8179-testToMaster #909
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const onDataSaved = (dataSaved) => {
:title="t('New thermograph')"
@on-data-saved="(_, response) => onDataSaved(response)"
<template #form-inputs="{ data, validate }">
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useRole } from 'src/composables/useRole';
import { useAcl } from 'src/composables/useAcl';
@ -288,6 +288,8 @@ globals:
createInvoiceIn: Create invoice in
myAccount: My account
noOne: No one
maxTemperature: Maximum Temperature
minTemperature: Minimum Temperatura
clientFk: Client id
salesPersonFk: Sales person
@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ globals:
createInvoiceIn: Crear factura recibida
myAccount: Mi cuenta
noOne: Nadie
maxTemperature: Temperatura máxima
minTemperature: Temperatura mínima
clientFk: Id cliente
salesPersonFk: Comercial
@ -47,6 +47,18 @@ const TableColumns = computed(() => {
name: 'temperatureFk',
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.maxTemperature'),
field: 'maxTemperature',
name: 'maxTemperature',
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.minTemperature'),
field: 'minTemperature',
name: 'minTemperature',
align: 'left',
label: t('travel.thermographs.state'),
field: 'result',
@ -92,11 +104,7 @@ const openRemoveDialog = async (id) => {
.onOk(async () => {
try {
await removeThermograph(id);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error removing thermograph');
await removeThermograph(id);
@ -106,9 +114,7 @@ const redirectToThermographForm = (action, id) => {
if (action === 'edit' && id) {
const params = {};
params.thermographId = id;
routeDetails.params = params;
routeDetails.query = { travelThermographFk: id };
@ -213,4 +219,6 @@ es:
Thermograph removed: Termógrafo eliminado
Are you sure you want to remove the thermograph?: ¿Seguro que quieres quitar el termógrafo?
No results: Sin resultados
Max Temperature: Temperatura máxima
Min Temperature: Temperatura mínima
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { reactive, ref, onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
import { ref, onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import FetchData from 'components/FetchData.vue';
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { useState } from 'src/composables/useState';
import { useStateStore } from 'stores/useStateStore';
import axios from 'axios';
import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
import VnInputNumber from 'src/components/common/VnInputNumber.vue';
const props = defineProps({
viewAction: {
@ -28,24 +29,26 @@ const route = useRoute();
const router = useRouter();
const state = useState();
const { notify } = useNotify();
const thermographFilter = {
fields: ['id', 'thermographFk'],
where: {
or: [{ travelFk: null }, { travelFk: route.params.id }],
order: 'thermographFk ASC',
const fetchTravelThermographsRef = ref(null);
const allowedContentTypes = ref('');
const user = state.getUser();
const thermographsOptions = ref([]);
const dmsTypesOptions = ref([]);
const companiesOptions = ref([]);
const warehousesOptions = ref([]);
const temperaturesOptions = ref([]);
const thermographForm = ref({});
const inputFileRef = ref(null);
const thermographForm = reactive({
thermographId: null,
state: null,
reference: null,
dmsTypeId: null,
companyId: null,
warehouseId: null,
files: [],
description: null,
onBeforeMount(async () => {
if (props.viewAction === 'create') {
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ const fetchDmsTypes = async () => {
try {
const params = {
filter: {
where: { code: 'miscellaneous' },
where: { code: 'thermograph' },
const { data } = await axios.get('DmsTypes/findOne', { params });
@ -77,88 +80,67 @@ const fetchDmsTypes = async () => {
const setCreateDefaultParams = async () => {
const dataResponse = await fetchDmsTypes();
thermographForm.companyId = user.value.companyFk;
thermographForm.warehouseId = user.value.warehouseFk;
thermographForm.reference = route.params.id;
thermographForm.dmsTypeId = dataResponse.id;
thermographForm.state = 'Ok';
thermographForm.description = t('travel.thermographs.travelFileDescription', {
thermographForm.value.companyId = user.value.companyFk;
thermographForm.value.warehouseId = user.value.warehouseFk;
thermographForm.value.reference = route.params.id;
thermographForm.value.dmsTypeId = dataResponse.id;
thermographForm.value.state = 'Ok';
thermographForm.value.description = t('travel.thermographs.travelFileDescription', {
