7336_devToTest #354

alexm merged 359 commits from 7336_devToTest into test 2024-05-07 06:34:00 +00:00
2 changed files with 72 additions and 87 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 0fa2a99080 - Show all commits

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function extractHour(dateTime) {
<template #header-extra-action>
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ function extractHour(dateTime) {
<template #menu="{ entity }">
<!-- <template #menu="{ entity }">
<ZoneDescriptorMenuItems :zone="entity" />
</template> -->
<template #body="{ entity }">
{{ console.log('entity', entity) }}
<VnLv :label="t('Agency')" :value="entity.agencyMode.name" />
<VnLv :label="t('Closing hour')" :value="extractHour(entity.hour)" />
<VnLv :label="t('traveling days')" :value="entity.travelingDays" />
<VnLv :label="t('zoneing days')" :value="entity.zoneingDays" />
<VnLv :label="t('Price')" :value="entity.price" />
<VnLv :label="t('Bonus')" :value="entity.bonus" />
@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ function extractHour(dateTime) {
Summary: Detalles
The travel will be deleted: El envío será eliminado
Do you want to delete this travel?: ¿Quieres eliminar este envío?
All travels with current agency: Todos los envíos con la agencia actual
The zone will be deleted: El envío será eliminado
Do you want to delete this zone?: ¿Quieres eliminar este envío?
All zones with current agency: Todos los envíos con la agencia actual
Agency: Agencia
Closing hour: Hora de cierre
traveling days: Días de viaje
zoneing days: Días de viaje
Price: Precio
Bonus: Bonificación

View File

@ -1,108 +1,93 @@
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
const { dialog, notify } = useQuasar();
import VnConfirm from 'components/ui/VnConfirm.vue';
import axios from 'axios';
import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
import { useRole } from 'src/composables/useRole';
const $props = defineProps({
travel: {
zone: {
type: Object,
default: () => {},
const { t } = useI18n();
const router = useRouter();
const quasar = useQuasar();
const { notify } = useNotify();
const role = useRole();
const { push, currentRoute } = useRouter();
const zoneId = currentRoute.value.params.id;
const redirectToCreateView = (queryParams) => {
router.push({ name: 'ZoneCreate', query: { travelData: queryParams } });
const actions = {
clone: async () => {
const opts = { message: t('Zone cloned'), type: 'positive' };
let clonedZoneId;
const cloneZone = () => {
const stringifiedZoneData = JSON.stringify($props.travel);
const cloneZoneWithEntries = () => {
try {
notify('globals.dataSaved', 'positive');
} catch (err) {
console.err('Error cloning travel with entries');
const { data } = await axios.post(`Zones/${zoneId}/clone`, {
shipped: $props.zone.value.shipped,
clonedZoneId = data;
} catch (e) {
opts.message = t('It was not able to clone the zone');
opts.type = 'negative';
} finally {
if (clonedZoneId) push({ name: 'ZoneSummary', params: { id: clonedZoneId } });
remove: async () => {
try {
await axios.post(`Zones/${zoneId}/setDeleted`);
notify({ message: t('Zone deleted'), type: 'positive' });
message: t('You can undo this action within the first hour'),
icon: 'info',
push({ name: 'ZoneList' });
} catch (e) {
notify({ message: e.message, type: 'negative' });
const isBuyer = computed(() => {
return role.hasAny(['buyer']);
const openDeleteEntryDialog = (id) => {
function openConfirmDialog(callback) {
component: VnConfirm,
componentProps: {
title: t('The travel will be deleted'),
message: t('Do you want to delete this travel?'),
promise: actions[callback],
.onOk(async () => {
await deleteZone(id);
const deleteZone = async (id) => {
try {
await axios.delete(`Zones/${id}`);
router.push({ name: 'ZoneList' });
notify('globals.dataDeleted', 'positive');
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error deleting travel');
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="cloneZone(travel)">
<QItemSection>{{ t('travel.summary.cloneShipping') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="cloneZoneWithEntries()">
{{ t('travel.summary.CloneZoneAndEntries') }}
<QItem @click="openConfirmDialog('clone')" v-ripple clickable>
<QItemSection avatar>
<QIcon name="content_copy" />
<QItemSection>{{ t('To clone zone') }}</QItemSection>
v-if="isBuyer && travel.totalEntries === 0"
{{ t('travel.summary.deleteZone') }}
<QItem v-ripple clickable>
:to="{ name: 'EntryCreate', query: { travelFk: travel.id } }"
{{ t('travel.summary.AddEntry') }}
<QItem @click="openConfirmDialog('remove')" v-ripple clickable>
<QItemSection avatar>
<QIcon name="delete" />
<QItemSection>{{ t('deleteOrder') }}</QItemSection>
deleteOrder: Delete order
confirmDeletion: Confirm deletion
confirmDeletionMessage: Are you sure you want to delete this order?
The travel will be deleted: El envío será eliminado
Do you want to delete this travel?: ¿Quieres eliminar este envío?
To clone zone: Clonar zone
deleteOrder: Eliminar pedido
confirmDeletion: Confirmar eliminación
confirmDeletionMessage: Seguro que quieres eliminar este pedido?