/// // Use `cy.dataCy` custom command for more robust tests // See https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/best-practices.html#Selecting-Elements // ** This file is an example of how to write Cypress tests, you can safely delete it ** // This test will pass when run against a clean Quasar project describe('Landing', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('/'); }); it('.should() - assert that is correct', () => { cy.title().should('include', 'Quasar'); }); }); // ** The following code is an example to show you how to write some tests for your home page ** // // describe('Home page tests', () => { // beforeEach(() => { // cy.visit('/'); // }); // it('has pretty background', () => { // cy.dataCy('landing-wrapper') // .should('have.css', 'background').and('match', /(".+(\/img\/background).+\.png)/); // }); // it('has pretty logo', () => { // cy.dataCy('landing-wrapper img') // .should('have.class', 'logo-main') // .and('have.attr', 'src') // .and('match', /^(data:image\/svg\+xml).+/); // }); // it('has very important information', () => { // cy.dataCy('instruction-wrapper') // .should('contain', 'SETUP INSTRUCTIONS') // .and('contain', 'Configure Authentication') // .and('contain', 'Database Configuration and CRUD operations') // .and('contain', 'Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment CI/CD'); // }); // });