describe('ZoneWarehouse', () => { const data = { Warehouse: { val: 'Warehouse One', type: 'select' }, }; const dataError = 'The introduced warehouse already exists'; const saveBtn = '.q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content > .block'; beforeEach(() => { cy.viewport(1280, 720); cy.login('developer'); cy.visit(`/#/zone/2/warehouses`); }); it('should throw an error if the warehouse chosen is already put in the zone', () => { cy.addBtnClick(); cy.dataCy('Warehouse_select').type('Warehouse Two{enter}'); cy.get(saveBtn).click(); cy.checkNotification(dataError); }); it('should create & remove a warehouse', () => { cy.addBtnClick(); cy.fillInForm(data); cy.get(saveBtn).click(); cy.get('.q-mt-lg > .q-btn--standard').click(); cy.get('tbody > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(2) > .q-icon').click(); cy.get('[title="Confirm"]').click(); cy.reload(); }); });