#8448 - devToTest #1254
@ -308,31 +308,3 @@ const createInvoiceInCorrection = async () => {
isNotLinked: The entry {bookEntry} has been deleted with {accountingEntries} entries
isLinked: The entry {bookEntry} has been linked to Sage. Please contact administration for further information
assertAction: Are you sure you want to {action} this invoice?
book: asentar
unbook: desasentar
delete: eliminar
clone: clonar
To book: Contabilizar
To unbook: Descontabilizar
Delete invoice: Eliminar factura
Invoice deleted: Factura eliminada
Clone invoice: Clonar factura
Invoice cloned: Factura clonada
Show agricultural receipt as PDF: Ver recibo agrícola como PDF
Send agricultural receipt as PDF: Enviar recibo agrícola como PDF
Are you sure you want to send it?: Estás seguro que quieres enviarlo?
Send PDF invoice: Enviar factura a PDF
Create rectificative invoice: Crear factura rectificativa
Rectificative invoice: Factura rectificativa
Original invoice: Factura origen
Entry: entrada
isNotLinked: Se ha eliminado el asiento nº {bookEntry} con {accountingEntries} apuntes
isLinked: El asiento {bookEntry} fue enlazado a Sage, por favor contacta con administración
assertAction: Estas seguro de querer {action} esta factura?
@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ const entityId = computed(() => $props.invoice.id || +currentRoute.value.params.
const invoiceIn = computed(() => arrayData.store.data);
const actions = {
unbook: {
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('unbook') }),
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.unbook') }),
action: toUnbook,
delete: {
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('delete') }),
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.delete') }),
action: deleteInvoice,
clone: {
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('clone') }),
title: t('assertAction', { action: t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.clone') }),
action: cloneInvoice,
showPdf: { cb: showPdfInvoice },
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ async function toUnbook() {
const type = isLinked ? 'warning' : 'positive';
const message = isLinked
? t('isLinked', { bookEntry, accountingEntries })
: t('isNotLinked', { bookEntry });
? t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.isLinked', { bookEntry, accountingEntries })
: t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.isNotLinked', { bookEntry });
quasar.notify({ type, message });
if (!isLinked) arrayData.store.data.isBooked = false;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ async function deleteInvoice() {
await axios.delete(`InvoiceIns/${entityId.value}`);
type: 'positive',
message: t('Invoice deleted'),
message: t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.invoiceDeleted'),
push({ path: '/invoice-in' });
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ async function cloneInvoice() {
const { data } = await axios.post(`InvoiceIns/${entityId.value}/clone`);
type: 'positive',
message: t('Invoice cloned'),
message: t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.invoiceCloned'),
push({ path: `/invoice-in/${data.id}/summary` });
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ function sendPdfInvoice({ address }) {
<QItemSection>{{ t('To book') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.toBook') }}</QItemSection>
@ -155,25 +155,29 @@ function sendPdfInvoice({ address }) {
{{ t('To unbook') }}
{{ t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.toUnbook') }}
<QItemSection>{{ t('Delete invoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.deleteInvoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-if="canEditProp('clone')" v-ripple clickable @click="triggerMenu('clone')">
<QItemSection>{{ t('Clone invoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.cloneInvoice') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-if="isAgricultural()" v-ripple clickable @click="triggerMenu('showPdf')">
<QItemSection>{{ t('Show agricultural receipt as PDF') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-if="isAgricultural()" v-ripple clickable @click="triggerMenu('sendPdf')">
<QItemSection>{{ t('Send agricultural receipt as PDF') }}...</QItemSection>
>{{ t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.sendAgriculturalPdf') }}...</QItemSection
@ -181,7 +185,9 @@ function sendPdfInvoice({ address }) {
<QItemSection>{{ t('Create rectificative invoice') }}...</QItemSection>
>{{ t('InvoiceIn.descriptorMenu.createRectificative') }}...</QItemSection
<QItem v-if="invoice.dmsFk" v-ripple clickable @click="downloadFile(invoice.dmsFk)">
<QItemSection>{{ t('components.smartCard.downloadFile') }}</QItemSection>
@ -12,6 +12,29 @@ InvoiceIn:
amount: Amount
ticketList: Ticket list
book: Book
unbook: Unbook
delete: Delete
clone: Clone
toBook: To book
toUnbook: To unbook
deleteInvoice: Delete invoice
invoiceDeleted: invoice deleted
cloneInvoice: Clone invoice
invoiceCloned: Invoice cloned
showAgriculturalPdf: Show agricultural receipt as PDF
sendAgriculturalPdf: Send agricultural receipt as PDF
checkSendInvoice: Are you sure you want to send it?
sendPdfInvoice: Send PDF invoice
createRectificative: Create rectificative invoice
rectificativeInvoice: Rectificative invoice
originalInvoice: Original invoice
entry: Entry
isNotLinked: The entry {bookEntry} has been deleted with {accountingEntries} entries
isLinked: The entry {bookEntry} has been linked to Sage. Please contact administration for further information
assertAction: Are you sure you want to {action} this invoice?
emailEmpty: The email can't be empty
client: Client
company: Company
@ -50,4 +73,3 @@ invoicein:
account: Ledger account
correctingFk: Rectificative
@ -12,6 +12,29 @@ InvoiceIn:
amount: Importe
ticketList: Listado de tickets
book: Asentar
unbook: Desasentar
delete: Eliminar
clone: Clonar
toBook: Contabilizar
toUnbook: Descontabilizar
deleteInvoice: Eliminar factura
invoiceDeleted: Factura eliminada
cloneInvoice: Clonar factura
invoiceCloned: Factura clonada
showAgriculturalPdf: Ver recibo agrícola como PDF
sendAgriculturalPdf: Enviar recibo agrícola como PDF
checkSendInvoice: ¿Estás seguro que quieres enviarlo?
sendPdfInvoice: Enviar factura a PDF
createRectificative: Crear factura rectificativa
rectificativeInvoice: Factura rectificativa
originalInvoice: Factura origen
entry: Entrada
isNotLinked: Se ha eliminado el asiento nº {bookEntry} con {accountingEntries} apuntes
isLinked: El asiento {bookEntry} fue enlazado a Sage, por favor contacta con administración
assertAction: Estas seguro de querer {action} esta factura?
emailEmpty: El email no puede estar vacío
client: Cliente
company: Empresa
@ -47,4 +70,3 @@ invoicein:
account: Cuenta contable
correctingFk: Rectificativa
Reference in New Issue