSelector('agencyModeFk'),
+        vehicle: getSelector('vehicleFk'),
+        date: getSelector('dated'),
+        description: getSelector('description'),
+        served: getSelector('isOk'),
+        lastRowSelectCheckBox: 'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) .q-checkbox__inner',
+        removeBtn: '[title="Remove"]',
+        resetBtn: '[title="Reset"]',
+        confirmBtn: 'VnConfirm_confirm',
+        saveBtn: 'crudModelDefaultSaveBtn',
+        saveFormBtn: 'FormModelPopup_save',
+        cloneBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(1)',
+        downloadBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(2)',
+        markServedBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(3)',
+        searchbar: 'searchbar',
+    };
+    const checkboxState = {
+        check: 'check',
+        uncheck: 'close',
+    };
+    const url = '/#/route/extended-list';
+    const dataCreated = 'Data created';
+    const dataSaved = 'Data saved';
+    const originalFields = [
+        { selector: selectors.worker, type: 'select', value: 'logistic' },
+        { selector:, type: 'select', value: 'Super-Man delivery' },
+        { selector: selectors.vehicle, type: 'select', value: '3333-IMK' },
+        { selector:, type: 'date', value: '01/02/2024' },
+        { selector: selectors.description, type: 'input', value: 'Test route' },
+        { selector: selectors.served, type: 'checkbox', value: checkboxState.uncheck },
+    ];
+    const updateFields = [
+        { selector: selectors.worker, type: 'select', value: 'salesperson' },
+        { selector:, type: 'select', value: 'inhouse pickup' },
+        { selector: selectors.vehicle, type: 'select', value: '1111-IMK' },
+        { selector:, type: 'date', value: '01/01/2001' },
+        { selector: selectors.description, type: 'input', value: 'Description updated' },
+        { selector: selectors.served, type: 'checkbox', value: checkboxState.check },
+    ];
+    function fillField(selector, type, value) {
+        switch (type) {
+            case 'select':
+                cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click();
+                cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type(value);
+                cy.get('.q-item').contains(value).click();
+                break;
+            case 'input':
+                cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click();
+                cy.dataCy('null_input').clear().type(`${value}{enter}`);
+                break;
+            case 'date':
+                cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click();
+                cy.dataCy('null_inputDate').clear().type(`${value}{enter}`);
+                break;
+            case 'checkbox':
+                cy.get(selector).should('be.visible').click().click();
+                break;
+        }
+    }
     beforeEach(() => {
         cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
-        cy.visit('/#/route/extended-list');
+        cy.visit(url);
     after(() => {
-        cy.visit('/#/route/extended-list');
+        cy.visit(url);
-        cy.get(
-            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
-        ).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
-        cy.get('[title="Remove"]').click();
-        cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
+        cy.get(selectors.removeBtn).click();
+        cy.dataCy(selectors.confirmBtn).click();
     it('Should list routes', () => {
@@ -48,62 +107,35 @@ describe('Route extended list', () => {
-        cy.dataCy('FormModelPopup_save').click();
-        cy.checkNotification('Data created');
+        cy.dataCy(selectors.saveFormBtn).click();
+        cy.checkNotification(dataCreated);
         cy.url().should('include', '/summary');
     it('Should reset changed values when click reset button', () => {
-        cy.get(worker).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('salesperson');
-        cy.get('.q-item').contains('salesperson').click();
-        cy.get(agency).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('inhouse pickup');
-        cy.get('.q-item').contains('inhouse pickup').click();
-        cy.get(vehicle).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('1111-IMK');
-        cy.get('.q-item').contains('1111-IMK').click();
-        cy.get(date).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_inputDate').clear().type('01-01-2001{enter}');
-        cy.get(description).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_input').clear().type('DescriptionUpdated{enter}');
-        cy.get(served).should('be.visible').click().click();
+        updateFields.forEach(({ selector, type, value }) => {
+            fillField(selector, type, value);
+        });
-        cy.validateContent(worker, 'logistic');
-        cy.validateContent(agency, 'Super-Man delivery');
-        cy.validateContent(vehicle, '3333-IMK');
-        cy.validateContent(date, '01/02/2024');
-        cy.validateContent(description, 'Test route');
-        cy.validateContent(served, 'close');
+        originalFields.forEach(({ selector, value }) => {
+            cy.validateContent(selector, value);
+        });
     it('Should clone selected route', () => {
-        cy.get(
-            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
-        ).click();
-        cy.get(
-            '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(1) > .q-btn__content > .q-icon',
-        ).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.cloneBtn).click();
         cy.dataCy('route.Starting date_inputDate').type('10-05-2001{enter}');
         cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
-        cy.validateContent('tr:last-child > [data-col-field="dated"]', '05/10/2001');
+        cy.validateContent(, '05/10/2001');
     it('Should download selected route', () => {
         const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config('downloadsFolder');
