# useArrayData `useArrayData` is a composable function that provides a set of utilities for managing array data in a Vue component. It leverages Pinia for state management and provides various methods for fetching, filtering, and manipulating data. ## Usage ```javascript import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData'; const { fetch, applyFilter, addFilter, getCurrentFilter, setCurrentFilter, addFilterWhere, addOrder, deleteOrder, refresh, destroy, loadMore, store, totalRows, updateStateParams, isLoading, deleteOption, reset, resetPagination, } = useArrayData('myKey', userOptions); ``` ## Parameters ### `key` - **Type:** `String` - **Description:** A unique key to identify the data store. ### `userOptions` - **Type:** `Object` - **Description:** An object containing user-defined options for configuring the data store. ## Methods ### `fetch` Fetches data from the server. #### Parameters - **`options`** : An object with the following properties: - `append` (Boolean): Whether to append the fetched data to the existing data. - `updateRouter` (Boolean): Whether to update the router with the current filter. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the fetched data. ### `applyFilter` Applies a filter to the data. #### Parameters - **`filter`** : An object containing the filter criteria. - **`params`** : Additional parameters for the filter. - **`fetchOptions`** : Options for the fetch method. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the filtered data. ### `addFilter` Adds a filter to the existing filters. #### Parameters - **`filter`** : An object containing the filter criteria. - **`params`** : Additional parameters for the filter. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the updated filter and parameters. ### `getCurrentFilter` Gets the current filter applied to the data. #### Returns - **`Object`** : The current filter and parameters. ### `setCurrentFilter` Sets the current filter for the data. #### Returns - **`Object`** : The current filter and parameters. ### `addFilterWhere` Adds a `where` clause to the existing filters. #### Parameters - **`where`** : An object containing the `where` clause. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves when the filter is applied. ### `addOrder` Adds an order to the existing orders. #### Parameters - **`field`** : The field to order by. - **`direction`** : The direction of the order (`ASC` or `DESC`). #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the updated order. ### `deleteOrder` Deletes an order from the existing orders. #### Parameters - **`field`** : The field to delete the order for. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves when the order is deleted. ### `refresh` Refreshes the data by re-fetching it from the server. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the refreshed data. ### `destroy` Destroys the data store for the given key. ### `loadMore` Loads more data by incrementing the pagination. #### Returns - **`Promise`** : A promise that resolves with the additional data. ### `updateStateParams` Updates the state parameters with the given data. #### Parameters - **`data`** : The data to update the state parameters with. ### `deleteOption` Deletes an option from the store. #### Parameters - **`option`** : The option to delete. ### `reset` Resets the store to its default state. #### Parameters - **`opts`** : An array of options to reset. ### `resetPagination` Resets the pagination for the store. ## Computed Properties ### `totalRows` - **Description:** The total number of rows in the data. - **Type:** `Number` ### `isLoading` - **Description:** Whether the data is currently being loaded. - **Type:** `Boolean` ```vue <script setup> import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData'; const userOptions = { url: '/api/data', limit: 10, }; const arrayData = useArrayData('myKey', userOptions); </script> ``` ``` ```