/// describe('VnSearchBar', () => { const employeeId = ' #1'; const salesPersonId = ' #18'; const idGap = '.q-item > .q-item__label'; const vnTableRow = '.q-virtual-scroll__content'; beforeEach(() => { cy.viewport(1280, 720); cy.login('developer'); cy.visit('#/account/list'); }); it('should redirect to account summary page', () => { searchAndCheck('1', employeeId); searchAndCheck('salesPerson', salesPersonId); }); it('should stay on the list page if there are several results or none', () => { cy.typeSearchbar('salesA{enter}'); cy.typeSearchbar('salesA{enter}'); checkTableLength(2); cy.clearSearchbar(); cy.typeSearchbar('0{enter}'); checkTableLength(0); }); const searchAndCheck = (searchTerm, expectedText) => { cy.clearSearchbar(); cy.typeSearchbar(`${searchTerm}{enter}`); cy.typeSearchbar(`${searchTerm}{enter}`); cy.get(idGap).should('have.text', expectedText); }; const checkTableLength = (expectedLength) => { cy.get(vnTableRow).find('tr').should('have.length', expectedLength); }; });