describe.skip('Zone basic data path', () => { beforeEach(() => { const zoneId = 1; cy.viewport(1280, 720); cy.login('developer'); cy.visit(`/#/zone/${zoneId}`); }); it('should reach the basic data section', async () => {}); it('should edit de form and then save', async () => {}); it('should now reload the section', async () => {}); it('should confirm the name was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the agency was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the max volume was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the traveling days were updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the closing hour was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the price was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the bonus was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the inflation was updated', async () => {}); it('should confirm the volumetric checkbox was checked', async () => {}); });