#7405 vueDocs #1284
@ -31,3 +31,7 @@ yarn-error.log*
# Cypress directories and files
# Cypress directories and files
# VitePress directories and files
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress';
// https://vitepress.dev/reference/site-config
export default defineConfig({
title: 'Lilium',
description: 'Lilium docs',
themeConfig: {
// https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-config
nav: [
{ text: 'Home', link: '/' },
{ text: 'Components', link: '/components/vnInput' },
{ text: 'Composables', link: '/composables/useArrayData' },
sidebar: [
items: [
text: 'Components',
collapsible: true,
collapsed: true,
items: [{ text: 'VnInput', link: '/components/vnInput' }],
text: 'Composables',
collapsible: true,
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'useArrayData', link: '/composables/useArrayData' },
socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: 'https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress' }],
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# VnInput
`VnInput` is a custom input component that provides various useful features such as validation, input clearing, and more.
## Props
### `modelValue`
- **Type:** `String | Number`
- **Default:** `null`
- **Description:** The value of the model bound to the component.
### `isOutlined`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `false`
- **Description:** If `true`, the component is rendered with an outlined style.
### `info`
- **Type:** `String`
- **Default:** `''`
- **Description:** Additional information displayed alongside the component.
### `clearable`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `true`
- **Description:** If `true`, the component shows a button to clear the input.
### `emptyToNull`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `true`
- **Description:** If `true`, converts empty inputs to `null`.
### `insertable`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `false`
- **Description:** If `true`, allows the insertion of new values.
### `maxlength`
- **Type:** `Number`
- **Default:** `null`
- **Description:** The maximum number of characters allowed in the input.
### `uppercase`
- **Type:** `Boolean`
- **Default:** `false`
- **Description:** If `true`, converts the input text to uppercase.
## Emits
### `update:modelValue`
- **Description:** Emits the updated model value.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted whenever the input value changes. It is used to update the model value bound to the component.
### `update:options`
- **Description:** Emits the updated options.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted when the component's options change. It is useful for components with dynamic options.
### `keyup.enter`
- **Description:** Emits an event when the Enter key is pressed.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted whenever the Enter key is pressed while the input is focused. It can be used to handle specific actions when the input is confirmed.
### `remove`
- **Description:** Emits an event to remove the current value.
- **Behavior:** This event is emitted when the clear button (close icon) is clicked. It is used to handle the removal of the current input value.
## Functions
### `focus`
- **Description:** Focuses the input.
- **Behavior:** This function is exposed so it can be called from outside the component. It uses `vnInputRef.value.focus()` to focus the input.
### `handleKeydown`
- **Description:** Handles the `keydown` event of the input.
- **Behavior:** This function is called whenever a key is pressed while the input is focused. If the pressed key is `Backspace`, it does nothing. If `insertable` is `true` and the pressed key is a number, it calls `handleInsertMode`.
### `handleInsertMode`
- **Description:** Handles the insertion mode of values.
- **Behavior:** This function is called when `insertable` is `true` and a numeric key is pressed. It inserts the value at the cursor position and updates the input value. Then, it moves the cursor to the correct position.
### `handleUppercase`
- **Description:** Converts the input value to uppercase.
- **Behavior:** This function is called when the uppercase icon is clicked. It converts the current input value to uppercase.
## Usage
info="Additional information"
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import VnInput from 'src/components/common/VnInput.vue';
const inputValue = ref('');
const handleUpdate = (value) => {
console.log('Updated value:', value);
const handleEnter = () => {
console.log('Enter pressed');
const handleRemove = () => {
console.log('Value removed');
@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# useArrayData
`useArrayData` is a composable function that provides a set of utilities for managing array data in a Vue component. It leverages Pinia for state management and provides various methods for fetching, filtering, and manipulating data.
## Usage
import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData';
const {
} = useArrayData('myKey', userOptions);
## Parameters
### `key`
- **Type:** `String`
- **Description:** A unique key to identify the data store.
### `userOptions`
- **Type:** `Object`
- **Description:** An object containing user-defined options for configuring the data store.
## Methods
### `fetch`
Fetches data from the server.
#### Parameters
- **`options`** : An object with the following properties:
- `append` (Boolean): Whether to append the fetched data to the existing data.
- `updateRouter` (Boolean): Whether to update the router with the current filter.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the fetched data.
### `applyFilter`
Applies a filter to the data.
#### Parameters
- **`filter`** : An object containing the filter criteria.
- **`params`** : Additional parameters for the filter.
- **`fetchOptions`** : Options for the fetch method.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the filtered data.
### `addFilter`
Adds a filter to the existing filters.
#### Parameters
- **`filter`** : An object containing the filter criteria.
- **`params`** : Additional parameters for the filter.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the updated filter and parameters.
### `getCurrentFilter`
Gets the current filter applied to the data.
#### Returns
- **`Object`** : The current filter and parameters.
### `setCurrentFilter`
Sets the current filter for the data.
#### Returns
- **`Object`** : The current filter and parameters.
### `addFilterWhere`
Adds a `where` clause to the existing filters.
#### Parameters
- **`where`** : An object containing the `where` clause.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves when the filter is applied.
### `addOrder`
Adds an order to the existing orders.
#### Parameters
- **`field`** : The field to order by.
- **`direction`** : The direction of the order (`ASC` or `DESC`).
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the updated order.
### `deleteOrder`
Deletes an order from the existing orders.
#### Parameters
- **`field`** : The field to delete the order for.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves when the order is deleted.
### `refresh`
Refreshes the data by re-fetching it from the server.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the refreshed data.
### `destroy`
Destroys the data store for the given key.
### `loadMore`
Loads more data by incrementing the pagination.
#### Returns
- **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the additional data.
### `updateStateParams`
Updates the state parameters with the given data.
#### Parameters
- **`data`** : The data to update the state parameters with.
### `deleteOption`
Deletes an option from the store.
#### Parameters
- **`option`** : The option to delete.
### `reset`
Resets the store to its default state.
#### Parameters
- **`opts`** : An array of options to reset.
### `resetPagination`
Resets the pagination for the store.
## Computed Properties
### `totalRows`
- **Description:** The total number of rows in the data.
- **Type:** `Number`
### `isLoading`
- **Description:** Whether the data is currently being loaded.
- **Type:** `Boolean`
<script setup>
import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData';
const userOptions = {
url: '/api/data',
limit: 10,
const arrayData = useArrayData('myKey', userOptions);
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jorgep marked this conversation as resolved
# https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-home-page
layout: home
name: 'Lilium'
text: 'Lilium docs'
tagline: Powered by Verdnatura
- theme: brand
text: Docs
link: /components/vnInput
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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Esto es un ejemplo por defecto no? Porque ni hero no bramd lo reconozco
No, les da estilo. creo que es de la librería de vuepress, brand es el color morado y hero creo que es para el título