account: card: nickname: User role: Role alias: Alias lang: Language roleFk: Role newUser: New user ticketTracking: Ticket tracking enableSync: Habilitar sincronización groupDN: DN grupos testConnection: Probar conexión privileges: delegate: Can delegate privileges enabled: Account enabled! disabled: Account disabled! willActivated: User will activated willDeactivated: User will be deactivated activated: User activated! deactivated: User deactivated! twoFactor: Two factor actions: setPassword: Set password disableAccount: name: Disable account title: The account will be disabled subtitle: Are you sure you want to continue? success: 'Account disabled!' enableAccount: name: Enable account title: The account will be enabled subtitle: Are you sure you want to continue? success: 'Account enabled!' deactivateUser: name: Deactivate user title: The user will be deactivated subtitle: Are you sure you want to continue? success: 'User deactivated!' activateUser: name: Activate user title: The user will be disabled subtitle: Are you sure you want to continue? success: 'User activated!' sync: name: Sync title: The account will be sync subtitle: Are you sure you want to continue? success: 'User synchronized!' checkbox: Synchronize password message: Do you want to synchronize user? tooltip: If password is not specified, just user attributes are synchronized delete: name: Delete title: The account will be deleted subTitle: Are you sure you want to continue? success: '' search: Search user searchInfo: You can search by id, name or nickname create: nickname: Nickname active: Active mailForwarding: forwardingMail: Forward email accountNotEnabled: Account not enabled enableMailForwarding: Enable mail forwarding mailInputInfo: All emails will be forwarded to the specified address. role: newRole: New role search: Search role searchInfo: Search role by id or name description: Description id: Id mailAlias: search: Search mail alias searchInfo: Search alias by id or name newAlias: New alias isPublic: Public ldap: server: Server rdn: RDN userDN: User DN filter: Filter success: LDAP connection established! password: Password samba: domainController: Domain controller domainAD: AD domain userAD: AD user passwordAD: AD password domainPart: User DN (without domain part) verifyCertificate: Verify certificate success: Samba connection established! accounts: homedir: Homedir base shell: Shell idBase: User and role base id min: Min max: Max warn: Warn inact: Inact syncAll: Synchronize all syncRoles: Synchronize roles connections: refresh: Refresh username: Username created: Created killSession: Kill session acls: permissions: Permission search: Search acls searchInfo: Search acls by model name tooltip: Use * to match all properties aclFilter: principalId: Role model: Model property: Property accessType: Access type permission: Permission