// *********************************************** // This example commands.js shows you how to // create various custom commands and overwrite // existing commands. // // For more comprehensive examples of custom // commands please read more here: // https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands // *********************************************** // // // -- This is a parent command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { ... }) // // // -- This is a child command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("drag", { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) // // // -- This is a dual command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("dismiss", { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) // // // -- This is will overwrite an existing command -- // Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... }) // DO NOT REMOVE // Imports Quasar Cypress AE predefined commands // import { registerCommands } from '@quasar/quasar-app-extension-testing-e2e-cypress'; Cypress.Commands.add('waitUntil', { prevSubject: 'optional' }, require('./waitUntil')); Cypress.Commands.add('resetDB', () => { cy.exec('pnpm run resetDatabase'); }); Cypress.Commands.add('login', (user = 'developer') => { cy.session(['user-session', user], () => { cy.request({ method: 'POST', url: '/api/accounts/login', body: { user: user, password: 'nightmare', }, }).then((response) => { window.localStorage.setItem('token', response.body.token); cy.request({ method: 'GET', url: '/api/VnUsers/ShareToken', headers: { Authorization: window.localStorage.getItem('token'), }, }).then(({ body }) => { window.localStorage.setItem('tokenMultimedia', body.multimediaToken.id); }); }); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('domContentLoad', (timeout = 5000) => { cy.waitUntil(() => cy.document().then((doc) => doc.readyState === 'complete'), { timeout, interval: 5000, }); }); Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { originalFn(url, options); cy.domContentLoad(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('waitForElement', (element, timeout = 5000) => { cy.get(element, { timeout }).should('be.visible').and('not.be.disabled'); }); Cypress.Commands.add('getValue', (selector) => { cy.get(selector).then(($el) => { if ($el.find('.q-checkbox__inner').length > 0) { return cy.get(selector + '.q-checkbox__inner'); } // Si es un QSelect if ($el.find('.q-select__dropdown-icon').length) { return cy .get( selector + '> .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > .q-field__native > input', ) .invoke('val'); } // Si es un QSelect if ($el.find('span').length) { return cy.get(selector + ' span').then(($span) => { return $span[0].innerText; }); } // Puedes añadir un log o lanzar un error si el elemento no es reconocido cy.log('Elemento no soportado'); }); }); // Fill Inputs Cypress.Commands.add('selectOption', (selector, option, timeout = 5000) => { // cy.waitForElement(selector, timeout); // cy.get(selector).click(); // cy.get(selector).invoke('data', 'url').as('dataUrl'); // cy.get(selector) // .clear() // .type(option) // .then(() => { // cy.get('.q-menu', { timeout }) // .should('be.visible') // Asegurarse de que el menú está visible // .and('exist') // Verificar que el menú existe // .then(() => { // cy.get('@dataUrl').then((url) => { // if (url) { // // Esperar a que el menú no esté visible (desaparezca) // cy.get('.q-menu').should('not.be.visible'); // // Ahora esperar a que el menú vuelva a aparecer // cy.get('.q-menu').should('be.visible').and('exist'); // } // }); // }); // }); // // Finalmente, seleccionar la opción deseada // cy.get('.q-menu:visible') // Asegurarse de que estamos dentro del menú visible // .find('.q-item') // Encontrar los elementos de las opciones // .contains(option) // Verificar que existe una opción que contenga el texto deseado // .click(); // Hacer clic en la opción const retryAssertion = (selector, option, retries = 5) => { if (retries === 0) throw new Error('Assertion failed after retries'); cy.waitForElement(selector).click().clear().type(option); cy.get('.q-menu') .then($el => { if ($el.css('visibility') !== 'visible') { retryAssertion(selector, option, retries - 1); } else { cy.get($el).should('be.visible').find('.q-item').contains(option).click(); cy.wait(200); } }); }; retryAssertion(selector, option); }); Cypress.Commands.add('countSelectOptions', (selector, option) => { cy.waitForElement(selector); cy.get(selector).click({ force: true }); cy.get('.q-menu .q-item').should('have.length', option); }); Cypress.Commands.add('fillInForm', (obj, form = '.q-form > .q-card') => { cy.waitForElement(form); cy.get(`${form} input`).each(([el]) => { cy.wrap(el) .invoke('attr', 'aria-label') .then((ariaLabel) => { const field = obj[ariaLabel]; if (!field) return; const { type, val } = field; cy.log("TIPO: ", field); switch (type) { case 'select': cy.selectOption(el, val); break; case 'date': cy.get(el).type(val.split('-').join('')); break; case 'time': cy.get(el).click(); cy.get('.q-time .q-time__clock').contains(val.h).click(); cy.get('.q-time .q-time__clock').contains(val.m).click(); cy.get('.q-time .q-time__link').contains(val.x).click(); break; default: cy.wrap(el).type(val); break; } }); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('checkOption', (selector) => { cy.get(selector).find('.q-checkbox__inner').click(); }); // Global buttons Cypress.Commands.add('saveCard', () => { const dropdownArrow = '.q-btn-dropdown__arrow-container > .q-btn__content > .q-icon'; cy.get('#st-actions').then(($el) => { if ($el.find(dropdownArrow).length) cy.get(dropdownArrow).click(); }); cy.get('[title="Save"]').