import { vi, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'; import { getTotal } from 'src/composables/getTotal'; vi.mock('src/filters', () => ({ toCurrency: vi.fn((value, currency) => `${currency} ${value.toFixed(2)}`), })); describe('getTotal()', () => { const rows = [ { amount: 10.5, tax: 2.1 }, { amount: 20.75, tax: 3.25 }, { amount: 30.25, tax: 4.75 }, ]; it('should calculate the total for a given key', () => { const total = getTotal(rows, 'amount'); expect(total).toBe('61.50'); }); it('should calculate the total with a callback function', () => { const total = getTotal(rows, null, { cb: (row) => row.amount + }); expect(total).toBe('71.60'); }); it('should format the total as currency', () => { const total = getTotal(rows, 'amount', { currency: 'USD' }); expect(total).toBe('USD 61.50'); }); it('should format the total as currency with default currency', () => { const total = getTotal(rows, 'amount', { currency: 'default' }); expect(total).toBe('undefined 61.50'); }); it('should calculate the total with integer formatting', () => { const total = getTotal(rows, 'amount', { int: true }); expect(total).toBe('62'); }); it('should calculate the total with custom decimal places', () => { const total = getTotal(rows, 'amount', { decimalPlaces: 1 }); expect(total).toBe('61.5'); }); it('should handle rows with missing keys', () => { const rowsWithMissingKeys = [{ amount: 10.5 }, { amount: 20.75 }, {}]; const total = getTotal(rowsWithMissingKeys, 'amount'); expect(total).toBe('31.25'); }); it('should handle empty rows', () => { const total = getTotal([], 'amount'); expect(total).toBe('0.00'); }); });