-        cy.get(
-            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
-        ).click();
-        cy.get(
-            '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(2) > .q-btn__content > .q-icon',
-        ).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.downloadBtn).click();
         cy.wait(5000); //necesario para dar tiempo a que descargue el documento
         const fileName = '';
@@ -115,60 +147,35 @@ describe('Route extended list', () => {
     it('Should mark as served the selected route', () => {
-        cy.get(
-            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
-        ).click();
-        cy.get(
-            '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(3) > .q-btn__content > .q-icon',
-        ).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.markServedBtn).click();
-        cy.validateContent('tr:last-child > [data-col-field="isOk"]', 'check');
+        cy.validateContent(selectors.served, checkboxState.check);
     it('Should delete the selected route', () => {
-        cy.get(
-            'tbody > tr:last-child > :nth-child(1) > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner',
-        ).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.lastRowSelectCheckBox).click();
-        cy.get('[title="Remove"]').click();
-        cy.dataCy('VnConfirm_confirm').click();
+        cy.get(selectors.removeBtn).click();
+        cy.dataCy(selectors.confirmBtn).click();
-        cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+        cy.checkNotification(dataSaved);
     it('Should save changes in route', () => {
-        cy.get(worker).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('salesperson');
-        cy.get('.q-item').contains('salesperson').click();
+        updateFields.forEach(({ selector, type, value }) => {
+            fillField(selector, type, value);
+        });
-        cy.get(agency).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('inhouse pickup');
-        cy.get('.q-item').contains('inhouse pickup').click();
-        cy.get(vehicle).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_select').clear().type('1111-IMK');
-        cy.get('.q-item').contains('1111-IMK').click();
-        cy.get(date).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_inputDate').clear().type('01-01-2001{enter}');
-        cy.get(description).should('be.visible').click();
-        cy.dataCy('null_input').clear().type('DescriptionUpdated{enter}');
-        cy.get(served).should('be.visible').click().click();
-        cy.dataCy('crudModelDefaultSaveBtn').should('').click();
-        cy.checkNotification('Data saved');
+        cy.dataCy(selectors.saveBtn).should('').click();
+        cy.checkNotification(dataSaved);
-        cy.validateContent(worker, 'salesperson');
-        cy.validateContent(agency, 'inhouse pickup');
-        cy.validateContent(vehicle, '1111-IMK');
-        cy.validateContent(date, '01/01/2001');
-        cy.validateContent(description, 'DescriptionUpdated');
-        cy.validateContent(served, 'check');
+        updateFields.forEach(({ selector, value }) => {
+            cy.validateContent(selector, value);
+        });
     it('Should add ticket to route', () => {
@@ -177,12 +184,12 @@ describe('Route extended list', () => {
             '.q-card > :nth-child(2) > .q-table__container > .q-table__middle > .q-table > tbody > :nth-child(1) > .q-table--col-auto-width > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner > .q-checkbox__bg > .q-checkbox__svg',
         cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();
-        cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data saved');
+        cy.checkNotification(dataSaved);
     it('Should open summary pop-up when click summuary icon', () => {
-        cy.get('.summaryHeader > :nth-child(2').should('contain', '- DescriptionUpdated');
+        cy.get('.summaryHeader > :nth-child(2').should('contain', updateFields[4].value);
     it('Should redirect to the summary from the route summary pop-up', () => {

From 523e97760e82521797d7d67dc53530b8ed14ce64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtubau <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 07:06:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] test: refs #8618 add selector for first tickets row
 checkbox in routeExtendedList.spec.js

 test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
index 8470fecff..34d3d3a29 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/route/routeExtendedList.spec.js
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ describe('Route extended list', () => {
         downloadBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(2)',
         markServedBtn: '#st-actions > .q-btn-group > :nth-child(3)',
         searchbar: 'searchbar',
+        firstTicketsRowSelectCheckBox:
+            '.q-card > :nth-child(2) > .q-table__container > .q-table__middle > .q-table > tbody > :nth-child(1) > .q-table--col-auto-width > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner > .q-checkbox__bg > .q-checkbox__svg',
     const checkboxState = {
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ describe('Route extended list', () => {
         const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config('downloadsFolder');
-        cy.wait(5000); //necesario para dar tiempo a que descargue el documento
+        cy.wait(5000);
         const fileName = '';
@@ -180,9 +182,7 @@ describe('Route extended list', () => {
     it('Should add ticket to route', () => {
-        cy.get(
-            '.q-card > :nth-child(2) > .q-table__container > .q-table__middle > .q-table > tbody > :nth-child(1) > .q-table--col-auto-width > .q-checkbox > .q-checkbox__inner > .q-checkbox__bg > .q-checkbox__svg',
-        ).click();
+        cy.get(selectors.firstTicketsRowSelectCheckBox).click();
         cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content').click();