describe('Client Edit fiscalData path', () => { describe('as employee', () => { it(`should click on the 1st edit icon to check EQtax isnt checked`, async() => { it(`should go back to addresses then select the second one and confirm the EQtax isnt checked`, async() => { it(`should click on the fiscal data button`, async() => { it('should not be able to edit the verified data checkbox', async() => { describe('as administrative', () => { it(`should edit the fiscal data but fail as the fiscal id ain't valid`, async() => { it(`should edit the fiscal this time with a valid fiscal id`, async() => { it('should propagate the Equalization tax', async() => { it('should receive an error if the fiscal id contains A or B at the beginning', async() => { it('should edit the fiscal data correctly as VIES isnt checked and fiscal id is valid for EQtax', async() => { it(`should click on the addresses button to access to the client's addresses`, async() => { it(`should click on the 1st edit icon to confirm EQtax is checked`, async() => { it(`should go back to addresses then select the second one and confirm the EQtax is checked`, async() => { it('should navigate back to fiscal data and uncheck EQtax then check VIES', async() => { it('should propagate the Equalization tax changes', async() => { it('should confirm its name have been edited', async() => { it('should confirm the fiscal data have been edited', async() => { it(`should click on the addresses button to access to the client's addresses`, async() => { it(`should click on the 1st edit icon to access the address details and uncheck EQtax checkbox`, async() => { it('should navigate back to fiscal data to confirm invoice by address is now checked', async() => {