travelId: route.params.id,
const setEditDefaultParams = async () => {
try {
const filterObj = { include: { relation: 'dms' } };
const filter = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filterObj));
const { data } = await axios.get(
const filterObj = { include: { relation: 'dms' } };
const filter = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filterObj));
const { data } = await axios.get(
if (data) {
thermographForm.thermographId = data.thermographFk;
thermographForm.state = data.result;
thermographForm.reference = data.dms?.reference;
thermographForm.warehouseId = data.dms?.warehouseFk;
thermographForm.companyId = data.dms?.companyFk;
thermographForm.dmsTypeId = data.dms?.dmsTypeFk;
thermographForm.description = data.dms?.description || '';
thermographForm.hasFile = data.dms?.hasFile;
thermographForm.hasFileAttached = false;
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error fetching termograph');
if (data) {
thermographForm.value.thermographFk = data.thermographFk;
thermographForm.value.state = data.result;
thermographForm.value.reference = data.dms?.reference;
thermographForm.value.warehouseId = data.dms?.warehouseFk;
thermographForm.value.companyId = data.dms?.companyFk;
thermographForm.value.dmsTypeId = data.dms?.dmsTypeFk;
thermographForm.value.description = data.dms?.description || '';
thermographForm.value.hasFile = data.dms?.hasFile;
thermographForm.value.hasFileAttached = false;
thermographForm.value.maxTemperature = data.maxTemperature;
thermographForm.value.minTemperature = data.minTemperature;
thermographForm.value.temperatureFk = data.temperatureFk;
thermographForm.value.travelThermographFk = data.id;
const onSubmit = () => {
props.viewAction === 'create' ? createThermograph() : updateThermograph();
const createThermograph = async () => {
const onSubmit = async () => {
const formData = new FormData();
thermographForm.files.forEach((file) => {
formData.append(file.name, file);
try {
await axios.post(`/travels/${route.params.id}/createThermograph`, formData, {
params: thermographForm,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
if (Array.isArray(thermographForm.value.files)) {
thermographForm.value.hasFileAttached = true;
thermographForm.value.files.forEach((file) => {
formData.append(file.name, file);
router.push({ name: 'TravelThermographsIndex' });
notify(t('Thermograph created'), 'positive');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating thermograph');
const updateThermograph = async () => {
const formData = new FormData();
thermographForm.files.forEach((file) => {
formData.append(file.name, file);
delete thermographForm.value.files;
await axios.post(`/travels/${route.params.id}/saveThermograph`, formData, {
params: thermographForm.value,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
try {
await axios.post(`travels/${route.params.id}/updateThermograph`, formData, {
params: thermographForm,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
router.push({ name: 'TravelThermographsIndex' });
notify(t('Thermograph created'), 'positive');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating thermograph');
router.push({ name: 'TravelThermographsIndex' });
notify(t('Thermograph created'), 'positive');
const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
thermographForm.thermographId = data.id;
await fetchTravelThermographsRef.value.fetch();
thermographForm.value = {
travelThermographFk: data.id,
warehouseId: data.warehouseFk,
@ -185,6 +167,18 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
:filter="{ order: 'name' }"
@on-fetch="(data) => (temperaturesOptions = data)"
@on-fetch="(data) => (thermographsOptions = data)"
<QPage class="column items-center full-width">
@ -219,21 +213,15 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
:where="{ travelFk: null }"
sort-by="thermographFk ASC"
:disable="viewAction === 'edit'"
:tooltip="t('New thermograph')"
<template #form>
(data) => (thermographForm.thermographId = data.id)
@ -271,6 +259,26 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
<VnRow v-if="viewAction === 'edit'" class="row q-gutter-md q-mb-md">
@ -310,8 +318,8 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
Select files: Selecciona ficheros
Thermograph created: Termógrafo creado
New thermograph: Nuevo termógrafo
Select files: Selecciona ficheros
Thermograph created: Termógrafo creado
New thermograph: Nuevo termógrafo
Reference in New Issue