7336_devToTest #354

alexm merged 359 commits from 7336_devToTest into test 2024-05-07 06:34:00 +00:00
5 changed files with 248 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6baaebf6bd - Show all commits

View File

@ -835,6 +835,7 @@ export default {
workerCreate: 'New worker',
department: 'Department',
pda: 'PDA',
timeControl: 'Time control',
list: {
name: 'Name',
@ -1201,4 +1202,13 @@ export default {
iban_tooltip: 'IBAN: ES21 1234 5678 90 0123456789',
weekdays: {
sun: 'Sunday',
mon: 'Monday',
tue: 'Tuesday',
wed: 'Wednesday',
thu: 'Thursday',
fri: 'Friday',
sat: 'Saturday',

View File

@ -835,6 +835,7 @@ export default {
workerCreate: 'Nuevo trabajador',
department: 'Departamentos',
pda: 'PDA',
timeControl: 'Control de horario',
list: {
name: 'Nombre',
@ -1201,4 +1202,13 @@ export default {
iban_tooltip: 'IBAN: ES21 1234 5678 90 0123456789',
weekdays: {
sun: 'Domingo',
mon: 'Lunes',
tue: 'Martes',
wed: 'Miércoles',
thu: 'Jueves',
fri: 'Viernes',
sat: 'Sábado',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { onMounted, ref, computed, onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
import axios from 'axios';
import { useRole } from 'src/composables/useRole';
import { useWeekdayStore } from 'src/stores/useWeekdayStore';
import { useStateStore } from 'stores/useStateStore';
const route = useRoute();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { notify } = useNotify();
const { hasAny } = useRole();
const stateStore = useStateStore();
const weekdayStore = useWeekdayStore();
const entryDirections = [
{ code: 'in', description: t('Entrada') },
{ code: 'middle', description: t('Intermedio') },
{ code: 'out', description: t('Salida') },
const columns = computed(() => {
return weekdayStore.localeWeekdays?.map((day) => {
const obj = {
label: day.locale,
name: day.name,
align: 'left',
return obj;
const calendarRef = ref(null);
const selectedDate = ref(null);
const selectedDateRange = ref(null);
const handleDateSelection = (date) => {
if (!date) return;
console.log('date', date);
const _date = new Date(date.year, date.month - 1, date.day);
console.log('_date', _date);
const dateRange = { from: '', to: '' };
// Obtener la fecha de 3 días atrás
const threeDaysAgo = new Date(_date);
threeDaysAgo.setDate(_date.getDate() - 3);
dateRange.from = {
year: threeDaysAgo.getFullYear(),
month: threeDaysAgo.getMonth() + 1, // Los meses van de 0 a 11, por eso sumamos 1
day: threeDaysAgo.getDate(),
// Obtener la fecha de 3 días adelante
const threeDaysAhead = new Date(_date);
threeDaysAhead.setDate(_date.getDate() + 3);
dateRange.to = {
year: threeDaysAhead.getFullYear(),
month: threeDaysAhead.getMonth() + 1, // Los meses van de 0 a 11, por eso sumamos 1
day: threeDaysAhead.getDate(),
calendarRef.value.setEditingRange(dateRange.from, dateRange.to);
console.log('date range:', dateRange);
// const isAllowedToEdit = computed(() => hasAny(['hr', 'productionAssi']));
// const columns = computed(() => [
// {
// label: 'asd',
// name: 'picture',
// align: 'left',
// },
// {
// label: t('entry.latestBuys.tags'),
// name: 'tags',
// align: 'left',
// },
// ]);
console.log('columns:: ', columns.value);
onBeforeMount(() => {
console.log('asdasdasd:: ', weekdayStore);
onMounted(async () => {
stateStore.rightDrawer = true;
<!-- <FetchData
where: { userFk: route.params.id },
include: { relation: 'deviceProduction' },
@on-fetch="(data) => setCurrentPDA(data[0])"
/> -->
<QDrawer v-model="stateStore.rightDrawer" side="right" :width="300" show-if-above>
<!-- <QScrollArea class="fit text-grey-8"> -->
<div class="fit">
<!-- </QScrollArea> -->
<QPage class="column items-center q-pa-md">
<QCard class="full-width">
<QTable :columns="columns"> </QTable>
<style scoped lang="scss">
.test {
max-width: 100px !important;
Entrada: Entrada
Intermedio: Intermedio
Salida: Salida

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export default {
redirect: { name: 'WorkerMain' },
menus: {
main: ['WorkerList', 'WorkerDepartment'],
card: ['WorkerNotificationsManager', 'WorkerPda'],
card: ['WorkerNotificationsManager', 'WorkerPda', 'WorkerTimeControl'],
departmentCard: ['BasicData'],
children: [
@ -85,6 +85,16 @@ export default {
component: () => import('src/pages/Worker/Card/WorkerPda.vue'),
name: 'WorkerTimeControl',
path: 'time-control',
meta: {
title: 'timeControl',
icon: 'access_time',
component: () =>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import { computed, ref, reactive } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
export const useWeekdayStore = defineStore('weekdayStore', () => {
const weekdays = [
{ code: 'sun', name: 'Sunday' },
{ code: 'mon', name: 'Monday' },
{ code: 'tue', name: 'Tuesday' },
{ code: 'wed', name: 'Wednesday' },
{ code: 'thu', name: 'Thursday' },
{ code: 'fri', name: 'Friday' },
{ code: 'sat', name: 'Saturday' },
const localeOrder = {
es: ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'],
en: ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'],
const { t, locale } = useI18n();
const localeWeekdays = ref([]);
const weekdaysMap = reactive({});
const initStore = () => {
console.log('weekdaysMap:: ', weekdaysMap);
const getWeekdaysMap = () => {
if (Object.keys(weekdaysMap).length > 0) return weekdaysMap;
weekdays.forEach((day, i) => {
const obj = {
index: i,
char: day.name.substr(0, 1),
abr: day.name.substr(0, 3),
locale: t(`weekdays.${day.code}`),
localeChar: t(`weekdays.${day.code}`).substr(0, 1),
localeAbr: t(`weekdays.${day.code}`).substr(0, 3),
weekdaysMap[day.code] = obj;
const getLocales = () => {
if (localeWeekdays.value.length > 0) return localeWeekdays.value;
for (let code of localeOrder.es) {
console.log('code:: ', code);
console.log('localeWeekdays:: ', localeWeekdays.value);
return localeWeekdays.value;
// const orderLocales = (weekDaysArray) => {
// const order = localeOrder[locale.value] || localeOrder.en;
// const orderedLocales = [];
// for (let code of order) orderedLocales.push(weekDaysArray[code]);
// // return order.map((code) => localeWeekdays.value.find((day) => day.code === code));
// };
return {