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('resetCard', () => { cy.get('[title="Reset"]').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('removeCard', () => { cy.get('[title="Remove"]').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('addCard', () => { cy.waitForElement('tbody'); cy.waitForElement('.q-page-sticky > div > .q-btn'); cy.get('.q-page-sticky > div > .q-btn').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('clickConfirm', () => { cy.waitForElement('.q-dialog__inner > .q-card'); cy.get('.q-card__actions > .q-btn--unelevated > .q-btn__content > .block').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('notificationHas', (selector, text) => { cy.get(selector).should('have.text', text); }); Cypress.Commands.add('selectRows', (rows) => { rows.forEach((row) => { cy.get('.q-table .q-virtual-scroll__content tr .q-checkbox__inner') .eq(row - 1) .click(); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('fillRow', (rowSelector, data) => { // Usar el selector proporcionado para obtener la fila deseada cy.waitForElement('tbody'); cy.get(rowSelector).as('currentRow'); data.forEach((value, index) => { if (value === null) return; cy.get('@currentRow') .find('td') .eq(index) .then((td) => { if (td.find('.q-select__dropdown-icon').length) { cy.selectOption(td, value); } else if (td.find('.q-checkbox__inner').length && value) { cy.checkOption(td); } else if (td.find('input[type="text"]') && value) cy.get(td).find('input').type(value); }); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('addRow', () => { cy.waitForElement('tbody'); cy.get('.q-page-sticky > div > .q-btn > .q-btn__content').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('validateRow', (rowSelector, expectedValues) => { cy.waitForElement('tbody'); cy.get(rowSelector).within(() => { for (const [index, value] of expectedValues.entries()) { cy.log('CHECKING ', index, value); if (value === undefined) continue; if (typeof value == 'boolean') { const prefix = value ? '' : 'not.'; cy.getValue(`:nth-child(${index + 1})`).should(`${prefix}be.checked`); continue; } cy.getValue(`:nth-child(${index + 1})`).should('equal', value); } }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('removeRow', (rowIndex) => { const trEls = 'tbody > tr:visible'; let rowsBefore; cy.get('tbody > tr') .its('length') .then((length) => { cy.get(`${trEls} .q-checkbox`) .eq(rowIndex - 1) .click(); cy.removeCard(); cy.get('.q-dialog button').eq(2).click(); rowsBefore = length; }) .then(() => { // Check the existence of tbody before performing the second assertion. cy.get('tbody').then(($tbody) => { if ($tbody.length > 0) cy.get('tbody > tr').should('have.length', rowsBefore - 1); }); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('openListSummary', (row) => { cy.get('.card-list-body .actions .q-btn:nth-child(2)').eq(row).click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('openRightMenu', (element) => { if (element) cy.waitForElement(element); cy.get('[data-cy="toggle-right-drawer"]').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('openLeftMenu', (element) => { if (element) cy.waitForElement(element); cy.get('.q-toolbar > .q-btn--round.q-btn--dense > .q-btn__content > .q-icon').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('clearSearchbar', (element) => { if (element) cy.waitForElement(element); cy.get('[data-cy="vn-searchbar"]').clear(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('typeSearchbar', (value) => { cy.get('[data-cy="vn-searchbar"]').type(value); }); Cypress.Commands.add('validateContent', (selector, expectedValue) => { cy.get(selector).should('have.text', expectedValue); }); Cypress.Commands.add('openActionDescriptor', (opt) => { cy.openActionsDescriptor(); const listItem = '[role="menu"] .q-list .q-item'; cy.contains(listItem, opt).click(); 1; }); Cypress.Commands.add('openActionsDescriptor', () => { cy.get('[data-cy="descriptor-more-opts"]').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('clickButtonsDescriptor', (id) => { cy.get(`.actions > .q-card__actions> .q-btn:nth-child(${id})`) .invoke('removeAttr', 'target') .click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('openUserPanel', () => { cy.get( '.column > .q-avatar > .q-avatar__content > .q-img > .q-img__container > .q-img__image', ).click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('checkNotification', (text) => { cy.get('.q-notification') .should('be.visible') .last() .then(($lastNotification) => { if (!Cypress.$($lastNotification).text().includes(text)) throw new Error(`Notification not found: "${text}"`); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('openActions', (row) => { cy.get('tbody > tr').eq(row).find('.actions > .q-btn').click(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('checkValueForm', (id, search) => { cy.get(`.grid-create > :nth-child(${id}) `) .find('input') .should('have.value', search); }); Cypress.Commands.add('checkValueSelectForm', (id, search) => { cy.get( `.grid-create > :nth-child(${id}) > .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > .q-field__native > .q-field__input`, ).should('have.value', search); }); Cypress.Commands.add('searchByLabel', (label, value) => { cy.get(`[label="${label}"] > .q-field > .q-field__inner`).type(`${value}{enter}`); }); Cypress.Commands.add('dataCy', (tag, attr = 'data-cy') => { return cy.get(`[${attr}="${tag}"]`); }); Cypress.Commands.add('addBtnClick', () => { cy.get('.q-page-sticky > div > .q-btn > .q-btn__content > .q-icon') .should('exist') .and('be.visible') .click(); });