shelvings: created: Created item: Item concept: Concept parking: Parking shelving: Shelving label: Label packing: Packing total: Total totalLabels: Total labels removeLines: Remove selected lines shelvingsRemoved: ItemShelvings removed removeConfirmTitle: Selected lines will be deleted removeConfirmSubtitle: Are you sure you want to continue? itemDiary: date: Date origin: Origin state: State entity: Entity in: In out: Out balance: Balance claim: Claim showBefore: Show what's before the inventory since: Since warehouse: Warehouse itemBasicData: type: Type reference: Reference relevancy: Relevancy stems: Stems multiplier: Multiplier generic: Generic intrastat: Intrastat expense: Expense weightByPiece: Weight/Piece boxUnits: Units/Box recycledPlastic: Recycled plastic nonRecycledPlastic: Non recycled plastic description: Description isActive: Active hasKgPrice: Price in kg isFragile: Fragile isFragileTooltip: Is shown at website, app that this item cannot travel (wreath, palms, ...) isPhotoRequested: Do photo isPhotoRequestedTooltip: This item does need a photo createIntrastatForm: title: New intrastat identifier: Identifier tax: country: Country class: Class lastEntries: to: To ig: Ig landed: Landed entry: Entry pvp: PVP label: Label grouping: Grouping quantity: Quantity cost: Cost kg: Kg. cube: Cube supplier: Supplier package: Package freight: Freight comission: Comission itemTags: removeTag: Remove tag addTag: Add tag tag: Tag value: Value searchbar: label: Search item info: Search by item id itemType: shared: code: Code name: Name worker: Worker category: Category temperature: Temperature item: params: daysOnward: Days onward search: General search ticketFk: Ticket id attenderFk: Atender clientFk: Client id warehouseFk: Warehouse requesterFk: Salesperson from: From to: To mine: For me state: State myTeam: My team shipped: Shipped description: Description quantity: Quantity price: Price item: Item achieved: Achieved concept: Concept denyOptions: Deny scopeDays: Scope days searchbar: label: Search item descriptor: item: Item buyer: Buyer color: Color category: Category stems: Stems visible: Visible available: Available warehouseText: 'Calculated on the warehouse of { warehouseName }' itemDiary: Item diary producer: Producer clone: title: All its properties will be copied subTitle: Do you want to clone this item? list: id: Id grouping: Grouping packing: Packing description: Description stems: Stems category: Category typeName: Type intrastat: Intrastat isActive: Active size: Size origin: Orig. userName: Buyer weight: Weight weightByPiece: Weight/Piece stemMultiplier: Multiplier producer: Producer landed: Landed basicData: type: Type reference: Reference relevancy: Relevancy stems: Stems multiplier: Multiplier generic: Generic intrastat: Intrastat expense: Expense weightByPiece: Weight/Piece boxUnits: Units/Box recycledPlastic: Recycled Plastic nonRecycledPlastic: Non recycled plastic isActive: Active hasKgPrice: Price in kg isFragile: Fragile isFragileTooltip: Is shown at website, app that this item cannot travel (wreath, palms, ...) isPhotoRequested: Do photo isPhotoRequestedTooltip: This item does need a photo description: Description fixedPrice: itemFk: Item ID groupingPrice: Grouping price packingPrice: Packing price hasMinPrice: Has min price minPrice: Min price started: Started ended: Ended warehouse: Warehouse create: name: Name tag: Tag priority: Priority type: Type intrastat: Intrastat origin: Origin buyRequest: ticketId: 'Ticket ID' shipped: 'Shipped' requester: 'Requester' requested: 'Requested' price: 'Price' attender: 'Attender' item: 'Item' achieved: 'Achieved' concept: 'Concept' state: 'State' summary: basicData: 'Basic data' otherData: 'Other data' description: 'Description' tax: 'Tax' tags: 'Tags' botanical: 'Botanical' barcode: 'Barcode' name: 'Nombre' completeName: 'Nombre completo' family: 'Familia' size: 'Medida' origin: 'Origen' stems: 'Tallos' multiplier: 'Multiplicador' buyer: 'Comprador' doPhoto: 'Do photo' intrastatCode: 'Código intrastat' intrastat: 'Intrastat' ref: 'Referencia' relevance: 'Relevancia' weight: 'Peso (gramos)/tallo' units: 'Unidades/caja' expense: 'Gasto' generic: 'Genérico' recycledPlastic: 'Plástico reciclado' nonRecycledPlastic: 'Plástico no reciclado' minSalesQuantity: 'Cantidad mínima de venta' genus: 'Genus' specie: 'Specie'