#7283 #7831 itemMigration #553

carlossa merged 77 commits from 7283-itemMigration into dev 2024-10-25 07:09:13 +00:00
2 changed files with 44 additions and 19 deletions
Showing only changes of commit b668d07e2d - Show all commits

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import VnTable from 'components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import { useStateStore } from 'stores/useStateStore';
import { toDate } from 'src/filters';
import axios from 'axios';
import FetchedTags from 'src/components/ui/FetchedTags.vue';
import VnSearchbar from 'src/components/ui/VnSearchbar.vue';
import { useSummaryDialog } from 'src/composables/useSummaryDialog';
import ItemSummary from '../Item/Card/ItemSummary.vue';
@ -43,21 +44,21 @@ const itemFilter = {
const columns = computed(() => [
label: '',
name: 'image',
align: 'left',
columnField: {
component: VnImg,
attrs: (id) => {
return {
width: '50px',
columnFilter: false,
// {
jsegarra marked this conversation as resolved Outdated


// label: '',
// name: 'image',
// align: 'left',
// columnField: {
// component: VnImg,
// attrs: (id) => {
jsegarra marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

rounded? O se quiere cuadrada?

rounded? O se quiere cuadrada?
// return {
// id,
// width: '50px',
// };
// },
// },
// columnFilter: false,
// },
label: t('item.list.id'),
name: 'id',
@ -280,9 +281,24 @@ const cloneItem = async (itemFk) => {
<WorkerDescriptorProxy :id="row.buyerFk" />
<template #column-description="{ row }">
<div class="row column full-width justify-between items-start">
{{ row?.name }}
<div v-if="row?.subName" class="subName">
{{ row?.subName.toUpperCase() }}
jsegarra marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

No tenemos VnConfirm? En Salix si que habia

No tenemos VnConfirm? En Salix si que habia

Se ha copiado y pegado la misma funcionalidad que hay en ItemDescriptor. Para que esté del todo fino hay que hacer un composable para unificar la lógica

Se ha copiado y pegado la misma funcionalidad que hay en ItemDescriptor. Para que esté del todo fino hay que hacer un composable para unificar la lógica
<FetchedTags :item="row" :max-length="6" />
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.subName {
text-transform: uppercase;
color: var(--vn-label-color);
jsegarra marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Uff...me lo anoto porque esta clase está declarada también en una PR de Jon

Uff...me lo anoto porque esta clase está declarada también en una PR de Jon
New item: Nuevo artículo

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import VnTable from 'components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const { notify } = useNotify();
const stateStore = useStateStore();
const workersOptions = ref([]);
let filterParams = ref({});
const denyFormRef = ref(null);
const denyRequestId = ref(null);
@ -91,6 +90,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
name: 'item',
align: 'left',
component: 'input',
visible: false,
label: t('item.buyRequest.achieved'),
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
name: 'achieved',
align: 'left',
component: 'input',
visible: false,
label: t('item.buyRequest.concept'),
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
sortable: true,
component: 'input',
visible: false,
label: t('item.buyRequest.state'),
@ -114,10 +116,17 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
align: 'right',
label: '',
name: 'action',
align: 'left',
columnFilter: null,
name: 'tableActions',
actions: [
title: t('Client ticket list'),
icon: 'thumb_down',
action: onDenyAccept,
isPrimary: true,