diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackDetail.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackDetail.spec.js
index 424856161..29b653bf6 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackDetail.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackDetail.spec.js
@@ -4,9 +4,65 @@ describe('Ticket Lack detail', () => {
         const ticketId = 1;
-        cy.visit(`/#/ticket/${ticketId}/summary`);
-    });
+        cy.intercept('GET', /\/api\/Tickets\/itemLack\/5.*$/, {
+            statusCode: 200,
+            body: [
+                {
+                    saleFk: 33,
+                    code: 'OK',
+                    ticketFk: 142,
+                    nickname: 'Malibu Point',
+                    shipped: '2000-12-31T23:00:00.000Z',
+                    hour: 0,
+                    quantity: 50,
+                    agName: 'Super-Man delivery',
+                    alertLevel: 0,
+                    stateName: 'OK',
+                    stateId: 3,
+                    itemFk: 5,
+                    price: 1.79,
+                    alertLevelCode: 'FREE',
+                    zoneFk: 9,
+                    zoneName: 'Zone superMan',
+                    theoreticalhour: '2011-11-01T22:59:00.000Z',
+                    isRookie: 1,
+                    turno: 1,
+                    peticionCompra: 1,
+                    hasSubstitution: 1,
+                    hasToIgnore: 1,
+                    isBasket: 1,
+                    minTimed: 0,
+                    customerId: 1104,
+                    customerName: 'Tony Stark',
+                    observationTypeCode: 'administrative',
+                },
+            ],
+        }).as('getItemLack'); // and assign an alias
+        cy.visit('/#/ticket/negative/5');
+    });
+    describe('Table actions', () => {
+        it('should display only one row in the lack list', () => {
+            cy.visit('/#/ticket/negative/5');
+            cy.wait('@getItemLack');
+            cy.location('href').should('contain', '#/ticket/negative/5');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="changeItem"]').should('be.disabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="changeState"]').should('be.disabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="changeQuantity"]').should('be.disabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="itemProposal"]').should('be.disabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="transferLines"]').should('be.disabled');
+            // WIP
+            // cy.get('[data-cy="showFree"] > .q-checkbox__inner').should('be.checked');
+            cy.get('tr.cursor-pointer > :nth-child(1)').click();
+            cy.get('[data-cy="changeItem"]').should('be.enabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="changeState"]').should('be.enabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="changeQuantity"]').should('be.enabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="itemProposal"]').should('be.enabled');
+            cy.get('[data-cy="transferLines"]').should('be.enabled');
+        });
+    });
     describe('Update quantity', () => {
         it('Update from popover', () => {});
         it('Update from table', () => {});
diff --git a/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackList.spec.js b/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackList.spec.js
index 4bb285945..090ecda27 100644
--- a/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackList.spec.js
+++ b/test/cypress/integration/ticket/negative/TicketLackList.spec.js
@@ -2,37 +2,34 @@
 describe('Ticket Lack list', () => {
     beforeEach(() => {
-    });
+        cy.intercept('GET', /Tickets\/itemLack\?.*$/, {
+            statusCode: 200,
+            body: [
+                {
+                    itemFk: 5,
+                    longName: 'Ranged weapon pistol 9mm',
+                    warehouseFk: 1,
+                    producer: null,
+                    size: 15,
+                    category: null,
+                    warehouse: 'Warehouse One',
+                    lack: -50,
+                    inkFk: 'SLV',
+                    timed: '2025-01-25T22:59:00.000Z',
+                    minTimed: '23:59',
+                    originFk: 'Holand',
+                },
+            ],
+        }).as('getLack');
+        cy.visit('/#/ticket/negative');
+    });
     describe('Filters', () => {});
     describe('Table actions', () => {
         it('should display only one row in the lack list', () => {
-            // Espera a que la solicitud interceptada se complete
-            cy.intercept('GET', /Tickets\/itemLack\?.*$/, {
-                statusCode: 200,
-                body: [
-                    {
-                        itemFk: 5,
-                        longName: 'Ranged weapon pistol 9mm',
-                        warehouseFk: 1,
-                        producer: null,
-                        size: 15,
-                        category: null,
-                        warehouse: 'Warehouse One',
-                        lack: -50,
-                        inkFk: 'SLV',
-                        timed: '2025-01-25T22:59:00.000Z',
-                        minTimed: '23:59',
-                        originFk: 'Holand',
-                    },
-                ],
-            }).as('getLack'); // and assign an alias
-            cy.visit('/#/ticket/negative');
             cy.wait('@getLack', { timeout: 10000 });
-            // Verifica que solo se muestre una fila en la lista
             cy.get('.q-virtual-scroll__content > :nth-child(1) > .sticky').click();
             cy.location('href').should('contain', '#/ticket/negative/5');