#7058 LeftMenu vitest #1153

jsegarra wants to merge 18 commits from 7058_leftMenu_vitest into dev
1 changed files with 314 additions and 108 deletions
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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import { vi, describe, expect, it, beforeAll, beforeEach } from 'vitest';
import { createWrapper, axios } from 'app/test/vitest/helper';
import Leftmenu from 'components/LeftMenu.vue';
import * as vueRouter from 'vue-router';
import { useNavigationStore } from 'src/stores/useNavigationStore';
let vm;
let navigation;
vi.mock('src/router/modules', () => ({
default: [
@ -44,126 +46,330 @@ vi.mock('src/router/modules', () => ({
function mount(source) {
return createWrapper(Leftmenu, {
vi.spyOn(axios, 'get').mockResolvedValue({
data: [],
const wrapper = createWrapper(Leftmenu, {
propsData: {
navigation = useNavigationStore();
navigation.fetchPinned = vi.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(true));
navigation.getModules = vi.fn().mockReturnValue({
value: [
name: 'customer',
title: 'customer.pageTitles.customers',
icon: 'vn:customer',
module: 'customer',
return wrapper;
describe('Leftmenu', () => {
let vm;
let navigation;
describe('Leftmenu as card', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
vi.spyOn(axios, 'get').mockResolvedValue({
data: [],
vm = mount('main').vm;
vi.spyOn(vm, 'getCardRoutes');
navigation = useNavigationStore();
navigation.fetchPinned = vi.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(true));
navigation.getModules = vi.fn().mockReturnValue({
value: [
vi.spyOn(vueRouter, 'useRoute').mockReturnValue({
matched: [
name: 'customer',
title: 'customer.pageTitles.customers',
icon: 'vn:customer',
module: 'customer',
path: '/',
redirect: {
name: 'Dashboard',
name: 'Main',
meta: {},
props: {
default: false,
children: [
path: '/dashboard',
name: 'Dashboard',
meta: {
title: 'dashboard',
icon: 'dashboard',
path: '/customer',
redirect: {
name: 'CustomerMain',
name: 'Customer',
meta: {
title: 'customers',
icon: 'vn:client',
moduleName: 'Customer',
keyBinding: 'c',
query: {},
params: {},
meta: { moduleName: 'mockName' },
path: 'mockName/1',
name: 'Customer',
vm = mount('card').vm;
vm.getCardRoutes = vi.fn().mockReturnValue(() => vi.fn);
describe.only(' its card', () => {
it('getRoutes', () => {
vm.props.source = 'card';
describe(' its main', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
vm = mount('main').vm;
it('should return a proper formated object with two child items', async () => {
const expectedMenuItem = [
children: null,
name: 'CustomerList',
title: 'globals.pageTitles.list',
icon: 'view_list',
children: null,
name: 'CustomerCreate',
title: 'globals.pageTitles.createCustomer',
icon: 'vn:addperson',
const firstMenuItem = vm.items[0];
it('should initialize with default props', () => {
it('should filter items based on search input', async () => {
vm.search = 'Rou';
await vm.$nextTick();
// expect(vm.filterItems).toHaveBeenCalled();
it('should return pinned items', () => {
vm.items = [
{ name: 'Item 1', isPinned: false },
{ name: 'Item 2', isPinned: true },
new Map([['Item 2', { name: 'Item 2', isPinned: true }]])
it('should find matches in routes', () => {
const search = 'child1';
const item = {
children: [
{ name: 'child1', children: [] },
{ name: 'child2', children: [] },
const matches = vm.findMatches(search, item);
expect(matches).toEqual([{ name: 'child1', children: [] }]);
it.skip('should add children to navigation', () => {
const module = 'module1';
const route = {
meta: { menu: 'child1' },
children: [
{ name: 'child1', children: [] },
{ name: 'child2', children: [] },
const parent = 'parent1';
vm.addChildren(module, route, parent);
{ name: 'child1', children: [] },
it('should get routes for main source', () => {
vm.props.source = 'main';
it('should get routes for card source', () => {
const spyGetCardRoutes = vi.spyOn(vm, 'getCardRoutes');
console.log('spyGetCardRoutes', spyGetCardRoutes.mock.calls);
describe('Leftmenu as main', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
vm = mount('main').vm;
it('should return a proper formated object with two child items', async () => {
const expectedMenuItem = [
children: null,
name: 'CustomerList',
title: 'globals.pageTitles.list',
icon: 'view_list',
children: null,
name: 'CustomerCreate',
title: 'globals.pageTitles.createCustomer',
icon: 'vn:addperson',
const firstMenuItem = vm.items[0];
it('should initialize with default props', () => {
it('should filter items based on search input', async () => {
vm.search = 'Rou';
await vm.$nextTick();
// expect(vm.filterItems).toHaveBeenCalled();
it('should return pinned items', () => {
vm.items = [
{ name: 'Item 1', isPinned: false },

Poner otro nombre, está repetido.

