8179-testToMaster #909

alexm merged 448 commits from 8179-testToMaster into master 2024-11-12 07:01:12 +00:00
1 changed files with 36 additions and 4 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 271e33a999 - Show all commits

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@ -12,14 +12,46 @@ const props = defineProps({
default: null,
const formatLocation = (obj, properties) => {
// Crear un array con las propiedades del objeto
const parts = properties.map((prop) => {
if (typeof prop === 'string') {
return obj[prop];
} else if (typeof prop === 'function') {
return prop(obj);
return null;
// Filtrar los valores que no son null o undefined
const filteredParts = parts.filter(
(part) => part !== null && part !== undefined && part !== ''
// Unir los valores filtrados con el formato deseado
return filteredParts.join(', ');
const locationProperties = [
(obj) =>
? `${obj.city}${obj.province?.name ? `(${obj.province.name})` : ''}`
: null,
(obj) => obj.country?.name,
const modelValue = ref(
? `${props.location?.postcode} - ${props.location?.city}(${props.location?.province?.name}), ${props.location?.country?.name}`
: null
props.location ? formatLocation(props.location, locationProperties) : null
function showLabel(data) {
return `${data.code} - ${data.town}(${data.province}), ${data.country}`;
const dataProperties = [
(obj) => (obj.town ? `${obj.town}(${obj.province})` : null),
return formatLocation(data, dataProperties);
const handleModelValue = (data) => {
emit('update:model-value', data);