import { Notify } from 'quasar'; import FormModel from 'src/components/FormModel.vue'; // import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify'; import { useState } from 'src/composables/useState'; import { useStateStore } from 'src/stores/useStateStore'; describe('', () => { let piniaOptions = null; let saveSpy, notifySpy, component, wrapper; beforeEach(() => { piniaOptions = { stubActions: false, createSpy: cy.spy, // Use Cypress spy function }; const state = useState(); const stateStore = useStateStore(); cy.stub(stateStore, 'isSubToolbarShown').returns(true).as('isSubToolbarShown'); state.set('testModel', { name: 'Test', age: 30 }); const props = { url: '', model: 'testModel', filter: {}, urlUpdate: '', urlCreate: '/api/test/create', defaultActions: true, defaultButtons: {}, autoLoad: false, formInitialData: {}, observeFormChanges: true, mapper: null, clearStoreOnUnmount: true, saveFn: null, goTo: '', reload: false, defaultTrim: true, }; cy.mount(FormModel, { piniaOptions, props, slots: { form: ``, moreActions: ``, }, }).then(({ component: cmp, wrapper: wpr }) => { component = cmp; wrapper = wpr; saveSpy = cy.spy(component, 'save').as('saveSpy'); notifySpy = cy.spy(Notify, 'create').as('notifySpy'); }); }); it('should mount the component', () => { cy.get('#formModel').should('exist'); }); it('should call the save method when the save button is clicked without changes', () => { cy.get('#formModel').should('exist'); cy.get('button').contains('Save').click(); cy.get('@saveSpy').should('not.have.been.called'); cy.get('@notifySpy').should((spy) => { expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith({ message: 'No changes to save', type: 'negative', icon: 'error', }); }); }); it('should call the save method when the save button is clicked with changes', () => { cy.get('#formModel').should('exist'); cy.get('[data-cy="name"]').type('John Doe'); cy.get('button').contains('Save').click(); cy.get('@saveSpy').should('not.have.been.called'); cy.get('@notifySpy').should((spy) => { const [args] = spy.getCall(0)?.args || []; expect(args.type).to.equal('negative'); expect(args.icon).to.equal('error'); expect(args.message)'No changes to save'); }); }); /* it('should display the confirmation dialog on route leave with unsaved changes', () => { // Simulate form change cy.get('#formModel').then((form) => { form[0] = 'Changed'; }); // Attempt to navigate away cy.get('.q-dialog').should('be.visible'); cy.get('.q-dialog .q-dialog__title').should( 'contain', 'globals.unsavedPopup.title' ); }); it('should call save method on form submit', async () => { const saveSpy = cy.spy(formModel.value, 'save'); await formModel.value.$refs.myForm.trigger('submit'); expect(saveSpy).to.have.been.called; }); it('should reset the form data', async () => { = 'Changed'; await formModel.value.reset(); expect('Test'); }); it('should show loading indicator when saving', async () => { formModel.value.isLoading = true; await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'QInnerLoading' }).props('showing')).toBe(true); }); it('should render form slot content', () => { expect(wrapper.find('input').exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should update form data through slot inputs', async () => { const nameInput = wrapper.find('input[type="text"]'); const ageInput = wrapper.find('input[type="number"]'); await nameInput.setValue('Updated Name'); await ageInput.setValue(25); expect('Updated Name'); expect(formModel.value.formData.age).toBe(25); }); it('should render moreActions slot content', () => { expect(wrapper.find('button').exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should call custom action on button click', async () => { const customActionSpy = cy.spy(formModel.value, 'customAction'); await wrapper.find('button').trigger('click'); expect(customActionSpy).to.have.been.called; });*/ });