Poner otro nombre, está repetido.

oh vaya

oh vaya

should not call getMethodA when method is undefined por ej.

should not call getMethodA when method is undefined por ej.
{ name: 'Item 2', isPinned: true },
new Map([['Item 2', { name: 'Item 2', isPinned: true }]])
it('should find matches in routes', () => {
const search = 'child1';
const item = {
children: [
{ name: 'child1', children: [] },
{ name: 'child2', children: [] },
const matches = vm.findMatches(search, item);
expect(matches).toEqual([{ name: 'child1', children: [] }]);
it('should not proceed if event is already prevented', async () => {
const item = { module: 'testModule', isPinned: false };
const event = {
preventDefault: vi.fn(),
stopPropagation: vi.fn(),
defaultPrevented: true,
await vm.togglePinned(item, event);

Estaría bien crear un test que devuelva algún resultado, mockea otra para comprobar que solo te va a devolver esa.

Estaría bien crear un test que devuelva algún resultado, mockea otra para comprobar que solo te va a devolver esa.
it('should call quasar.notify with success message', async () => {
const item = { module: 'testModule', isPinned: false };
const event = {
preventDefault: vi.fn(),
stopPropagation: vi.fn(),
defaultPrevented: false,
const response = { data: { id: 1 } };
vi.spyOn(axios, 'post').mockResolvedValue(response);
vi.spyOn(vm.quasar, 'notify');
await vm.togglePinned(item, event);
message: 'Data saved',
type: 'positive',
it('should handle an empty matched array', () => {
const result = vm.betaGetRoutes();
it.skip('should handle a single matched route with a menu', () => {
const route = {
matched: [{ meta: { menu: 'menu1' } }],
const result = vm.betaGetRoutes();
it('should get routes for main source', () => {
vm.props.source = 'main';
it('should find direct child matches', () => {
const search = 'child1';
const item = {
children: [{ name: 'child1' }, { name: 'child2' }],
const result = vm.findMatches(search, item);
expect(result).toEqual([{ name: 'child1' }]);
it('should find nested child matches', () => {
const search = 'child3';
const item = {
children: [
{ name: 'child1' },
name: 'child2',
children: [{ name: 'child3' }],
const result = vm.findMatches(search, item);
expect(result).toEqual([{ name: 'child3' }]);
describe('normalize', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
vm = mount('card').vm;
it('should normalize and lowercase text', () => {
const input = 'ÁÉÍÓÚáéíóú';
const expected = 'aeiouaeiou';
it('should handle empty string', () => {
const input = '';
const expected = '';
it('should handle text without diacritics', () => {
const input = 'hello';
const expected = 'hello';
it('should handle mixed text', () => {
const input = 'Héllo Wórld!';
const expected = 'hello world!';
// WIP
describe.skip('addChildren', () => {
it('should add menu items to parent if matches are found', () => {
const module = 'testModule';
const route = {
meta: { menu: 'child1' },
children: [{ name: 'child1' }, { name: 'child2' }],
const parent = [];
vm.addChildren(module, route, parent);
{ name: 'child1' },
it.skip('should not add menu items if no matches are found', () => {
const module = 'testModule';
const route = {
meta: { menu: 'child3' },
children: [{ name: 'child1' }, { name: 'child2' }],
const parent = [];
vm.addChildren(module, route, parent);

En estos tests, solo veo que compruebes que la función haya sido llamada, no se debería comprobar si navigation ha cambiado?

En estos tests, solo veo que compruebes que la función haya sido llamada, no se debería comprobar si navigation ha cambiado?
it.skip('should handle routes with no meta menu', () => {
const module = 'testModule';
const route = {
menus: { main: 'child1' },
children: [{ name: 'child1' }, { name: 'child2' }],
const parent = [];
vm.addChildren(module, route, parent);
{ name: 'child1' },
it.skip('should handle routes with no matches', () => {
const module = 'testModule';
const route = {
meta: { menu: 'child3' },
children: [{ name: 'child1' }, { name: 'child2' }],

Aquí habría que comprobar que el módulo ha sido añadido no?

Aquí habría que comprobar que el módulo ha sido añadido no?

Eso correspondería al test de useNavigationStore, no? No podríamos ni deberíamos testear funcionalidad de otros archivos

Eso correspondería al test de useNavigationStore, no? No podríamos ni deberíamos testear funcionalidad de otros archivos

En el título del archivo pone should add menu items. Como sabes que ha funcionado? solo sabes que se ha llamado a la función. Los 3 tests son exactamente iguales, con diferente título. Veo tu punto, si no crees que sea el lugar de testearlo, cambia el título del test por uno que compruebe realmente lo que hace esa función, llamar a otra función.

En el título del archivo pone should add menu items. Como sabes que ha funcionado? solo sabes que se ha llamado a la función. Los 3 tests son exactamente iguales, con diferente título. Veo tu punto, si no crees que sea el lugar de testearlo, cambia el título del test por uno que compruebe realmente lo que hace esa función, llamar a otra función.

Lo reviso, pero si 3 iguales

Mmm...WTF. Lo reviso, pero si 3 iguales

Hacer solo 1 test que compruebe que la función ha sido llamada. Estos tests hay hacerlos en navigationStore según lo que hablamos en persona.

Hacer solo 1 test que compruebe que la función ha sido llamada. Estos tests hay hacerlos en navigationStore según lo que hablamos en persona.
const parent = [];
vm.addChildren(module, route, parent);
it.skip('should handle empty parent array', () => {
const module = 'testModule';
const route = {
meta: { menu: 'child1' },
children: [{ name: 'child1' }, { name: 'child2' }],
const parent = [];
vm.addChildren(module, route, parent);
{ name: 'child1' },