import { describe, it, expect, beforeAll, vi } from 'vitest'; import { axios } from 'app/test/vitest/helper'; import parsePhone from 'src/filters/parsePhone'; describe('parsePhone filter', () => { beforeAll(async () => { vi.spyOn(axios, 'get').mockReturnValue({ data: { prefix: '34' } }); }); it('no phone', () => { const phone = parsePhone(null, '34'); expect(phone).toBe(undefined); }); it("adds prefix +34 if it doesn't have one", async () => { const phone = await parsePhone('123456789', '34'); expect(phone).toBe('34123456789'); }); it('maintains prefix +34 if it is already correct', async () => { const phone = await parsePhone('+34123456789', '34'); expect(phone).toBe('34123456789'); }); it('converts prefix 0034 to +34', async () => { const phone = await parsePhone('0034123456789', '34'); expect(phone).toBe('34123456789'); }); it('converts prefix 34 without symbol to +34', async () => { const phone = await parsePhone('34123456789', '34'); expect(phone).toBe('34123456789'); }); it('replaces incorrect prefix with the correct one', async () => { const phone = await parsePhone('+44123456789', '34'); expect(phone).toBe('44123456789'); }); });